Testimony of an Ex - Satanist

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This mans testimony stands. I want to pray first so that the people reading will not fall for the lies of Lucifer that the world of satanism does not exist or cannot operate at this level. It has and it does and for those who do not realize there is such a world - the spirit realm is real. There will be some who will still resist the truth in this man's testimony but as he risked his own life to tell it - it bears a hearing out. Let's pray.

Father, I pray this man's testimony becomes a wake up call to those who do not realize the war that has been waged against your children here on this earth. I thank you, Jesus, for the keys to the kingdom and for the privledge of being your servant and being called by your name to become your child. What a delight it is to know I am yours and may all who hear these testimonies call upon your name and be saved. In Jesus name, I give you all the honor, glory, thanks and praise. Amen.

I bind you Satan. I bind every principality and power of the air that will attempt to dismantle this thread and destroy the testimony of this Believer. I will remind you It is written: They ovecame him by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death! You shall not prevail against this man in his testimony of exposing your kingdom of darkness. You are a defeated foe and under my feet today!

I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over this thread and take authority over every lying spirit, every spirit of deception, every spirit of unbelief, fear, doubt, hinderance, confusion, scrambling, craftiness, witchcraft, control, rebellion, slumber, and I take authority over you according to Luke 10:19 and crush your powers to destroy the testimony of this man. I break the words of every human spirit, evil spirit and / or persons practicing withcraft and the occult. Your incantations / invoking of demons will not operate on this thread nor this board and I command every operation against the truth coming forth to be rendered powerless now in Jesus name. I ask the Holy Spirit to come and confirm the words spoken and confirm to the heart of every person reading that these powers exist and that we are in a warfare. That Lucifer's desire is to destroy the souls of men and take them to hell for all eternity and that they must flee from him by submitting themselves fully to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray the Spirit of God go forth and save as many as will come to Jesus Christ out of these testimonies. I ask the Lord now to send forth warring angels to do warfare in the heavenlies on behalf of the souls who are coming into the Kingdom of God Almighty this day. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen.


Dear friends, we are happy to share with you this extract of the testimony of a former servant of the devil. It is the testimony of a pastor who spent nearly twenty five years serving satan. This pastor was adopted by lucifer like his child since his childhood, and served faithfully as only master the one that he affectionately called “dad”, until the day when by the grace of God, he met Jesus, or more precisely, he was met by Jesus.

For some years, this pastor has committed himself to the service of his new master Jesus Christ, who took pity on him and delivered him from the chains and torment of Hell where satan, his former ruthless master, had already abandoned him.

The advantage of this testimony, on the one hand, is to reassure the wizards and other satanists, that Jesus Christ is ready to forgive and deliver all those who choose to repent honestly and sincerely, and on the other hand, to strengthen the faith and the trust of true Children of God in their Lord, Saviour and Master Jesus Christ.
This text is a transcription of an audio that was, in part, inaudible. The spelling of certain names of people or places in the test might therefore be incorrect; for where we could not understand a word, we wrote the sound. We are grateful for your understanding.

We found this testimony rich and very edifying. It is in thirteen parts. It again confirms the teaching on Spiritual Warfare that we put at your disposal a few years ago. We encourage you to read all thirteen parts in numerical order, and take the warnings that the Lord gives us through this testimony, very seriously. We also advise you to reread in full our teaching on Spiritual Warfare.

Keep in mind that this text is a transcript. The spoken style and the likely mistakes should therefore not distract you. May the Lord bless you!
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I served the devil for 25 years, I was the representative of the third degree in the mystery of the air. And I began serving the devil while I was two months old. When one talks about two months, you are well dealing with a baby, therefore, I did not choose to be what I was. But there are wicked people who got me into the mystical world. I began with sorcery, I evolved in sorcery until I had permission to participate in all the meetings of all wizards of Africa. We used to meet in the desert of Kalahari. And there, there was a demon of high rank, Hindu Sankara, who was responsible for taking reports of all meetings and transmitting them to lucifer, satan. After sorcery, I joined the catch and there I had the power to tarzan motor. After the catch, I joined the Indian magic called "magic K". It is the fusion of two magic, the Egyptian magic and the old Indian magic called "Hindu magic ".

After that I evolved and met a priest who initiated me into another form of magic called "holy magic". Holy magic is nothing else than Catholic magic. That priest was Spanish, he was of the congregation of the Catholic fathers. He also initiated me into white magic. I even joined the amorc. And after that I was summoned to India, where I met the prime minister of satan. I also worked there, and after that I travelled to the mystical world, the world of Pandemonium. There, I got married to a white woman named Helene. I lived over there, I worked a lot for the devil until they called me back to India where I was asked to bring four barrels filled with human blood which I did following many human sacrifices that I made, and from there, I was given the rank of secretary of lucifer.

And afterwards, I went to the world Tartarus, where I met lucifer. Beloved, when I saw lucifer, I did not believe that that was the devil. The devil is really beautiful, and I have never seen a human being as beautiful as lucifer. But all that are just appearances, for there is only evil in him. I worked with him until he gave me the authorization to take part in all the meetings that he organized with the satanists of the whole world. There we met under the water, at the crossroads of two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. At their meeting point, there is a triangle called the Bermuda Triangle. When you go deep down, there is a big temple, white in colour, called: "the white house of lucifer".

Beloved, the funny thing is the fact that when I was there, I saw some people who claim to be men of God, and even some pastors who make noises. There are even some of them here in Lubumbashi who know me. They disguise themselves as ministers of God, but in reality, they are just agents of satan. They are too many here. I have not received permission to name people, but know that not all those who claim to be servants of God are servants of God. This is therefore briefly all that I did. I am going to talk to you about the Indian magic, and the Lord Himself in His sovereignty will allow me to explain to you how I joined the mystical world at the age of two months. And I know very well that when I talk about my initiation at the age of two months, this question comes to many people's mind: "How can a child of two months be a sorcerer?" I often thank Jesus, because when I see all that He has done for me, that surpasses my understanding. What did I to the devil to deserve that?

I had my deliverance on December 20th, 2003. I was dead, people were already weeping and preparing for my burial. But during this time, I was chained by the devil in the astral world, and it is there that Jesus intervened. Jesus, the One who has the keys of Death and of Hades, came where I was. He did not even need to ask for a permission from satan to come where I was. He simply came down and set me free, I that was already dead, I that was already in Hell. May His name be glorified! Amen!

After my deliverance, I was really sad, especially when I did my personal retrospective, and saw all that I had done. I felt very bad, but in my distress, the Lord who is a very present help in trouble visited me by the Holy Spirit. I am not special, I am not exceptional. There are people like me, who joined satanism, but did not have the opportunity to come out of it alive. Some became mad. But what have I given to Jesus to be delivered? It is just a very special grace that the Lord granted me. That is why all the rest of my life, I shall serve my God, I shall serve Him no matter what, I shall always serve Him. It is for this reason that I am not afraid of giving this testimony. Because I know that when I testify, there is confusion in the world of satan, and the people of God are freed. The devil works especially with the ignorance of the children of God. That is why the Bible says that the people of God are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Ignorance is the mother of destruction.

End of year sacrifices to lucifer

Many sacrifices are performed in the world of darkness at the end of the year. I tell you this as an ex-satanist, because I also performed sacrifices. Know that every end of year, wizards offer thanksgivings to lucifer. They sacrifice people. And nowadays, nobody can raise his finger and say that there is no wizard in his family. We all have wizards in our families, and at the end of the year, they prepare sacrifices. While I was still satanist, when a wizard wanted to see lucifer, he had to perform two sacrifices: "the sacrifice of condemnation" and "the sacrifice of the red carpet."

As the representative of the third degree in the mystery of the air, wizards used to come me so that I could put them in contact with lucifer, because when I was a satanist, lucifer forbade me to call him lucifer or the devil, he asked me to call him dad. I used to call him dad, and for that reason, I hated my biological parents. I thought that lucifer was my father and Marie Madeleine (a demon that has a department at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea) my mother. Therefore, each time a wizard came, I would take him and would go with him to the world of Polliun. When we arrived there, we would enter my department, and would sit around the round table which was there, I would then sit on one side and he on the other. I would ask him to give me the name of a member of his family. When he gave it to me, I would call the name three times and the person would appear on my table, and with my hands I would kill him. [...] At this level the brother explains what he did with the corpse and the skin. Once the skin was dried, he divided it into two. He continues:

With the first part, I made "the black book", which is the "book of condemnation". In that book, I wrote down all the condemnations I wanted, and all these condemnations were dictated to me by lucifer himself. And when I did that, the condemnations which were in that black book became reality in the life of every person who is of the same family as the wizard who came to see me. There are certain things that people go through, and they are not even responsible for it. Simply because a member of the family had gone somewhere to seek after his own interests, and had endangered the whole family. And because of him, the family begins to suffer.

And with the second part of the skin, I made "the red book", which is the book of execution. I asked that wizard to give me the names of all the members of his family, and I wrote them down in that book, and when he needed to go and see satan, I asked him to name someone. And when he named someone, I would simply cross out his name. When the name is crossed out, the person concerned dies in this world. Once the person dies and is buried, I send demons at night to the cemetery to withdraw blood from his body. When the blood was collected in a vase, I laid it on the carpet, and it slid into the castle of lucifer. When lucifer saw the blood, he drank it and was satisfied. And it is only then / at this moment that the wizard could enter. All this just to see lucifer, to have access to the curse. Because in the presence of lucifer, there is only curse and death. Beloved, it is really unspeakable. To seek death and curse, wizards are ready to do anything, they go all out. They succeed in performing huge sacrifices for their master satan. Nevertheless Christians, to enter God's presence, where there is life and blessing, are ready for nothing, they are incapable of giving anything to their God, they cannot even make the smallest of sacrifices for Jesus their Master. They are not serious at all. Know that wizards are very serious in whatever they do.

When sorcerers are doing these things, they give the names of all their family members and we write them down in the red book, we also write down all the condemnations in the black book. But you, what evil have you done to these sorcerers for them to give your name, so that we write it down in the red book. Do not lose hope. If you come to Jesus, His blood will annul all the condemnations which were pronounced against your life and will remove your name from that famous red book.

When you walk in the fear of God, the devil trembles before you! There are so many people who call themselves Christians, but show no sign of a Christian. When we were sorcerers, we had mystic eyes. I had 24 eyes, and used them to see everything. I saw true Christians, hypocritical Christians and even pagans. If you are a true Christian, know that the devil himself as well as the sorcerers know it. But if you are a hypocritical Christian, they also know it. Because we saw true Christians with signs.
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The Indian magic

The Indian magic is the fusion of two magic: the Hindu magic and the Egyptian magic. All over the world, the Egyptian magic was above all other magic. There was an embodiment of lucifer in all the Pharaohs and this power was transferred in a hereditary way. Then came a time when there was a Pharaoh who had no son. So before his death, he took a white stone to the River Nile and engraved on it a sentence which summarizes all the power of the Egyptian magic. The stone he had left went down to the bottom of the sea. And years later, in the department of the catholic magic, that is in the Vatican (just as a reminder, Vatican is a State in a State), they needed to establish the catholic religion in Egypt. And so the pope chose Gandhi, a priest who had the rank of high priest, that is bishop. They gave him the mission to go and establish the catholic doctrine in Egypt. While going to Egypt, he transited through Asia. When he arrived in India, he found the old Indian magic (the Hindu magic). It works with the Indian devilish Trinitarian code which they call "brahma vishnou shiva": "Brahma" is the god of creation, "vishnou" the god of protection, and "shiva" the god of destruction.

Having learnt that, he went to Egypt. One day he went to the River Nile, while he was making some incantations, the stone that was hidden by the Pharaoh surfaced. He then took it, found the sentence which was engraved on it and decoded it. And from there, he found all the powers, the power of the Egyptian magic. So he combined what he found in India and what he had found in Egypt. And it is this combination that gives rise to what they call "the upper Indian magic" or "the magic K".

It was wrestling that led me into the Indian magic. I had the power of "tarzan engine". I was initiated into wrestling by a man of Kolwezi. At this level, I am going to talk to you about an incident which arose when I wanted to kill the father of a wrestler. While I was in Likasi, I worked with a demon named zagam, that demon gave me the power to control nine cemeteries. I made the connection from the mountain where they have placed what they call "marial domain of the Catholics " at Toyota. There was a wrestler of Kinshasa who had come to Likasi where the fights were going to take place. These fights were taking place from Thursday to Sunday. And what they call "big game" was going to take place on Sunday. He did not come from Kinshasa alone. He was with other wrestlers. But compared to the others, he was the best. Thus he was the one to wrestle on Sunday with the champion of Likasi. When he saw me, he called me and connected with me by telepathy. We met and he told me that if I helped him to win the fight, he would give me some money from what he would get. He promised to give me $400 and had given me $100 in advance.

Then I told him that in order to win we must block all directions, so someone has to be killed, and his spirit used to this effect. I explained to him that with the help of this spirit, it would be difficult for his opponent to get into contact with the mystic world. Thus I asked him to give me the name of someone and that day, he gave me the name of his father. What was I going to do? [...] At this level the brother explains all the ceremonies which he had to perform. He continues: beloved, it is with much pain that I give this testimony. It is just by obedience to God who ask me to testify, that I do so. It is very painful for me to repeat all these things. But to express my gratitude to Jesus who delivered me, I am doing it.

I had to go to the cemetery. It was on Saturday, I arrived at a tomb and there, I placed my cabalistic mirror next to the cross. And on the tomb, I placed 12 red candles, then I lit two stalks of "tchou-laï" (burnable deodorant in the shape of stalk with strong smell used by the muslims) and afterwards I took the perfume "aoussarabia" and sprinkled it over the tomb. After I concentrated and made incantations, and the 12 candles lit by themselves. The father in question lived in Kinshasa, he was a member of the church Béthel. There I was, in front of the mirror at midnight, with my knife. I had to send for his spirit, and as soon as he was going to appear in my mirror, I was going to stab him with my knife and kill him.

Then I concentrated to call that dad's spirit. Before calling him, I first called the wicked spirits, the spirits which are charged only to kill. I first called asmode and I sent him to get that dad' s spirit, but he went and did not come back, then I sent asdamo and he did the same thing. I called doros, it was the same thing. I then concentrated and called kituta murita, one of the big demons who works in the world of Armstrong, and in spite of the direction I gave him, nothing happened. I still concentrated and called other spirits, they all went, but none of them returned. And after all these vain attempts, I concentrated to call the duke and the marquis of Hell. What happened to me this night, even as I talking to you, I have never understood it.

While I was getting ready, I saw fire. A flame of fire landed on the mirror. My mirror broke, I myself was propelled at a certain distance and I fall on the other side, even my candles went out. When I was propelled, I felt into a deep sleep and only woke up at about 6:30 am in the morning. It was already Sunday. I looked at my broken mirror and returned home. On Sunday, that wrestler went to fight and that day he was badly beaten. A day later, he fell sick and was sent to Daco hospital in Likasi. At each visit of the doctor, the name of disease would change, and the fourth day, that wrestler died. He who was trying to kill his Christian father found death himself.

Beloved in the Lord, even if your enemies have dug holes, I assure you, if you remain faithful to the Lord Jesus, they will fall in their own holes. With my lit candles, there was certainly fire, but because that dad was a Christian, his God is also a consuming fire and it is that fire that I saw coming. And the fires of candles which were lit, went out because the real fire was there. Beloved, if you fear the Lord Jesus, all that lucifer will try to do against you will be null and will not prosper, and even all those who will try to take counsel together against you will fail, and all that they will do will return to them with immediate effects in the name of Jesus!

Let's read 2King 6:16-19: So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, "Strike this people, I pray, with blindness." And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Now Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek." But he led them to Samaria.

You must ask God every time to strike all your enemies with blindness. Beloved, if we are in a perfect communion with the Lord, all the words that will come out of our mouths will be approved by God. Know that the world in which we live is a world which lies under the sway the devil. Since his fall, the devil knows that his time is short and in his perdition, he wants to take everybody with him. The devil exists, he really exists. And his mission is to lead astray human beings, to cause them come out of God's will.

Being at the service of lucifer, I could represent him as a ghost. I had the power of metamorphosis, I could change into mosquito, into frog, into owl, into sparrow hawk, into crocodile, into snake, etc. Lucifer even gave me the power to change into a woman to cause the servants of God to fall into adultery. Being with the devil, I saw his glory, I saw his organization and I ended up concluding that the devil is powerful. Even today I recognize that the devil is powerful but Jesus is the Almighty, Jesus is above all things, He makes the devil and all his accomplices tremble.

I remember one day, we were in the world of "tartarus". We were in the middle of meeting with lucifer. There was a satanist of Togo who had pronounced the name of Jesus by mistake and all of us who were in the room, fell on the ground, even lucifer. Lucifer fell from his throne and found himself on the floor. Beloved, in the name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord, including those of the devil. We do not have to fear the devil, if we are truly in a good relation with Jesus.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 2nd part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

I was a representative of the devil. The representatives are proxies of lucifer. They are the ones who take the instructions directly from lucifer. Among these representatives of lucifer, there are also false servants of God. They hide under sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall recognize them only by their actions. May the Holy Spirit help us discover all those agents of satan disguised as servants of God. I am the only one to be held responsible for everything I am saying! I am not afraid because I know that the testimony that I give, I am not giving it for my glory, I am giving it for the glory of the One who delivered me and that Person is Jesus. He Himself will protect me. My Bible tells me: If God be for me, who can be against me? They shall fight against me; but they shall never prevail against me; for the Lord shall always be with me to deliver me. Amen.

Being a servant of satan, I even worked in churches. The Church represents the visible part of the army of Jesus Christ, so we had to do everything within our power to render the church harmless. Satan gave us assignments in the Church:

The first assignment was to make Christians ignorant of the Word of God! Lucifer had told us: "Once Christians are ignorant of the Word, their faith will be weak. The Bible tells us in Romans 10:17: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Lucifer had told us: "If Children of God abide in the Word, they will easily avoid my traps." If you do not abide in the Word of God, it will be difficult for you to avoid the traps of lucifer; so the Bible tells us in Psalm 119:105 The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. And the second commandment of lucifer says: do not allow Christians to read the Bible, but let them read newspapers, novels, as well as religious books.

There are people who don't have a Bible, but when you visit their home you find loads of books: "awake", "watch tower". Do you know where these books come from? If you have books such as "watch tower", "awake" of Jehovah Witness, bring them to the church so that we pray for you and burn them. It is satanic! This sect of Jehovah Witness is not a church of Jesus Christ. The first sign to recognize a church of satan is this: any church that denies the divinity of Jesus is from satan. Even the devil himself knows that Jesus is God! Whether the Jehovah witnesses like it or not, Jesus is God and will remain God! Amen!

The second assignment is to create dullness during offerings and tithes. This is also related to the third and fourth commandments of satan. The third commandment of lucifer says: "Tell Christians that God, their Father, doesn't need tithes and offerings, but that it is their pastors who steal from them." The fourth commandment: "keep Christians in poverty by telling them not to give tithes and offerings." So even the devil knows the secret of blessing. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:9-10 "Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, ..."

The third assignment is to block the projects of the Church by infiltrating witches among the leaders. Be very careful when choosing leaders, it has to be done according to the will of God.

The fourth assignment was to disorientate praise and worship and direct them towards lucifer. To succeed in doing that we easily manipulated people who play keyboard and instruments, and choristers. There are people who sing, but who don't have any life of prayer, it is very dangerous. There are people who sing to be admired, and who don't have any life of sanctification. I'll tell you how we proceeded in churches. The devil is able to exploit any opportunity that arises to do evil. Listen to me carefully, you will understand that it is really necessary and even essential that our God strike all our enemies with blindness when they come to attack us, so that they are unable to see us, to see our homes, our projects, our children, and all that belongs to us.

As I evolved with Indian magic, one day, my master, who was a native of Kisangani, and I, had to make a trip to Kalemie to meet a siren who is at the bottom of the Lake Tanganyika. This siren is called Marie Rose Remaya. She is the goddess of the rivers and seas. But before that, my master invited me somewhere, and at 8 pm he gave me a package and told me: "Tonight at 11:30 pm, you will go to the cemetery, you will do a ceremony and during the ceremony, a creature will appear. No matter its nature, you will have to be calm. You don't have the right to flee. If you flee, you will either die or go insane."

I came home and at 11 pm I went to the cemetery of sapins. [...] At this point the brother describes the contents of the package he received from his master. The package contained among other things two white candles and a red candle. He placed them in such a way that the three candles formed an equilateral triangle. He continues: That is a triangle whose three sides are equal. It represents "the diabolic Hindu trinity" and in the same package, there was a small bell like the one that the acolytes use in the catholic church during the transubstantiation, it is the moment they turn bread into the body of Christ and wine into the blood of Christ. This small bell that the acolytes use when they are on their knees, is satanic. They use it to open the door to demons. There is a white stone which is at the right side of the sacristy, it is through that way that demons enter the catholic church during the mass.

"Catholicism is not a religion of Jesus, it's just satanism hiding behind a christian facade" I was initiated by a spanish priest. So when I arranged all these things, I uttered incantations, and after the three candles were lit automatically, and I started to utter incantations, while following the instructions that my master gave me. After the incantations, I took my small bell and rang three times. But to my great surprise, nothing happened. So I told myself that I had made a mistake while I was reciting the incantations. You know with the devil when you utter incantations, if you make any spelling error, for example instead of "e" you put "a" the whole incantation is automatically cancelled.

But this is not the same with God. With God, when you pray, even if you mispronounce a word, God answers. For our God knows our intentions. And while I was doing that, I resumed the incantations, and this time, I repeated them correctly and at the end, I took the bell, and I rang. When I rang, there was a violent wind that began to blow in the cemetery, it was like a hurricane. And it was already past midnight, and I was alone in the cemetery, I was still too young, I was still in the secondary school at the time.

[...] Here the brother described what had happened at the cemetery. It is after all this ceremony that he saw a man appear before him. He continues: A man appeared before me. He wore a black toga, but his feet did not touch the ground. It was a white; he presented himself under the name of Hindu sankara. He gave me a small chain of 108 balls called mangalsutra. It corresponds to the rosary in India (in Hinduism), the rosary among Catholics and tasbih among Muslims, all this is satanic. And after that he told me not to forget my first sacrifice, and he disappeared.

The next morning I went to see my master, I explained to him all that occurred to me at night, and he shook my hand and said, "Truly you are a brave man." He told me again, at the end one told you not to forget your first sacrifice. Know that the sacrifice they are talking about is that this night, at midnight sharp, you will eat a cock, but an uncooked cock. [...] You will not buy it at a market, but you will buy it in a family. And that was what I did, I crisscrossed the neighborhood, but I did not find anything, around 3 pm I was almost discouraged, it was in Kolomoni. So I was passing by, and I saw two boys who left their house with cocks and were going to the market.

When I saw them, I stopped them and went with them in the house. I asked for the price of the cock, they gave it to me, and I paid without arguing. As I was still there, I used a trick to let a feather fall down by uttering incantations inwardly, and I left. [...] Brief description of what he did when he arrived in his room. He ate the cock and did everything according to the instructions of his master. He continues: And at 9 am, I went to see my master. When I arrived at his place, I told him what I had done, and he said: "Indeed you're a brave boy! But I will ask you to do something: Now go back there and check the results where you bought the cock. "And I went there. As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the avenue, I saw a crowd from afar, and then I asked someone who was passing by: "Why is there a crowd here? He told me that someone died there. And I went there like anyone who is going to a house of mourning. While I was there, the parents of the victim moaned and said: "The child was not even sick, but at 11:30 pm, he had a high fever that lasted only a short period of time, after 30 minutes, that is, at midnight sharp, the child died! "At 11:30 pm I cut the head of the cock, the child catches a fever and at midnight sharp, I eat the cock, the child dies.

I would also like to mention a point of confusion that I had had. As I was still a satanist, I was going out with a girl who was a member of a prayer group. It was the ministry bethel. She invited me one day in her prayer group. As we Arrived there, we entered the house, and she introduced me to the leaders as her fiancé. They greeted me with joy, gave me a place, and then there were also others who arrived, and the prayer started. I was also there, pretending to pray, because I did not know how to pray, I didn't know where to start. All I knew was invoking demons. I was there with the Children of God.

You should know one thing: of all those who come to church, not everyone comes to seek Jesus. There are some who come just to harm others. I was there, pretending to pray and when the prayer was over, I took the sister and I drove her home. Two weeks later, she came at my place crying. She came, knocked at the door, I opened and she entered. I greeted her, and she did not answer, but all she did was cry. Then I looked at her, and at the end, she started talking to me. Sobbing, she said: "Why did you never tell me about your state?" I said: "My state? Which state?" She told me, "Your spiritual state" I said, "My spiritual state? I am a catholic christian and if you want to know more, I'm also a scout there." She told me: "No, this is not your true state!" "My true state? Who am I according to you?" She said: "You're a great satanist!" I said, "Who told you that?"

She replied: "The leaders of our prayer group were in prayer when I gave them the request for my marriage, as I had already introduced you to them as my fiancé. While they were praying, they received a revelation from God. And God confirmed that you are a great satanist. "I said, "Me, a satanist! Look at me, if you see something that has to do with satanism, tell me." Then I stood in front of her and said, look at me: "Do you see anything that has to do with satan?" And she said "No"

Beloved, satanism is not written all over the face! It is spiritual and it is only through revelation that we can uncover it. The Bible says that the heart of man is desperately wicked; no one can know it. There is only God who tries the hearts and the reins; He alone knows the true spiritual state of a person. So I told her, do not worry, those people who told you that, are just jealous, they are trying to prevent you from getting married, they are spirits that seek to block you in celibacy. They said that to you so that you do not marry me. I succeeded in convincing her, and she agreed. Then I even gave her money and I drove her home.

When I got home, I was angry, and I said to myself: These people who gave her this revelation will see tonight what I'm made of. So beloved, I went in my secret room, I concentrated and I took the form of an owl, I took my knife. The knife in question, if you look at it with carnal eyes, you will see that it is really a knife, but it was not a knife, it was a human bone. When you take the human skeleton at the level of the forearm there are two bones, the radius and the ulna. The radius is what I used as a knife. And after having taken this form and my knife, I flown away. I went where these people who gave the revelation of my spiritual state were. I thought I was going to punish them. When I arrived in front of the house, there was an avocado tree. I landed there as an owl. After I projected myself on the avenue on the ground, staring down, and after that, I concentrated and I then became a human again, still staring down.

The house was in front of me and I had to stand up straight in order to attack. But what I saw that day, is beyond my understanding. I do not know how to explain it to you. When I stood up to move forward where there was the house, there was no longer a house. In this place, there was a large river instead, and the house that I had to attack was in the middle of the river, and we could only reach it by swimming. And as I could not swim, I took the animal form again and went home. The next morning around 10 am, I went back there to see the river. When I got there, to my great surprise, the house was really there, but there was no river any more. Beloved, the Lord is the protector par excellence! When I went there to attack them, I didn't see the house, instead of the house it was the river. The Lord Jesus had confused me, He smote me with blindness, I didn't see anything and what is even more complicated is the fact that these people who were in the house did not even know that I was there.

It was only after my deliverance, several years later that I went to apologize to those people. And when I spoke, they were surprised because they did not even know that something had happened. Beloved, when you are in the Lord Jesus, know that your sleep will be sweet and peaceful, your enemies will be confused. The Lord will smite them with blindness, and they will not see you. The most important thing is to be fully in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I'll tell you about my journey to the world of Polliun and my trip to India where I met the prime minister of lucifer. Before that let us read the Bible in 2Corinthians 10:3-5: For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Again speaking of Indian magic, I would like to say one thing beloved. You should know that the whole world is under the domination of lucifer. Lucifer told us when we were still his agents, that there are only christians who escape from his control and those people represent only 25% of mankind. He also told us that the remaining 75% belong to him and that there is only 25% which belong to the King of the Christians. The devil never mentions the name of Jesus. When he wants to talk about Jesus, he said only: "The King of Christians." Because the name of Jesus is a bomb in the world of lucifer and this is one of the reasons that made me separate myself from him. I thought that the power of lucifer was the absolute best and it was only when I discovered the power of Jesus' name, that I started to doubt everything lucifer told me.

He also told us that we had to work seriously in churches, and that we should do everything to let Christians sink into a spiritual sleep. And for that he made a seven points plan of action:

- Fight or deny the manifestation of the Holy Spirit,

- Do everything within our power to strengthen the power of evil,

- Make every effort to introduce homosexuality in the world on the horizontal and vertical plan,

- Do everything possible to turn the Bible in the wrong way,

- Influence the business world,

- Do everything to stop offering and the daily sacrifice,

- Make every effort to introduce competition as well as fashion in the church.

Lucifer told us: "Christians became powerful because of their firm faith in this Man, so we must do everything to weaken them, because once their faith is weak, they can not please their God any more"; according to what is written in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith no one can please the Lord. He gave us his ten commandments.

When we are children of God and are in a good relationship or a perfect communion with God, He gives us His own weapons, the spiritual weapons. With these weapons, we are able to go down even in the world of satan, to overthrow the prisons of lucifer and retrieve everything that lucifer has hidden in that world. But to carry out a good spiritual warfare, we must get rid of all carnal weapons. There are people who like to fight witches through insults. It is not because of insults that witches will be afraid of you, it is not for your social status that witches will be afraid of you, witches will be afraid of you only if you get rid of all carnal weapons and take the spiritual weapons, the weapons that the Holy Spirit gives us.

There are many people who live in this world whereas their blood had already been drunk. They are still alive, though there is already an allotted time and when the allotted time will expire the physical death will follow. I want you to take this testimony very seriously, because at the end of each year, many sacrifices are made in the world of darkness. There are people whose blood had already been drunk, and who only live the remaining time left, even the circumstances of their deaths are already planned.

When I was still serving the devil, one day my master, when we were back from Kisangani, told me that I had to do everything to get married. So he sent me to Likasi in the commune of Panda, there is a river called Panda. I went there, I uttered incantations, and on the river there was a strong light, and from this light, a white woman came out. She joined me at the bank and asked me why I came to wake her up. So I told her: "Before giving you an answer, first give me your name." She told me her name was Helen. And then I told her that I came to look for her so that she would be my wife.

She refused categorically and I started begging her, I told her that I would do everything possible to make her happy. Beloved, must we beg the demons or chase them away in Jesus' name? To be bewitched, is really not good! That day, I started to beg a demon so that she comes into my life. I had begged her and she finally agreed and told me: "If you really need me to be your wife, you must come at our place" She added: "When you come, you will present a token." She gave me a yellow token, and after that we parted. The next day I went to see my master. He told me: "Before going to that world, you should know that women there have a very high degree of seduction. If you go there and succeed in sleeping with one of them, you'll remain there forever. And to prevent you from doing a one way trip, you have to make a nine-day dry fast". I started to fast, without drinking nor eating, during nine days. And all this time, I was only uttering incantations. I ate nothing and drank nothing. To resist the demons, see what a satanist is capable of doing.

In the meantime, there are christians who refuse to fast. Beloved there are stubborn demons who do not go out easily. And these demons go out only by prayer and fasting. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 17:21 "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." There are christians who hide themselves to eat when the church decrees a fast. Beloved, when your leaders ask you to fast, you must obey them because to obey is better than sacrifice. When an order is given to you, you must obey. When you hide yourself to disobey, even if the pastor does not see you, God sees you! And if you disobey your leaders, your prayers will be fruitless.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 3rd part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

And the tenth day after the fast, I went to the river. I uttered some incantations relating to the great ladies of the sea. And after that, a mermaid came out of the river, it was around 1 am. And when I was at the bank, it was this mermaid who was to show me the way that leads to the world of Polliun. She asked me to join her in the river. I went down in the water, and I joined her. [...] Here the brother describes everything this mermaid asked him to do.

When I was at the bottom of the water, it was no longer spiritually, it was really physically, with the body I still have today. At the bottom of the water, there was a large crocodile in front of me. And this crocodile was the means of transport to the world of Polliun. It opened its mouth, I went in and it swallowed me. It was the one to drop me off somewhere on the road. This road was very beautiful and asphalted. The world of lucifer is very beautiful compared to this world in which we live. But there is another place which is even more beautiful than the world of satan. It is the one that the Lord Jesus went to prepare for us. Beloved, do not try to hold on to this world, because you may miss the most important thing. As Children of God, we are in the world, but we are not of the world. And this wonderful place, I saw it with my own eyes the day of my deliverance. When the Lord Jesus got me out of the astral world, He led me there. That is why I said that while I am still on this earth, I will do my best not to miss this wonderful place. You too, do not try to hold on to this world. We are only pilgrims on this earth. The place reserved for us is the one that Jesus has already prepared.

So while I was moving forward, I found myself in front of a gate, I presented the yellow token that they had given me and they made me get through. When I was on the other side, there was a black car that came, one door was opened and they asked me to come in. When I was in the car, while we were moving forward, I looked at the man who drove me, he had neither a head nor a neck. We were with him and he took me to Helena. When I arrived, I found four identical women, with the same morphology and the same clothes, and that's where I found Helen. Once the three others had left, I said to Helen: "Now that your friends have left, it is time to sleep together." And this demonic woman told me: "You and I have not got married yet, so we don't have the right to sleep together." Beloved, I was really touched by that. It was a demon that was telling me that; she told me that as long as she and I had not concluded a marriage, we do not have the right to sleep together! See what the so-called "engaged" christians do today. Some consummate marriage before the wedding! This is sexual immorality! And the Bible tells us to flee from sexual immorality. God says, "Flee from sexual immorality" because behind sexual immorality there are very serious consequences.

When you look at my arm at this level, there is a scar. It was not caused by a human being, but by lucifer himself. He wounded me and my blood flowed into a chalice. When the chalice was full, lucifer drank my blood in my presence. He gave me 406 demons which had to be at my service. I would like to make an important digression. I had 406 demons at my service. But when I met Jesus, all the 406 demons fled, and I'm free now and today my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You too, if you call upon Jesus, the demons that are bothering you will flee and leave you alone. After he did that to me, my right arm became the seat of my power. I could carry lucifer in my body, and he could incarnate in me. When I was walking, people would see me, but in reality, it was lucifer that they were seeing. Lucifer is a big whoremonger. When he was in my body, he was leading me straight towards hotels and young ladies. And even if it was me that the girls were seeing, it was in fact with lucifer that they were sleeping without knowing it. There are girls who have already slept with lucifer without knowing it. Because I was not the only satanist in whom lucifer could incarnate. Be careful of sexual immorality! Giant demons enter into the life of a person through sexual intercourse.

When I took this woman, I came back home, and after that, she also visited me. She came to visit me every even day of the week. She even gave me prohibitions among which, apart from her, I did not have the right to have any relationship with a girl in the human world. But one day at a funeral service, I met a girl who was my girlfriend before I was with Helen. And while we were still there at this funeral, I spent the night with her. And when I went back home, I found the girl that I had left at the funeral in my room. When I saw her in my room, I told her: "What are you doing here? I left you at the funeral, how did you manage to come here?" She did not answer, and I went on and said: "I have a wife who is really wicked, if she finds you here, she will kill you." She said nothing; I turned my back on her. And afterwards she began to cry, and she told me: "Darling, have you forgotten me?" When I turned over, I looked at my bed, and it was not that girl anymore, but it was Helen. And two days later, the girl died. It was Helen who killed her. I would like to draw the attention of young girls, especially those who have the bad habit of changing men as one changes clothes on the body. If you do not give up this way of doing things, if you continue with your dissolute life, you will certainly come across a satanist, and that day will be the end of your life. Satanism and magic are not written on one’s face! So be very careful.

After this incident, one day, I found a letter on my table, in which one asked me to go to India. I went to see my master, and I explained to him what had happened to me. He responded by saying: "As your master, I have nothing to do for you. You will have to go to India to be punished. If you survive, it's good, and if you die, it's your problem." He who was my master! So I went back and I acted according to the instructions I had received, [...] short description of what he did before uttering incantations. He continues: I uttered some incantations, and after that, I went to bed. Shortly after midnight, I felt that the floor and the roof of my house started to shake. A few minutes later, I saw a smoke coming from the roof. And the smoke came down in the circle I had drawn.

Then the smoke took a human appearance, it was a man. He invited me to join him in the circle. I agreed, but I told him: "Before I join you, you will first give me your name." He told me: "I'm doctor krishna, I am among the indian divinities. I was sent especially to take you and lead you to India." I had to go to India to be punished. Yet it was really an opportunity to give my life to Jesus. One told me: "Go to India to be punished." And I agreed to make this trip to be punished. All this because I was bewitched. You know, bewitched people do not reason well. So when I joined him, I hugged him, and both he and I were thrown into a large temple. Lucifer has only three temples in the whole world.

The first temple is in Great Britain underground. And it is there that the governor of lucifer stay, the one that coordinates activities within pernicious sects and churches of satan. It is there that you find the board of censors that releases brochures as well as diabolic books like: awake, watchtower, spoken word, bible tob, bible of Jerusalem, bible verbum xxl cain, new world translation.

The second temple is at the bottom of the water, at the junction of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, there, there is a triangle called Bermuda Triangle. When you go down there in depth, you find a large building with white colour. It is called the white house of lucifer. And it is there that lucifer meets with satanists of the whole world.

The third temple is in India. It's called "temple of daïl ". It is there that you find the prime minister of lucifer.

But apart from these three temples, there are small satanic houses as well as mystical lodges: rosicrucian order AMORC, the rosicrucian order of the golden, martinist rosicrucian order, etc. When one talks about rosicrucianism, it is a mystical order which has seven different fraternities. There are houses such as: "Louis gilbert", "lombard house", "unction house", even in Nigeria where one shoots the film "Karachika" with the power of the prince Talus.

So when I was in this temple, there were more than a thousand people. There, I met many authorities, among whom those of Mobutu who worked in the transitional government. Here I would like to make an important digression. As we speak, Mobutu is chained up in the astral world. He who worked faithfully for the devil, finds himself with chains and a large padlock. I will tell you about the organization of satan's world, and then you will know what happen on the other side. So when I was taken there, I was thrown into a hole that had a depth of 200 meters. When I hit the bottom of the hole, there was a total darkness. And in this hole there were reptiles, snakes, scorpions... The mission of all these animals was to bite me. This is what one called the place of torture. And I was obliged to keep silent.

I did not have the right to open my mouth to express the pain I felt, because if I opened my mouth, it was death that would ensue. And I spent five days there. And during that time, in Likasi, my parents were looking for me everywhere. They did not even know where I was. And yet, I was in a hole. The temple in question is a large temple. At the front there is a large mirror like a big screen. And at every meeting, one must drink the blood of five hundred people. And there are satanists who are chosen to sacrifice their family members.

There was a dad that I know very well, even today, he is in Likasi, on the "avenue Rwanda". He was among those who had to sacrifice their family members. At his turn, he gave the name of his nephew. He gave neither nails nor saliva, nor hair. He gave only the name. And there were servants who had a golden vase, and they put these vases at the bottom edge of the mirror. There were others who had the task of calling the name of this nephew. And there was one who had a golden sword. There were many people.

They began to call and shortly after, the nephew in question appeared on the mirror. There he was bare-chested. Then the man who had the sword, pointed the sword at the mirror at the level of the chest, and the sword began to go in. While the sword was going in, at that place, blood was coming out and was flowing in the vase. And when the body was emptied of all his blood, the image disappeared but the blood remained in the vase. One poured it into small glasses and the servants began to distribute and we drank it. And after that, one prepared a file. We first started by writing the name, and then one said, "How will he die?" And after some time one said: "He will die by accident." One wrote there, circumstances of death: accident. One said: "How long before he dies?" After a few minutes, one said: "Two weeks." One wrote there two weeks. Beloved, when I returned to Likasi, I found this nephew alive and two weeks later, he was struck by a vehicle. I told you at the beginning that there are people whose blood has already been drunk, they live only within the time limit, when the deadline expires, it is death that follows according to the circumstances planned by the satanists.

Another day, I was in Likasi, there was a friend of mine who was a wrestler. He went to Mbujimayi and came back with fetishes. He wanted to challenge me. He joined me at the playground of the secular school, and wanted to give demonstrations. When I looked at him, I told him: "What do you want to do? This is for small children. Go and play with people of your level. When you will get home, you will find all your fetishes burned." He denied it and we took leave of each other. He went home and in the evening around 6 pm, he came to my place in tears. He said: "Indeed, as you told me, when I got home, I found all my fetishes burned." And he was crying and I went with him to his house. When we arrived at his house, I uttered some incantations, and we renewed what had been destroyed. And when I did that, he was now curious. He told me: "I admit that you are powerful, and I want to be like you." I said, “Really? As you want to be like me, begin by eating a baby. When you will eat a baby, I will take you with me where I always go.” So he looked for a baby to eat, without finding one.

One day he came to see me and told me: "I have a girl who is pregnant and is trying to have an abortion because the boy who impregnated her ran away." So I asked him how long she has been pregnant. He said: "Six months." I said: "Six months, it is already a foetus. We can use it, you will eat it, and after that, we will go together." And we invited the girl to my friend's house. When we got there I asked her to undress completely. After that, I subjected her to a magnetic sleep, called hypnosis. And then I invoked a demon called "dead master, living corpse". And from there, I made a surgical operation without lancet on the body of the girl. I removed the foetus, and then I invoked another demon, doctor Lang, who is the surgeon of the next world. And I put everything in order, I got the girl up, and she returned home without pregnancy. But from that ceremony on, even her fertility was sacrificed, I gave it to lucifer. She went back home without pregnancy, but barren. We stayed, I took the knife and I cut up the body of the foetus. I told my friend: "Eat." He hesitated, and I said: "But you are the one who wants to be like me. If you really want to be like me, eat quickly."

He ate. And when he finished, I now had to invite him at my house. When we were at my house, I invoked Krishna, [...] and Krishna came. And then we were all three thrown. We went to India physically. Once there, because my friend was a new member, they thanked me because I had just brought a new member. But they said to my friend: "As you just joined our group, you must first give us a dear one in your life." After a few minutes, they asked him the question again, and he said: "I give my father." They asked him: "Why your father?" He said: "Because in the family, he is the one who has already lived for a long time." And then, as usual, he gave the name of his dad.

Those who were responsible for calling began to call. They called this dad, but the mirror remained as it was. They called, they called so many times that they were even tired, but the mirror remained intact. So we wondered, "Why is that, why?" They asked the question to my friend, they said: "But your dad, is he a member of a secret society? Is he a member of a mystical house?" He said: "No. My father knows nothing about witchcraft, he does not even know magic." So who is he? He said: "My father is just an elder of the Church." They said: "An elder of the Church? Thus he is a Christian?" So when we were there, when one told us that we had to deal with a Christian, we did everything possible, because if a satanist manages to capture a Christian, lucifer will give him a lot of money. In order to kill only one Christian, lucifer is capable of killing even a thousand pagans. Because only Christians escape his control; only Christians destabilize the works of lucifer.

So we started to call. And this time they told us: "Instead of letting only the people responsible for the calls call, we must all join them ..." All of us, more than a thousand, were now obliged to call the name of only one dad. So we started to call. We called many times, but the mirror remains intact. So as we were still calling, instead of that dad appearing on our mirror, there was just a cross. And as we were still calling, there was blood on the cross. And when the blood began to flow, the mirror broke and all of us who were there, were all hurled to the ground.

So when we got up again, everyone was saying to my friend: "What has just happened here is because of you." I do not even know if they have already replaced that mirror. So they condemned my friend. They took a poison, gave it to him, and told him: "This time your dad will die, whether he likes it or not." They gave the poison to my friend and said to me: "As it is you who brought this guy here, you will go with him to monitor the progress of this operation, which consists of poisoning this dad. Back at Likasi, we went to my friend's place, it was at "camp Ak." When we arrived there, they served us food, we ate and after that, the mum and the others went out. We stayed in the living room, and on the big table there was dad's meal. The dad was still at work. There were only the two of us, and when they put the meal on the table, my friend took the poison. I saw it with my own eyes. He went and put it in the condiments of his father’s meal. And at around 5 pm his father arrived and greeted us with joy.

He went in his room, changed clothes and came back to the living room. He sat down to eat and before eating, he prayed. When he prayed, he mentioned the name of Jesus. And where we were, we said: "Today, that Jesus, nothing will happen, he will die today." His father started to eat. And that day, he ate everything, both fufu and condiments. Even as I am speaking to you, this man is still alive and works in Likasi at Gécamines even today. So because my friend had been given a deadline of one week, when the deadline expired, they struck him by the spirits of death. I was living near "Camponté", and from there, they contacted me and told me: "Go and finish him off!" Beloved with the devil friendship does not exist, there is only hypocrisy. Friendship is what we find only in the Lord Jesus.

I went there, behind his house there were toilets. It was 7:30 pm. I laid down on the ground, I concentrated and then I took the form of a snake. I started to crawl, I went in the house, I found my friend on the floor. He was bleeding, blood was coming out of his nostrils, ears and even of his mouth, and when I arrived, I bit him, I infiltrated a venom in his body and I left. When I reached the other side, I took a human form again and I arrived at the door. I knocked, my friend answered and I went in. Once there, I found my friend and I asked him: "What happened?" He said: "One hit me and a few minutes ago, a snake came and bit me." And I asked him: "the snake, where has it gone?" He said: "He went in that corner." So I picked up a piece of wood and I started looking for the snake. It was the snake who was looking for the snake.

You know, beloved, sorcerers, magicians, when there is a problem, they are the first to tell you: "Let’s go see this witch doctor." Know that when one drinks blood, one blocks the soul in the world of darkness. But the Bible tells us that if we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. But the weapons of our warfare are spiritual. These weapons are mighty through God. With these weapons, we are able to go down in the world of satan, to destroy powers and retrieve souls whose blood has already been drunk, but whose time limit has not yet expired.

Testament imposed on many families by satan

The Lord Jesus will change the testament that satan imposed on you. The devil has already imposed a negative testament on many families. When you analyze your life well, you realize that there are certain things that your parents lived through and that you too are undergoing. If you are not careful, even your children could undergo the same things you are living through today. That is a negative testament that satan has already imposed on many families. But if you fear the Lord Jesus, He will bring you in a new testament different from the one that the devil had imposed on you. And if you cling to the Lord, know that, of what you lost, the Lord Jesus will restore twice as much to you. The Bible says in Colossians 2:14 having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.


I'll tell you briefly how I was initiated into satanic practices. At the beginning I told you that I began to serve the devil when I was two months old. It is only with spiritual ears that one can understand that well. When we talk about two months, then you are dealing with a baby. And a two-month old baby, by himself, cannot go to a witch doctor to ask to be a sorcerer. Beloved, this is to show you that I did not choose to be what I was. But we live in a complicated world.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 5th part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

Categories of men in the world

By observing humans, lucifer found three categories of men.

First category: There are humans who are driven by hatred and jealousy. People who are willing to kill their fellows without gaining anything. To that group, lucifer gave the colour black.

Second category: There are human beings who like to prove or demonstrate everything, who try to get to the bottom of all things. Those people who try to explain the existence of God by means of science. To that group, lucifer attributed the colour white.

Third category: There are humans who love wealth, elevation, domination and power. They are willing to kill for these things. To that group, lucifer gave the colour red.

The three kinds of magic correspond to these three colours, that is, the black, white and red magic. There are some people who believe that black magic is the magic of Africans. No, even if you go to Europe, you will find Europeans who practice black magic, although black magic is more widespread in Africa. And for white magic, we see occult sciences: Rosicrucianism, the grail message (in the light of truth), eckankar, freemasonry, christian science, mormons (those who claim to be the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints). Let us examine the black magic.

Black magic: Black magic is also divided into several parts: Witchcraft, Islam, Islam is a part of black magic, Jainism (branch of Hindu religion: an ancient branch of Hinduism that rejects the notion of a supreme being and advocates a deep respect for all living things) and holy magic. Holy magic is at the same time red, white and black magic but we will talk about witchcraft.

Witchcraft: Witchcraft occurs in three forms:

Conscious witchcraft: At this level, we have sorcerers who identify themselves as sorcerers and who are aware of their condition, like me. I was aware of my condition. Therefore, conscious sorcerers know that at night, they will go somewhere to eat human flesh and drink human blood. And those sorcerers are many in Churches.

Unconscious witchcraft: Here we are dealing with people who do not identify themselves as witches, but who are used by conscious sorcerers. And to discover this form of witchcraft, you just have to analyze the dreams that you have every time. For example, in your dream you see yourself either eating or having sexual relations, or serving food, or cooking, or being chased by people whose faces you do not see, and when they want to catch you, you see yourself flying like a bird. Then in the morning you wake up and say: I have escaped. Know that you did not escape; you are rather in unconscious witchcraft. Sorcerers are using you. If I can talk freely about these things, it is because that is what I was doing. I am not giving you the testimony of someone else, but my own testimony. It is what I was doing. There are really several examples: You see yourself in your dream swimming in a river. You go to bed fit, but in the morning you begin to complain of pain. Either it's the head that hurts, or you have pain in the spine, or you have abdominal pain. Do you work at night while you are in bed? Then why did you wake up with such pains?

If you are in unconscious witchcraft, a conscious sorcerer can use your image to go and disturb other people. But the next day, you will be the one to be threatened. And when one threatens you, you say: But I do not know anything about what you are saying. It is true that you know nothing about it, but it is your image that was used.

Blood witchcraft: The first sign that helps to identify this form of witchcraft, is the lack of compassion. The second sign is the fact of beating children almost every day. I make a digression at this level to get myself well understood. We all know that the Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:13-14: Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from death. I am not talking here about a normal correction. I'm talking about parents who are misusing the rod, and brutally beat their children. It is about this temperament that I am talking. Another sign is to beat your husband. There are women who are really terrible! Another sign is to beat your wife. These are the signs of witchcraft.

While I was in witchcraft, one led me somewhere, and taught me how to work as a sorcerer. It was at the Moussophie river, on the side where the source of the Congo River is.

How does one know if he is a sorcerer? Even if you are a child of God, if you find yourself in what I will say, know that you are being used. And among the signs of unconscious witchcraft, there is also dirtiness. There are people for whom taking a bath is an uphill struggle. Here I draw the attention of women who like to leave a lot of dirt in their house. Know that when you leave dirt in your house, you yourself create runways for witches at night. Dirtiness is witchcraft. Here are the elements that we were given.

Hatred. There are people who hate other people without valid ground, without any reason.

The spirit of vengeance. Render evil for evil. And even some Christians are doing it. The Bible says in Romans 12:19: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. If you are a child of God, and that one wrongs you, let God take your revenge. Some Christians still have hatred. Yet the Bible says in Rom 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. And the Bible continues by telling us this in Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. There is also sadism, the desire to make others suffer. There are some people who are delighted when they see others suffer. The suffering of others makes them feel good. This is not normal; we must learn how to sympathize with others in their sorrows.

Immoderate jealousy. There are people who want to be the only ones to own things. Everything must belong to them and the others must come to beg them: "Help me, help me," in order to get the crumbs: If others also manage to get something, that hurts them too much, they are not happy. Know that this is witchcraft.

Lack of respect. You must not respect only your parents, but you must respect anyone who is older than you.

Lie: This is a very important point in which even Christians find themselves. And those people, one often use them through unconscious witchcraft. There are people who are not even able to spend a single day without lying. Little piece of advice: When you are somewhere chatting, and then you realize that you have nothing more to say to each other, take leave of each other and let everyone go home, instead of staying there and make things up that do not exist. There are even fiancés who betray each other. And they also claim to be christians! Do you think that by living so, the devil can be afraid of you? In such condition, even if you mention the name of Jesus, the devil will not tremble. The devil trembles at the mention of the name of Jesus only if this name is mentioned by someone who walks in the fear of God.

Beloved, do not just take the name of Christian. You must be a Christian who walks in newness of life. That's the meaning of being a child of God! You must give up what you were doing, become a new creature, and begin to walk according to the will of God. It is only at that time that sorcerers and the devil will be afraid you.

While I was a sorcerer, I had 24 mystic eyes. When you say that a sorcerer has six eyes, it means that this sorcerer has already killed two people. A person has two eyes, when you multiply two by two you obtain four. And when you take the four, and add them to the two ordinary eyes, you get six. But I had 24 of them. Beloved, by the grace of God, I am here today, walking freely. The Bible tells us: Though your sins be red like crimson, if you sincerely humble yourself before God, if you ask Him for forgiveness and forsake them our God will forgive you, He will cleanse you and He will make you as white as snow. And today, the Bible says that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ. Since I am in Christ, all that I did with the devil, is history. I'm in the Lord Jesus; there is no condemnation for me.

So I had 24 eyes. With these eyes, I could see everything. In this world, if the Lord opened your spiritual eyes, you would be sick, seeing what happens. In this world, there are people who walk upside down. There are also people who walk, but when you look at them, you see a human body but a skeleton head. I could be on the road and see a girl, a pretty girl, but while looking at her with mystic eyes, I rather see an old woman walking. In this case, one has already taken her real young girl face and has given her an old age mask. And these kinds of girls do nothing but change fiancés. When you find yourself in such a situation, be careful, pray a lot. You must pray so that this old age mask fall in the name of Jesus and that you get your real young girl face back.

Beloved, witchcraft whether you like it or not, exists. Let no one deceive you, witchcraft exists. And in every family, there is witchcraft. We should only enter in the Lord Jesus who is our city of refuge. If we are in the city of refuge, demons can see us, but they cannot touch us. If you're in the city of refuge, do not risk going out of there. If you are in the Lord Jesus, make sure that you don't open a breach because the Bible tells us that the devil, as a roaring lion, walked about, seeking whom he may devour. Know that if you leave the city of refuge, you expose yourself to danger.

With those eyes, I saw many things. I saw demons, I saw Christians, I saw pagans and hypocrite christians. All hypocrite christians and pagans, I saw them without clothes, and even without a rope on the body. Beloved, imagine that a two year old little sorcerer, while looking at you, sees you without clothes because you don’t like sanctification. Do you accept such humiliation? No, it is not good at all, let us really try to build a better relationship with God. And God will protect us and the sorcerers will not be able to see us.


When I enter the market, I feel uncomfortable, because markets are real dumping grounds for demons. To each market whatever its extent, lucifer has already allocated six legions of demons. And a legion of demons is made up of 13000 demons. So to know the total number of the demons that one finds in a market, you have to make six times 13000 which gives 78000. When you go to the market, beloved, pray at home to be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit leads you to buy products that are not contaminated. There are horrible and dirty things that people buy and eat. And when people eat them, lucifer pursues two objectives:

The first objective is to harden pagans so that they do not give their lives to Jesus.

The second objective is to make Christians decrease in their faith. You will realize that between the way you were serving God before and the way you serve Him now, there's a big difference. And then the devil lures you into a curse because the Bible says in Jeremiah 48:10: A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! ... and Jesus adds in Revelation 2:4-5: Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Amen.

Traffic accidents

I will briefly explain to you how the devil used me in traffic accidents.

One day we left Likasi, we were in a bus with a friend, with passengers. While we were in the bus, my friend and I wanted to cause an accident to kill ten people. From Likasi, we had jut passed Luiza. And after some time, there was a pastor who began to preach in the bus. While he was preaching, we looked at him with mystic eyes and saw him without clothes. But he was preaching anyway. You know, today there are some pastors who are just like signposts. They tell the others: "There is heaven, heaven is that way", but here they are, preaching, but are not living according to what they preach to others. And nowadays, there are so many pastors who live like that. While this pastor was preaching in the bus, there was a sister, I didn't know her, who was touched by the Word, and who suddenly began to speak in tongues. And while she was speaking in tongues, my friend and I had been thrown out of the bus and found ourselves in the bush in Boulouwo. Let me remind you that my friend and I were both satanists. The incident occurred just after we passed Luiza.

We were there in the bush physically, I don't know how we got out of the bus because the bus’ windows were not broken. When we were in the bush in Boulouwo, we got angry. So I told my friend: "Everything that happened to us, it is because of this pastor who was preaching, because if he had not preached, this sister would not have started speaking in tongues. So we must do everything to kill this pastor. "We turned into a sparrow hawk, and we flew away. This pastor got off in Kibombo. It was there that we captured him and killed him. He is no longer of this world. Be careful with the work of God, God cannot be mocked. What a man sows, he reaps it sooner or later.

Night flights

If I became Christian, it doesn’t mean that all sorcerers have become converted. They continue to work. I give you this testimony to allow you to be tolerant and to know how to fight sorcerers. As I've said before, at night when we were flying, we saw all the houses of pagans and hypocrite christians without roofs, nor frames, nor sheets, nor ceilings, we could see everything. You can be in your bedroom, a sorcerer looks and sees everything because you are a hypocrite or a pagan.

But there were other houses that we saw from afar. They were surrounded by flames of fire and we could not even go near them. And the flames of fire that were around these houses had an effect on a vast area. Even the surrounding houses were protected by these flames of fire. There are some pagans who are not easily hit by sorcerers because their houses are close to the houses of Christians. Beloved, our God is faithful. When you read Obadiah 1:18, the Word of God says: And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame.

What allowed us to go down into those houses that we saw without roofs?

Firstly: Spider webs. Hygienically, spider webs are nothing but dirt. But spiritually, they are antennas by means of which sorcerers come into your houses. If there are those things in your house, remove them immediately.

Secondly: Photos, pictures, idols. Pictures of a false Jesus (with a red heart and ray lights); a picture of a false Mary; a cross with a dead Jesus. My beloved, who told you that Jesus is on the cross? He was on the cross, it's true. But he left the cross more than 2000 years ago. All these pictures are idols. Don't put them in your homes. This is idolatry! And God condemns idolatry. That is why God said in Exodus 20:4: You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. It is an abomination, and sorcerers cannot be afraid of you because there is a picture in your house. The Lord Jesus, we must not put Him on the wall, but He must be in us. That is why Paul said in Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

Thirdly: All the houses where there is someone who has already dealt with fetishes. The Bible tells us clearly in Deuteronomy 18:11: There shall not be found among you any one that, who consults the dead. And even people who have incisions are unconscious sorcerers. When you go to a witch doctor, he takes the blade and cut your skin, and there we see that there is blood coming out. He takes a black powder, which you do not know neither neither where it comes from, nor the meaning of the words he utters on it. And when he applies it on your blood, it gets into the blood and demons enter in you. Even while you were doing incisions, a few drops of your blood remained on the blade of the witch doctor, which must give the report to his master in the evening. So he takes the blade on which your blood is, yet we know that the life of the man is in the blood, and then one takes your blood and sends it to lucifer. Through your blood that you gave yourself to lucifer, he is able to control your life, and block your projects.

Fourthly: When you're in a house, you should never go to sleep if you have conflicts. Before sleeping, make the effort to settle your dispute, if not, it will open various doors to satan to harm you. So when we were having fun in such houses, we would put nets all around them when we were leaving, in order to prevent people from waking up in the morning and go to church for the morning intercession, or to weaken them in their morning prayer. Because we knew very well that if those people wake up in the morning and go to Church for prayer, everything we did during the night will be null and void. Because the Church of Christ is a place where one enters with problems and comes out with the solution.

When we took our sorcerers planes to go to the sorcerers’ world, I saw rivers and trees there and in the trees, there were holes. When we went down there, there were women witches, men sorcerers, young sorcerers, and everyone came there with the problems of his family. For example, one could see a witch coming, opening her loincloth and taking away a paper that she throws in one of the rivers there. After that she utters a word: The children of so-and-so will never complete their study. Someone else comes and says: This person will never thrive well, and he throws his paper in the river. There are some examples. And when they throw the paper, they utter a word. So you see families in which people abandon their studies for no obvious reason, whereas they have the opportunity to continue their studies, simply because it has already been decided by witchcraft. So there are things that have already been said there, that are materializing in families.

In many families, there are people who live only according to the will of sorcerers, according to what the sorcerers have already done there, to what were thrown into the river, to what they have already placed in tree holes. Know that it is not in this world that these things are done, it is not a river of this world, there are not trees of this world, but trees and rivers of their world, it is there that they threw it. That is why today, you see many Children of God, many families suffer because of what sorcerers have already done over there. But you child of God, let me tell you something, the day when one was trying to block your life, the day when one was throwing what belongs to you, the day when one was uttering words on your family, Jesus was seeing it. The day when one blocked your life, He was watching. But you'll say to yourself, "Jesus, Jesus my God, You were watching, when one blocked my life. So why did You let those people do it?" The answer is very simple. All those who have sinned fall short of the glory of God. And when you fall short of the glory of God, sorcerers can do anything to you because you are no longer under the protection of God.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 6thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

Beloved, when a father feels that his death is approaching, he starts to make his will, he starts to divide up his properties among his children. But as long as this father is alive, his will has no value. But if he dies, the will takes effect. When one looks carefully, among the people who blocked your family, there are even sorcerers who are already dead. When they uttered incantations against your family, it was a will that they were making. And as we speak now, they are already dead. That is how today, we see families in which there are things that last because there is a testament that sorcerers had already imposed on them. But our God has also made a will for us. He says in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. That is the will of God, beloved, and with the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross, that will takes effect immediately. The Bible says in Colossians 2:14: Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

Now that the will of sorcerers has been cancelled, we shall go fishing. Now we must recover what sorcerers stole from you. You who are discouraged, know that I bring you a message of encouragement. When you look for something for a long time, and make all your efforts to get it but are unsuccessful, discouragement sets in. And once one is discouraged, doubt sets in. One sometimes hears people feel sorry for themselves and say: "On this earth, I came only to accompany other people." It is what happens in the life of many. But you, do not be discouraged, it is not yet over for you, because there is hope for anyone who is among the living.

After having cancelled the will of sorcerers, we will now go fishing. We will not catch fishes, but we will catch all our blessings that sorcerers have stolen and hidden in the world of darkness. By faith, we will recover them. One day, while I was praying, the Lord showed me a vision of the Ancient Egypt and while I was looking at it, I saw many people working, and the word of God said to me: Do you see those people who are working over there, they are working hard but it is not for their own benefit. That is what happens in the life of many Children of God. They work hard but do not benefit from their work.

The pyramids that we see in Egypt were not built by the Egyptians but by the children of Israel. They were working not for their own interests but for those of the Egyptians. And that is what happens today in the life of many Children of God. The Children of God work, they make a great deal of effort, but do not benefit from what they do. Sorcerers are the ones who are robbing them of the fruits of their labours. The question I ask you is this: Who is sitting on you? Who is sitting on your life? All that you have, the work you do and what you get from it, are only the crumbs of what you should normally have, because there are sorcerers who control your life without you knowing it. But in the name of Jesus, we shall trample on all our enemies, we shall trample on all the sorcerers of our families, of our neighbourhoods, of our streets, etc.

As for you who like to talk too much, know that you have already succeeded in betraying yourself without you knowing it. One must learn discretion, you must not say anything to just anyone, you then who talk too much, be careful! Even worldly people say: Talking too much can kill.

Some signs of witchcraft in the life of little children

We will examine some signs that will allow us to discover witchcraft in the life of the little children, if these children are being used unconsciously. These signs are the following: the child is very distracted, he has lapses of memory, the child forgets easily (you tell him something, after a few minutes, you ask him again what you have just said, and he no longer remembers, he has forgotten everything. For example, you ask a child to to bring you a cup, but instead of a cup, he brings you a knife), the child's lack of intelligence, he is always fighting, he is rebellious (and about boisterousnes, parents themselves play a large part in it through the insults they hurl at children). When you hurl insults at your child, if, for example, you insult him "dog", and it happens that a sorcerer passes by, he will cast a spirit or a demon of dog on the child, and the child will become rebellious, and from that moment, one will begin to use him in witchcraft.

Danger of raising cats

Here again, I draw your attention. The cat is an animal that is highly used by sorcerers. When a sorcerer uses the cat, what can he do to get people involved in witchcraft? The cat can come where you are eating and while it scratches itself, its hairs fall. As soon as they fall in your food while you are eating, witchcraft starts.

How does one enters into witchcraft

Witchcraft can be contracted in three ways:

First: through a pact or contract that you sign yourself. For example, you have a problem which is beyond you, instead of trusting in Jesus, you go to consult a soothsayer or a witch doctor, who gives you a fetish, a semblance of solution. This fetish that you take gets you involved in unconscious witchcraft, and as time goes on, the fetish in question will transform you, and you will become a conscious sorcerer. When you have a problem, no matter how difficult it is, go to Jesus Christ, He is the solution. He is the Master of the impossible; he calls things that are not as though they were. I call Him Solution Man. Not only has Jesus the solution, but He is also the Solution.

Secondly: through family inheritance. Be careful. It may happen that they call you and tell you: "It is you who will be in charge of the family, take this, from now on, you will become the head of the family." Watch out very carefully, because one will get you involved in witchcraft.

Thirdly: witchcraft by influence. I insist here and draw your attention to the witchcraft by influence. You have no intention of becoming a sorcerer, but one makes you get involved in witchcraft without your will. And this form of witchcraft occurs through food. You should not eat anything. I would also like to draw the attention of the parents. If you do not know the spiritual state of your neighbours, never let your children eat there, in short, never let your children eat anyhow when they are not at home. It is good when you hear about witchcraft from afar because if it comes in your house, there will be an absolute disaster, you will prefer death to life. Once again, remember clearly that witchcraft is destruction in all areas.

Objectives of sorcerers in the Church

When I was a sorcerer, the devil was sending us in the Church, it is the visible part of the army of Jesus Christ. So we had to do everything possible to make the church harmless. We had many tasks:

First task: When we entered the Church, the first task was to make the Children of God ignorant of the word of God. At this level, I draw the attention of the preachers of the Word. If you see that you do not walk in the fear of God, and that you do not have a life of sanctification, do not preach, because if you preach, you will do the Church a great disservice. When we entered the church, we also mixed with the crowd and began to squeeze the finger in a certain manner, and while we were doing that, nobody noticed it, nobody took interest in what we were doing. By doing this incantation, we were tying up the tongue of the preacher, and he automatically forgot all the message he had prepared, and began to tell the people of God stories that do not edify.

The devil told us that we must do that so that Christians be weak, because if they do not listen to the Word of God, they will be weakened in faith, according to what is said in Romans 10:17: "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." So when we succeeded in diverting the tongue of the preacher, he began to talk nonsense such as: "I was in the south, I did this, I did that.” Okay, if you were in the south, if you did this or that, how can that edify us? It does not concern us if you were in the south, it is your problem, if you did this or that, it is your problem. You rather need to preach the word of God, for it is the Word that delivers, saves and heals. That is the reason why Jesus told us in John 8:32: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." And this truth is the word of God.

Second task: We had to keep the Children of God in poverty, and push them to be under the curse. As for poverty, it was necessary to create dullness at the time of offerings. There are some people, when offering time comes, they begin to feel dull, it is the devil! Sorcerers are the ones causing that. To avoid falling into the trap of satan, one must know how to give to God, because the Bible says in Genesis 49:25: "Because of your father’s God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb." It is all the work of the Lord who blesses.

The devil told us: If the children of God give their offerings, not only will they break poverty, but they will also recover all that I have already blocked. The offering is efficient. And to push people to be under the curse, the devil told us to make people give offerings that do not honour God. The Bible says in Malachi 1:14: "Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord." You have for example 5000 francs in your pocket, at the offering time, you give 200 to God. When you give the offering, the problem is not to stand up and go towards the offering basket, the problem is to know what you put in the basket.

Third task: We had to block the projects of the Church. We had powerful sorcerers who were asked to infiltrate the group of the leaders. So when you see people in the church who fight for a title in the church, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. Exaltation comes from God, since it is the Church of God, wait until God Himself appoints you to a position in the church. But when you see people who are fighting for a higher position, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. These agents of satan, once they hold these strategic positions, they are allowed to take part in all important meetings during which one debates all the projects of the Church. And at night, they joined us in order to give us the report of everything that has been planned as projects, and from that, we would send demons to push people not to give. Because the Church, in order to function, needs money, beloved. That is what we were doing, we prevented people from giving, and for that reason all projects were failing.

How to recognize sorcerers in the Church

To recognize sorcerers in churches, all you have to do is observe the case of restless people, people who do not want to be calm, and only want to go back and forth, if you know such people, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. When we arrived in churches, you know that before the service, one starts with intercession, and there is an intense heat, we could not get in with fetishes. So we would let them outside, and stay in the church, and at some point, we would go out to take the fetishes and start to operate in the church. When you see people who like to go back and forth without any good reason, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. So what did we do again? If the man of God who preached, was powerful, if he was walking in the fear of God, we would not be able to tie up his tongue. Since it was impossible to tie up his tongue, we could either send the spirits of drowsiness in the crowd (that is why you see some people start to doze just at the time of the preaching), or we would start to do mystical injections or bites on children (that is why you see children cry anyhow in the hall), all that in order to create distraction. And when there is distraction, people cannot listen to the word that is being preached. That is what we were doing in churches and that is what sorcerers continue to do in churches today.

Sorcerers who fall during the night

It happens very often that a sorcerer falls. When a sorcerer falls, this simply means that the blood he used as fuel was not enough. Generally, when such thing occurs, people come massively and begin to beat him. When one beats him, he feels no pain. All he makes, when you beat him, is funny faces. He does it just so that you feel sorry for him and let him go. If I asked you what is the whip that one can use to beat a sorcerer so that he can feel the pain, I am sure that many would tell me that we must use broom, isn’t it? Open your eyes, beloved. The sorcerer himself in order to fly, climb on a broom and you believe that by beating him with a broom, he will feel something? There are only two types of whips that, when they are used to beat a sorcerer, would make him feel a double pain, physically and the spiritually.

The first is euphorbias. When you use them to beat sorcerers, they then feel a double pain. You, sorcerer who is among us, if you happen to fall one day, know that the whip that one must use to beat you is already known. But as for us, Children of God, we do not even need this whip. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil. So our struggle is not carnal, but spiritual. You should know that sorcerers are also entitled to salvation, because God has abandoned His glory in heaven in order to seek and to save those who are lost. So sorcerers are also candidates for salvation, our fight is against witchcraft.

Meeting place of sorcerers

While I was sorcerer, I had been so promoted that I had the authorization to take part in all meetings of all the sorcerers of Africa. Where did we use to meet? When you take the map of Africa, you see that Africa is a continent that has two great deserts: Northwards (in the Maghreb), we have the Sahara Desert. And southwards, there is the Kalahari Desert. The Kalahari Desert is the general department of all the sorcerers of Africa. When we were going there, there was a high-ranking demon called "hindu sankara" which was responsible of taking reports of all our meetings to pass them on to lucifer.

The organization of sorcerers

In first position, we have the presidents and queens who give instructions in witchcraft. They sit on chairs made with human bones. When one eats, one uses the remaining bones to make chairs where presidents and queens should sit.

In second position, we have the supreme sorcerers. I would like to stress this point, supreme sorcerers is the neighbourhood chief of sorcerers, in any neighbourhood there is a neighbourhood chief of sorcerers, even in your neighbourhood, there is a chief of all the sorcerers of the neighbourhood. So he is the one that one calls the supreme sorcerer, and it is he who has the right to go to the department to pass on the report of his entire neighbourhood. And the neighbourhood chief does not work alone. He works with the avenue chief and the street chief. In every avenue and every street, there is an avenue chief or a street chief of all the sorcerers of the avenue or the street. And the avenue chief’s mission is to gather information in the avenue. Here is how they proceed: they drop by at your place, greet you well, and even talk with you. And since you like to talk too much, you start giving him all your information.

So when you are with him, you begin to give him all the information about your family, yourself. You tell him for example: One has already paid the predowry for my daughter so-and-so, her in-laws said that they will come at a given time to pay the dowry. My child so-and-so will do the state examination this year ... When you give all this information, do you know the spiritual state of the person with whom you speak? Do you know at least the reason why he came to visit you? You are the one who gives him your information, and in turn, he will give the report to the neighbourhood chief. He will tell him, for example: "On my avenue there is this or that problem, in that house over there there is this problem, etc.” Have you ever seen cases where some families, despite the fact that the predowry has already been paid and the day of the dowry fixed, the in-laws go and never come back again, as it was expected? Know that sorcerers are the cause of that. The neighbourhood chief takes all the reports that the avenue chiefs gave him and pass them on to the department at night. So they use all the information that you gave them yourselves, to block your projects, if a marriage is in sight, they will block it. They will take a sorcerer of your family, and entrust him with the task.

And when sorcerers do it, they entrust a sorcerer of your family with the task of blocking your marriage, your fecundity, your work, your health, your business. You will realize that you work a lot but do not earn anything, while sorcerers who do not work, benefit from your work. Didn’t the Bible say that the worker deserves his wages? And when we work we should benefit from it. I can assure you that, if you live a constant prayer life, sorcerers will no longer be able to play with your blessings. And when they do that to a neighbourhood, they block many things, from the things that have been blocked, they establish laws that will govern the area. That is why you will see that in some areas, people do not get married normally. There are also areas where people do not complete their studies. You can also notice that, sometimes it happens that ones lives in a neighborhood, and things do not go well, but as soon as one changes the neighborhood, things that did not go well in the old neighborhood starts to go well on the new one, because there are laws that sorcerers have already established in the neighbourhood. But we who are Children of God, we will not move because the sorcerers have established laws, we would rather pray and their laws will be cancelled in the name of Jesus.

Continuing on the subject of supreme sorcerers, when we wanted to go in the world of darkness, we used the call whistle. And when we whistled, all the unconscious sorcerers came to join us, we then transformed them into horses and then used them as means of transport to go to the world of darkness. That is the reason why some people wake up with pain in the spine or in the back because at night someone used them as means of transport. That is what we used to do. For example, when we organized parties to enjoy ourselves and have fun in that world, we used to take people's heads, and these heads became our balls. That is why there are people who wake up with headaches. Again, during our moments of celebration, we sang and played drums. And the bellies of unconscious sorcerers are what we used as drums. Therefore do not be surprised to see people who go to bed in good health, but wake up with abdominal pain, it is just because someone used their bellies at night as drums.

We also took the legs of people and used them as guitars. That is why you will see some people with incurably wounds. You will also see some people with problems or pains in the legs. It is simply due to the fact that someone used their legs at night as guitars. We could also take a person and sleep with him or with her, and at that moment, this person would see himself or herself in his or her dream having sex. Do you think that it was really a dream? No, beloved, it is not a dream! If such a thing happens to you, know that sorcerers are responsible for it. With other people, we ate human flesh. When you see yourself in a dream eating, you think that it is normal, you think that it is only a dream. Beloved, I would like to tell you that it is reality. It is the work of sorcerers.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 7thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

The Lord lifted me out of the mud; let His name be glorified for the deliverance He has given me. Jesus! The true God, the compassionate God, the merciful God, slow to anger and abounding in love. I call Him the God of the second chance, oh! Beloved, because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning and great is His faithfulness. Know that I testify for the glory of Jesus. If you also find yourself in those things, give your life to Jesus, He will forgive you, He is there, He needs you, He died for you. One flogged Him, spat at Him, One put a crown of thorns on his head, He received nails in His hands, in His feet, a spear in his ribs. All this for you, he needs you, He died for you, He came for you and me. He saved me and what He has done for me, He also wants to do it for you.

In third position, we have the executioners. They are the one who are in charge of killing. At this point, I would like to draw your attention to one thing. When sorcerers want to kill a person, they first begin by casting a spell on him or on her, then they steal his shadow and death follows not long after. When the person dies, his family normally takes his body, goes to bury him at the cemetery and come back home. And at night, all the sorcerers who hatched the plot of murder gather together at the cemetery. It is what I was doing. When we got there, we came together around the grave of the victim, and with the call whip, we hit the grave three times. And when they hit the grave, the person that you have buried, would come out and they would give him his shadow back. The person becomes conscious and is able to recognize all the sorcerers who surround him. The person will know that: This person is my uncle, this one is our neighbour and this one again is the father of so-and-so etc.

At that moment, even if the person shouts, "Jesus, Jesus! Come and help me!" I assure you that Jesus will not come, because the Lord Jesus is not the God of the dead but of the living. So while you are still alive, it is time to give your life to Jesus and give up all the bad things that you are doing: lies, sexual immoralities, gossip etc., because if you die without abandoning them, Jesus will not come to help you.

After all these ceremonies, we took an egg and crushed it on the head of the victim. Then, we proposed five names of animals, and we drew lots. While we draw lots, if it fell on a goat, the person would be transformed into a goat and executioners would come to dismember him. And when they finished doing the cutting up, if we wanted to create demonic possession, we took this dismembered "meat" and gave it to women of cemetery and women witches who, in turn, would go and sell it at the market in the world of the human. And when they are selling that, there is a hand on their stalls, this hand is the call hand. It is invisible to normal eyes. This hand is there on the counter and wave to call people who come to market. So when you get to the market, this hand calls you. You get there, buy dirty things, take them home and eat them. We also took the fingers of corpses, turned them into cigarettes and sold them. That is why many people find it very difficult to quit smoking, because they have already smoked human fingers without knowing it. We also turned fingers into big fries. We also took the goat feces and turned them into peanut. We took human blood and turned it into palm oil, and all these things were sold on the market. Take what I am telling you very seriously, because it is the truth.

Now that these things are on our markets, what are we going to eat? The Bible says in 1Corinthians 10:25-26: Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. What does that mean? If you are a child of God, a true Christian, you are a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. When you enter the market with the Holy Spirit in your body, this call hand cannot attract the Holy Spirit, no! The Holy Spirit will lead you only where there are healthy things. And when you buy them, you eat them, and they have no negative effect on you. The only way to be shielded from all these stains is to have Jesus Christ, and make sure that you really have Him. For the Lord alone can lead you towards pure things.

When we were sorcerers, we used to eat human flesh with fufu, but in that world, I had never seen a single cornfield, there was not even a mill. Therefore, where did witches use to find flour to prepare fufu? At the entrance of every market, sorcerers have already placed their nets. When you buy for instance two buckets of flour, when you arrived at the level of the net that you cannot see with normal eyes, they divide your flour in half and keep back a part of it. When you come back home, you look and see that you still have your two buckets of flour. But when you cook them, you eat everything, but without being full. It is because a part of it remained in the nets. And at night, sorcerers come to collect everything they have drawn in order to cook their fufu. From now on, when you go to the market, you should pray before leaving your home, send fire on the nets of the sorcerers so that these nets do not hold your flour, and that their nets be burnt by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

It may happen that at a certain point, someone tells you: I saw Mr. or Ms so-and-so. And you reply by saying: No! The person you are talking about is already dead and has even been buried. But the other person tells you: No! I saw him. What does that mean? That means that sorcerers have already sacrificed him, but have not eaten him yet. They would give the victim back to the person who had sacrificed him and he or she shall use him: either for fishing, or in fields, or for hunting and during that time, one can still see the victim. And it is when the victim gets tired that they finish him off and eat his body. But if there are sorcerers that they want to promote, they will not turn the victim into a beast, they will leave him the way he is. There, there are large pots with boiling water inside. And these pots are put on wood fire. Then they take the victim, and throw him in the pot. The person will eventually die from the pain he will feel in the pot. And after that, they will remove him from there and will start dismembering his body, and sorcerers who want to be promoted will eat the human flesh at his normal state, at the human state.

Holy water

Now if they want to create another form of possession, they would kill a person, recover his body, and leave it for 4 days. After 4 days, the body begins to swell and the fourth day, it begins to decompose and in the decomposition process, the body begins to secrete a liquid. We took that liquid and then gave it to false prophets as holy water. There are people among us who have already drunk water from the prophets, especially women, because they are the ones who like prophecies very much. Beloved, the prophecy par excellence is the word of God. The word of God is the key to everything. That is what we used to do with false prophets, we gave them that water and people went to their house to get it. Many people believe that they can be freed only when one makes them drink holy water or anointing oil, or when one makes them pass through fire. No, my beloved! That is not how you can obtain deliverance. Deliverance is in the name of Jesus only. [...] The brother gives a warning about the slip-up related to the misuse of oil in churches today. He mentions among other things the so-called oils of marriage, of fecundity etc. He continued by saying that God is not behind those things, and that all those practices come from the devil.


I am going to talk about wrestling. But before that let us read the Word of God in Job 20:15; 18.

Job 20:15: He will spit out the riches he swallowed; God will make his stomach vomit them up. ... 18: What he toiled for he must give back uneaten; he will not enjoy the profit from his trading.

I know that there are many people among us who have already been at a stadium to watch wrestling. There are people among us who have already followed wrestlers as they were passing on the road advertising themselves. There are many of them. But what is more serious is the fact that people do not know what wrestlers do. Many people believe that wrestling is a sport. Wrestling is satanism hidden behind a sport’s facade.

How witches destroy marriages

Before talking about wrestling, I would like to tell you that there are many sorcerers in the Church. I ask them to abandon their witchcraft. I will explain to you how sorcerers destroy marriages. Nobody here can say that he has never asked for drinking water to someone else. If a sorcerer wants to destroy your marriage, the drinking water that you ask him will be used as an open door to reach you. Before giving you water, he would first spit in the cup. As soon as you drink this tainted water, you are infected, and you start to behave insolently and disrespectfully towards your partner. The saliva that he puts in the water is a support where demons will land. When you drink this water, these demons come in you, and they are the ones that urge you to change your behaviour. You begin to bicker and the result is divorce. If you purify this water in the name of Jesus before drinking it, you will cancel these incantations. It is for that reason that you should always purify everything in the name of Jesus.

I will give you another example. We are here in Africa. People often go to each others house to get some fire. If your neighbour come to look for fire at your place, will you throw her out? Certainly not! Yet when you are dealing with a witch, as soon as she arrives at your place, she holds in her hand a powder called "powder aspergillum", and this powder is invisible to normal eyes. While the witch takes the fire, she would open her hand, this powder would remain on your brazier and serve as a gateway to demons in your home. And these demons are the ones that are going to urge you to bicker, to the point of getting divorced. So you must pray every time to cover your house with the fire of God.

Let us go back to the topic wrestling. When I was still in secondary school, we used to have fun with friends. We used to make small rings, we placed four stakes and put robs around them. And then, we put chips there and played. There are many children who also do that. Here I draw the attention of parents. When you see things like that, when your children start to give themselves names of wrestlers and play, do not believe that it is just a game. No, for the devil it is not a game. He always want to take advantage of that, you must forbid that to your children. When we were playing like that with friends, I was already a sorcerer and many people were coming over there.

One day, I was already a sorcerer, I said to my friends: We now have to seek for power in order to give demonstrations. Although everything we did was free of charge, we still had to seek for powers. And each of us had to go alone to seek power. So one day I left the college. When I got to the Boulevard of Independence, I passed the hospital Daco, and I arrived at the stadium of Dikoula. Having looked at the board, I noticed that there were wrestling matches that were organized, and wrestlers from different cities were invited. I took the opportunity to go and meet a wrestler from Kolwezi, at "Amani" hotel. When I got there, I talked with him, and I gave him the reason of my visit. After he heard what I said to him, he began to laugh and said: "Buy me a beer first." I bought him a beer, and at the end, he told me: "Since you are the one who came by yourself to ask for this mystical force, you have to look for the objects that I will mention." He gave me the list of the objects to look for, and I left him.

When I got all those things, I went back to see him, it was almost 7:30 pm. But when I arrived, instead of starting the ceremony immediately, he first talked to me about other things. At 11:30 pm, he told me again: "Since you are the one who came here by yourself to seek for power, you will go with all these objects that you brought to the cemetery, you will place them on a grave, and when you get there you will utter an incantation. [...]. And at 11:30 pm I left "Amani" hotel alone, and went to the cemetery of sapins. [...] At this point the brother describes the way to the cemetery and all the ceremonies that occurred. After that, I went back to the wrestler's place, I explained to him all that I had done during night at the cemetery, and he asked me to come back in the evening. [...] the brother continued his testimony by describing other scenes of his initiation at the wrestler's place.

And then, he first gave me a red cassock on which was written "zagame", the name of a demon that is in control of nine cemeteries, and he told me this: "When you arrive at home, at midnight, you will take all your clothes off and wear this cassock, you will utter incantations and go to bed." That was what I did. In the morning when I woke up, I looked under my pillow and there was a small package. When I opened it, there was a green powder inside. I then took that powder and I went to see the wrestler at the hotel. When I arrived there, he told me this again: "Since you are the one who came by yourself to seek for power, at night you will go to the cemetery and you will dig up a skull." And at night, I went there with a pick, I took the road that leads to "Kolwezi".

I stopped at the cemetery Katouzémbé. [...] After I had done what the wrestler had asked me to at the cemetery, I went back to see him. When I gave him all that I had taken at the cemetery, he told me this: Now, take money, splash it with the powder that you got, and go and throw it on the road in two different places. I went and I acted according to his recommendations. A day later, I returned to see the wrestler, and when I arrived at his place, I noticed that the skull that I had given him was filled with blood. This blood was that of the two people who had picked up the money I had thrown on the road. Watch out my beloved, for you may sell your life to a truly ridiculous price. There are people who, when they find money on the road, they look at all sides and if they see that there is no one there, they pick it up and put it in their pocket. This is very dangerous!

And when the skull was filled with blood, he gave it to me, asked me to drink it, and I drank it. Then he told me: You will splash a river with the remaining part of the powder. You will look for a river which is very frequented. And then I went to the river Pola in Nkolomoni. There were many young people who used to bathe there and also many women who used to go there to do the washing. And the wrestler also told me this: "When you splash it with the powder, the people who bathe there will automatically come into contact with demons, and the clothes of the people who do the laundry there will be infected with demons. So, the people who will wear these clothes will suffer, and when they will be in pain, you will have success. "I did all that he had told me, I splashed the river with this powder and two days later, two boys died there. [...] Another sequence of his initiation.

And the day after, I returned at the wrestler's place, and he told me: "Today we are going to conclude." [...] The initiation continues in the wrestler's home. The brother carries on with his testimony: In his room, there was a piece of wood with which he started hitting me. And while he was hitting me, I had the impression that he was scratching me. And thereafter, even the piece of wood broke. Later on, he took a fighting stance and gave me four forearm blows in the chest. When one talks about forearm blow in wrestling, one is speaking about the forearm, it is a strike at the level of the chest. He struck me four times, but I felt like he was scratching me. I had not even moved, I looked at him, and then the wrestler began to shake. He looked at me and told me: "Anyway, you are a great person."

And after that, he gave me a soap called Lux (in french "savon Lux"). When you look at this soap carefully, you see the picture of a lady. She is a lady of the world of the darkness, her name is Mrs Sophie. So when you buy this soap, before using it, purify it. God willing, I will also tell about the different ladies that you see on the beauty lotions (Diprosone, Rico, Johanna ...) and even on make-up products (red, mauve ...) and I will talk about demons that act on those things.

Then he gave me this soap. In a corner of his room there was a vase, and inside, there were water and some roots. And he asked me to go and bathe there. After I had bathed, he told me: "Keep the suds in your hair, do not remove them." And he asked me to come and lie on the bed next to him and he told me again: You should remove the suds at first cockcrow, but if you fall asleep and do not hear the cockcrow, know that you will die in your sleep. And that day, beloved, I was lying on the bed beside the wrestler with open eyes. I often say that satanists are very serious. Because when one asks them to do something, they comply immediately. When lucifer told us for example that we would have a meeting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean at 1am, at midnight all of us were already there, because if we arrived with only one minute delay, that is at 1:01 am, the devil would kill us automatically. But among the Children of God, it is not the case. If the shepherd gives them an order, it is not everyone who obeys.

Beloved, in 1Samuel 15:22 the Bible tells us: "To obey is better than sacrifice". I obeyed and around 3am when the cock crowed, I woke up quickly and went to remove all the suds in the vase and went back to bed. Around 5am, the wrestler woke me up and told me: "Take the vase now, go and pour out its content on the road." I went out, and I went and poured out the contents of the vase at the health center which is near the junction of the avenues Michel Kassongo and the social House. After that, I went back to see the wrestler, and at about 7am, he said to me: "In a few minutes, we will see if you have succeeded."

A few minutes later, I felt as if someone had stabbed me in the stomach. I felt that something began to flow in my body, I felt like it was going up to the chest and down to the forearm. When it arrived in the forearm, I realized that it was a big nail that was in my body. And he told me this: The nail that you are seeing is the power of "tarzan engine", and it works with the spirit of the first person who set foot on what you have poured on the road. So I went out with the fetish, that power, and the jaguar skin.

There are many people who say, "No, for someone to be able to kill me, he must be a member of my family." Do not be so sure! The person, who set foot on what I had poured on the road, was not a member of my family. Learn to start your day with the Lord Jesus. For while you sleep at night, sorcerers, satanists, magicians are constantly multiplying traps. And today we see many people who make slogans. When they arrive somewhere and realize that they have trampled on something, they say: "no effect." Beloved, be careful. The "no effect" is not a slogan. If you do not walk in the fear of God, and it happens that you set foot on such things, even if you say "no effect", I assure you, there will be consequences. The verse of Isaiah 54:17 which says: "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord." is only for those who walk in the fear of God. So if you start your day with Jesus, He will precede you on the road and destroy all the traps of the wicked that await you there. The Lord will void all these fetishes on your way before you pass there.

The consequences of wrestling

I know that there are wrestlers who have already testified. But they were not in the mystery of the air, they did not know how demons work. They were only doing their demonstrations, they did not know themselves what they were doing to the spectators. I was a satanist beside lucifer. I had 406 demons that were at my service, and I saw how lucifer sent the demons in this world. Even when wrestlers advertise themselves and pass on the road singing, they attract a lot of people. All those people are unaware of the plans of satan.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

I apologise that I left out Testimony No. 4. So we will be ending with Testimony No. 4 rather than Testimony No. 13.
This is so that no one's reading will be disturbed by my removing links and Testimonies to it put back in order.
Thank you for your patience.
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This testimony is the 8thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

While wrestlers pass on the road, firstly, if there is a pregnant woman, she will automatically lose her pregnancy through a miscarriage. Secondly, they even steal the fertility of young girls. There are some girls who find themselves infertile because they followed wrestlers when they were younger. Thirdly, they robbed young girls of the chance of getting married. The Bible says this in Ecclesiastes 7:14: "When times are bad, consider." Beloved, consider, try to find out the origin of the situation you are going through. You can start condemning people, while your misfortune might have come from the fact that, when you were younger, you were attracted by wrestlers who were passing and whom you had followed, being unaware of the consequences of what you were doing. God says in Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

So when wrestlers are in the stadium fighting against one another, they first start with fighting techniques that they have learned through wrestling. About wrestling, there is at first what one calls Greco-Roman wrestling, after that comes the Olympic freestyle wrestling, and finally the self-defense. I also did all these fighting techniques that I just mentioned. And then, they go on to the second phase. This phase of the fight is satanic, it is at this level that you see demonstrations of power.

At some point of the fight, one sounds the trumpets. This has two functions: To stop the legions of demons of the opponent, and call out the legions of demons that are favourable to that wrestler. When the demons that one has invoked, leave the world of satan and come, they enter the stadium, walk first on the heads of the spectators before reaching the ring. That is why when you observe well, you see that people who go to a wrestling match return home tired. So, when these demons arrive in the ring, the wrestler who invoked them, uses them to bring down his opponent. The opponent would either fall, the referee counts, and then he gets up again, or the opponent would tend to fall. At some point, you will see that he begins to resist, and when he resists, it means that the demons that came are not capable of bringing him down. So, the other guy will hypnotize his opponent. And when he hypnotizes him, you see him making some gestures. People do not know what that means. In fact, when he makes those gestures, he takes the demons who came and sends them back to the crowd of spectators. When these demons go to the crowd, they shorten the life expectancy of the people who are present. And when they return to the wrestler, he uses it to strike his opponent, and that is how he wins the fight. When he wins, the spectators begin to acclaim without knowing that this man just won because he used the power that he obtained by shortening their life expectancy.

Beloved, only God knows the number of years that we are going to spend on this earth. But because of this kind of show, the devil has already shortened the life expectancy of many people. It is the reason why some people die early. We know that we will all die. But if one has to die, one must die at God's appointed time and not at the time appointed by the devil. For you, who already have already been to a stadium to watch a wrestling match, know that the devil has already shortened your life expectancy. And if your children or your husband like wrestling, and have already been to a wrestling match, know also that satan has already shortened their life expectancy. How many times did you go to a stadium where a wrestling match is taking place? How many years do you still have left?

When you go to a stadium where a wrestling match is taking place, you are no longer in the presence of God, you are no longer protected by God, and the devil can do with you whatever he wants. But do not give up hope, because the Man of serious cases, who is the Lord Jesus, will give you back the years that the devil has stolen from your life, if you repent. Come to Jesus now, accept Him as your Saviour and your Lord, and He will restore all the blessings that the agents of satan have stolen from you, all these years that wrestlers have taken from your life. If you come to Jesus, He will wipe every tear from your eyes. The Bible tells us in Joel 2:25 I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten - the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm - my great army that I sent among you. If you make Jesus your Lord, your enemies will cower before you. Deuteronomy 33:29 tells us: Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places.

The power of praise and worship

The secret to be pleasant to our God is to praise and worship Him, because He dwells in the praises and worships of His people. When we worship our God, He opens the heaven and all the good things that we are looking for, come down into our lives. Know that all the good things you are looking for are in the hand of God. You just have to worship Him properly and He will give you the desires of your heart. But because the devil knows that, he has already redirected the worship. The devil has directed to himself the worship which should normally go to God, by urging the humans to do things that do not reflect the glory of God. The Bible says that we should give God the glory in every circumstance. But if you examine your life very well, you will realize that what you do, how you live, how you behave does not reflect the glory of God. And know that when you do such things, you are worshiping the devil without knowing it. Know that there are demons that urge you to do all those things, and through this testimony, the Lord is opening your eyes. The devil will no longer have worship. It is our God alone who will be worshiped from now on.

The devil and his organization

Beloved, when you want to fight an enemy, it is really indispensable to know him as well as his tricks and strategies. And when you discover them, you can use suitable weapons. You can attack from the right, while your enemy is on the left, and in this case, it is difficult to hit him. For this reason, you have to know about the devil and his organization.

The fourth commandment says: Keep Christians in poverty by telling them not to give tithes and offerings.

The fifth commandment says: Go and spread hatred among Christians and divisions in churches. There are things that we see. You will see people of the same church, of the same community, who do not talk to each other but call themselves christians. Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24: So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. If you do not do that, you are wasting your time. John 15:12 says: Love one another as I have loved you. Romans 13:8 says: Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. The devil likes it when there is hatred among Christians. That is the ministry of the snake. And here, the devil uses many women in slander and malicious gossip. When a snake wants to go from one point to another, it never follows a straight path. Even if the point is in front of him, he will make a broken line.

That is how the devil works. There are people, especially women, who go from house to house to cause slander, and through their backbiting, they create many confrontations and serious problems between the people who listened to them. There are women who are specialists in that field: That is the work of the devil. As for divisions, it is a principle of the devil, divide and rule. Know that whatever the problem you have, there is always a solution before God.

The sixth commandment says: Do not allow Christians to preach, teach and testify the glory of God. Regarding preaching and teaching, it is related to what is said in Romans 10:17: So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Thus, the devil does not want the Children of God to be taught. He does not want anyone to teach the Children of God, because if they are taught, if they receive the preaching, their faith will be strengthened. Because as soon as one has faith, automatically, one can easily resist the devil and be pleasant to God. That is why he was sending us to churches so that we disturb teachings as well as preaching. And I explained to you how we succeeded in tying up the tongue of the preachers.

When I testify, I am grateful for what Jesus has done in my life, the deliverance that Jesus has given me, He gave it to me free of charge. I did not pay anything, but it is by grace and I must testify to show my gratitude.

The seventh commandment says: Go and spread polygamy and I will have several souls. Nowadays, there are some churches that support polygamy, and there are some pastors who even promote polygamy. Know that it is a commandment of the devil. When we read Genesis 2:24 the Bible says: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, here one makes it clear: he shall hold fast to his wife and not to his wives. Know that the will of God is that every man has only one wife if he is married, polygamy and cohabitation are sins before God. The second aspect of this commandment says: "I will have many souls." It simply means that children, who will be born in these concocted marriages, are souls that are already at the disposal of lucifer.

Such marriages that are not in the will of God are sins and that sin has serious repercussions on the children who will be born through this marriage, because they are born already under the curse. You who descend from a polygamous marriage, you did not ask your parents to father you in such a marriage. What you can do, is to ask God for forgiveness for this sin of your parents and beg the Lord Jesus to sanctify you with His blood, and to wipe away that sin. And in that way, the blood of Jesus will set you free and the devil will no longer have power over your life.

The eighth commandment says: Subject Christians to the worship of images and idols. You will see some Christians who have images of a false Jesus with a red heart and images of Mary in their houses. The Bible says that cursed be on the man who suppresses the truth. I know the truth about catholicism and if I do not tell it to you, I shall be cursed. I will talk about the holy magic in details, because I have been initiated into that magic by a Spanish catholic priest. I know that talking about catholicism is provoking a war, because catholicism is a whole government. Many satanists hide in the catholic church and they will try to fight me. I am not afraid! I know one thing, as long as the mission that Jesus gave me is not complete, I will not die whatever is done against me! I know it and I have faith. The Bible says: If God is for us, who can be against us? They will fight against me but will never overcome me, never.

Know that a child of God can not fear death, because for him, death is just a sleep, and when the trumpet will sound, he will rise to meet the Lord in the air. If a child of God is still afraid of death, it is at least a proof that there is still sin in his life. And even if he is afraid of death, is he eternal? Then what? It is better to die for Jesus because even if you hide, even if you have the most efficient doctors of the world, know that death will not ask anyone's opinion when it will come to take you. You'd better be reconciled with the living God, before it is too late.

Many people believe that if they die today, it is the end. No, I am bound to tell you the truth, if you die in sin, know that it is the beginning of suffering. Abandon the life of sin because it is sin that gives access to the devil in your life. The devil finds his strength in the sin. Even the Bible tells us that the sting of death is sin.

Ninth Commandment. The ninth commandment has two parts:

The worship of the ancestors

The first part says: Subject Christians or the entire mankind to the worship of the ancestors. Speaking of the worship of the ancestors, I can give you a down-to-earth example. There are people who, inadvertently, drop some food on the floor while they eat and tell themselves: It is for the ancestors. And a few minutes later, you notice that the food is still there, and sometimes, there are even ants which come and settle on it. My beloved, it is really absurd! It is the devil who torments you like that! Did your ancestors become ants?

I will give you another example of practice of the worship of ancestors. It is about tribalism. Lucifer himself told us that tribalism in the Church is the cult of the ancestors. There are some churches where tribalism is in full swing, one appoints people according to their tribes. As Children of God, we have the same Father, God. So if you see churches where there is tribalism, know that it is the devil that reigns there.

Still speaking of the worship of ancestors, in some religions, one will tell you that it is difficult to reach God, but that there are still some people who really aimed at perfection during their earthly life, and those people are called saints. So they will tell you that we must first pray to the saints, and in turn, they will pass the prayer on to Mary, who in turn will pass it on to her Son Jesus and Jesus in turn will pass it on to His Father. Beloved, why all these long gymnastics? The Bible says in 1Timothy 2:5: For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. It is in the name of Jesus alone that we must pray. Jesus Himself said: "And I will do whatever you ask in My name." So why these long gymnastics? Salvation is found in no other name than the name of Jesus


The second part of the ninth commandment says: Subject Christians to television so that they will not be able to resist temptation. You just need to look at young people today. They are destroyed because of television. They try to be stars because they want to do like this or that musician. They try to dress in a filthy way, because they want to imitate the stars that they saw on TV ... Please note that we must not watch anything.

Beloved, we are Children of God, we are in the world but not of the world. Today, there are sisters who do not know how to dress because of television. There are christians who do not even know two passages of the Bible. But when you talk to them about this or that movie, they are able to explain to you all the sequences of the movie. They know all episodes by heart and they would explain them to you as if they were there during the making of this movie. They would even explain to you what has not been said. They would tell you for example: At this level, they should have done this rather than that. But do not ask them to give you a single passage of the Bible, they will not know it. It is this type of christians who fill the churches today.

Know that everything will pass away, but the word of God endures for ever. Yet you attach importance to short-lived things, and you neglect the Word that gives life, heals, saves, blesses, and delivers. You neglect the most important thing. But when it is about the TV-show '24', you are number one, when it is about "prison break", you know everything, you even explain the episodes which are still in process and which have not yet been produced.

Beloved, beware! There are also so-called christian movies such as Karachika. Many people believe that this movie is a christian movie. Know that those who made it are not christians. Who has already given his life to the Lord Jesus only because he watched the movie Karachika? We had watched these movies already in the world of satan before they arrived in this world in 1999-2000. We had already watched it in 1994 in the department of prince Talus. Prince Talus is the demon that exerts a negative influence on all those who bear the name Guillain.

Studying mankind, lucifer told us: Man in his nature is more attracted by evil than by good. So when you watch this film, at first, they show you mystical things, it is only toward the end that they show you a short sequence of a servant of God who triumphs. But when you watch this movie, you only remember what is negative. It is bewitchment spell. Avoid horror, zombies, vampires, etc. movies. Avoid watching these movies. Because they create fear, and when you are afraid, you can not fight the devil. There are some people who cannot even go out at night because they saw a horror movie. Can you chase demons away when you are trembling? To chase a demon away, you should take authority on it, but if you are afraid, how can you chase it away? Know that it is the devil who urges people to make all these horror, vampire, zombie... movies. And the majority of those who make horror films are satanists. In the coming days, I am going to give you the names of some actors satanists like the man who made the movie "Blade", Wesley Snipes, he is a ready-made satanist.

Still regarding the second part of the ninth commandment, there are pornographic movies. There are even christians who have such movies in their houses. What are you looking for when you watch this kind of movies? There are even young people who go on the Internet to watch pornographic movies. What are you looking for? Beloved, we must fear God.

The tenth commandment says: Never mention the name of the so-called Creator and His Only Begotten Son. Why? Because the Bible tells us in Romans 10:13: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. In short, those are all the commandments of satan. Now, if you find yourself in one of these commandments that I have just mentioned, know that the devil has a grip on you. You must repent and cast away the evil spirits which are in you.

Beloved, if God allows it, I will talk about the spiritual sleep or apostasy. There is a man on this earth who does not have a human father. His mother is Jewess and his father is lucifer. This man is captain Samannelli. He is a multibillionaire, and for the moment, he is in Vatican because the papacy is the shadow of the antichrist. Thus, it is in him that the spirit of the antichrist will become incarnate. He is already on earth, he is in Vatican and finances many NGOs. Beware of NGOs, beware of the donations and gifts that one gives to you. When you receive those things, you must pray on them before using them. They are poisoned gifts.

I will give you the characteristics of the churches of satan, I will not really have time to mention the names of the churches, but from the characteristics, you will know how to recognize the churches of satan, yourselves. I will give you even the plan of action of lucifer in order to create the spiritual sleep in the Church. That is the apostasy, which is nothing else but the abandonment of faith. Know that homosexuality, marriage between gays and lesbians, is the will of lucifer. It is among the points which are on his plan of action.

In this world, my beloved, there are two armies in opposition. There is on one hand the army of satan, and on the other hand the army of Jesus. For the army of satan, the commander in chief is lucifer himself. As for the army of God, the Commander in Chief is Jesus, the King of kings. These two armies have each two parts. The invisible part of the army of satan are the devil, the fallen angels and the demons. The visible part are sorcerers, magicians, wrestlers, rosicrucians, all human beings who work for the devil. For the army of Jesus, the part that is invisible is Jesus and the angels who remained faithful to God, and the visible part is the Church. Not just any church, but the one where the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is accepted.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 9thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

The army of Jesus is more powerful than that of satan. Know that Jesus is recruiting soldiers for His army. If you enter the army of Jesus, you will have the authority, the power to trample on the army of satan. Jesus Himself said: I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. So, if you enter the army of Jesus, you will have the power to trample on sorcerers, magicians, wrestlers, rosicrucians, eckankars, demons and even on the devil, and nothing will harm you. The Bible says in Job 7:1: Does not man have hard service on earth? ... If you enter the army of Jesus, you will be accompanied by signs. Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

The enemies of satan

Lucifer has three categories of enemies. The first category is the woman because she is the one who gave birth to the child who came to destroy the works of the devil. Because she is also the one who continues to give birth to the servants of God who destroy the works of the devil. The second category is anyone who obeys God’s commandments and holds to the testimony of Jesus. Anyone who gave his life to Jesus is automatically an enemy of satan. The third category is any person who is born of a woman, including sorcerers who are yet working for the devil. For satan, there are nothing but enemies. You sorcerer, keep in mind that satan will not treat you with softness because you work for him. When you will die, chains and a padlock are what are waiting for you in the astral world.

The mystery of death

Let us read Deuteronomy 30:19, Ecclesiastes 8:8 and John 14:6.

Deuteronomy 30:19: This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

Ecclesiastes 8:8: No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.

John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Before you, there are life and death. You must make the choice by yourself. If you make a wrong choice, you shall be cursed you and your descendants. But if you make a good choice, you will be blessed, you as well as your descendants, as we have just read. Many people believe that if they die it is the end. But know that for a sinner, death is the beginning of suffering. I have lived in the world of lucifer. I was in the astral world. I saw horrible things, my beloved. For you who have the privilege to have this testimony, you will have no excuse before the Lord.

I died on December 20th, 2003. And people were getting ready to go and bury me. But in the mean time, I was already in the astral world, chained from feet to mouth, with a big padlock. I invite you to put your life in order before the Lord. No man has power over the wind to contain it. No one has power over the day of his death. When death comes, whoever you are, death will not be afraid of you.

The army of satan

In the army of satan, there are satanics and satanists. Satanics are angels which fell with lucifer. But satanists are human beings who work for satan. Satanics are rebellious angels. They are the ones that occupy the second position. And there are 144 000 of them. This means the third of the angels of God who were corrupted by lucifer. From the 144, 000, satan took 72. They are called the 72 gods. It is with those 72 gods that he formed his government. He divided the 72 into nine groups. And in the catholic "church", which is nothing but a satanic church, the nine groups are called the nine orders of angels. And here I draw your attention: You should never make prayers to angels. You must pray to God in Jesus’ name. It is in the name of Jesus that we have protection. You should never invoke the angels because the devil gave his angels the names of the angels of God. As Children of God, we do not need to invoke the angels because before God we have more value than the angels.

As for the nine groups, satan called the first, the seraphim, (yet in the army of God, there are also Seraphim). The second, the cherubim; the third, the virtues; the fourth, the thrones or the authorities; the fifth, dominations; the sixth, the powers; the seventh, the principalities; the eighth, the archangels; the ninth, the angels. And after that, the devil created a triad. After the triad, comes what is called the divinity of lucifer, then comes the royalty of lucifer, after that come the four kings, the ministry of lucifer and the demons. There are six ministers of lucifer, who are each in charge of one day of the week. And since there are seven days in the week, lucifer himself works as a minister. Know that demons work 24 hour-a-day. But the hours I am going to give you, are rush hours, the hours when decisions are taken to send demons.

Monday: The one who is in charge is lucifer himself. He works from 11pm to 12pm and from 3am to 4am. His assignment is the destruction in all fields. When you read John 10:10, one talks about the thief who comes only to steal and kill and destroy. So if you observe the Monday very well, you will see that there is dullness. Things are not doing well.

Tuesday: The one who is in charge is Nabroth. He works from 9am to 10am and from 9pm to 10pm. His assignment is to spread the honour and the glory of lucifer in the world. He is the one who urges human beings to do things that reflect the glory of satan. When you lie or when you listen to worldly music, whose glory is that? Beloved, when I was in the world of "Gould-Eze," the world which is run by the dragon of mountain that is called Zeous, I saw musicians, those who make worldly music. There were musicians who swallowed snakes with two heads, musicians who swallowed snakes with three heads. And you will see a musician when he sings, he changes voices. Well, in fact there is only one voice which belongs to him, and the two other voices are voices that are sung by demons. And by listening to this music in your house, you invite demons there.

It is funny beloved. There are people in the house of whom it is the devil who reigns through worldly music. But when they have problems, they go quickly to Jesus: "Jesus, help me, help me." No! Jesus will not help you because in your house, it is the devil who reigns. Here I draw the attention of parents. Do not submit to the whims of your children. Because when they play worldly music in your houses, demons come in and everybody in the house is hit by those demons. When demons come in and put the mess in the house, there are blockages and difficulties, and no one escapes. As Children of God, we must know that we are in the world without being of the world. You might miss heaven because of useless things.

The angels of satan that work have a multitude of demons. Satan is there and takes decisions to send demons. A single angel of satan can have many legions of demons, and a legion of demons consists of 13 000 demons. When you obey this angel who works for satan, what you are doing is an adoration which is directed to lucifer. Yet if you worship the devil through your act, how can God bless you? Can the devil bless you? The devil has no blessings, how then can he bless you? He is also cursed, he has curse. If you adore him, you will also be cursed like him.

Wednesday: The one who is in charge is Astarote. I would like to stress on this point. He works from 9pm to 10pm. His assignment is to spread pride and self-esteem in the world. There are people who are complicated. When they arrive somewhere, everyone should notice that they are there. Other people have nothing to say. When they are there, they always try to put themselves forward. "I know everything". What do you know? Always saying I, I, I! Who are you? If the Lord Jesus removes your breath, you will be a dust that will be thrown somewhere. Pride goes before the fall. The Bible says in James 4:6 "... God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." The Bible also tells us in James 4:10 "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." Humility comes before honour. Pride, why pride? Pride before the parents, pride everywhere! If you have pride, know that there are demons in you. The devil himself has lost his place in Heaven because of pride. This angel of the devil works even with the so-called servants of God. That is why you will see people who preach full of pride. When you see men of God who preach with pride, know that they are manipulated by the devil.

Thursday: The one who is in charge is Akam. He works seriously from 9am to 10am, from 9pm to midnight, and from 3am to 4am. His assignment is to spread hatred and division in Churches and families. It goes together with the fifth commandment of lucifer that says: Go and spread hatred and divisions within the Churches.

Friday: The one who is in charge is Beke. He works from 11pm to midnight. His assignment is to divert people from the work of God and subject them to the wealth as well as to the authority of this world. If you analyze your life very well, you will notice that there is a difference between the way you used to serve God and the way you are serving Him now. You will see that you have regressed significantly. It is this demon who is responsible for that. He drives you straight to the curse. For the Bible tells us in Jeremiah 48:10: "A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! ..." And Jesus Himself said in Revelation 2:4-5: "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. ...". But Béké does not work alone. He works with a demon called Panchard. It is the demon who coordinates the spirits of dead people. That is why in the catholic sect, there is a requiem mass on Friday.

Here I want to digress a bit. In the requiem mass, if a believer of this satanic sect is dead, you will see, people will carry the coffin, and put it in front of the door. They will close all the doors, and you will see these so-called priests come there with an acolyte. The acolyte will hold a vase where there is some water called holy water. In this vase there is something called sprinkler. The priest will take it and begin to sprinkle the coffin with strength. And it is only after that, that one will open the door, and people will go in, even the coffin, and the mass will begin. At one moment, you will hear the priest say: "It is great the mystery of faith." Sometimes, one sings it. The priest will then take the censer, will start to walk around the coffin, and you will notice that the coffin will be surrounded by smoke. When he says: "It is great the mystery of faith", from that moment, there is a white stone which is on the left side of the sacristy, that stone opens itself and there are four legions of demons who enter. When they enter, they walk on the heads of people who attend that mass. Then they will enter the smoke that surrounds the coffin. And then you will notice a smell of incense. When you inhale this smell, the demons enter in you. And here, I appeal to the God who delivered me as a witness. If what I am telling you is not the truth, let my God strike me even now. What I am telling you is the truth and all priests know it.

Little piece of advice. Never enter this satanic church. If, for example, someone dies in your neighborhood, if the person is a member of this satanic sect, if you choose to go to his funeral, as soon as they arrive in front of their temple, stay outside until they finish their nonsense. When they will come out, you can accompany them to the cemetery, that is all. When I was satanist, I had mystical books. I had the new revised standard version bible (nrsv), the bible of Jerusalem. I will explain to you how one uses the deuterocanonical books and the apocrypha, how one converts them into mystical prayers. The true Bible has 66 books. The books that one adds, Sirach, Greek Esther, Greek Daniel, Maccabees, all those books are books added by the devil.

I had the 6th and 7th book of Moses. But in the Bible, the Pentateuch has five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. But in satanism, there is the 6th and 7th book of Moses. I had a book on which was written "incantations." I even had grimoires (a grimoire is a book of magic spells). I had the grimoire pentacle of St. Peter, grimoire pentacle of St. John the Baptist, grimoires of solomonic magic, satanic pentagram of pope Pius XII. And when you read the grimoires, toward the end it is written: "Every priest is a magician." I tell you the truth, every priest is a magician.

Do you want the proof? When you go to the cemetery, you see a magician, he arrives on a grave, in the grave, there are bones. The magician takes two candles, put them there and starts uttering incantations. You also go to a catholic church, there in front, on the altar, when the priest leaves the sacristy, he comes with his acolytes and other servants, they arrive in front at the level of the platform. Everyone kneels down and the priest will go up alone. He arrives there and has to kiss the altar. Give me a passage in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, where it is said that a priest, to say mass, must kiss the altar.

What happens beloved? There are two stones, it is what is called the concept of purgatory. Those two stones were cut in Jerusalem. Where there was the sepulcher of Jesus, at the entrance there was a stone, and inside, there was another stone where the body of the Lord was laid. Those people went to Jerusalem, from the stone that is at the entrance, they cut a part and from the stone that is inside, they cut a second part. The part cut from the entrance stone is called Petras, and the one cut from the inside stone is called Petros. They took the two stones and brought them to the world Armstrong. And when they arrived there, through mystical ceremonies, they enlarged those stones. Wherever they want to build a temple which will house this religion, they must go in the world Armstrong to cut pieces from those two stones.

The first stone, Petras, is the one that one puts at the foundation's pipe, on the left side of the sacristy while one builds the temple. With these two stones, when a satanist wants to go to the world of darkness, he reads an incantation which is in the book called missal (it is a prayer book). They read words that I cannot mention here. And after that, when they go to a place where there is a building that houses this religion, they can only turn three times, and automatically, the stone of the sacristy will be visible (they do it at night) and as soon as they touch it, they enter through it and go to the world of satan.

The second stone is the one called the altar stone. One puts that stone there. One gives these lessons even to young people who are in the ministry of acolyte in the liturgy. And in the liturgy, they are told that this place is called "altar cavity or altar tomb." Look for yourself, a tomb in the Church of God! Beloved, there are things that are really clear. How can one find a tomb in a Church? And so when one gets there, near that stone, there are relics. Some times they are bones. If the church bears the name of a saint, one will put the relics of that saint. And when the priest arrives, when he kisses the altar, he automatically becomes half-man, half-animal, his tongue becomes the tongue of the serpent. And he begins to read the mass. That creates contact with the world of darkness.

But what is the difference between a priest who does that and a magician that one finds at the cemetery? The two candles represent the two pillars of the cabalistic tree of life. The candle on the right is called the pillar of mercy, the candle on the left is called the pillar of rigour. And it allows the coming down of solar divinities. And now, when one takes the censer, pours the incense in, smoke rises. That is to reach the ninth emanation, which is the emanation of lucifer, in order to bring down the influence of lucifer in the church. Be very careful, all that I am telling you is the truth. Now let us talk about the demon who works on Saturday.

Saturday: The demon who is in charge is Nabam. He has two assignments. He works from 11pm to midnight.

His first assignment: It is to urge human beings into stubbornness. This demon is the one that urges many people not to follow the advice that one gives them, till the day when they will see the adverse consequences of their actions. It is only then, that they will remember the advice that one had given to them. For example, one asks you to give up sexual immoralities. You persist in doing it. But the day that you get pregnant and that the one who has impregnated you, runs away, you begin to remember the advice that one had given to you, and you say to yourself "if I had understood what one told me ..." Or one tells you, do not cheat, and you do not obey. One day one catches you cheating, one gives you a zero score for the examination. And it is only at that moment that you begin to recall the advice that one had given to you. There are some people who relativize by saying that "sometimes consequences correct better than advice." Be careful! Because the consequences are different. If one tells you: Give up sexual immorality, and you do not obey, and one day you hear that a man whom you were dating, died of AIDS. You see how serious the consequences might be? But for us who are Children of God, the Bible says in 1Samuel 15:22: ... To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

His second assignment: It is to urge human beings into stardom. Today you see young men with earrings, relaxed hair, braided hair. Because they have seen this musician or that star with braided hair, and they start to copy them. These demons work seriously even in Churches. You can clearly see it in the way people dress themselves. There are some people who come to Church to compete with one another, and put themselves forward, instead of seeking God. In the Church, these demons often work in choir groups, praise groups, especially the chorus-singers. There are chorus-singers who sing to be admired, instead of singing for the glory of God. Similarly, melodies and worldly dances have already been introduced in the Church of God. Beloved, understand very well that you must fear God. The Bible says in Joshua 24:14: Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.

And on Saturday, he works with Sankai, the demon of music. You know the musician Pépé Kallé, he is already dead. When you listen to his old albums, he spoke of Sankai. Sankai simply means bewitchment. There are Children of God who say: "I do not listen to worldly Congolese music. I like zouk, slow, reggae, rock music." There are christians who have such things in their houses. They have CDs, DVDs of zouk, slow, etc., of Celine Dion and others. Do you know that Celine Dion is a priestess of lucifer? Madonna, Shakira, Britney Spears ... And the list goes on. But there are christians, brothers and sisters who have those things in their houses. Know that it is the glory of satan. Do you know the album "Kibuisa Mpimpa"? I do not have time to explain this to you. Kibuisa Mpimpa, à la queue-leu-leu, effrakata where it is said: "god is great, man is small, everybody knows it." The god that one mentions there is not God the Creator. And even the god who is mentioned in the muslim religion. When they say "allahu akbar," god is great, it is not God the Creator, it is another one.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 10thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

The person who sang effrakata was married to a siren called Ecatchaka. When he was going to have his concert in a mythical music hall of France, in the Olympia in Paris, in 1998, I was still a satanist at that time. Even on my wedding day, when I was marrying Helen in the world of darkness, the music we heard that day was the music of that man. His real name is Achram, which means Antoine Christophe Agbepa Mumba. That man who sang "Effrakata", "V12", "Affaire d'Etat" ..., is a ready-made satanist. Even the one who sang "À la queue-leu-leu", "Kibuisa Mpimpa", "Ultimatum", "loi", "droit de véto", the inspiration for all those songs was given by lucifer himself, even the song of Celine Dion "Pour que tu m'aimes encore" (English: "So That You Love Me Again") was inspired by lucifer himself. For my wedding, we played a song from the album "magie", the title is "Petit na London." This is what we played on my wedding day in the other world.

Sunday: The one who is in charge is Akiel, the demon of poverty. He is the one who urges people not to give to God. He works from 12pm to 1am in order to keep people in poverty. The devil likes poverty. He wants the Children of God to remain in poverty. Because if they are poor, they will not stay long in the Lord, they will go back to lucifer again. Poverty drives people to lucifer. One becomes easily sorcerer when one is poor. You must do everything to fight poverty. And you can fight it only when you know how to give to God, when you know how to support the work of God. To give to God is the only way to fight poverty.

Let us speak about the mystery of death. I draw the attention of everyone because it is a matter that concerns us all. Death is an appointment that nobody can miss. Whoever you are, you can not escape death. You should notice that the real problem is not to die but to know where you will go after death.

The world of pandemonium

The world of pandemonium is made up of three parts: The world of Tartarus, the world of polliun and the astral world. We are only interested in the astral world.

The astral world: The astral world is the place where all those who die far from Christ go, that means all those who die in sin. I tell you about this world because I was there, I saw it, it is a horrible place. It is divided into three parts:

The first part is the "astral world, slave quarter." It is the place where all pagans and all hypocrite christians go after their death. In this world, people can even walk bare foot, but there, it is not the case, people walk on hot ashes. And this is only a foretaste, because the end is Hell, the fiery lake of burning sulfur with the devil. When you die far from Christ, as pagan or hypocrite christian, it is the beginning of your torment.

Being a Christian my beloved, does not just mean to have the Bible, being a Christian does not just mean to speak in tongues. Being a Christian means to walk according to the will of God, to be born again; being a Christian means to walk in newness of life. That is what means to be a Christian. But if you die in sin, as pagan or hypocrite christian, you shall be directed straight to the slave quarter, and there, the avenues are allocated according to the sin you were committing. There is an avenue for liars, another one for masturbators, drunkards, etc. The devil is really very well organized. And what I am explaining to you are the things that I have seen with my own eyes, because I was there. And it is there where there are weeping and gnashing of teeth. Know that you will be allocated an avenue according to the sin that you were committing. You can say to yourself: "I am a liar, an immoral, ..., so which avenue will be allocated to me?" Know that among the sins that you commit, there is one that you prefer to the others. The one you yourself call: "my favourite sin," the one that you never confess. You arrive in front of a man of God, you make your confession but keep that sin unconfessed. Know that that sin that you keep unconfessed, is the one that will give you an avenue.

The second part of the astral world is the lucifer furnace. I saw this big lake of fire when I was there. It is a department which is controlled by lucifer himself. And when I was there, I saw a smoke which was coming out of the lake, and there were people who where crying. But who were those people that I had found there? They were true christians, those who had fought the devil during their life on earth, but who had sinned and had not repent of their sins before their death. I repeat, this lake there, the lucifer furnace, I saw it, and there was smoke which was coming out of there, there was screaming, people who were crying. Those people were in the fire, they felt the pain of the fire, but they were not consumed. When we pray, we chase out demons, we send fire in the world of darkness and this has terrible repercussions in the camp of satan. The devil is uncomfortable because of the prayers that we are doing here, his things are destroyed and his organization is destabilized. Therefore, you, who fight the devil, if you sin and refuse to repent immediately even when someone comes to give you pieces of advice, if you rather choose to let yourself be won over by arguments such as: "Am I the only one that has committed this sin? This or that person had also committed this sin, is not it? Even the pastor had done it", therefore, know that the devil is lying in wait for your life.

You should know beloved, that Salvation is a personal matter and that you shall not be judged according to your pastor. Know that you shall be judged according to what you yourself will have done. If you are a Christian who fights the devil and who destroys his works by prayer, and it happens that you commit a sin, repent immediately, do not delay in confessing it because the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour. Beg the Lord to forgive you and to sanctify you by His precious blood. The Bible says: "let him who is holy continue to be holy." If you, who fights the devil do not repent immediately as soon as you commit a sin, he will make you take a step backwards in your faith in order to take you away from God and kill you. And when he kills you, you will not go in the slave quarter. For you, it is the furnace that awaits you. If you look at your life, you will see that there is a slowing down between the way you were serving God before and the way you are serving Him now. It is the work of the devil. If during your slackness time, you do not repent, the devil will have access to your life, he will kill you and lead you directly into the fiery furnace. That day you will remember me, but it will be too late, it will be really too late.

The third part is the Hades. That is where all human beings who worked for the devil in all conscience: Sorcerers, magicians, rosicrucians, wrestlers ..., go. You sorcerer, know that when you will die, the devil will not thank you because you served him, he will not tell you "good and faithful servant, as you had offered me 200 people during your stay on earth, receive your reward." No, open your eyes while there is still time left, it is not what he will tell you. On the contrary, he will take you and send you into a cell. In the Hades, there are several cells and in each cell, there is a person with a big chain and a padlock at the level of the mouth. When I was there, I saw president Mobutu, I left him there with chains and a padlock. I left many people there: Luambo Makiadi, Pépé Kallé .., all those people are chained up in the astral world with padlocks, and the list is really long, I can not mention them all.

What happens when a person dies?

When a person dies, one normally washes his body, puts him in the coffin and takes him to the cemetery to bury him. On the way to the cemetery, the tearful family mourns, whines, saying: we have lost our relative so-and-so... Let me tell you one thing: Know that what is in the coffin is just the body, but the person himself is above the coffin and is crying more than you do. That is the reason why the priest, before letting the coffin come in the church, begins by spraying it, in order to bring this spirit which is above the coffin under control. While you are taking the coffin to the cemetery, the person himself, the inner man is above the coffin and is crying more than you do. The person even leaves the top of the coffin to go and hold on to his family's members, but the person passes through because his body has become immaterial. At that moment, the person cries and even tries to look for Evangelists to preach to him the Word of God so that he can believe, but it is too late.

The Word that you neglect now, there will be a time when you will look for it and will not find it. The dead person is above the coffin, in tears. And at that moment, even if he shouts: "Jesus, Jesus, come and help me, come and help me," Jesus will not come, because Jesus is not the God of the dead, but He is the God of the living. While you are still alive, change your way of living. While you are still alive, you still have the opportunity to be reconciled with God. Now that you know it, seize this last opportunity and abandon sexual immoralities, lying, malicious gossip, swindle, witchcraft, abandon all the bad things that you are doing, abandon them now. God, in His great love for you, once again, gives you the opportunity to repent. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19: "... I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Beloved, to choose life means to accept the Lord Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour because He is the way, the truth and the life. Give your life to Jesus today. If you choose Jesus, you will not go to the Hades or to the astral world after your death, but you will go to the resting place, because the Bible says: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on, they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them. All those who die in Jesus have nothing to fear, for the crown of life awaits them in heaven.

My Conversion

What urged me to abandon satan? Beloved, if you want the Lord Jesus to intervene in your life, take the risk of telling the truth. Many people block their deliverance because they do not want to tell the truth. You must take the risk of telling the truth. I know very well that the world does not like the truth. When you tell the truth, the world will probably reject you, your family will probably abandon you, your friends will probably reject you. But Jesus who is the Truth will never abandon you. There are some things that you have already confessed, but there are others that you keep for yourself and you say: That is my secret. Know that it is because of those things that you keep in you, that the devil continues to have a strong hold on your life. Because of the fear of being rejected or abandoned by everyone, you prefer to turn yourself into a prisoner or slave of lie! No, beloved, take the risk of telling the truth and the Lord will set you free.

Many people find themselves in front of this equation. And from there, they do not know how to move forward, how to find deliverance. But I give you an advice: Take the risk of telling the truth, whatever the consequences might be, Jesus will never fail you. I took the risk, I told the truth and because of this truth, my family had rejected me, my parents had chased me out, my brothers and sisters did not want me any more, all the friends that I had, had left me alone. But the Lord Jesus, He who is the Truth, He who is an ever-present help in trouble, has visited me and helped me. That is why I am also counted among the living today. Beloved in the Lord, I did not know that one day I would also be a Christian. But God knew it. God knew that one day I will be delivered from the bondage of satan and that is what He did.

I never get tired of telling you that for Jesus to intervene in our lives, we must take the risk of telling the truth without fearing the consequences. When I was serving the devil, a time came when I had to meet a high-ranking demon whose mission was to awaken the instinct of death in me. And to meet this demon, I had to do ceremonies. So during the rest of my journey on earth, it was that demon that had to teach me how to serve the devil. And to meet him, I had to go to the underground space. And to get there, I had to buy a dead body. My master from Kisangani, the one who had initiated me into the indian magic, asked me to look for [...] Here the brother mentions the things that his master asked him to look for. [...] After having obtained all the things that his master had asked him, he returned to see him. He continues: I went to my master, and when I knocked at the door, he opened and was very happy to see me. Then he told me: "You are a brave man," and he shook my hand and I went in with him. When we were inside, he told me: Today you will go on a trip. [...] That is what is called astral projection or journey of the soul.

Have you ever heard of astral journey? While one is getting ready to go on this journey, one had to pass through two doors to enter the secret room. The first door opens from the outside and even a person who is outside of this room can open it. As for the second, only a person who is inside can open it, because when someone makes an astral projection, at first, he begins to decompose. He can either decompose or be segmented. And if at the moment when he leaves the body and is still in his journey, another person enters the room and sees the body in this state, the person who has gone on the trip will not be able to return into his body and automatically, it is death which will follow. That is how Pépé kallé kaba sélé died. It is the siren "Maimouna" who killed him, because he had two wives: One in this world of humans and another one in the world of satan, more specifically in the world of polliun, the department of the siren "Maimouna".

The koran

"Maimouna" is the siren that lucifer used to give the revelation of the koran to Mohammed. I digress to say that allah is not God Yahweh, the Creator. Allah is lucifer himself. People say that islam is the blind submission to the will of God. No, it is not true. Islam is the blind submission to the will of lucifer satan. In the cabalistic world, Mahomed is called the antichrist of the East. The purpose of all this is to form two blocks. Because in this world, there are two blocks: the latin block and arab bloc.

Among the five continents, the one that frightens the devil the most is Africa; because there are people there who pray seriously. I speak to you as an ex-satanist. That is why Africa is the main target of the devil. Western satanists make contributions, fund-raisings and send them to Africa. All this to weaken the people through their donations that are nothing but gifts poisoned by the devil. You will see the birth of many NGOs, humanitarian agencies. Do you think that there are not people who suffer in Europe? We all know that charity begins at home. Why do they not take care of those people who suffer in their own continent but only want to take care of Africa?

When we were in this secret room, both doors were closed and it was my master who held the two keys. In that room, there was no window, there was just a small hole which was used as ventilation. I could not even get my hand through that little hole. I saw horrible things when I entered there. There were cassocks, chasubles and stoles in different colors. When the priest gets dressed, he first wears the cassock, then the chasuble and finally the stole that one wears around the neck, and these stoles are in different colors. To each color corresponds a special ceremony and all that is satanic. I also saw images: The image of a false Jesus with a red heart that emits radiance. There was the image of "Mary Margoue." I know that many of us, before being Pentecostals, were catholics, and there are those among us, who can even say: "I, since my birth, I have never set foot in a catholic church." Even if you have never been in a catholic church, however, know that you have already revered "Marie Margoue" without knowing it. Anyone who went through class 5 of the primary school has already worshiped "Mary Margoue" through the recitation of a satanist from Guinea (Conakry), Camara Laye. It is a text that was given in the form of recitation. People even sang it very often: "Black woman, woman of Africa" (original in French, "Femme noir, femme africaine.") Many people believed that Camara Laye wrote this poem to honour his mother. No! It was not for his mother, it was for lucifer, it was for Marie Margoue. Camara Laye was a satanist.

There were also rosaries in all colors (we did not have time to talk about the holy magic), a calabash filled with human blood, with a red fabric on top, [...] five skeletons and four bibles: the new revised standard version bible (nrsv), the bible of jerusalem, the new world translation of the holy scriptures and the bible verbum xxl caïn. [...] Here the brother describes all the abominations to which he was subjected to meet doros, the one who had to be his teacher. His master took a diabolic parchment and said to him: Give the names of all the members of your family starting with both your parents as well as your brothers and sisters. Do not omit any of them. I gave the names of my parents as well as those of my brothers and sisters. [...] My beloved, this part, I do not like to explain it. That really makes me really sad, but I do it because it is for the glory of God.

[...] Brief description of other sequences of the initiation. He continues: While I was giving the names of the members of my family, were they the ones who had sent me there? Were they the ones who had asked me to go and see this magician? I went there alone for my own interests and I gave the names of innocent people.

Many people undergo some sufferings today, simply because a member of their family, for his criminals and selfish interests, went and wrote the names of each member of the family at a sorcerers' meeting. That is what justifies some sufferings that you see in some families. What did my brothers and sisters, as well as my parents do to me, for me to give their name to the devil? Even you who is listening to me, what you did you do to those sorcerers of your family for them to give all the names of your family's members to the devil? Sometimes when I think about it, it hurts me a lot. For you, because you did nothing wrong to those wicked of your family, know that you can find refuge in God and be set free from all these sufferings that sorcerers make you go through. Because for those who are covered by the blood of Jesus, an undeserved curse does not come to rest. In Jesus you will have nothing to fear, even if the sorcerers of your family already gave your name in their meetings, know that the blood of Jesus will cancel all the curses pronounced against you. On the cross, Jesus has cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us.

[...] He describes the other phases of the ceremony until he met doros, the demon who will later be his teacher. He continues: And after that, while I was there, I saw a skeleton-shaped demon before me. It was like the skeleton that you always see in anatomy books. He stood in front of me and he was talking. When I was looking at him, I saw a blue light which was emanating from the hollow of his eyes and he said: Do not be afraid, because it is not a one way trip. I will awaken in you the instinct of death. Your death instinct will be so powerful that you will hate any form of life, and you will go into other universes in order to accomplish the destiny that I have chosen for you. And this demon had to incarnate in me now, he had to be in me and that is what happened. He entered in me, and I returned.

And after that, I continued to serve the devil. And one day the devil called me and told me: My son, I would like that you come here, be with me, and stay with me forever. For that purpose, you have to die in the human world. He told me that and I was very happy. I said to myself: My master wants me now to stay by his side. To be bewitched is really a bad thing. How can someone be happy to live beside satan? Know that in the devil, there are only death and curse. But in Jesus there are life and blessing. And while I was trying to be with satan, he told me: "You have to make a pact with me, you will die on January 6th 2006." And to confirm that pact, I had to give my blood. Thus, the devil injured me on one part of my body, and my blood flowed and filled a chalice, that the devil drank in my presence. Even now, I still have the scar from this injury. [...] The brother explains what happened after the devil drank his blood.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 11thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

And after that, I became "shiva", the god of destruction. I was given 406 demons. Among them, there was an angel named "nemadel." He is among the angels that were chased away from heaven with lucifer. I was then working for the devil. As a human, I was living in this world two days a week. But the other days, I was living with the devil. In addition to the skeleton that I had in my body, I was given a second one and the devil taught me how to fight churches, how to make churches sink into spiritual sleep or apostasy, how to count the weeks of Daniel and how to prepare the return of Jesus.

The Return of Jesus

Here I would like to digress for a moment: The Lord Jesus is coming soon. We are in a period called: The time of grace. The death of the Lord Jesus occurred at the end of the 69th week of Daniel. When the 69th week comes to an end, we go directly into the 70th week. But instead of going into this week, there is a mystery that the devil does not know. That mystery is a temporary halt. In this weekly chronology of Daniel, there is a temporary halt.

Why this temporary halt? This aims at allowing all the nations that do not know the Good News to know it. It is this exact time, the time of grace. And the Bible says: The end will come when the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world. But today, when you look carefully, even the nations that were hostile to the Gospel, accept Jesus and the Gospel is preached in the whole world. When you go to India, you find Indian Christians. If you go even in Iraq, you will find Iraqi Christians, and even in Japan there are Christians. This is a proof that the Gospel has already reached all the nations and that we are now at the end of the time of grace. Besides we are already seeing the signs that the Lord Jesus gave, and even the two main protagonists of the eschatology are already there. We have the pagan roman empire and the levitical worship, the levitical priesthood. Because Jesus was accused by the Jews, but killed by the Romans.

For us to go into the seventieth week, these two protagonists had to reappear. Now the roman empire is already there with what is called the European Union (EU). There is a single currency called Euro. There is an army, a constitution; one is even looking for the president of the EU. And when you see the Israeli-Palestinian's war today, they fight over the Gaza Strip to demolish the mosque in order to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. However the antichrist will go to set himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself God. This antichrist is captain "Samannelli." While I was still with the devil, he had even given us the characteristics of his churches. Here in Congo, there are 69 churches of the devil. All the churches that accept ecumenism are already in the hands of satan. You should never attend ecumenical services because it is satanic.

After that, I continued to serve the devil. The devil had given me the authorization to speak directly to him without passing through intermediaries. And he had also given me the authorization to take part in all the meetings of the great satanists of the whole world at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. I was doing all that and I became the representative of the 3rd degree in the mystery of the air. However, when I returned, I was no longer a normal man: I was 50% human and 50% demon. [...] And being in this world, I was saying to myself: I will die in January 6th 2006, but when I will die, one will bury me and even forget me. So to make sure that I would not be forgotten, before I die, I must have a child. But in me there was already a snake in my left arm, and its mission was to kill any woman or girl who could sleep with me because I was married in the world of darkness.

Women who sleep with priests

The priest who initiated me into the holy magic gave me a red handkerchief and told me: If you sleep with a woman, with this handkerchief on you, she will not die, but in all her life, she will never get married. Look at those women or girls who go out with priests, they never get married. Continue with sexual immoralities, one day you will come across a satanist who has a handkerchief, and he will condemn you to celibacy. But if you come back to Jesus, and confess and give up sexual immoralities, Jesus is able to turn your curses into blessings.

So I found a girl. I was going out with her, and every time, I had that handkerchief. That girl knew me, she knew my spiritual state, she knew that I was a satanist. In Likasi, what I was doing in satanism was not a secret. My family knew it, my brothers and sisters knew it, my friends and even the girl in question knew it. But she was attracted by my money. It is sad! I took a statue of "Marie Margoue" and gave it to her. I told her: Whenever you want to sleep, you have to put it under your pillow and that was what happened. Without knowing it, she was already in the hands of lucifer. So I was going out with her, till the day she came to see me and told me that she was pregnant. I was very happy. I had said to myself: Now there is a woman who is pregnant with my child, when I die, I will be remembered thanks to the child who will be born. And then, I gave her money and she left.

I was in Likasi, and I went to Kakanga to look for ore. I had spent two weeks in Kakanga and my right hand began to rot. My right hand was completely rotten. After that, I left Kakanga and returned to Likasi. I went to all health centers, clinics, hospitals, etc. Despite the fact that I had been administered antibiotics, the situation of my hand was only getting worse. Everyone saw my hand which was rotting and there was a discharge. That liquid was like a mixture of water and the powder found in batteries. So since I had looked for healing in vain, I took the decision to invoke demons. One night I went to the playground of the secular school. When I got there, I uttered incantations and was answered. I was told: It is your wife Helene, who is responsible for your hand that is rotting. She is angry with you, because you made a girl pregnant in the human's world. If you want your hand to be healed, you have to accept that this girl and the baby that she carries, die. It is only after that, that your hand can be healed, otherwise it will be amputated. And I had to give an answer immediately. And suddenly, I said: If my hand has to be amputated, let it be so, but this girl will remain alive.

[...] The brother briefly describes what had happened when he was invited to the world of the cemetery. He continued and said: You should not feel sorry neither for the devil, nor for sorcerers, because they too, when they steal our blessings, they do not feel sorry for us. First, I was supposed to die in 2006, and later, the date was changed to January 6th, 2005. Beloved, I am still alive after the deadline that was imposed on me. The devil is a liar, he is the father of lies. If the devil threatens you, if sorcerers threaten you, you must resist them in the name of Jesus. The Bible says: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. If you fall into the trap of giving in to the sorcerers' threats, they will have an effect on you, but if you resist them in the name Jesus, they will flee from you. That is the principle.

And after that, I came back. In 2002, that girl gave birth to a baby girl, her name is Leticia and she lives in Likasi. While I was with that girl, I continued to serve the devil and I knew that I will die in 2005. And towards the end of 2002, I said to myself: In the world of darkness, I have a lot of money and when I die, the future of my daughter will not be insured. Our God gives everyone the opportunity to repent, and even sorcerers. The devil was not aware of all these ideas, satan did not know what was going through my thoughts. And I said to myself: "You have to make a transfer of your money so that, after your death, your daughter's future will be guaranteed." So I went to submit my request to the devil. And he told me: It does not matter, for that, you will give me just two people, and those two people will make your transfer. For me who was used to kill many people, sacrificing two people would only be a breeze! He then told me: You have to sign with your blood. And I signed.

At the end of 2002, the devil said to me: I need these two people for the transfer. But those two people are not the one that you will kill by throwing money along the way, or by causing accidents. The two people that I am asking for, should be taken from your family, not your extended family, but your nuclear family. And he gave me a deadline and told me: The end is February 5th, 2003. If you do not realize it, within this period, then you will be the one who will die. And when you die, you will no longer come to be by my side. You will go to the Hades, in the astral world. Do you see how the devil changes? Despite what I had done for him... He, who had asked me to call him daddy. You see that kind of dad? A dad who is not serious. Now I had to choose between my siblings and my parents, two people. I did not know who to sacrifice, I was afraid, I was in the service of atan. On one hand I was afraid of him, and on the other hand I did not want to sacrifice the members of my family. Then in me, there was that fight. And as I knew what the devil was, I was obliged to submit myself to him, and I continued to serve.

One day, in a big meeting, the devil gave us many strategies to entrap true Christians, to win souls for the astral world. And at the end, he gave to each satanist an assignment. My assignment was to go and kill ten people, besides the two people he had requested in my nuclear family. And we went and I caused a traffic accident, and there were 13 dead. After that, we went to another meeting. And in that meeting, each satanist had to give the report of his assignment. And the devil was sitting on his throne, and all of us were there. We were many, and we had to give the report in turn. The first went forward, gave his report and returned to his place. I was the ninth person. I also went and gave my report. I said that the assignment that had been entrusted to me, was to kill 10 people and I had killed 13. And for that, I was cheered. Thus, I returned to my place. The tenth person also went forward.

The 15th person, a satanist from Togo, went forward. He began by saying this: I failed in the assignment that had been entrusted to me. Then, the devil was furious. He got up, started to hurl insults at the satanist, he tried to know the reason of this failure. Then he sat again on his throne. The man in question began to speak. His assignment was to kill a pastor in Togo. And he arrived at the pastor’s house, penetrated into the roof. He waited for the night when the pastor would go to bed, to kill him. Before going to bed, the pastor knelt and began to pray. And this man said: "He was praying and when he was praying, I felt nothing. I was still in the roof; I was waiting for the end of the prayer to act. But at the end of his prayer, the pastor said: It is in the name of Jesus. "He did not even say Christ. All of us who were in the room were thrown to the floor. We were all on the floor. Beloved, while we were on the floor, I looked at the throne of lucifer, he also, was not on his throne, he was on the floor, like all of us. He who was telling us that he was above all things, he had told us that his power was at the top and on that day, he too, like all of us, fell from his throne and was on the floor.

The devil on the ground, oh my beloved. The Bible says: Before the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. Even the devil should bow his knees before the King of kings. Because Jesus the King of kings was given the name that is above every name, and before that Name every knee should bow, every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord. I saw the devil on the floor. I saw with my own eyes lucifer on the floor. And after that he got up and started to hurl insults at the man, the one who had mentioned that name, he was taken and killed. A piece of advice: If you are a sorcerer, and it happens that one sends you on a mission to kill a christian, if you fail, know that it is the grace of God. If you fail, do not go back to your camp to give the report, you will be killed. If you fail, go quickly to the church and confess what you have done, they will pray for you and you shall be delivered like me. And as soon as the devil got up, he told us: "Do not worry about this incident, soon I am going to reign in this world, I will give you important positions. Know that I will dethrone that feeble from his throne, that feeble, who is called I do not know what, I am going to dethrone him. "And when he said that, we acclaimed him, yet it was not long ago that we were all on the floor.

I had a deadline that was imposed on me. And when I turned back to Likasi, I said to myself: When we were there, the name was just mentioned, He was not there physically, one just mentioned His name and all of us were thrown on the ground. Thus, this one who is imposing this deadline on me, there is certainly someone who is above him. So what am I going to do? As he has imposed this deadline on me, I will go where that Name is mentioned. I will go there and the deadline imposed on me will be cancelled; because he is not the most powerful. And that is how I started to go to churches to seek deliverance, because I recognized that the master I was serving was inferior to another Master who is Jesus Christ. The devil had imposed a deadline on me, and I had to die according to his deadline. So I went to Church. I found deliverance, the deadline that the devil had imposed on me has been cancelled. I did not die in 2005. And today, I am still alive.

My delivery took a year: from February 3rd, 2003 till February 3rd, 2004, at the hospital. I went to 23 churches. My family rejected me. At the beginning, I told you: You should take the risk of telling the truth. I told the truth in my family, and because of that, I was chased away. I was abandoned, but Jesus did not abandon me. It was not easy for the devil to let me go. With all the secrets I knew, with all the training I received from him (he trained me to fight Christians, to destroy, to sabotage the work of God. He gave me a lot of strategies and techniques). When I was trying to give my life to the Lord Jesus, the devil, knowing very well that if I am delivered and begin to reveal his secrets, many Children of God will be strengthened and many people will be delivered, fought me seriously. It is very easy to make a pact with the devil, but very difficult to separate from him.

I would like to emphasize on a point. If you need the intervention of the Lord Jesus, you should take the risk of telling the truth. If you tell the truth you can be hated by everyone, your family might reject you, your friends might abandon you, but Jesus will not abandon you. Because of the truth that you are going to tell, Jesus will never abandon you because He Himself is the Truth. He is the Faithful Friend.

When you are in distress, ask for the help of God. And here I draw also the attention of those who are still serving the devil in witchcraft and who are doing wicked things in the Church. Be careful, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows, sooner or later. And when you do those things, do not think that God does not see you. He wants to let you seize the opportunity to change. But if you persist in doing those things, know that one day, when God will say, enough is enough, He will strike you.

Let us read the word of God in Psalm 60:12, Galatians 6:7, and Isaiah 66:16.

Psalm 60:12: "Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless."

Galatians 6:7: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Isaiah 66:16: For with fire and with his sword the Lord will execute judgment upon all men, and many will be those slain by the Lord.

When I came back from that "famous" meeting where the devil fell on the ground with us when the name of Jesus was mentioned, I decided to go where one mentions that name, so that men of God would pray for me by mentioning that name, and by doing so, the demons who are disturbing me would run away. One day I met a friend, brother Thierry, who led me to his pastor, it was in Likasi. It was at night and there was a night vigil. We arrived there at 9:30pm, there were the pastor and the intercessors, they were in large numbers. I was taken to the pastor, and then I told him about my past. When I finished, he told me: It is okay, we will take care of your case, but for the moment, you are going to sit in that corner, and he gave me a chair and I sat down and the prayer began. At midnight, the pastor called me and told me: Stand there. The bench which was there was removed to create space, and I was asked to stay in the middle. The intercessors formed a circle around me and began to pray. They prayed a lot and mentioned the name of Jesus, but I felt nothing. They prayed so much from midnight till two o'clock in the morning, I was there, I was looking at them and I was feeling nothing. There was no effect on me despite the name of Jesus that those people were mentioning.

Beloved, beware! When this name is mentioned by a person who leads a sinful life, there is no effect, but if that name is mentioned by a person who walks in the fear of God, there will automatically be effects. Those people prayed until they got tired. The pastor went to stay in front of the door, and the intercessors went on praying. As they did not see any change on me, they started to give me punches in the name of Jesus. They were giving me punches in the name of Jesus, but while they were punching me, I felt as if they were scratching me. And I opened my mystical eyes, I looked at the intercessors who surrounded me, they were all naked, without clothes. If you do not walk in the fear of God, if you do not lead a life of sanctification, do not venture into chasing out demons, otherwise you will bring shame to the name of Jesus.

When those people were hitting me, I was angry and I said to myself: The fact of coming here and revealing all my secrets, is a betrayal towards the devil. So, since nothing occurred, when I get home, he will seriously hit me. But before he hit me, I should at first start by hitting these people. So I started to punch them. It was not even serious punches. I was only pushing those people and they were falling on benches, and benches were breaking. After that, I left the church. When I got home, the evil spirits were already waiting for me. And there, they beat me up seriously. They struck me and I was bleeding profusely. My nose, my mouth and even my ears were bleeding. And the next morning, I said to myself: I will look for other servants of God again despite the fact that they hit me. I went to see another servant of God.

You know beloved, if you need to be delivered, you have to be the first to show the willingness to be delivered. No one has to force you. They struck me at night, but the next day, I went to another pastor again. There was a brother who led me to Sankuru's avenue. When I arrived there, there was a pastor who had a name to which one added "fire". So when I entered, it was on Wednesday. This church had a canvas sheet as roof, mats as wall. There were many people, I came in, saw the pastor, talked to him, and he said to me: It is okay, there is no problem. Go and take a seat in the back. I went there and I sat down. He began to preach. After the preaching, he then had to lead the prayer. He asked everyone to stand up. When everyone was standing, the pastor started praying. He gave a prayer topic and the faithful were immersed in prayer, and he was walking around. He arrived at the back where I was, stood in front of me and said: "Brother, I just saw a white man behind you. I said: Oh, so there is a white man behind me? Since you are the one who saw that white man, you can remove him from there, you can take him out.

Beloved, there are pranksters, especially those who work for their pockets and their stomachs, there are jokers and they are too many. They are the ones who make even sorcerers become unbelievers. A sorcerer who enters the church and succeeds in bewitching even the pastors, how can he give his life to the Lord Jesus? If you are not called by the Lord Jesus, you would better stay aside like any other and receive teachings, and at the right time, if you were really called by the Lord, He will also equip you. Our God when He gives vision, He also gives provision.

Then he was there, and suddenly he started speaking in tongues. When I was looking at him, I was rather seeing a man without clothes. And he tried to hold me. I just made a gesture with my hand, I just touched him without pushing him, and he was hurled and went to fall on the faithful. And when he fell on his faithful, the prayer came to an end, and the intercessors began to move the seats. There was an empty space, and those people were continuing to pray while the pastor was on the ground. They also committed the same mistake; they started punching me in the name of Jesus. And when I started to push them, they jumped and went out with the mats, and at the end, when I left that place, there was only the roof left. All the mats were gone.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 12thpart in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

Another day the mother of my daughter gave me the address of a prophet near Likasi and I went there. As soon as I got there, I knocked at the door. The prophet was in the living room with his wife. When I came in, I greeted them, he asked me the reason for my visit and I told him. I explained to him that I was a satanist and that I was looking for deliverance. While I wanted to continue, he said to me: "Shut up, shut up! Kneel down. While you were on the way, God told me that there is a man, a satanist who is coming to me, and that I should pray for his deliverance."

Beloved, why lying in the name of Jesus? If God has not given you any message, keep quiet! Woe to the man who wags his own tongues and yet declares, ‘The Lord declares’. Then he told me: "Get down on your knees." And since I was the one in need, I was obliged to obey. I knelt down; he laid his hands on my head and began to pray. As soon as he laid his hands on my head, he was hurled and went to bang into the wall. As soon as he got up, he took his wife by the hand, and both of them ran away, and left me alone in the house.

When I opened the door, they were already in the garden. As soon as they saw me, they left the garden, and went on the road. The neighbours also came, there were many people. So as I was moving forward, the prophet and his wife left even the road to go to another house on the other side. He who wagged his own tongues and yet declared, ‘The Lord had declared’. There are people who believe that God acts only through prophecy. No. Know that there are made up prophecies. True prophets exist but they are only a few of them. But those who are in a large number are false prophets. Because even I, was a prophet. I spoke in tongues, I prophesied. That is sad! So I went out of there and went back home. Demons were already waiting for me at home. Once again, they seriously beat me up. I stayed at home. Two days later, another brother came to see me and gave me the address of another prophet. I went there and when I got there, I knocked at the door. He was inside and he told me: "Do not come in! Start by taking your shoes off, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. Take off your shoes, quick!" I took off my shoes and I entered.

I entered the "holy ground." There was a mat and the prophet said to me: "Sit there." And I sat on the mat, in that so-called holy ground. The prophet began to pray. He prayed in tongues and while he was praying, he was invoking demons. Since I was a satanist, I was already familiarized with demons. When someone invoked demons, it was not difficult for me to know it. He was invoking demons, and I realized that he was a very low level satanist compared with me. So I got up and said to him: How dare you do that to me? I made a gesture, [...] and left. Two days later, the prophet died.

I kept on searching. And after that, I was given the address of another church in town. I went there. The church and the pastor’s house was in the same fence. I entered the church, I spoke with the pastor. Women intercessors were there. The pastor said, "Today you will be delivered." When he told me that, I was happy. But a few minutes later, I heard sounds like the neighing of a horse. When I heard that sound, I was uncomfortable because it was a demon named "Karavanda" who is the secretary of the dragon of the sea. Then he came down to the church with its whip. I was there, standing, doing nothing, but I was watching the pastor and the women intercessors. "Karavanda" was whipping them seriously. They did not see who was whipping them and they ran away. I was left alone in the church. The pastor went home, took hot water in a saucepan, and returned to the church. He came in, and as soon as I tried to move, he poured that hot water on me and rushed out. I was left alone, all wet, and I left the church.

So when I was leaving, he told me: Brother, stop right there, I stopped. He came and told me: Brother, God just told me that, for your deliverance, one should make a selection, one should make a coalition of ten pastors. One pastor alone cannot pray for you. Beloved, It is absolute madness! When you fear God, you can be alone against a hundred or a thousand satanists, they cannot do anything to you because those who are with you are more than those who are with them.” Alone you can destroy an entire battalion of demons if you are with Jesus, if you have the fear of God, if you lead a life of sanctification.

After that, I was led again to another church. I went there and they began to pray for me. There were six of them. Four rushed to lay their hands on my head and they were hurled to the ground. So when they were hurled to the ground, the two who remained standing abandoned me to take care of those who were on the ground. Then I left the church and went home.

After that, I went to another church on Foyer social avenue. I entered through the main door, the demons came down and started hitting people, and those people rushed out through the side door. And after that incident, I left. Once again, I went to another church. As soon as I entered, demons began to strike people, and they ran away. I left that church, and went to the next church on the same street, the result was the same. I went to a third church on the same street, the result was the same. Finally, I entered twenty-three churches and in all those twenty-three churches I did not find the solution to my problem. When I was going to churches, I was going there with a good intention. I was not going there so that demons would hit people. I was telling the truth. At the end, when I was going to churches, they would see me from afar and send people to tell me: "Brother, the pastor asks you not to come to our church, you will frighten people away."

I was no longer wanted in churches. Yet the devil would kill me if I did not give him two people in my family. So I decided to go to my family and tell them the truth, hoping that they can remedy my problem. Then one morning, I took my courage, I went to my family. My father was there, my brothers and sisters were there, except for my mother who was in Zambia. So when I was in the living room with the whole family, I said: You all know that I am a satanist. My father told me: "Yes I know, yes I know and your father is the devil. Speak quickly, we have other things to do." And I said: You know that I am a satanist, and as I am speaking to you now, I was asked to kill two people among you who are here.

I told the truth, I took the risk of telling the truth. My father screwed up all his courage and said: "As you can see, my house is not a henhouse, it is not a butcher's shop, where you should take what you want for your father the devil. Leave my house, and know that from today, you are no longer my son, and these people whom you see here are no longer your brothers and sisters.

Churches did not want me any more, my family rejected me, all the friends that I had, abandoned me, all those friends for whom I was buying beer were no longer there and I was left alone, and I was suffering. I did not know where to go. I was sleeping at the market under the stalls. I, who had served the devil for twenty-five years, I, to whom the devil asked to call dad, was abandoned. My dad satan had abandoned me.

Beloved, in times of distress, ask for the help of God. The help of man is worthless. I was sad and I was taking all the necessary drugs to try to have peace, but it was unsuccessful. Finally, I found a house on "Chahba" avenue and I settled there. One night I was sleeping, around four o'clock in the morning, I heard a noise. People were shouting and when I went out, it was a case of theft. One told me that the thief went to the right, and together with those who were there, we started to chase the thief, and since we did not find him, we returned.

When we came back, people who were there said: "We have not seen the thief." Then a girl from the family that was victim of theft said: Why do you say that you did not find the thief? The thief is there. And I was the one she designated as the thief. I said: I, a thief? But what have I done? All that was from the devil. There were spirits that were incarnated in this girl to annoy me, so that I request the intervention of the devil. So when she said that, for me it was a humiliation. I said to myself: I, a thief! So I concentrated and I made an invocation. I was told: If you want that problem to be solved, first give the two people that one asked you. I said: Okay, I will give them.

So when I said: Okay, I will give them, I was automatically told: Go to the police station, one will give you two policemen. I went there, I had not lodged a complaint, I arrived there, the investigation police officer saw me, and he said: Are you the one? Directly, he called two policemen. He said: "Go with this man." And we left, when we got there, they arrested the people who had accused me. They arrested three people and placed them in cell. The head of that family was a pastor. I went back home, I took my black notebook, I took two names of the members of my immediate family, I only had to cross off their names and death would follow some days later.

It was February 2nd 2003. I went to the police station to see the investigation police officer. As soon as I arrived there, he told me that the pastor was released. So I said: Why has he been released? He told me that there are pastors who came to plead for him, so I told him: "Do you accept that?" Then I concentrated, I started to manipulate him, and to communicate with him via telepathy. I started to transmit my thoughts in his mind through the spirits. He immediately began to write something on a paper and took the files and transferred them to the public prosecutor's department. And that is how one took that dad from his house and led him to the public prosecutor's department. On February 3rd, I had to go to the public prosecutor's department and when I arrived there, this dad was there. He was trembling and was begging me, and I looked at him. I said, "I, to forgive this man, while it is because of him and his family, that I had decided to kill two members of my family. He should also die." And while I was there, I was waiting for the magistrate, and not long after, the magistrate arrived. It was the magistrate Kassongo of Likasi. He came, called me into his office. He heard me, and after that, he told me: "You are right, this man is going to pay", and then I was happy.

And when I went out, there was a dad who was passing by. It was the paternal uncle of the mother of my daughter. When he saw me, he told me: "This pastor is a great dad. He has a good testimony. When we were very young, he was the one who made us grow, so I am begging you, just withdraw your complaint. "You should know how to get along with people. Because of the good things that dad was doing, there was a man who came to speak on his behalf, and when that man was speaking to me, I do not know what prompted me, I said: Okay. I went to the office of the magistrate, and told him: I withdraw my complaint, please release this dad. Then he said to me: Even if you withdrew your complaint, as a magistrate, I should receive from him the fine of the State. I told him: That is the problem between you and him, as for me, the matter is closed. And that was how I ended with that case, but within me, I knew that two members of my family would die. It was February 3rd. I left the public prosecutor's department, I went to the city centre.

And while I was moving forward, I had a package that contained a small bottle. In that small bottle, there was a mixture of human blood and the perfume "Aoussarabia", a book on which was written the words, "the greatest secrets of lucifer", a crucifix and a handkerchief that I received when I joined the sect "Prima Curia" within the indian magic. It was in that sect that president Mobutu and I met. Our country Congo, when it was still Zaïre, was sold by Mobutu to the devil. Know that our country can get out of suffering only by prayer and prayer alone. People thought that with the elections, there would be institutions that will be established, and that peace would come back in the country. We see what is happening, it is even worse. Our country can get out of this chaos only by prayer. Thus, the Church has the mission to pray for the country. There are many things that I know concerning the sale of our country, in two places: The source of the Congo River and at the mouth of the river, from a mystic lodge (which has eight dragons), which is located at "Gbadolite" the temple of "Kawele". All those people of Mobutu who worked in the transitional government, it was just a distraction. Those people were friends, all of them were agents of satan, who work for the same master, with the same objective, to plunge people into suffering.

While I was passing by, I saw a church where one was talking about witchcraft. So when I heard that, I said to myself: But these people with their churches, they always talk about witchcraft, satanism, but if a satanist or a sorcerer comes to them for deliverance, they will do nothing. So I will go in there, I will call demons, they will strike these people, so that they no longer talk about witchcraft. I entered, I was sitting somewhere and the Christians were praying, it was the morning intercession. The one who were leading the prayer said: All of you who are seated, leave your seats and come forward, there was an empty space, I also left my package and went forward with true Christians. Once there, I knelt down like any other person. One gave a prayer topic and people were praying with their eyes closed. I was also there with my eyes closed. While others were praying, I was invoking demons. Usually every time when I was invoking demons, when the demons were on the way, I could look at my hand and see a shadow appearing.

So that day, I was on my knees and I started to invoke demons. I invoked them, but to no avail, because when I was looking at my hand, nothing appeared. And while I was still on my knees, I felt a little heat at the roof and this little heat was coming down gradually and when it was coming down, it was increasing in intensity, and as its intensity was increasing, the heat was becoming fire. And when the fire touched my head, it was terrible my beloved. As a satanist, I could get before a brazier full of embers, put my hand in, take some embers and close my hand again, and when I opened my hand again, the embers were put out and there was only coal which remained.

But that day, the fire that came upon me was not the brazier fire, it was a fire that I had never felt before and when it came upon me, it was not only confined to my head, it spread all over my body, even my feet were affected. And then my body started to burn inside me, it was terrible. I infiltrated the Church of Jesus with a bad intention. You sorcerer, know that God sees you every time you come to the Church to make your incantations. He is not afraid of you. It is because of the love He has for you, that He continues to demonstrate His patience towards you, by leaving you time to repent. But if you persist in what you are doing, know that when God will have enough of your wickedness, He will send His fire on you and you will know that God is God and that His power is far above all other powers. That day, you will know that one cannot attack the living God and escape, because His power is unrivaled. That day, the fire came upon me and I was thinking how to get up and run away.

I was on my knees and was making efforts to get up. If you kneel down and one asks you to stand up, how long does it take you? Perhaps less than a minute, isn't it? But I, that day, I wanted to get up and run away, but my knees were pinned to the ground, and while I was making all my efforts, the people who were praying opened their eyes and saw me. It was at that point that the prayer ended. Everyone directed his prayer towards me and the whole church began to send fire on me. Everyone was sending fire on me and it was terrible. I spent ten minutes on my knees. You, agent of satan, who receive this testimony, I seize this opportunity to tell you that, whoever you are, whatever the ladder you have already climbed with your master satan: your knees should bow before Jesus.

And after the ten minutes, I concentrated. Since there was an excessive heat, I invoked my master (the one of Kisangani), and he did not answer. I invoked the priest who had initiated me into the catholic magic, but there was no response. So I said to myself: "Since all these people do not want to answer me, I will now invoke the greatest master", and then I invoked lucifer. Even lucifer that day did not answer. The devil has no power over the Church of Jesus. And in the end I fell down, I lost consciousness, I was brought out. When I was outside, passers-by were called to come and see the satanist who had fallen. That day, I was completely humiliated because it was in the city centre. When I got some fresh air, the communication with lucifer was restored. And he told me: Go back into the church and kill two people.

While one was burning me, he was not there, but he told me to go in again. Satan is not serious. Beloved, that is the great difference with Jesus. When you go on a mission with the devil or the demons, if you arrive there, and things start to become complicated, demons and the devil will run away. But if you go with Jesus, and things become complicated, Jesus says to you: stand behind Me and I Myself will fight in your place. That is the big difference with Jesus.


I invite you to sing with us this wonderful song entitled Hymn of Justice, that the Lord granted us the grace to compose in order to highlight the excessive idiocy of Men without God. This song befits perfectly the testimony that you have just read.


O men, fear the Lord!

For one day you shall stand before His throne,

To give account of

All the things that you will have done on earth.

1. You great men, rulers of this world,

You whose bodies are healthy, fat and strong,

Your pride is round you like a chain;

Wickedness covers you like a garment.

2. You always pervert equity,

And you cast down righteousness to the earth!

You rob the people of their right,

You turn aside the needy from justice.

3. You come together secretly

And say, let us lurk for the innocent;

You swallow them alive like Sheol,

And you take hold of their valuable goods.

4. You hypocrites, you cause great wars,

And you all pretend to be peacemakers;

You cause division and you rule,

You destroy those who were living in peace.

5. Although you are living as gods,

You will all die like common animals,

Hell fire will not take into

Account the great title you had on earth.

6. For a fleeting little power,

You all choose to sign great pacts with satan;

And for a few banknotes, you cause

Thousands of innocent people to die.

7. Know that all the pacts that you sign

With satan will be of no use to you.

All the human sacrifices

That you make will surely lead you to hell.

8. In broad daylight you are well dressed up

In suits, jackets and ties; but at night time

On the request of sorcerers

You all stroll, naked on the streets’ corners!

9. O you brutish! Are you not veiled,

All around you people die every day.

None of them has ever taken

A thing. They all return just as they came.

10. Know that the gods that have not made

The heavens and the earth shall all perish.

Let me remind you that, even

If you cling to power, your end will come.

11. For a useless post of honour,

Homosexuality, satanic sects

Become your daily practices:

You choose hell instead of the Living God.

12. You foolish, know that hell is real,

And it will last for all eternity;

Therefore, if you do not repent,

You will certainly not escape from it.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 13th part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

Call to Repentance

Message for African Presidents

Your Excellencies, dear Presidents, as you just read in this testimony, things are not really as you think. The reality of life has been hidden from you by the devil and by your various spiritual counsellors.

If, in your ignorance, you sold your different countries to satan so that you can stay in power as long as possible, after what you have just read, you must now realize that it is a big mistake that you had made.

Time has come, Your Excellencies, dear Presidents, that the truth be revealed to you for your own good and for that of the people under you. It is necessary and urgent that you understand the notion of eternal life while there is still time. Life does not end after death. On the contrary, it is after death that real life starts, that is eternal life. Every man will live eternally in one of the two places prepared for this purpose. Those two places are Heaven and Hell. Every man is bound to make one of those two choices because there is no third choice.

You have just read, certainly with a big surprise and maybe with a little scepticism too, the case of your ex-counterpart Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa Za Banga who, I am not teaching you anything, reigned over Zaïre like a god. He was a well respected man who was very proud of his power. He was so proud that he told everyone, I quote: “In my lifetime one will never speak of ex-President Mobutu.” To make sure that this reign will last, and to dominate his people without anxiety as he did for thirty two years, he had to sell his country to lucifer through pacts and sacrifices of all kinds.

The end, your Excellences, dear Presidents, you know it. He is actually in an indescribable torment in Hell. He is being tortured by this same lucifer on whom he counted and to whom he had offered, free of charge, his country and the life of some seventy millions Zaïreans.

You also have the case of General Gnassingbé Eyadéma who reigned as a god over Togo for 38 years. With the numerous human sacrifices he had done to lucifer he earned an “honourable” place before him. Satan had so reassured him of another reign with him after his death, that he ended up believing it. He believed in it so much so that he was going towards death believing that he would still have power over all that would happen after him. With this conviction, before he died, he had his Generals swear, at risk of penalties, that they would install his son in power. Once he died, he has had the biggest disappointment of his life. He who believed that lucifer would welcome him with honours, as one does for a good and faithful servant, found himself chained by this same lucifer and submitted to the kind of tortures that he himself, during his 38 years of power, did not inflict on his victims.

And his generals, in their ignorance, are still captives of the lie of satan. They still believe that their king will certainly punish them if they do not do what he had asked them to do before he died, and if they do not keep the promise he had them make, until the end.

Your Excellencies, dear Presidents, let me give you another example. It is the case of your ex-counterpart El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba. In his ignorance, like you, he believed that one could put his trust in satan. He sold his country to satan in exchange for power. He reigned with absolute authority for 42 years over Gabon. A reign too long for those who, in his country, were wallowing in misery, but a reign which, after all, came to an end. As you all know, in his lifetime he was very respected and very influential. Great master of his masonic lodge and with a sufficiently high power, he did not suspect anything.

Now he is in Hell being cruelly tortured by lucifer whom he had faithfully served through freemasonry and to whom he gave everything on earth. It is now that he realises that he had made a great mistake. My wish, while sending you this message, Your Excellencies, dear Presidents, is to make you avoid this kind of inconvenience as soon as you leave this earth. The end is near.

Your Excellencies, dear Presidents, these three examples are enough to draw your attention to the danger which awaits you in the next days if by misfortune you leave the earth as your counterparts mentioned above, that is, without reconciling with God, through Jesus Christ.

You will surely wonder whether it is still possible to free yourselves from the pact you signed with lucifer, and be forgiven after all the abominations you got involved in. The answer that I am about to give you will surprise you. Jesus Christ is ready to forgive all your misdeeds, all your crimes, even the ones you find shameful to mention because they are really disgraceful. Jesus Christ is ready to forgive all the numerous human sacrifices that you have made, just as he forgave the author of this testimony.

The trap into which you should certainly not fall, Excellencies, dear Presidents, is that of believing the lie that satan will try to tell you after you have read this message. He will certainly remind you that the pact you have signed with him is irrevocable, and that if you try to back out you will die. This is not true. If you decide to free yourselves from the bondage of lucifer, and renounce any pact signed with him through the different esoteric and other lodges, you only have to call on Jesus Christ and choose true repentance, and satan will no longer have power over you. All you have to do is to follow the example of this ex- satanist whose testimony you have just read. He was even greater than some of you in the world of satan, yet he managed to free himself from the occult world, by relying on Jesus Christ. Some of you must even have met him when he was still there, since it is less than ten years he came out of there.

And if you choose to free yourselves from the bondage of satan and escape the humiliation he is currently preparing for you when you leave the earth, we are ready to support and help you. The Bible tells us in Acts 4:12 that: Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. It is through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone, that salvation is possible. And no power is equal to that of Jesus Christ. The Bible also tells us in Philippians 2:9-11 that: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Excellencies, dear Presidents, if you wish to leave the earth as ruler and enter into another kingdom where you will able to reign, it is only in Jesus Christ that this is possible. An everlasting kingdom awaits us with Jesus Christ. If you do not seize the hand of God stretched out to you to free yourselves from the bondage of lucifer, it is still him, lucifer, that in the coming days, will dispossess you of any dignity, and will torture you regardless of the title you had on earth. Excellencies, dear Presidents, you agree with me that leaving the honours of the Presidency, to suddenly find yourselves in chains like a common dog, and be tortured as the last of brigands, for the whole eternity is not what a normal man could desire. And I do not wish you that. For this reason, Excellencies, dear Presidents, I have taken the risk of sending you this message. It is up to you to ensure that something like this does not happen. There is only one thing you should do: Renounce your master lucifer now and accept the Master Jesus Christ who is the Almighty God.

Therefore, we encourage you, Excellencies, dear Presidents, to make the right choice while there is still time. Do not forget that our days are numbered on this earth. We will all leave this earth, one way or the other, and at anytime.

May the grace of Jesus Christ, the only true Master, be with you!

Message to the African Servants of God

Dear Servants of God, if I had to talk about Salvation, about Heaven or Hell, it would no longer be to you, because you know and understand these things well. My desire while sending you this message is to awaken your mind in relation to the terms of the warfare in which we are engaged.

We are all bound for eternity, with the possibility of going either to Heaven, or to Hell. The road to Heaven, like any other road, has its signs and its markers. And all those who want to use this road with the intention of arriving at destination, must absolutely respect its code. If the terms Heaven, Hell, Salvation and others are well known to you, it is their meaning which often eludes you. Hence the importance of my message.

You have just read in this testimony that there are many in Hell who on earth bore the title that you and I bear today, servant of God. Presently they are in eternal torment. Should we continue on our way blindly as if nothing happened? No beloved! It is high time we made sure that the rules of the road on which we are, are well respected. It is high time we took God seriously.

All those servants of God who are currently in Hell enduring lucifer's vengeance, also knew the terms Heaven, Hell, Salvation and others. They even believed they understood their meaning. But their presence in Hell is for us a proof that they were wrong. Like some of you, some of them had made pacts with lucifer as you have just read in this testimony, and thought they could mock God with impunity. Some chose to distance themselves from the abominable pacts with satan, and even forcefully denounced their colleagues who, in their opinion, went too far in prostitution. But they did not know that the simple fact of not signing pacts with lucifer was not enough to escape Hell. They did not know that in order to enter Heaven, one must scrupulously observe the Highway Code of Heaven. Unfortunately, it is too late for them, but not too late for you. You can still repent, and I encourage you to do so.

I therefore invite you to repent and return quickly to the sound doctrine of our Lord and only Master Jesus Christ, in order to wage the warfare that awaits you. If I chose to speak to you (African Servants of God) in particular, this is because of the warfare's burden on you and your countries. Your Presidents in their ignorance sold your countries to lucifer through pacts of all kinds. You and you alone can break these covenants in the name of Jesus Christ, and reclaim your countries. While we pray that God gives grace to these Presidents to repent and set themselves free from these covenants, you must get organized to fight in fasting and prayer, and repossess your countries from the hands of satan. And in order to do that, you yourself need to be reconciled with God, to engage in a real life of sanctification, away from all uncleanness and all greed, to be able to wage this warfare successfully.

Message to sorcerers

I ultimately appeal to all of you who are still in witchcraft. You have just read the testimony of this former great satanist. As you can see for yourself, this man has really served satan. He committed many crimes, caused great harm, and got involved in so many abominations that humanly speaking, forgiveness would never have been granted to him. Nevertheless Jesus accepted his repentance, forgave him, and delivered him. Jesus Christ is willing to do for you what He has done for him.

I know that many of you are already convinced that it is too late to repent, or it is impossible for them to break the pact they signed with satan. Let me reassure you that this is just a lie of the devil. While you are still alive, repentance is always possible, God's forgiveness is always possible, and deliverance is still possible. All you need is to choose with an honest heart to flee from satan and completely break with his world, and to seek deliverance with all your heart. The example of this former satanist is there to convince you. To obtain deliverance, this man has desired and sought it. Delivrance did not come to find him in his house. He sought God's forgiveness as a greedy seeks money. He sought and looked for God's forgiveness with all his heart. He was ready to pay any price to obtain deliverance. For that, he took the risk of telling the truth.

Yes! He took the risk of telling the truth, he had no fear of the consequences, he forgot about shame and cared less about what people would say. He did not confess his sins partly, he did not deceitfully confess his sins. He honestly and sincerely did it. You know the result. He obtained God's grace and mercy. He is forgiven, delivered and is now serving his new Master, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The example of this pastor, ex-satanist, helps you first to understand that all of you who stay in witchcraft because you believe that there is nothing else to be done, are wrong. You are making a mistake. You are falling into the trap of satan. Jesus Christ promises forgiveness and deliverance, if you seek repentance with an honest and sincere heart.

This example also helps you to understand that all those who complain that they have honestly confessed witchcraft, but without being delivered are not honest. Those who seek God with all their heart find God. I have always told you that it is not a man who delivers, but it is God who delivers. This means that even if a man could choose not to deliver you because he doubts you, God who knows that you are honest and sincere, if you really are, will deliver you, with or without the will of that man. Therefore, stop deceiving yourself, and seek true repentance.

I know there are some who, despite everything, will harden their heart. There are those who will hide behind the unconscious sorcery, and give the impression of not knowing anything about witchcraft practice. In any case, you now understand very well the consequences of your obstinacy. You are now well aware of what awaits you if death surprises you in your present state.

In the meantime, I still appeal to you. The Lord Jesus is still reaching out to you. And I am at His disposal, and at your disposal, ready to do what He asks me to do, and willing to help those of you who are committed to take this last opportunity and break your covenant with satan.

May the grace of Jesus Christ, the only true Master be with you!

The dangers of false doctrine

Beloved, I did not cease in my teachings to remind you that having abandoned sound doctrine gave free access to satan in the Church. While going through the testimony of pastor Jonas, you realize that all the doors through which satan and his agents pass to succeed in their missions in churches, come from the abandonment of sound doctrine, as lucifer himself told them: "If Children of God abide in God's Word, they will easily avoid my traps." Let me give you some examples:

One of the missions of the agents of satan in the Church is to create dullness during offerings and tithes. If pastors observed the sound doctrine, there would not even have a moment called "moment of tithes and offerings."

In his testimony, he mentioned the case of a sister who went to present him to the leaders of her church as his fiancé. This is a deviation from the sound doctrine. You can revisit the teaching on marriage that I put at your disposal.

He spoke about all those pastors and intercessors who tried to lay hands on him, but ended up on the floor. It is still a deviation from the sound doctrine. We do not lay hands on people hastily, and without discernment.

He spoke of the demons that often work in choirs and praise and worship groups, and that mostly use choir members. If pastors had remained in the sound doctrine, these things would not have existed. Therefore, satan and his agents would have nothing to cling to. It is because of the false doctrine that people are given the opportunity to sing in order to be admired. You can revisit the teaching on the Church that I put at your disposal. All these teachings are available on our website, and they are free. Note that if you abandon the word of God, you will pay the price.

To you pastors and servants of God who turned away from the sound doctrine by ignorance, repent, and return to the sound doctrine while there is still time, in order to close all those doors to satan and his agents.

And you Children of God who are still in such Churches where teachings are not biblical, if your pastors are not willing to repent and return to the sound doctrine, know that they are part of those agents of lucifer who disguise themselves as servants of God, to destroy the people of God. Quickly come out of those churches, if you value your salvation. Know that no true servant of God can willingly remain in the false gospel.

If you are in churches with useless pastors like those the beloved have described in his testimony, come out of there quickly. It is not in churches controlled and directed by lucifer that you can progress.

Ancestors’ worship

Speaking of the ancestor's worship, the brother in his testimony spoke of tribalism among others, by revealing that lucifer spoke to them about it as being the ancestor's worship in the Church. In this regard I would like to give you another element of this point: It is about racism in the Church. You find so-called Christians who are so racist that even the title of pentecostal or evangelical Christians they have makes no difference. Of this number are many so-called pastors. Let me share this testimony with you.

I was invited to give a lecture in the South of France, in a city which I prefer not to mention. The time I spent in the midst of those pastors and brothers was rich in discoveries, and I would like to share one of them with you. To show me how much racism gnawed churches in France, pastors told me of a church in the area called "Church of Africans". This so-called church of Africans, was a church with dozen of members. All were white, and there were all in all one African in that church.

You will certainly ask yourself, as I did, that why can a church of dozens of people be called "Africans' Church" when there is only one black in the church. The pastors gave me the answer. It turns out that the only black in the church was the pastor. And amazingly, the pastor of that church was married. So if I tell you that there were all in all one black in the church, you can guess the rest.

And who are those who call this church "Church of Africans"? There are the other pastors in the area. Hallelujah! This is what the Church of Jesus Christ has become. These are people who call themselves Christians and pastors who claim to be serving God, and would even be waiting for the return of Jesus. This is just sad! You can understand how far seduction has gone. Lucifer is indeed sitting on churches.

Messages to the adulators of sportsmen

The beloved in his testimony warned us against wrestling, laying bare all the cunning of satan hidden behind it. I want to tell you that if he only spoke about wrestling, it is not because other sports are pure. It is simply because he was a former wrestler, and it is the sport he had practiced and knows better. Know that other sports are as satanic as wrestling, and if you love your salvation, you must flee from them now, and find refuge in Jesus Christ.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Chris be with you! Amen!

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This testimony is the 4th part in a series of thirteen volumes. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order.

I come from a family of traditional village chiefs. In my extended family on my father's side, they were looking for someone who had to be prepared in witchcraft to become a traditional chief in the coming days. Know that they first prepare traditional chiefs in witchcraft before enthroning them. This simply means that all traditional chiefs are sorcerers. So when one was looking for someone, misfortune fell upon my mother. My mother was not a witch, she knew nothing about magic and even until her death, she knew nothing about it. But misfortune fell on her. [...] The brother describes the sequences of his initiation, and draws our attention to the wickedness of sorcerers. He said: Sorcerers are specialists in destruction. They know how to destroy but they do not know how fix what they detroy. [...] He continues and tells a bit about the world of lucifer. He said: The world of lucifer is what you call the second world, the world of pandemonium, that is, the world of rebellion.

When I was there, one took me to a department led by a goddess called Mary Margoue. And this department is what one calls the world Armstrong or the marian domain. It is the headquarters of the catholic magic in the world of satan. Catholicism has two headquarters. In the human world, its headquarters is in the Vatican, a state in a state. You have the Vatican State in the state of Italy. It has a bicolor flag (yellow and white). These two colors mean prayers and sacrifices, and it is there where one finds the pope, the vicarius filii dei, the one who wears the mark of the beast. Even today when you see the catholic faithful go somewhere to kneel before a statue, it's just the image of the world Armstrong. One deceives them by telling them that Mary Margoue is the blessed virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. You should know that Mary who gave birth to the baby Jesus is already dead, she was buried, and she is also expecting the rapture like everyone.

And in that world, I was led into the santeria. The santeria is the place where you find all the saints whose names are recited in the catholic litanies. [...] The brother continues by exhorting us regarding the ideas that demons can suggest in the spirit of man. He says: If you do not walk in the fear of God, demons can suggest you their ideas and make you believe that those ideas come from you. [...] In the universe, the devil has already placed satellites. These mystical satellites send images towards mystical radars, and these radars, again, resend images to the screens XS. It is from these screens that the devil controls this world, because he is not able to be in several places at the same time. But the Lord Jesus, our God does not need radars nor screens because He is omnipresent. And the Bible says in Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. So Jesus does not need radars.

From those screens, the devil controls this world. He knows the true Christians, the hypocritical Christians and even the pagans. If you are really Christian, know that even the devil knows it. When he looks through those screens, he sees signs. So when we were on the other side, the devil asked us to coordinate many demons and direct them towards people who had signs, that is, towards true Christians, in order to extinguish those signs. That's how we directed many demons towards true Christians. Therefore, you should know that a true Christian is the one who has a lot of fighting to do, it is the one who is being fought a lot. If you are fought, know that the Lord will never forsake you, He will always deliver you.

The devil works with two codes. The first code is the control of the world that I have just explained. The second is the fact of turning the Bible in the wrong way. And that is what is happening today. One has already turned the Bible in the wrong direction. And many of those who call themselves servants of God do the will of satan without knowing it. What does it mean to turn the Bible in the wrong direction? It is the gospel that we have today, where one only speaks of blessing, and neglects the most important: Salvation. One does no longer lay emphasis on sin, but one focuses only on blessings and other unnecessary things. That is not the will of God. You should know that a blessing without Salvation is a curse. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. When you see a church where one does not like to talk about Salvation or insist on sin, know that you are dealing with a church which is under the influence of the devil.

[...] The brother gives us a brief explanation of some of the names that parents give to their children. He explained that in that region, one gives the name Mouginga to children who are born in special circumstances, that is, wrapped in umbilical cord. He continues: Mouginga means someone who is bound. When you look at the people who have such names, especially when the moon appears, you will see that they behave strangely. This should not only be confined to the name Mouginga, there are many others: Tchanda, Ngaloula, Toumba, Mouadi, Moukalayi, etc. You must be very careful with these names. Now try to know the meaning of the name you have because the name you have can be a door through which demons come into your life.

[...] Here I draw the attention of parents. Pay attention to the nicknames that you give to your children. The devil is wicked, beloved. I never thought that one day I would also be counted among Christians. You know, for my deliverance, I went to 23 churches. The demons that were in me were beating both intercessors and pastors. And everyone was running away, and at the end, one drove me out. I was known in Likasi, and no one wanted to see me any more. I went to my family, I told the truth, and even there, they drove me away. All the friends that I had, abandoned me, I was left alone and I was sleeping at the market. I suffered a lot, my deliverance took a whole year, I was alone, abandoned by all, alone in suffering. And it is at that moment that the Lord Jesus, He who is the ever-present help in trouble, visited me and now I am a normal man, a child of God. That is a great miracle for me.

[...] The brother gives a warning to mothers who have the bad habit of tying a rope around the waists of their children, because these ropes can be a gateway for demons to come into the child's life. He said: Pay attention to all these ropes, be careful. He makes a digression and tells us about those who are studying medicine. He says: Here I insist! The majority of those who have studied medicine, are satanists. [...] He continues and tells us about him, I was only two months old, however I could already go out during the night. In my parents' room, I had a small cradle. My parents had their bed and I was in my cradle. But at night, I was only two months old, I was leaving our house and going to meet the sorcerers of our family at the source of the Congo River. It was there that we used to meet. Before leaving, I would plunge everybody into a deep sleep. That is what sorcerers do. Before leaving, they first plunge all those who are in the house into a deep sleep.

I was still in Cancegnia. The sorcerers of Cancegnia tried by all means to make me join their group. But I was against it, they decided to kill me. One night while I was sleeping, I saw the leader of all the sorcerers of Cancégnia come to threaten me and ask me why I did not want to join their group. Then the four bodyguards I had, asked me: "What do you want us to do to this man?" And I answered straight out: "Kill him!" And suddenly I saw that a hole appeared before this man, one pushed him, he felt in and the hole closed again, and then I woke up. In the morning, I was taking my bath to go to school and I saw this dad coming. Just when he arrived at the entrance of our house, I lifted my eyes and as soon as our eyes crossed each other, he was hurled to the ground. After that, he got up and went home, it was the last day that I saw him, because when he went home, he died that same day. That night, when I came into my room, I looked under my bed, there was a snail shell and inside there was blood. It was the blood of that dad. The snail shell was what I used as a plane to go into witchcraft and blood is what I used as fuel.

After that, my father was transferred. We left Cancegnia to settle in Likasi. When we arrived in Likasi, my father following a friendly influence went to find a house in the neighbourhood Colomoni, a house that had more than ten rooms. Colomoni is located next to two other neighbourhoods, Canona and Tchatchi. In these three neighbourhoods, witchcraft is a religion. I can say that almost 90% of the people who live there, are involved in satanic things, and it is in this environment that I grew up. So as you see me, I know witchcraft like someone who studied witchcraft from the kindergarten to the university. I know witchcraft with all the details. Glory be to Jesus for the deliverance He has granted me.

When I was there, with the shell that was under the bed, my mother and my sisters cleaned up my room, even under my bed, but they did not see this shell. However, the shell was there. This is what happens in the house of many people. Sorcerers have already put things in the house and it is through these things that they enter the house. You must ask God to reveal to you the spiritual state of your house. I grew up in this neighborhood, and then one day, I was called in the world of sorcerers. I saw the sorcerers of my family there and they told me: “there are powerful sorcerers in the neighborhood where you live, you need protection." They took a rope to which they wrapped five claws of a lion, and tied it around the hips as protection. This is not protection. Know that protection is Jesus. Jesus is the protector par excellence.

I will tell you briefly about the origin of witchcraft and its different parts or branches. There was among the angels of God one whose mission was to transmit light. So God gave the name lucifer to this angel according to its mission. When one says that the devil is called lucifer, he was not the one who gave himself that name, but God. Etymologically lucifer is divided into two words: Lux and Fero. Lux means light and Fero bear. Lucifer means light-bearer angel, in Greek angel of light. But what's happened?

With all the privileges he had, he became proud. He wanted to take the place of his Creator. To succeed in doing this, he began by corrupting the third of the angels of God. He declared war to God and to the angels who remained faithful to Him. As there was pride in lucifer who was at the head of this rebellion, and as God does not work with the proud, his place was not found in heaven. Our God does not work with the haughty. It is written in James 4:6 ... God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. And James 4:10 continues and says: Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. So as there was pride in lucifer, he had to be chased away and he was chased away.

There are people who believe that the devil stays on earth or underground. No, not even in the submarine space. He comes on this earth, but he stays in the air. It is only the day when the Lord Jesus comes that He will dislodge the devil, because the Bible says that all the powers of the air shall be shaken. This place in the air where lucifer is, is called the world of tartarus, the second heaven. If you stand outside and look up, you will see the sky, that is the first heaven. After that, comes the second. It is there where lucifer stays with his demons, the rebellious angels. After that heaven comes the third heaven, the heaven of God. Even when you read the second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, he wrote: "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven." 2Cor. 12:2.

And at this place, lucifer and his angels formed an army called the mysteries of the air. It is what you read in Ephesians 2:1-2: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. Lucifer is called the prince of the power of the air. And from there when the Bible says: Woe to the earth and the sea, it is because lucifer stands between humans and God, he is in the middle. He knows that he has little time left and is trying to divert the children of God so that they no longer do the will of God, and that, like him, they be lost too. At that place, he has created a barrier called the cosmic force. This barrier aims to block all the inefficient prayers. What is an inefficient prayer? It is a prayer that is made by a person who lives in sin. Isaiah 59:1-2 tells us: Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

And through this barrier, the devil is able to block even an angel of God. Remember the 21-day prayer that Daniel did. Let us read Daniel 10:12-13. "Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia." God sent Michael because Daniel was living in the fear of God. You too, you can pray, but if you do not live in sanctification, you will pray, but your prayer will never be answered. The devil will block your prayer.

The Bible says in Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. But we see many people who are in Christ, and still live under condemnation. The Lord has allowed this testimony to be given so that the condemnations that continue to weigh down on your life fall in Jesus' name.

It is there that the devil formed his government. The government of lucifer works at three levels. The first level is the divinity of lucifer, the second level is the royalty of lucifer, and the third level is the ministry of lucifer and the demons. What does the devil do in his government? There he has already placed a triad, and in this triad, there are three demons. The first is the one that has the mission to destroy the divine capacity placed in man. This demon is called Calibosse, in other words Apollion. After that one, there is a demon that is responsible for the astral communication, that is, to precipitate death and captivate the souls in order to lead them in the astral world. It's called Belial or Nickel. Then comes the third one that has a feminine appearance, the queen of heaven.

Technology and computer science: Through those demons, lucifer controls the world of technology and computer science. These demons control the brain of the underground computer. They are the demons that give rapid progress to technology.

Telephone: Here I make a digression. While lucifer conceived the "Project 2000", he told us that Christians escape his control and that he can not read their thoughts. Thus to know the projects of Christians and read their thoughts, they invented the telephone and cell phone. I know that almost everyone has a phone. Listen to me carefully. Every time that you make a phone call, your call goes through the world of darkness first before reaching the person you are calling. The world of darkness listens to your calls before those you are calling. The phone works with the mark of the beast which is 666. Let us take the example of our country, we have a lot of telephone networks, but there are two main networks: The network Vodacom and the network Zain. These two networks use the same satellite. If you take their customer services and you make the sum you will find 666. Vodacom is 111 and Zain is 555.

The Internet: Every Internet address begins with www. The three w mean 666. The devil is really crafty. The Bible calls him the evil one. When we take the letter w, it is a letter of the French alphabet. The French alphabet has 26 letters, and w is the 23rd. So when you have w, it represents the number 23. So when you take the number 23, it is a two digit number. You have 2 and 3. When you multiply 2 by 3, it gives you six. And when you have three w, how much do you have? The devil is crafty.

The divinity of lucifer

Let us read Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. When you take this passage of Galatians, you find there the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. If you take the number of the angels who fell with lucifer, you make the sum of the numbers, you find 9. That is, when you take 144 000 if you do 1 +4 +4 +0 +0 +0, it gives you 9. The devil has already created the nine fruits of the diabolic spirit, and in the catholic church it is called the nine orders of angels. In his divinity, the devil pretends to be god above the angels who fell with him.

When you read the Psalm 75:7 the Bible says: For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge. This means that exaltation comes only from the Lord. It is a revelation of God, why? Because in the East, lucifer has already placed a demon called Baemon, in the West, there is a demon called Amaemon. So when you take the four cardinal points, there are the North, the South, the East and the West. The North is the Septentrion, The South is the Midi, the East is the Orient and the West is the Occident. In the four corners of the world, lucifer placed four demons whose mission is to strengthen the power of evil in the world. And these four demons enter in the life of a person by two means:

The first is the sign of the cross. It's a trap of satan. There are many people who have already made this sign. People, in their ignorance, do not understand where the trap is. They believe that they are doing: "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” And because they are doing this quickly, they don't realize the trickery. But when you do it slowly, you see the trap of the devil. That's when you understand that in reality, you are doing the father, the son, the holy and the spirit separately. That means Maugua, Egime the Great, Baemon, Amaemon. It is what one calls prayer of conjuration of kings. All the priests know that.

The second is the ash, which is put on the forehead of people on Ash Wednesday. What happens? The acolytes come with the ash that comes from branches of the same season that has been burned. It is mixed with olive oil. And you will see the priest do that sign when he comes. When he does that, on the left side of the sacristy, there is a white stone called Petras. From there, there are demons which enter with another special ash. It is an ash that one takes in the world of cemeteries after having burned human bones. They take the ash that the acolytes brought, and leave the ash that comes from the calcinations of human bones from the world of cemeteries. And then the priest stands in front, and people line up, he starts making this sign of cross on their faces while saying: you are dust, and to the dust you shall return. That's what you hear, but in reality, this is not what is said by the priest. He says: You are dead in our magic and you become a slave of death.

When you look carefully, the cross that they put on the face, is a cross with four corners. However at these corners there are Maugua, Egime the Great Baemon, Amaemon. These spirits enter in the person. We know that man is tripartite, there is the body which is the envelope, the spirit that makes the body move and the soul which is the centre of the will and decision. And there, the soul is captured and brought in the presidium which is the prison of Mary Margoue. That is the reason why, even if you tell the truth to a faithful catholic, he will listen to you, but at the end, he will tell you: "Mary and I, only death will separate us." Do they easily accept to abandon Mary? It is because they are not masters of their will, they are bewitched. That is why we must pray for them.

Ministry of lucifer and the demons

When we talk about the ministry of lucifer and the demons, we see the demons who work from Monday to Sunday. The week has seven days, but there are only six ministers. Lucifer himself works one day as minister. Lucifer works on Monday. Try simply to observe the Monday. You will see that there is certain dullness. There are some people who even talk about "dull Monday". It is on that day that lucifer himself works as minister. On Tuesday it is Nabroth, on Wednesday Astaroth, on Thursday Akam, on Friday it is Beke, on Saturday it is Nabam. Nabam works with Sankai, the demon of music, and on Sunday it is Akiel, the demon of poverty. It is the one who prevents people from offering to God, in order to keep them in poverty.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen!

The fourth testimony was accidently left out in the series so it ends on the
on the fourth rather than the thirteenth. Thanks for reading!
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While this young man was not on the level of the ex-satanist you've just read about - he was a worshiper of satan and did operate in satanic powers. Here is his story and you will note that what he says does confirm the other man's testimony.

[ame=http://youtu.be/xxrldnzNqKA]john ramirez ex satanist testimony - YouTube[/ame]
Sermon from William Gurnall William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour


Satan is not challenging you to a mock battle, this war is a life - or - death struggle. If you do not believe me, look what he has done to God's servants in times past. Charging full speed ahead at many a dear saint, he has battered their armor until the grace of God was almost unrecongizable. All this he does when he catches a saint off guard.

Do you remember what happened to Jacob when he unbuckled his girdle of truth and sincerity, and used a trick to get his father's blessing? He got the blessing alright, but he also was repaid in kind when Laban switched Leah for Rachel. Think of how much suffering he might have saved himself by keeping his whole armor in place!

What about David? Oh, the battering he took by removing his breastplate of righteousness in the matter of Uriah! He sustained a dreadful wound, being shot right through the heart. And Jonah, when God wanted to send him to Ninevah, got caught without his shoes on. By that I mean he lacked the preparation and readiness with which his mind should have been shod, to have gone at the first call. Then there was poor Hezekiah. He had his helmet of hope knocked askew and so badly dented that he cried, "I shall not see the Lord . . . in the land of the living" ( Isaiah 38:11 ) Even Abraham had fits of unbelief and distrustful qualms that crept in at some rust spots in his graces.

This war is a spiritual holocaust. Either you destroy the power of Satan in your life by putting on the whole armor of God and keeping it on, or Satan will destroy you. The great saints of every century have been tried in the fires of temptation. And to a man they have been singed whenever Satan has found the smallest chink in their graces. Do not disregard what history has repeatedly shown to be true.
Quote from Testimony No. 2 http://www.mcreveil.org/Anglais/witchcraft/PstJonas_en02.html

He also told us that we had to work seriously in churches, and that we should do everything to let Christians sink into a spiritual sleep. And for that he made a seven points plan of action:

- Fight or deny the manifestation of the Holy Spirit,

- Do everything within our power to strengthen the power of evil,

- Make every effort to introduce homosexuality in the world on the horizontal and vertical plan,

- Do everything possible to turn the Bible in the wrong way,

- Influence the business world,

- Do everything to stop offering and the daily sacrifice,

- Make every effort to introduce competition as well as fashion in the church.

It is time for the Church to rise up and take back the ground it has lost through its
own waywardness. It is time to get realize the consequences of compromise and sin.
We are in a very serious hour and must wake up.
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I praise God for both the brother who gives his testimony of his former life as a high level satanist and also the young brother here, John Ramirez, who gives testimony of his former life while serving Satan. You will note both men called Satan Father / dad. Both men felt that Satan was their father. Both men operated in the powers of Satan although the 13 testimony Brother was operating at the highest echelons of Satanism most have never heard of in their lives. Until now. We usually are not able to obtain these type testimonies so this is truly a blessing to the much of the Church who is unaware of what living in unrepented sin will cost them.

Both of these men give testimony about satanists who have targeted lukewarm Christians who were living lives of sin because if a Christian is living a life of sin they are out from under the protective covering of God. They are open season for a demonic attack and some have even died. This is just the way it is and God has warned us in His Word about what can happen to us when we are out of His will yet today we do not hear this preached in most churches in America because the men being the pulpits are living in sin. As well as the worship leaders, bible study leaders, prayer group leaders.... it is a very serious situation and so it is worth addressing one final time. To expound on this I am putting up a sermon from Michael Boldea Jr. which will drive home the point that if we do not fully surrender ourselves unto the LORD we should not assume that we can endure until the end which is what Jesus told us we must do in order to be saved.

Keep in mind that the testimony of the Ex-satanist confirms that Christians who live in unrepented sin are open season for attack and again that the second brother, John Ramirez spoke of walking up to Christians in bars who had been drinking and he was able to curse them also. This is something that the wide road preachers - some being servants of Satan themselves and knowing all the while that both these men have spoken the truth - will hope you, as believers, do not catch hold of. Why? Because if you come into the light fully - the Holy Spirit is going to reveal to you who is who and what they are doing.

This is confirmed in the first mans testimony of how his girlfriend who introduced him to the prayer group - informed her she was dating a Satanist. Why did the girl not know it? She was living in sin. When you are living in sin? You are living in darkness. When you are living in darkness? You won't see who is right in front of you. Time to come into the light fully and let Jesus protect you as He desires to protect you, beloved. How can He do it when you won't let him? Make the decision today to live for Christ and to thank God for the testimonies of the men who risked their own lives in order to tell you the truth.

* Reminder * The Apostle Paul spoke about examining ourselves before taking communion because some believers who had not done this ended up sick and some died early. This again is clear evidence that if you are living in unrepented sin and continuing on it - the consequences are sickness, death, torment, etc. Why a Christian would believe they are any different from an unbeliever if they have not fully surrendered their lives is a mystery. The bible makes no mention of any Christian living such a life unless you wish to be remembered as an Alexander or Hymenenaues or Demas who departed from the faith for love of this present world. God forbid, Church. God forbid.

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