Texas to stop government funding for Planned Parenthood

I haven't seen any real dispute from snowflakes why taxpayers should fund abortions. If PP is so amazing, then raising private donations for abortions shouldn't be an issue.
Let's start with you proving the government funds abortions.....

You snowflakes go through this every single time. I'm going to have to put it in my signature.

Are you contending that not one penny of taxpayer money has ever been used or will ever be used for any abortion outside of rape and incest?

It's simply NOT TRUE.

First of all....almost all Democrats want to overturn the Hyde Ammendment.

Secondly, read this article from FORBES along with a chart.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers"

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?

GO WHINE TO FORBES MAGAZINE, not me. The link to the bio page of the author is linked below. write to him about his lies and post his response.

Chris Conover - Insights into health care and entitlement reform.


Now that is settled....Dems should just raise private money to fund all the abortions they want.
That doesn't settle it since it's not legal in most cases per the Hyde Amendment. Most states follow suit as illustrated by guttmacher.org

State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid.

If you can prove laws are being broken to use tax dollars to fund abortions, you should do so in court, not here. If you could do that, you would get Planned Parenthood shut down and would be a hero among conservatives.

My money is on you can't, but that you'll keep bitching nd moaning about it here anyway.
I haven't seen any real dispute from snowflakes why taxpayers should fund abortions. If PP is so amazing, then raising private donations for abortions shouldn't be an issue.
Let's start with you proving the government funds abortions.....

You snowflakes go through this every single time. I'm going to have to put it in my signature.

Are you contending that not one penny of taxpayer money has ever been used or will ever be used for any abortion outside of rape and incest?

It's simply NOT TRUE.

First of all....almost all Democrats want to overturn the Hyde Ammendment.

Secondly, read this article from FORBES along with a chart.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers"

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?

GO WHINE TO FORBES MAGAZINE, not me. The link to the bio page of the author is linked below. write to him about his lies and post his response.

Chris Conover - Insights into health care and entitlement reform.


Now that is settled....Dems should just raise private money to fund all the abortions they want.
That doesn't settle it since it's not legal in most cases per the Hyde Amendment. Most states follow suit as illustrated by guttmacher.org

State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid.

If you can prove laws are being broken to use tax dollars to fund abortions, you should do so in court, not here. If you could do that, you would get Planned Parenthood shut down and would be a hero among conservatives.

My money is on you can't, but that you'll keep bitching nd moaning about it here anyway.
he doesn't believe in State rights......?
I haven't seen any real dispute from snowflakes why taxpayers should fund abortions. If PP is so amazing, then raising private donations for abortions shouldn't be an issue.
Let's start with you proving the government funds abortions.....

You snowflakes go through this every single time. I'm going to have to put it in my signature.

Are you contending that not one penny of taxpayer money has ever been used or will ever be used for any abortion outside of rape and incest?

It's simply NOT TRUE.

First of all....almost all Democrats want to overturn the Hyde Ammendment.

Secondly, read this article from FORBES along with a chart.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers"

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?

GO WHINE TO FORBES MAGAZINE, not me. The link to the bio page of the author is linked below. write to him about his lies and post his response.

Chris Conover - Insights into health care and entitlement reform.


Now that is settled....Dems should just raise private money to fund all the abortions they want.
That doesn't settle it since it's not legal in most cases per the Hyde Amendment. Most states follow suit as illustrated by guttmacher.org

State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid.

If you can prove laws are being broken to use tax dollars to fund abortions, you should do so in court, not here. If you could do that, you would get Planned Parenthood shut down and would be a hero among conservatives.

My money is on you can't, but that you'll keep bitching nd moaning about it here anyway.
he doesn't believe in State rights......?
Most states don't even allow tax dollars to go towards abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or endangerment to the pregnant woman.
I haven't seen any real dispute from snowflakes why taxpayers should fund abortions. If PP is so amazing, then raising private donations for abortions shouldn't be an issue.
Let's start with you proving the government funds abortions.....

You snowflakes go through this every single time. I'm going to have to put it in my signature.

Are you contending that not one penny of taxpayer money has ever been used or will ever be used for any abortion outside of rape and incest?

It's simply NOT TRUE.

First of all....almost all Democrats want to overturn the Hyde Ammendment.

Secondly, read this article from FORBES along with a chart.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers"

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?

GO WHINE TO FORBES MAGAZINE, not me. The link to the bio page of the author is linked below. write to him about his lies and post his response.

Chris Conover - Insights into health care and entitlement reform.


Now that is settled....Dems should just raise private money to fund all the abortions they want.
That doesn't settle it since it's not legal in most cases per the Hyde Amendment. Most states follow suit as illustrated by guttmacher.org

State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid.

If you can prove laws are being broken to use tax dollars to fund abortions, you should do so in court, not here. If you could do that, you would get Planned Parenthood shut down and would be a hero among conservatives.

My money is on you can't, but that you'll keep bitching nd moaning about it here anyway.
he doesn't believe in State rights......?
Most states don't even allow tax dollars to go towards abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or endangerment to the pregnant woman.
yes, I know that....I was just teasing about the Col. wanting Roe v Wade abolished and a return to the States making these decisions and then when a State decides that they will fund abortions for the mother's life, or rape and incest, he doesn't like the States making their decisions.....
I haven't seen any real dispute from snowflakes why taxpayers should fund abortions. If PP is so amazing, then raising private donations for abortions shouldn't be an issue.
Let's start with you proving the government funds abortions.....

You snowflakes go through this every single time. I'm going to have to put it in my signature.

Are you contending that not one penny of taxpayer money has ever been used or will ever be used for any abortion outside of rape and incest?

It's simply NOT TRUE.

First of all....almost all Democrats want to overturn the Hyde Ammendment.

Secondly, read this article from FORBES along with a chart.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers"

Are American Taxpayers Paying For Abortion?

GO WHINE TO FORBES MAGAZINE, not me. The link to the bio page of the author is linked below. write to him about his lies and post his response.

Chris Conover - Insights into health care and entitlement reform.


Now that is settled....Dems should just raise private money to fund all the abortions they want.
And it's not just the Hyde Amendment. Planned Parenthood also receives tax dollars through Title X

Title X doesn't permit any tax dollars be spent on abortions.
" ... their own decisions ... "

Does that include the baby?
The unborn child, if not viable on his/her own, has no say in the woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy.

Yeah, you're right .... just kill it, huh?

So, you're not an equal opportunity baby killer?

When a fetus becomes viable, you don't want to kill it, but until the fetus is viable, just stab it to death, huh?
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.

So, you'd date a murderer?
Of course not. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion, in most cases, is not unlawful, so it is not murder.

Actually, murder is described quite eloquently in the Bible. I don't recall any exception for babies.
The unborn child, if not viable on his/her own, has no say in the woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy.

Yeah, you're right .... just kill it, huh?

So, you're not an equal opportunity baby killer?

When a fetus becomes viable, you don't want to kill it, but until the fetus is viable, just stab it to death, huh?
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.

So, you'd date a murderer?
Of course not. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion, in most cases, is not unlawful, so it is not murder.

Actually, murder is described quite eloquently in the Bible. I don't recall any exception for babies.
Well if we're going by the Bible, it says...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

And I see you've blasphemied the Lord's name...
You bring no knowledge, no insight, and certainly, no goddamn brains to the subject.
So when's your execution scheduled for?
Yeah, you're right .... just kill it, huh?

So, you're not an equal opportunity baby killer?

When a fetus becomes viable, you don't want to kill it, but until the fetus is viable, just stab it to death, huh?
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.

So, you'd date a murderer?
Of course not. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion, in most cases, is not unlawful, so it is not murder.

Actually, murder is described quite eloquently in the Bible. I don't recall any exception for babies.
Well if we're going by the Bible, it says...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

And I see you've blasphemied the Lord's name...
You bring no knowledge, no insight, and certainly, no goddamn brains to the subject.
So when's your execution scheduled for?
.... apparently, you don't even understand the definition of the word "blaspheme" .... look it up. www.dictionary.com
Not my choice but it's the choice of pregnant women.

So, you'd date a murderer?
Of course not. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion, in most cases, is not unlawful, so it is not murder.

Actually, murder is described quite eloquently in the Bible. I don't recall any exception for babies.
Well if we're going by the Bible, it says...

Leviticus 24:16 - And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, [and] all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name [of the LORD], shall be put to death.

And I see you've blasphemied the Lord's name...
You bring no knowledge, no insight, and certainly, no goddamn brains to the subject.
So when's your execution scheduled for?
.... apparently, you don't even understand the definition of the word "blaspheme" .... look it up. www.dictionary.com

I'm not the one you have to convince.

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