Texan murders lesbian daughter and her lover

Violence towards people because of who they choose to be with is unacceptable and should never be tolerated.
I agree. If you don't go for what is front of you, washing your hands of whatever it happens to be is the only thing that a person can do.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Did dad kill daughter and her girlfriend because they were GAY? Relatives say 'devout Muslim' father couldn't get his head around her sexuality | Mail Online

The foreign media will cover it but CNN won't?

Poor little faggot liberals. No way there's bias here, right faggots?

Must ignore story because white christian didn't do! PRay for white christian to finally do something like this!

I think it is clear that there are double standards in our media, and they will always exist so long as humans do. What doesn't help Steve is calling people faggots. You have a belief, and you advocate it here. The problem is that you're taking a knife and violently ripping apart your credibility, and the willingness of others to even consider your viewpoint. Just imagine if you held the same political view, but the way you sent your message was much more fair, respectful, and warm? Imagine how many more people would be willing to hear you, instead of mock you. Calling all liberals faggots is certainly not going to make them inclined to understand or even want to hear you. And those who may be willing to listen are turned off when they hear all the vitriol that you've added to your message. If you truly cared to have people listen to you, and to feel like you're not screaming in the wind, you would be wise to temper your posts while removing those venomous impurities. People would think better of you and, more importantly, your message.

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