Texans can now openly carry guns in public without a permit or training...CNN: "Police say the new law makes it harder to do their jobs"

Maybe, maybe not. Guns are the ultimate in instant gratification for murde and suicide. Other ways are harder, slower, and just generally less "user friendly".
Thank you!

Sadly, people who are somewhat Christian are eager to place a stumbling block before the blind.
and you are wrong……..at a minimum, any fee mandated on the exercise of a Right is, in fact, Unconstitutional……see Murdoch v Pennsylvania……..and since a license will have a fee attached to it, and is a prior restraint on a Right, it is, in fact, unconstutional.

Murdock v. Pennsylvania concerned the First Amendment Free Exercise Clause, not the Second Amendment.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of licenses, permits, and fees.

Requiring a license to carry a concealed firearm is perfectly Constitutional, in no manner violating the Second Amendment.
Texas: where gun owners have more rights than pregnant women. Figures.
Sadly both Progressive Liberals and Conservatives are somewhat pro-death.

Conservatives support deaths of mentally disabled people who kill themselves.

Progressive Liberals support deaths of unborn children.
It's not a question of it might happen it is happening over and over and over again this our nation is insane if it doesn't recognize this and deal with the crisis.
Japan has a rate of 12.2
US has a rate of 14.5
1999-2019, US:
5.8/100k average per year.

2011-2020, Japan
18.9/100k average per year (3.43x higher than the US)

US data:

Japan data:

1999-2019, US:
5.8/100k average per year.

2011-2020, Japan
18.9/100k average per year (3.43x higher than the US)

US data:
View attachment 535112

Japan data:
View attachment 535113

Your cdc link does not work.
It's not a question of it might happen it is happening over and over and over again....
423,000,000 guns in the US
~10,500 gun-related murders per year.
99.9975% of the guns in the US are not involved in a murder each year
For every gun involved in a murder, 40,285 are not.
With this in mind, please demonstrate the necessity for getting rid of all the guns in the US.
1999-2019, US:
5.8/100k average per year.

2011-2020, Japan
18.9/100k average per year (3.43x higher than the US)

US data:
View attachment 535112

Japan data:
View attachment 535113

Agree, suicide rate in Japan does seem higher…

But that is no excuse not to do what we can lower suicide rates here.
423,000,000 guns in the US
~10,500 gun-related murders per year.
99.9975% of the guns in the US are not involved in a murder each year
For every gun involved in a murder, 40,285 are not.
With this in mind, please demonstrate the necessity for getting rid of all the guns in the US.
I didn't say all guns, people have the right to your hunt, I said all guns that can kill people many people in just minutes. those guns are only used to kill people that you don't mow down a herd of animals when you go hunting or kill the whole flock of birds when when you go bird hunting. The only purpose of those weapons is to kill lots of people. Anyone who wants to own a gun like that is sick.
Free societies do lots of things to protect people from themselves. Seat belts when driving that's mandatory, helmets when riding a motorcycle not only great common Sense mandatory in most States and Commonwealth's.
By all means…

Let untrained and uncleared morons run around with guns
BWahahah...you need to get a history book....how the west was tamed was by ARMED citizens who shot the bad guys not like now when the cops arrest bad guys, they get accused of racism or being meanies to the poor wittle criminals who din't du nuffins.
1999-2019, US:
5.8/100k average per year.

2011-2020, Japan
18.9/100k average per year (3.43x higher than the US)

US data:
View attachment 535112

Japan data:
View attachment 535113

Yeah....he learned that lie from Joe131.....the only year they had a higher rate was 2019......the rest of the time they out do us in suicide.........I wish these assholes wouldn't lie so much...but that is all they have...

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