Texas Democrats leave state to try to stop GOP voting bill

That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
The hated Trump gets more popular votes then the beloved Obama how is it possible?

Because you say so?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?

The statement is correct. Biden 81 million trump 74 million.
Check your facts before you post.
More popular votes then the magic negro how is it possible?
Internet vote count dumps...they don't even need a ballot, just change the count...up for Biden, down for Trump.
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
The hated Trump gets more popular votes then the beloved Obama how is it possible?

Because you say so?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?

The statement is correct. Biden 81 million trump 74 million.
Check your facts before you post.
More popular votes then the magic negro how is it possible?

If your too ignorant to check your figures, that's not my fault. Tap it into Google if your brave enough.
Biden received The most votes of any president in history. 7 million more than trump.
Get over it. Sook.
Via the internet, Biden's tally went up and Trumps went down...without any votes being cast for either. No ballots counted; just manipulation of the count totals.

Biden did not win the election. He had it handed to him.
I saw Greg Abbott on TV tonight saying that when they return to Texas, they will be arrested. :laughing0301:
I saw them interviewing one of the representatives on the national news earlier and she was saying that they were being threatened with being locked up until they voted and if they didn't return to the capital (I think that's where they said) that they were going to send the Texas Rangers to round them up and return and hold them by force (until they voted).

I guess we'll hear more about this in the coming weeks.

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
So you think all those idiot Democrats are going to abandon their properties and homes in Texas?
How about holding them to the standard all of us working stiffs have to go by???

If you don't come to work, you don't get paid!!!!
Are they hourly workers now? :heehee:
News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Legislators have a fiduciary duty, they must perform for The People when they refuse to do so there must be recourse for The People.
Imagine if a police officer stood there watching criminal acts take place and refused to do anything to stop said crimes from happening.
I agree with your premise that they should be doing their jobs not taking time off when things aren’t going their way. Which brings to mind, what is the primary purpose of a US representative- to represent their constituents or to represent the party as a whole? Since it can’t be both, one has to take precedence over the order to maintain an orderly process, yes?
They wouldn't get "jail time" so to speak. They can be held under force long enough to make up a legislative quorum, then they would be released.
And all they would have accomplished would be an unnecessary round trip plane fight, and more global warming. Polluters.
Have they found out whose dime paid for those plane tickets- was that on their voters due to using campaign donations like with reportedly one did for these expenses?
They wouldn't get "jail time" so to speak. They can be held under force long enough to make up a legislative quorum, then they would be released.
And all they would have accomplished would be an unnecessary round trip plane fight, and more global warming. Polluters.
Have they found out whose dime paid for those plane tickets- was that on their voters due to using campaign donations like with reportedly one did for these expenses?
I want to know who is selling them crack in DC?
I saw Greg Abbott on TV tonight saying that when they return to Texas, they will be arrested. :laughing0301:
I saw them interviewing one of the representatives on the national news earlier and she was saying that they were being threatened with being locked up until they voted and if they didn't return to the capital (I think that's where they said) that they were going to send the Texas Rangers to round them up and return and hold them by force (until they voted).

I guess we'll hear more about this in the coming weeks.

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
So you think all those idiot Democrats are going to abandon their properties and homes in Texas?

Did I say they will?
Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Try reading this thread.
IT's pretty funny to see them squirm and continue to ask for ridiculous levels of proof in things that are just a matter of common sense. The article uses the word arrested but it is actually more of a forced presence procedure and is certainly not without precedent. The legislators have vested in their physical person the property of the state of Texas...a legislative vote... by taking that vote out of the process through the motion of flight they are in effect stealing from the state and as such can be detained as theives.....my guess is that is how the Texas State courts will proceed with this.

I read that the Texas house speaker has the right to call a special session each month until the bill is voted. At what cost could this escape attempt wind up costing Texan tax payers, in addition to halting other governmental business deemed important by Texan taxpayers? I could only take a guess but it is sure is a high dollar amount!
The purpose of fleeing the state is to raise campaign money for the next election.

Everything else is embroidery.

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
I'll bet they got it and you were arrested. :laughing0301:

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
I'll bet they got it and you were arrested. :laughing0301:
No, I was not but keep on being stupid.

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
Wait so you got pulled over by the cops in another state had a arrest wai and didn't spend a few nights in jail?


No, I didn’t and you are the complete idiot thinking that I did spend any time in jail.

Also you are the complete idiot thinking Texas Law Enforcement can execute a warrant in another state without the local authority being involved!

Texas has no jurisdiction in DC and must comply by the rules!
Sounds like you're scared now warrants never go away dumb ass

They are kicked back down to the local level you fucking idiot after so many years!

I just can not enter Oregon, so educate yourself before discussing the damn matter!
I know arrest warrants you stupid fuck anywhere you go if the cops stop you, your going to spend serval nights in jail
Bullshit and I am proof of it!

You don’t know shot except what you watch on TV!
Cops have not asked for your ID huh?

Dude you're fucked when they do

They have and the warrant is limited to the State of Oregon, so it seem you have no clue how warrants work!

My warrant is from 1998 and I have yet to be arrested for it!
You told us fool you

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
I'll bet they got it and you were arrested. :laughing0301:
No, I was not but keep on being stupid.
Uhm scroll up dear, you told us you were arrested

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
Wait so you got pulled over by the cops in another state had a arrest wai and didn't spend a few nights in jail?


No, I didn’t and you are the complete idiot thinking that I did spend any time in jail.

Also you are the complete idiot thinking Texas Law Enforcement can execute a warrant in another state without the local authority being involved!

Texas has no jurisdiction in DC and must comply by the rules!
Sounds like you're scared now warrants never go away dumb ass

They are kicked back down to the local level you fucking idiot after so many years!

I just can not enter Oregon, so educate yourself before discussing the damn matter!
I know arrest warrants you stupid fuck anywhere you go if the cops stop you, your going to spend serval nights in jail
Bullshit and I am proof of it!

You don’t know shot except what you watch on TV!
Cops have not asked for your ID huh?

Dude you're fucked when they do

They have and the warrant is limited to the State of Oregon, so it seem you have no clue how warrants work!

My warrant is from 1998 and I have yet to be arrested for it!
You told us fool you

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
I'll bet they got it and you were arrested. :laughing0301:
No, I was not but keep on being stupid.
Uhm scroll up dear, you told us you were arrested

I never said I was arrested!

I said I was pulled over which is a big difference and neither one of you can read, so show when I stated I was arrested because I never wrote that but you know this and just lying as usual!

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
Wait so you got pulled over by the cops in another state had a arrest wai and didn't spend a few nights in jail?


No, I didn’t and you are the complete idiot thinking that I did spend any time in jail.

Also you are the complete idiot thinking Texas Law Enforcement can execute a warrant in another state without the local authority being involved!

Texas has no jurisdiction in DC and must comply by the rules!
Sounds like you're scared now warrants never go away dumb ass

They are kicked back down to the local level you fucking idiot after so many years!

I just can not enter Oregon, so educate yourself before discussing the damn matter!
I know arrest warrants you stupid fuck anywhere you go if the cops stop you, your going to spend serval nights in jail
Bullshit and I am proof of it!

You don’t know shot except what you watch on TV!
Cops have not asked for your ID huh?

Dude you're fucked when they do

They have and the warrant is limited to the State of Oregon, so it seem you have no clue how warrants work!

My warrant is from 1998 and I have yet to be arrested for it!
You told us fool you

Texas Rangers can not arrest anyone outside of Texas and Governor Abbot knows he has no authority to arrest anyone in DC and it will be the LEO in DC if they want to comply with Texas wish to have those Democrats returned to Texas or not and most likely not!
FALSE! Texas has law enforcement officials who can go after fugitives outside Texas and arrest them anywhere in the world. This is probably not what will happen however. Most likely they will be arrested when they return.

The fugitives know they can't win this fight, and just like their ridiculous WE Shall Overcome song, they are just engaging in a stunt of sorts, the purpose of which is known only to them (or cared)

You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
You better try again because Texas Ranger can not arrest anyone outside the State of Texas and has been told this a few times in recent history!

I do not know where you get the idea Texas Rangers have any authority in DC without the permission of DC law enforcement because they can not and will not be allow to make any arrest without the author permission!

So show me where they have this authority because they tried that with New Mexico and Oklahoma back in 2003 and were told no!
I said "law enforcement officials", not Texas Rangers. Can you read ?

I also said the subject is moot, because they will just wait for the fools to come back & arrest them then.

You are still wrong and no matter if it is HPD to Texas Ranger they can not go outside the State of Texas to make an arrest without the permission of the State or Local Authority, so show me where they can because you are full of shit!
WOW, is there something wrong with your mind? I finished this issue when I said it was moot, So: SHUT THE FUCK UP, SCUMBAG!!!!

Make me!

You were proven wrong and instead of correcting yourself you call me the scumbag for proving that you do not know what you are writing about!

Idiots like you love to write about how Texas Law Enforcement can go into any State and make a arrest and when proven wrong you tell the other person to shut the hell up, so why don’t you take your own advice seeing you do not know shit about how Texas Law Enforcement can not arrest those Democrats in DC without the Permission of DC Police!
You don't know how warrants are?

Guess you never heard of the long arm of the law

You still need the Local authority to help in the arrest!

Holy fucking shit you assholes do not know how it works and just believe Texas can do whatever it wants!

I had an arrest warrant for my arrest in Oregon and without the other State permission nothing could be done!
I'll bet they got it and you were arrested. :laughing0301:
No, I was not but keep on being stupid.
Uhm scroll up dear, you told us you were arrested

I did read what I wrote and I wrote I have yet to be arrested which mean I have not been arrested, so seeing you can not comprehend what you are reading tell me why you love Trump so much and believe Texas Law Enforcement can go into another State to arrest someone without permission!
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
The hated Trump gets more popular votes then the beloved Obama how is it possible?

Because you say so?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?

The statement is correct. Biden 81 million trump 74 million.
Check your facts before you post.
More popular votes then the magic negro how is it possible?

If your too ignorant to check your figures, that's not my fault. Tap it into Google if your brave enough.
Biden received The most votes of any president in history. 7 million more than trump.
Get over it. Sook.
Via the internet, Biden's tally went up and Trumps went down...without any votes being cast for either. No ballots counted; just manipulation of the count totals.

Biden did not win the election. He had it handed to him.

Without votes being cast for either?
Are you kidding? You voted for trump. That's one.

What a ridiculous statement. And again, you have no proof of anything but pure hate. Do you ever read what you write?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
The hated Trump gets more popular votes then the beloved Obama how is it possible?

Because you say so?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?

The statement is correct. Biden 81 million trump 74 million.
Check your facts before you post.
More popular votes then the magic negro how is it possible?

If your too ignorant to check your figures, that's not my fault. Tap it into Google if your brave enough.
Biden received The most votes of any president in history. 7 million more than trump.
Get over it. Sook.
Via the internet, Biden's tally went up and Trumps went down...without any votes being cast for either. No ballots counted; just manipulation of the count totals.

Biden did not win the election. He had it handed to him.

Without votes being cast for either?
Are you kidding? You voted for trump. That's one.

What a ridiculous statement. And again, you have no proof of anything but pure hate. Do you ever read what you write?
Just ignore them because they believe what Newsmax tell them!
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
The hated Trump gets more popular votes then the beloved Obama how is it possible?

Because you say so?
That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?

The statement is correct. Biden 81 million trump 74 million.
Check your facts before you post.
More popular votes then the magic negro how is it possible?

If your too ignorant to check your figures, that's not my fault. Tap it into Google if your brave enough.
Biden received The most votes of any president in history. 7 million more than trump.
Get over it. Sook.
Via the internet, Biden's tally went up and Trumps went down...without any votes being cast for either. No ballots counted; just manipulation of the count totals.

Biden did not win the election. He had it handed to him.

Without votes being cast for either?
Are you kidding? You voted for trump. That's one.

What a ridiculous statement. And again, you have no proof of anything but pure hate. Do you ever read what you write?
Just ignore them because they believe what Newsmax tell them!

What amazes me is the stats are there for anyone to read. But they comr on here and post blatant lies

I stand by what I said and your reply offered no evidence other wise.
What you stand by is IGNORANCE, and I offered more evidence on the 2020 election fraud , than anyone has ever posted in the history of this forum.

It's nobody's fault but yours that you come into this thread, not having read all that mountain of evidence that I posted, and you being 100% ignorant of it.

Why haven't you taken the evidence to the electoral authorities?
Because it's all shit. You think it's evidence because you still have trump defeat syndrome.
You could gather the eggs from a chicken coup let alone evidence.
Go away.
States are looking to Texas to learn how to rid themselves of Democrats


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