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Texas Republicans approve platform rejecting Biden's election as illegitimate

Truthers are Democrats exposing Republicans who allowed 9/11, lied US into Iraq, attacked those who opposed Iraq war with US military anthrax & refused to get Bin Laden to end the wars.

Republicans are the opposite of truth or honor.
Republicans did no such thing and you know it, too, don't you.
That still does not explain why we suddenly had 28,000,000 new voters.

You can spin that any way you want. It's impossible without a shit ton of CHEATING!!!
only 35 percent of the US population is registered to vote.
So if there becomes some motivation for more people to vote, its easy to have 28 million new voters.
If every citizen registered to vote, and voted, then you'd have more than 200 million new voters.
You should secede
Why should WE secede? Look at any electoral map and you bed wetters only dominate about 20% of the land. We ought to just cut you assholes out and laugh as you starve to death a year later when the collective farms in your "autonomous zones" fail to produce anything.

Bed wetters only exist because of the fact that the rest of us tolerate you parasites.

Yea, we hear this bullshit out of you Moon Bats all the time; "Mababydindunutin".

Under Trump gas prices were low and the US met domestic needs and was a net exporter of oil. Under Potatohead's disastrous Environmental Wacko policies to do away with fossil fuels like he said he was going to do we hardly have enough for the refineries and it is costing Americans $100 to fill up their tank to go to work.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a moron.
I'd even say the more ballots they mailed in the more of a moron they are. Pinheadlope probably mailed in hundreds.
only 35 percent of the US population is registered to vote.
So if there becomes some motivation for more people to vote, its easy to have 28 million new voters.
If every citizen registered to vote, and voted, then you'd have more than 200 million new voters.
66.7% of citizens 18 & over are registered to vote = 168,308,000 registered voters.
This just gets better and better.

Yes, you are called truthers because you believe every lie you are fed by your party masters, and you think it is a badge of honor.

I am old enough to remember when the only badge of honor a Christian wore was being called a Christian.
My party checks first. Your party holds secret meetings on how they're going to destroy other people without any press knowledge, and they use bicameral offices to do dirt to the other party, its leaders, and its supporters, in the manner of the Alinsky method of eliminating people that respect human rights to freedom so they can turn a free country into another communist hellhole run by oligarchs who have the power to kill whoever they want to in secrecy known as omerta. Nancy Pelosi pulled that stunt several time using gullible RINOs to do her bidding and make her look "two-party friendly," which is as far from the truth as can be. Pelosi has her finger in every cheating pie.

You think it's better and better when you smear conservative people for their honor? And you have nothing to say about those who hounded President Trump, his staff members, his family, and all of his supporters great and small? You must've got a real chuckle out of Maxine Waters getting away with sending her aparatchiks to stalk, scream at in public, and lie about Republicans with all their might? Do you think it's cute to push a long time, 5-decades extortionist of foreign aid packages to finance his posh political campaign to be President which he is not qualified for since he stole Taxes in the most corrupt system of using his office to threaten foreign Aid people if they don't give him and his family cash money? Then brag about it on talkie film that went viral on youtube. Who'da thunk this 50 years ago when it got its start with Biden following every foreign aid package there was for year after year with nobody any the wiser except his palsy walsies. And you let him walk with support, encouragement, your time, and your vote. I'm just gonna faint. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Why should WE secede? Look at any electoral map and you bed wetters only dominate about 20% of the land. We ought to just cut you assholes out and laugh as you starve to death a year later when the collective farms in your "autonomous zones" fail to produce anything.

Bed wetters only exist because of the fact that the rest of us tolerate you parasites.

ummm, I posted in reference to Texas idiots seeking to secede
My party checks first. Your party holds secret meetings on how they're going to destroy other people without any press knowledge, and they use bicameral offices to do dirt to the other party, its leaders, and its supporters, in the manner of the Alinsky method of eliminating people that respect human rights to freedom so they can turn a free country into another communist hellhole run by oligarchs who have the power to kill whoever they want to in secrecy known as omerta. Nancy Pelosi pulled that stunt several time using gullible RINOs to do her bidding and make her look "two-party friendly," which is as far from the truth as can be.

My party....https://www.lp.org/ Feel free to find some examples of them doing those things.
What mess?
  • Most jobs increase in history.
  • Record Budget Surplus.
  • Increased US Oil Production.
  • Low unemployment.
  • Rising Wages.
  • Mopping up all the money inflation printed by Trump.

What MESS? Glad you asked...

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
total votes:
2004 = 121,000,000
2008 = 128,000,000 +5%
2012 = 125,000,000 - 2%
2016 = 127,000,000 +1.5%
2020 = 155,000,000 +18%

It's not impossible that there were 28,000,000 new legitimate voters (roughly the population of Texas) but it is about as likely as the earth crashing into Pluto.

Just saying....
Yep, not bloody likely. Thanks for adding them up.
In 2024 we'll see how many we end up with now that Republicans will be watching like hawks.
Yep, not bloody likely. Thanks for adding them up.
In 2024 we'll see how many we end up with now that Republicans will be watching like hawks.

You forget, we are also watching the Republicans like hawks.
My party....https://www.lp.org/ Feel free to find some examples of them doing those things.
Don't have to look it up: (1) inflation, (2) high gas prices due to Democrat cancellation of pipeline and certain drilling, (3) Biden lies he changes the next day after he gets what he wants, He learned it from Pelosi (4) who does likewise, passing bills in the House telling the loyal opposition "You'll have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill." Bulloney! that's enough for you to review do for the time being. See ya later, golfin' gater. I'm sure you guys have a great time with your pals in Congress laughing all the way to the bank while they tear up the Constitution that was written for a predominantly Christian society.
Don't have to look it up: (1) inflation, (2) high gas prices due to Democrat cancellation of pipeline and certain drilling, (3) Biden lies he changes the next day after he gets what he wants, He learned it from Pelosi (4) who does likewise, passing bills in the House telling the loyal opposition "You'll have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill." Bulloney! that's enough for you to review do for the time being. See ya later, golfin' gater.

That's all very nice, too bad I am not a Dem and do not vote for them.

But in your little fucked up, backwards world there are only two choices, the idea that someone has not sold their soul to one fo the two parties is beyond your limited intellect to grasp.

What a shitty way to live, but damn it does seem to make you all so very happy.
Have you bought any gas lately? I filled up my vehicle last week and in was $101.00 During Trump's administration is was usually in the mid to upper $30s.

Have you bought any groceries lately? If you haven't you are in for a big shock. Potatohead has really fucked you.

The same crap we got from Jimmy Carter decades ago. He also blamed it on other things and even denied it.

Stop trying to deny Potatohead's failures. It just makes you look like a fool posting that dishonest shit on a discussion forum.

You don't know anything about the Carter years or the intelligence on Iran. You're a little parrot.
Don't have to look it up: (1) inflation, (2) high gas prices due to Democrat cancellation of pipeline and certain drilling, (3) Biden lies he changes the next day after he gets what he wants, He learned it from Pelosi (4) who does likewise, passing bills in the House telling the loyal opposition "You'll have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill." Bulloney! that's enough for you to review do for the time being. See ya later, golfin' gater. I'm sure you guys have a great time with your pals in Congress laughing all the way to the bank while they tear up the Constitution that was written for a predominantly Christian society.

We're still importing 4 million bpd from Canada and that's crude oil NOT tarsands.

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