Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

What should officers do in similar situations? For starters, they must realize that the public—even a group of non-compliant teenagers—are not an enemy to be vanquished, but civilians to be protected, to the extent possible, from indignity and harm. A Guardian mindset encourages officers to be “procedurally just,” to ensure that their encounters with civilians are empowering, fair, respectful and considerate. Research of police and military encounters strongly suggests that officers are most effective at fostering goodwill and reducing antagonism when they approach each encounter with the goal of building civilian trust.

Officers should also look out for each other, protecting their colleagues not just from harm, but also from lashing out in anger or frustration. Policing can be intensely stressful, and officers should be trained and encouraged to help their peers deal with stressful situations. When an officer is losing his cool, another officer will often be able to intervene, giving the first a chance to collect himself. That type of peer support isn’t part of modern police culture—particularly not when the officer losing his temper is a supervisor and union official like Corporal Casebolt—but it should be.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Imagine that... a public servant actually working with the public rather than against it. Boggles the mind.

I found an interesting article on this, from the perspective of a former cop.

A Former Cop On What Went Wrong In McKinney

This is the crux of the matter right here. I couldn't help noticing while traveling in Irleand, an entirely different mindset as regards the police. They don't carry guns and they don't walk around looking for trouble and pushing their proverbial weight around. They're seen by the general public as a positive, not a negative.

The difference between, "oh good, here come the police" and "oh shit, here come the police".

It's representative of this primitive American mindset that the way to deal with every situation is to blow it up, obliterate it, overpower it, imprison it, vanquish it --- instead of grokking it and working from there.

An interesting anecdote: in 2013, police in Iceland shot and killed a suspect for the first time ever.

Although the shooting was deemed justified in every way, with the suspect shooting and injuring 2 policemen, the police department repeatedly apologized to the suspect's family.

So how many crime ridden ghettos do they have in Iceland?

There is virtually no violent crime in Iceland.

The question is why.

Pssst....check out the black population numbers.


If you look at just white-on-white violent crime in this country, it's still exponentially higher than violent crime in Iceland.

Abject racism aside, violent crime in this country is not black people's fault.
This is what happens when parents teach thier kids to be thugs

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Geez, even when no law is broken pre-teens and teens are labeled "thugs"?

Cant a black kid be a kid anymore? Oh, right...black kids are never kids. Steph keeps talking about how "big" they are. Wink Wink

Oh, all kids of color are labeled thugs, that is until the media does a back ground check on em' (smile)

Show me one of these thugs we've discussed on this board lately that doesnt have a record as long as my arm.
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

Bravo. At least you're willing to answer. Cops face a lot of these situations. So asking for 4
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Talking obviously is not an option so ya got me there....Is charades allowed?

Your style of policing leads to breakdown of law and order.
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Trespassing is a crime.
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Talking obviously is not an option so ya got me there....Is charades allowed?

How about some ideas to make the suspects hang around until reinforcements show up?
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Blacks get very few chances. As you can see, one is over the limit
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Trespassing is a crime.

So you think these kids should have been arrested?
It did escalate quickly. The left desperately WANTS a war with white cops. Badly. They're just flaming this one up until the inevitable occurs....another video of a worse incident. And with 1, 000, 000 cops policing violent neighborhoods in a country of 340, 000, 000...all with easy access to guns and drugs...another contraversial video is inevitable.

But this will have to do for now.

Listen, black people are not animals, black people can respond to any situation when the situation is handled in a calm peaceful manner. But that is never the case with law enforcement. They come in with attitudes and only escalate situations...that is fact. Fact number 1...the law was called on black boys that was climbing the fence...who by the way was gone by the time they got there....so what does the cops do? FUCK WITH EVERYBODY OF COLOR BUT THE THUGS......NEST STUPID COMMENT?
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Talking obviously is not an option so ya got me there....Is charades allowed?

How about some ideas to make the suspects hang around until reinforcements show up?

Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Talking obviously is not an option so ya got me there....Is charades allowed?

How about some ideas to make the suspects hang around until reinforcements show up?

Who are these "suspects" that you're talking about?

Are you still talking about the pool party?
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Imagine that... a public servant actually working with the public rather than against it. Boggles the mind.

This is the crux of the matter right here. I couldn't help noticing while traveling in Irleand, an entirely different mindset as regards the police. They don't carry guns and they don't walk around looking for trouble and pushing their proverbial weight around. They're seen by the general public as a positive, not a negative.

The difference between, "oh good, here come the police" and "oh shit, here come the police".

It's representative of this primitive American mindset that the way to deal with every situation is to blow it up, obliterate it, overpower it, imprison it, vanquish it --- instead of grokking it and working from there.

An interesting anecdote: in 2013, police in Iceland shot and killed a suspect for the first time ever.

Although the shooting was deemed justified in every way, with the suspect shooting and injuring 2 policemen, the police department repeatedly apologized to the suspect's family.

So how many crime ridden ghettos do they have in Iceland?

There is virtually no violent crime in Iceland.

The question is why.

Pssst....check out the black population numbers.

I think your confused. He said "Iceland" not Ireland.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Imagine that... a public servant actually working with the public rather than against it. Boggles the mind.

This is the crux of the matter right here. I couldn't help noticing while traveling in Irleand, an entirely different mindset as regards the police. They don't carry guns and they don't walk around looking for trouble and pushing their proverbial weight around. They're seen by the general public as a positive, not a negative.

The difference between, "oh good, here come the police" and "oh shit, here come the police".

It's representative of this primitive American mindset that the way to deal with every situation is to blow it up, obliterate it, overpower it, imprison it, vanquish it --- instead of grokking it and working from there.

An interesting anecdote: in 2013, police in Iceland shot and killed a suspect for the first time ever.

Although the shooting was deemed justified in every way, with the suspect shooting and injuring 2 policemen, the police department repeatedly apologized to the suspect's family.

So how many crime ridden ghettos do they have in Iceland?

There is virtually no violent crime in Iceland.

The question is why.

Pssst....check out the black population numbers.


If you look at just white-on-white violent crime in this country, it's still exponentially higher than violent crime in Iceland.

Abject racism aside, violent crime in this country is not black people's fault.

You're right. A lot of it has to do with our panty waste liberal government.
A Former Cop On What Went Wrong In McKinney

The wrong mindset, on the other hand, can exacerbate a tense encounter, produce resistance, and lead to entirely avoidable violence. It can, and has, caused longterm damage to police/community relations. We shouldn’t be surprised that the kids Corporal Casebolt was yelling at weren’t eager to do what he was ordering them to do—no one likes being cursed at and disrespected in front of their peers, and people of all ages, especially teenagers, resent being treated unjustly. That resentment can lead to resistance, and Police Warriors—taught to exercise unquestioned command over a scene—overcome resistance by using force.

Although the short video does not provide a complete picture of the scene, it appears likely that force in this case could have been avoided. Consider how Corporal Casebolt took issue with the way a group of girls standing on the sidewalk some distance away were “running their mouths,” so he yelled at them: “Leave!” and “Get your ass gone!” As one bikini-clad girl, 15-year-old Dajerria Becton, did exactly that, Corporal Casebolt stopped her—possibly after some verbal exchange not captured by the camera—and wrestled her to the ground. When quickly approached by two young men who appear unhappy with his treatment of Becton, he unholstered his firearm almost two seconds after those two young men began backing away from him. About ten seconds later, as Becton continued to sit on the ground where he left her, Corporal Casebolt again grabbed her and forced her down, pushing her face into the ground and planting a knee in her back as she cried. The kids now have a story about an officer, and it may well be one that sours their faith in police for years to come.

Never forget this link...never forget
Ok. Then how? How would you enforce the trespassing?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Maybe if she acted like a 15 year old instead of a 19 year old thug.
An interesting anecdote: in 2013, police in Iceland shot and killed a suspect for the first time ever.

Although the shooting was deemed justified in every way, with the suspect shooting and injuring 2 policemen, the police department repeatedly apologized to the suspect's family.

So how many crime ridden ghettos do they have in Iceland?

There is virtually no violent crime in Iceland.

The question is why.

Pssst....check out the black population numbers.


If you look at just white-on-white violent crime in this country, it's still exponentially higher than violent crime in Iceland.

Abject racism aside, violent crime in this country is not black people's fault.

You're right. A lot of it has to do with our panty waste liberal government.

The government of Iceland is more "panty waste liberal" than ours is, in every conceivable way. Would you like to keep trying?
In that situation I would realize I was vastly outnumbered by agitated adolescents who probably would not respond in a positive manner to my commands to disperse. And I would realize that the very worst thing that could happen here is shooting one of these kids, so creating a situation that could possibly make that necessary is absolutely out of the question -- minor riot or no minor riot.

The best and only acceptable way to defuse that situation is with a display of potentially effective force, meaning more cops. So I would send a radio request for assistance. And as anyone who watches COPS is well aware, within minutes there would be a dozen more cops there with sirens blasting and roof-racks flashing.

Then they could calmly and with effectively acceptable force subdue, control, contain the crowd and effect arrests where appropriate. There was no emergency, no pressing need for doing what Casebolt did.

:lmao:So how you going to get the suspects to wait around for reinforcements?
Offer free coupons for the KFC?

Why would they want anyone to "wait around"?

If they leave the pool, the problem is solved, isn't it?

So your answer is to just let criminals run away when ever they want to.
Yeah...that'll work.

You think that 14 year old girls who crashed a pool party are "criminals"?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Maybe if she acted like a 15 year old instead of a 19 year old thug.

How exactly did she act like a "19 year old thug"?

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