Texas SC rules state does NOT have to give benefits to homosexual "couples"

Proof that they doxxed them? Link?

Halfway through Sweet Cakes by Melissa hearing, new disclosures emerge in discrimination case

What's new:

-- Reports of death threats. In testimony Tuesday, Rachel Bowman-Cryer said she and her wife received death threats as media attention and criticism from strangers escalated in the months after the story went national in January 2013.

She said the threats were part of a stream of "hateful, hurtful things" that came after the couple's contact information (home address, phone and email) was posted on Aaron Klein's personal Facebook page. She said she feared for her life and her wife's life.

Were they posted by the Klein's or by someone else, that isn't clear in your quote.

And spare me the sobs after what happened to Memories Pizza over a loaded interview question.
They were posted on Arron Klein's personal Facebook page. That's not clear enough for you?

You asked for a link, you got one...and then tried to distract from it with a "yeah well..."

Someone can post to my timeline on facebook and it is technically on my facebook page.

From the court documents:


So they posted the complaint. isn't the complaint a public record?

Reading this the board deciding this way overstepped its bounds.
Proof that they doxxed them? Link?

Halfway through Sweet Cakes by Melissa hearing, new disclosures emerge in discrimination case

What's new:

-- Reports of death threats. In testimony Tuesday, Rachel Bowman-Cryer said she and her wife received death threats as media attention and criticism from strangers escalated in the months after the story went national in January 2013.

She said the threats were part of a stream of "hateful, hurtful things" that came after the couple's contact information (home address, phone and email) was posted on Aaron Klein's personal Facebook page. She said she feared for her life and her wife's life.

Were they posted by the Klein's or by someone else, that isn't clear in your quote.

And spare me the sobs after what happened to Memories Pizza over a loaded interview question.
Ah denial...or victimhood. Tell us. Who else could have posted the women's personal information on the Klein's personal Facebook page? Tell us.

Anyone who did a little research into the names on the legal complaint, unless the complaint was sealed.
Denial is strong with this one................

Again, was the complaint sealed?
Yes, a $149k fine and forcing them out of business is completely an acceptable level of response.....

If you are going to enjoy government being an asshole to people you despise, at least be honest about it, you cheap, dime store hack.

Need a fainting couch for your drama?

You know, there is a way they could have avoided both...Can you guess what it was? Oh, and they weren't forced out of business, they chose to go out of business. Not the same thing.

When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
Need a fainting couch for your drama?

You know, there is a way they could have avoided both...Can you guess what it was? Oh, and they weren't forced out of business, they chose to go out of business. Not the same thing.

When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
You don't know what you are talking about. Private persons have a solution if they want to, "practice morals over profit"; they merely need go, "not for profit". It really is that simple.
When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
You don't know what you are talking about. Private persons have a solution if they want to, "practice morals over profit"; they merely need go, "not for profit". It really is that simple.

Why should the have to?
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
You don't know what you are talking about. Private persons have a solution if they want to, "practice morals over profit"; they merely need go, "not for profit". It really is that simple.

Why should the have to?
To avoid litigation.
You couldn't get 30 feet up a tree if your life depended on it. You're not fooling me, chunky.

You Bodey, do not have what it takes to make that happen. You can argue all you want. Pics or it didn't happen. I'll post pics Sunday from 90 feet high. Over the 14K volts and all.

Face it, GF, you're not a man.

Face it, you don't have to be a man to do your job. There are no "mens jobs" and "womens jobs", there are only jobs.

Women With Chainsaws: Confessions of a Lumberjane - Modern Farmer

Wonder how long it took you to find that?

A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.
Last edited:
Yes, a $149k fine and forcing them out of business is completely an acceptable level of response.....

If you are going to enjoy government being an asshole to people you despise, at least be honest about it, you cheap, dime store hack.

Need a fainting couch for your drama?

You know, there is a way they could have avoided both...Can you guess what it was? Oh, and they weren't forced out of business, they chose to go out of business. Not the same thing.

When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

I don't have to work for anyone I don't want to, I could simply say "I can't do it" or whatever. I have no prejudices against working for LGBT people, in fact, I have a whole little circle of them I do work for.

But, I wouldn't have to if I didn't want to.

What's different about baking a cake?
The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
You don't know what you are talking about. Private persons have a solution if they want to, "practice morals over profit"; they merely need go, "not for profit". It really is that simple.

Why should the have to?
To avoid litigation.

How about people stop litigating over butt hurt?
Face it, you don't have to be a man to do your job. There are no "mens jobs" and "womens jobs", there are only jobs.

Women With Chainsaws: Confessions of a Lumberjane - Modern Farmer

Wonder how long it took you to find that?

A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.
You don't agree with their having punted it back to the lower court? Neither do I. It was a bizarre move. Obergfell makes it clear that equality also mean benefits:

.....For that reason, just as a couple vows to support each other, so does society pledge to support the couple, offering symbolic recognition and material benefits to protect and nourish the union. Indeed, while the States are in general free to vary the benefits they confer on all married couples, they have throughout our history made marriage the basis for an expanding list of governmental rights, bene-fits, and responsibilities. These aspects of marital status include: taxation; inheritance and property rights; rules of intestate succession; spousal privilege in the law of evidence; hospital access; medical decision making authority adoption rights; the rights and benefits of survivors; birth and death certificates; professional ethics rules; campaign finance restrictions; workers’ compensation benefits; health insurance; and child custody, support, and visitation rules.

There is no difference between same- and opposite-sex couples with respect to this principle. Yet by virtue of their exclusion from that institution, same-sex couples are denied the constellation of benefits that the States have linked to marriage. This harm results in more than just material burdens. Same-sex couples are consigned to an instability many opposite-sex couples would deem intolerable in their own lives.
READ: Here's The Full Supreme Court Decision Finding Same-Sex Couples Have The Right To Marry

Normal people? People who hate families and children and want to make them suffer because both parents have the same equipment between their legs are not normal.
Face it, you don't have to be a man to do your job. There are no "mens jobs" and "womens jobs", there are only jobs.

Women With Chainsaws: Confessions of a Lumberjane - Modern Farmer

Wonder how long it took you to find that?

A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.
Need a fainting couch for your drama?

You know, there is a way they could have avoided both...Can you guess what it was? Oh, and they weren't forced out of business, they chose to go out of business. Not the same thing.

When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

I don't have to work for anyone I don't want to, I could simply say "I can't do it" or whatever. I have no prejudices against working for LGBT people, in fact, I have a whole little circle of them I do work for.

But, I wouldn't have to if I didn't want to.

What's different about baking a cake?

Public accommodation laws.
Wonder how long it took you to find that?

A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.
A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.
Lesbians mothers with adopted child - Happy homosexual family playing with her daughter

Male gay parents using tablet computer in bed with two kids

two beautiful women with a baby on the beach
A five second google search.

From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.

Dude, you're a tree guy, we get. Guess what? Women are "tree guys" too. I know it hurts your pride a lot to know that women are now doing the job you do. Somehow it makes you feel "lesser". It shouldn't. You should be happy that women are no longer limited in what they do. Your daughters or granddaughters can be anything they want to be. Why is that so upsetting to you?
From that page:

"Historically, arboriculture — a broad field that encompasses anyone who manages or cultivates trees professionally — has been men’s work,"

"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.

Dude, you're a tree guy, we get. Guess what? Women are "tree guys" too. I know it hurts your pride a lot to know that women are now doing the job you do. Somehow it makes you feel "lesser". It shouldn't. You should be happy that women are no longer limited in what they do. Your daughters or granddaughters can be anything they want to be. Why is that so upsetting to you?

You're missing the point: It's impossible for women to do what I do sometimes.

Not going to happen. Tell you what, next time you're in a shop with chainsaws, find a saw with a 36" to 48" bar and see if you can hold it horizontally, at all. Women do not have the upper body strength to do that.

Sure they can use a light, one-handed arborist saw. Cutting beef is a different story.
Need a fainting couch for your drama?

You know, there is a way they could have avoided both...Can you guess what it was? Oh, and they weren't forced out of business, they chose to go out of business. Not the same thing.

When pressure is applied via government and you go out of business, you have been forced. Trying to sugar coat it makes you look like a fucking liar.
When people with business licenses refuse to follow the business laws they are supposed to, they SHOULD lose their business license. It's elementary.

But we've got some professional victims here.......

The real question is why is a business license a method of forcing people to do something they don't want to do carte blanche? WHY force them to make the choice?

Stop arguing process and argue the reasons.

You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

I don't have to work for anyone I don't want to, I could simply say "I can't do it" or whatever. I have no prejudices against working for LGBT people, in fact, I have a whole little circle of them I do work for.

But, I wouldn't have to if I didn't want to.

What's different about baking a cake?
Being in it, for-profit instead of morals.
You want to argue for how you want the world to be and not the way it IS. You have to do more than bitch, moan, complain and be a victim if you want the world to be the way you WANT instead of the way it IS.

In all 50 states we don't let businesses discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or disability (and this has gone all the way to the Supreme Court...and still those laws are in place). In fewer than half, you can't do it based on sexual orientation. This is the way the world IS. You have to actually DO something beyond being the consummate victim in order to make the world the way you WANT it to be.

No i want to argue the why on a message board, and you clowns refuse to argue the why, running to "the law is the law is the law" and "well then do something about it" without answering the reasoning behind doing this. It shows a lack of belief in the reason why to do this, or a lack of caring and outright maliciousness against people who disagree with you and how you live your life.

The whole idea of constitutional rights is that things like this shouldn't happen in the first place. evidently live and let live is a bygone concept. Blacks during the civil rights fight era could point to actual economic and political harm being imposed on them via jim crow laws. All this gay couple can point to is butt hurt, and that was never the intent of these laws.
You don't know what you are talking about. Private persons have a solution if they want to, "practice morals over profit"; they merely need go, "not for profit". It really is that simple.

Why should the have to?
To avoid litigation.

How about people stop litigating over butt hurt?
End the drug war, right wingers.
"Has been". As in no longer. Which is why I asked what century you were born in because TODAY, in this century, there is no "men's work" or "women's work", there is just work. We don't tell our daughters today that there are limits to what they can do. That's a good thing.

GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.

Dude, you're a tree guy, we get. Guess what? Women are "tree guys" too. I know it hurts your pride a lot to know that women are now doing the job you do. Somehow it makes you feel "lesser". It shouldn't. You should be happy that women are no longer limited in what they do. Your daughters or granddaughters can be anything they want to be. Why is that so upsetting to you?

You're missing the point: It's impossible for women to do what I do sometimes.

Not going to happen. Tell you what, next time you're in a shop with chainsaws, find a saw with a 36" to 48" bar and see if you can hold it horizontally, at all. Women do not have the upper body strength to do that.

Sure they can use a light, one-handed arborist saw. Cutting beef is a different story.

There ARE women that can do what you do. I provided you a webpage dedicated to them. Women compete at what you do for a living. Seriously, your pride will survive this.
GF, I'd be pretty damn certain no woman has ever topped out a big tree with a big chainsaw with a 48" or bigger bar. I just don't see that happening. There is a difference between women and men. There are limits.

I don't agree with the ruling of the Texas SC, but hey, people are tired of being pushed around by the militant homosexual lobby as well.

Time for normal people to push back.

Actually you don't know that. There are women lumberjacks. They do all the things you do everyday. You're not as special as you think you are.

The International Society of Arboriculture has held the International Tree Climbing Championship, which trains and prepares competitors for aerial rescue and survival, since 1976. In the arboriculture world, these games known as “the big dance,” are a big deal — think Olympics big. The first female champion, Chirtina Engel of Germany, wasn’t named until 2001. These days, a third of the competitors are women. At the international championships held in Wisconsin earlier this month, there were 39 male competitors and 19 women.

Bull, show me a pic of one topping out a tree with a 4-foot or bigger bar.

Dude, you're a tree guy, we get. Guess what? Women are "tree guys" too. I know it hurts your pride a lot to know that women are now doing the job you do. Somehow it makes you feel "lesser". It shouldn't. You should be happy that women are no longer limited in what they do. Your daughters or granddaughters can be anything they want to be. Why is that so upsetting to you?

You're missing the point: It's impossible for women to do what I do sometimes.

Not going to happen. Tell you what, next time you're in a shop with chainsaws, find a saw with a 36" to 48" bar and see if you can hold it horizontally, at all. Women do not have the upper body strength to do that.

Sure they can use a light, one-handed arborist saw. Cutting beef is a different story.

There ARE women that can do what you do. I provided you a webpage dedicated to them. Women compete at what you do for a living. Seriously, your pride will survive this.

I will try to explain this to you in the simplest terms:

No woman has ever been topping out a tree with a 48-inch saw.

I have. Multiple times.

Women are incapable of doing so, period.

Prove me wrong and I will retract.

In the meantime:


And 1 more thing: Know your role.
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