Texans must prepare for a different Texas

This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.
This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

If the Democrats offer minorities a nickel a piece for their vote then Republicans could offer them a dime a piece. This is certainly the best way to run a country.
He's simply presenting demographic projections

You people are acting like doing so is somehow unAmerican.

It's a perfectly sensible thing to do.

If you are a politician or in sales, it makes sense.

But I am trying to understand WHY he thinks it matters.

Would it matter to you if your neighbors one by one started moving away and members of a drug cartel took their place? A white person doesn't have to "hate" other races to recognize the fact that other races hate whites. That's not always the case but it's often the case:




Like it or not, if you're white there is an agenda to have you removed from the southwest by a group called "La Raza" (the race).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBhzJnJIilI"]The New Black Panther.avi - YouTube[/ame]

Yes ... the white race is literally hated and there is an agenda to kill us all. Not everyone may be on board but there are enough on board to make the threat serious.

White Texans will not abandon Texas, and whites will learn to adjust to the changing demographics.

Tis what tis.
White people are only good for one thing in particular.
To be productive law abiding members of society to fund
the government who will then spend it on the least productive
members of society.

Any racist of any color, such as you, can change or leave or be increasingly unhappy until the day you die

aren't we all AMERCIANS?

what's with this crap of separating us into race, color of skin, etc

this is tearing this country apart

just gives a bit of insight and how the republican party has treated people color and what will happen with the demographic shift

One Southern Republican lawmaker — who asked to remain anonymous — said of Immigration reform’s opposition: “Part of it, I think — and I hate to say this, because these are my people — but I hate to say it, but it’s racial.”

Lee Atwater famously advised Republicans to:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.”

The Southern Strategy has been the cornerstone of Republican politics for at least five decades. While former Republican National Committee chairmen Ken Mehlman and Michael Steele admitted (and apologized) that Republicans use racist appeals to motivate white voters, the Southern Strategy remains central to their party’s electoral logic and approach. Paul Ryan’s racism and embrace of the Southern Strategy is the Republican Party’s conventional wisdom in practice.

“If you go to town halls people say things like, ‘These people have different cultural customs than we do.’ And that’s code for race,” the Republican continued.

Republicans admit racism is contributing to immigration reform gridlock - Salon.com

LOL. You do know that Jim Crow was a Democrat -- don't you?
You do know that Democrat, Robert Byrd, was a member of the KKK -- don't you?

Ah the abject hypocrisy. :cuckoo:

You do know that the KKK and Jim Crow were conservative first?

You do know that Dems and Pubs in the southern legislatures voted Jim Crow don't you for many decades?

Your whining will not change the truth.
This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

no one is spitting on people but you
spare us the sermon
Texas will be purple within a decade and blue within 20 years

We will never see another republican president

Just imagine how GREAT one party rule will be.... I can see the posters now...



Forty-eight percent of Texans younger than 18 are Hispanic. You could build a 20-foot wall on the southern border or import every techie from California, but it wouldn't make a dent in the projections. Murdock explains that black and Hispanic children will largely determine the future of Texas.

And republicans in Texas have only two options to select from:

Retain their unwarranted fear and disdain of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty and be swept away in a tide of democratic voters.

Or abandon their dogma of fear, ignorance, and hate and embrace diversity and dissent in the hope of remaining politically viable and relevant.
Because once whites become the minority, then they can start whining about being so and get all the special attention and quotas, while the new majority's special attention and quotas be taken away.

Won't that be special.

I'm personally looking forward to wealthy, privileged teenagers emulating my speech patterns, mannerisms, and style of dress as soon as they are perceived by them as a threatening manifestation of anti-establishmentarianism. Boy are they in for a surprise!
Forty-eight percent of Texans younger than 18 are Hispanic. You could build a 20-foot wall on the southern border or import every techie from California, but it wouldn't make a dent in the projections. Murdock explains that black and Hispanic children will largely determine the future of Texas.

And republicans in Texas have only two options to select from:

Retain their unwarranted fear and disdain of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty and be swept away in a tide of democratic voters.

Or abandon their dogma of fear, ignorance, and hate and embrace diversity and dissent in the hope of remaining politically viable and relevant.

False premise. Mindless partisan douchebag. Fuck off.
This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

If the Democrats offer minorities a nickel a piece for their vote then Republicans could offer them a dime a piece. This is certainly the best way to run a country.

Your party needs to figure out how to get 10% of the Hispanic vote to vote for you. Elections are all about winning people over.
The nation should be torn apart. It's not working as it is. Texas may very well return to Mexico. Mexicans think it should. The way the Chinese are buying up California, there might be a vote in the future to become a Chinese state.

When the demographics change to put the power into the hands of foreign loyalists the future is pretty well cut and dried.

Wow, that was very, very stupid. You must have worked hard to make it so stupid. Great effort!

Being non-white does not make an AMERICAN a "foreign loyalist," you mouth-breathing nincompoop.

Your anti-American bullshit is as useless as ever.
He's simply presenting demographic projections

You people are acting like doing so is somehow unAmerican.

It's a perfectly sensible thing to do.

If you are a politician or in sales, it makes sense.

But I am trying to understand WHY he thinks it matters.

Would it matter to you if your neighbors one by one started moving away and members of a drug cartel took their place? A white person doesn't have to "hate" other races to recognize the fact that other races hate whites. That's not always the case but it's often the case:

Yes ... the white race is literally hated and there is an agenda to kill us all. Not everyone may be on board but there are enough on board to make the threat serious.

So you think having nonwhite neighbors is the same has having a drug cartel as neighbors?

I think you have some issues.
This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

So you're saying the Republicans should pander to criminals (illegal immigrants) to get votes when all it would really do is turn America into Northern Mexico?
the takeover and selling out of our country is well under way

and not a shot need be fired

how sad, and some citizens sit here cheering
We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within. (From an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.)

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This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

Reagan only got about 30% of their vote and he actually gave them amnesty.

Bush 43 was an anomaly with Hispanics. The GOP has traditionally only garnered about a third of their vote and it makes sense because a large amount of Hispanics are poor so they will naturally vote for the party that supports freebies and entitlements. That isn't going to change with or without amnesty.
This is why the republican party is a regional party and can't win nationally. The major areas in Florida(Miami-dade), VA, NC, NEV, Co have already shown that importance of these people. You can't spit on these people and expect to win...28% of the Hispanic vote want for the republicans last presidential election, while Bush got 44%. I wonder why????

They want amnesty...Are you going to give it to them? Or are you going to whine about them.

So you're saying the Republicans should pander to criminals (illegal immigrants) to get votes when all it would really do is turn America into Northern Mexico?

As the younger Americans say, "what a silly goof is RV." Texas is not becoming Northern Mexico.
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the takeover and selling out of our country is well under way

and not a shot need be fired

how sad, and some citizens sit here cheering
We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within. (From an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.)

Corrupted from the inside | Chronicles of Delusion

No one is taking over America except younger, darker, more technological forward looking Americans.
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