Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school


I thought it was Thou shalt covet. Wasn't that a Progressive law that was passed about a hundred years ago?
No, that was a law that the admitted crotch grabber named trump came up with.

Too late. Muslims have been allowed to observe their religion in classrooms for many years.

I say a lot of institutions have bent over backward... (until they banged their foolish heads on the floor)

to placate and mollify Muslims

It's like

Oh, you believe in Sharia "law" (where women have no rights/are treated like chattel), no problem! We are such good people, we see that all religions have equal validity!

Of course this is always the thought/agenda of those who have not been female andliving in a misogynistic culture...

so there's that..
We know that MAGAts believe their orange god is above the law.....we know you do.
Fani T. Willis in Fulton County is going to slap trump and many of his associates with indictments in a couple days. That will be two sets of indictments on the POS named trump.

PLEASE>>>PLEASE name him the repub nominee for President in 2024. I really want to see him lose again.

Reagan sent the Congress budgets that cut taxes AND SPENDING.

Your heroes in the Congress, the CROOK KLANSMAN DEM CONGRESS, loaded up the budgets with spending. The Congress does the budget. Just ask Bill Clinton...

The Republican Congress in the 1990s was THE BEST THING EVER in American political history. Then came W, Faux "News" ... and fiscal conservatism has been gone in American politics for a quarter century, and our Federal Debt is up 5 fold....
You don't lie very well.
Well religion out of schools has been wonderful. Right??

Few realize How bad Madeline Murray O Hare was for America. Naturally turned out to be a Dem fake as both her boys later on confessed that they had No Issue with prayer in school and it was their mother who ginned the whole thing up because she was a miserable person. She was awful to everyone including them and when she disappeared they were prime suspects but nothing was ever resolved
As in private prayers? Yes, they have. It is a requirement of their faith. Bible study at school is not a requirement of Christianity. At best it will be an elective. And any other faith will be able to do the same.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18— 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18— 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

In addition to there being no set times for prayers for Christians, there is the parable from Jesus comparing praying loudly and playing quietly.
In addition to there being no set times for prayers for Christians, there is the parable from Jesus comparing praying loudly and playing quietly.
I can pray quietly at my seat, Muslims are given special treatment to go and pray. Without ceasing seems to fit the time, whenever I deem it neccessary
Big difference between “Dear Lord bless us Amen” and some Muslim pageantry
A slippery slope. I am a Christian. I am just saying....a slippery slope.


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