Texas Trooper Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted on Perjury Charge

You so missed his point.

He's saying....blacks will go nuts and act wild if you dare disrespect them. But....blacks will disrespect a cop and be shocked when the cop doesn't take their shit. (Que the "higher standard" response from the same folks who want cops "treated like anyone else would be. Can't be "like everyone else" if there's a double standard).
I don't blame a cop who gets mad at a Black man who behaves offensively because of the macho factor. But any male cop who cannot adjust to offensive behavior on the part of a woman, either Black or White, is sure to have serious problems. Because that's the way women are when provoked -- and getting a traffic summons is provocative. (Are you married? Do you have sisters or daughters?)

I watched and listened to the entire transaction between the trooper and Bland. All he needed to do was write the summons and leave. But he had to assert himself. He had to tell her to put the cigarette out. Just what did he expect? Did he think Bland was going to say, "yassuh," and put it out?

Bland was not really offensive. She didn't curse at him. She was just being contrary. I'm sure the Grand Jurors realized the trooper's actions were excessive, which is why they indicted him. The bottom line is his over-reaction caused an unnecessary death -- and regardless of how one might feel toward Bland his actions will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars when this goes to a civil jury.
Brian Encinia, who arrested Sandra Bland, is indicted - CNN.com
For those that don't know....Supreme Court case Maryland vs. WILSON says cops can take you out of a car during a stop for no reason at all...for simple safety. It's as much the law as gay marriage.

The cop said in his affidavit that Bland was taken out of her car to conduct a safer stop.

The jury said....they just don't believe that's why.

In other words.....prosecuting his THOUGHTS. HOW in the hell are they going to prove what he was THINKING and not thinking???

The great American cop witch hunt continues.

BTW....not ONE prison guard where she hung herself was indicted.

Just the cop because....well....they think he just had to have had bad thoughts.

The system spoke. He obviously will be found not guilty because SCOTUS Maryland vs Wilson is LAW.

But the mob needed a pound of flesh.

He did lie about the circumstances of the stop. It's right there on tape. And if he hadn't thrown this woman who had mental issues in jail for no good reason, she might be alive today.

If it gets the next cop to think twice about a DWB, I'm all for it.

No he didnt

Lol, JoeB is OK with frying an innocent cop as long as it makes cops think twice....and that might be too late to save their lives or the lives of others.

The libtards hate cops and want them to die.
All Trooper Encinia needed to do, and should have done, with Sandra Bland is issue her a summons and be on his way. But he was unwilling to tolerate Bland's uppity attitude and he proceeded to deal with it by fabricating charges, a means of unnecessarily and aggressively asserting his authority which he'd become accustomed to during decades of lying -- prior to the advent of ubiquitous video evidence.

It is wonderful how all these psychic people have complete confidence and certitude about what is going on in a cops head or knows what the future would have brought had the cop done X, Y, Z instead of ABC.

How do you do in the stock market?
It sure made the evening news. He's been fired as well.
And you little commie fucktards are just doing a happy dance all over the place, now that a completely innocent man has been indicted and fired for doing his job protecting the public.

libtards just hate cops, that is the sole fact here, and these trumped up charges will get denied in a trial.
A guide??? Wilson is A SUPREME COURT LAW. It's as much the law of the land as gay marriage.

All the other shit is not what he was indicted for. The jury said....they didn't believe his affidavit where he said he took her out of the car for a safer stop. And his ability to make that call is protected by Maryland v Wilson. He will be cleared.

No, he probably won't. The part where he is screaming maniacally at this woman pretty much seals his fate.
Lol, JoeB is OK with frying an innocent cop as long as it makes cops think twice....and that might be too late to save their lives or the lives of others.

The libtards hate cops and want them to die.

This woman was no threat to him.

Yes, I want cops to think twice before they abuse their authority.
Good -


The charge stemmed from a one-page affidavit that Trooper Encinia filed with jail officials justifying the arrest of Ms. Bland, who was pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Prairie View, northwest of Houston, for failing to use her turn signal. Ms. Bland, 28, who was black, was returning to Texas in July to take a job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M.

The trooper wrote that he removed Ms. Bland from her car in order to conduct a safe traffic investigation, but “the grand jury found that statement to be false,” a special prosecutor, Shawn McDonald, said.

Yes. The grand jury simply said they don't believe safety is the reason he took her out of the car. SCOTUS Maryland v. Wilson grants cops the right to remove someone from a vehicle for ANY reason and the trooper cites safety.

Grand jury said they just don't believe him. LEGALLY he could've just given NO REASON to remove her (Maryland v. Wilson) but he said safety and the jury just said "We don't believe you".

So....there is absolutely no evidence he lied. He said it was for safety. It's now their job to prove what he was thinking.

Therefore....all he has to do is cite Maryland v Wilson, and then make them prove what he was THINKING at the time....which is impossible.

He's never gonna see trial. And if this solicitor takes this case....an unlawful arrest lawsuit will make this trooper rich because SUPREME COURT LAW already grants him the right to remove her for ANY reason he wants.

This is the most pathetic clown court I've seen since Baltimore.
I find it interesting you disrespect a black person even if by accident or perceived the black will get all loud and oh no you didnt but black people they can be " difficult" disrespectful and uncooperative with cops and don't realize cops actually have the authority to oh no you didn't them
everybody here knows his agenda all too well.

You so missed his point.

He's saying....blacks will go nuts and act wild if you dare disrespect them. But....blacks will disrespect a cop and be shocked when the cop doesn't take their shit. (Que the "higher standard" response from the same folks who want cops "treated like anyone else would be. Can't be "like everyone else" if there's a double standard).
Im just pointing out how disrespectful blacks want respect.
Brian Encinia, who arrested Sandra Bland, is indicted - CNN.com
For those that don't know....Supreme Court case Maryland vs. WILSON says cops can take you out of a car during a stop for no reason at all...for simple safety. It's as much the law as gay marriage.

The cop said in his affidavit that Bland was taken out of her car to conduct a safer stop.

The jury said....they just don't believe that's why.

In other words.....prosecuting his THOUGHTS. HOW in the hell are they going to prove what he was THINKING and not thinking???

The great American cop witch hunt continues.

BTW....not ONE prison guard where she hung herself was indicted.

Just the cop because....well....they think he just had to have had bad thoughts.

The system spoke. He obviously will be found not guilty because SCOTUS Maryland vs Wilson is LAW.

But the mob needed a pound of flesh.

He did lie about the circumstances of the stop. It's right there on tape. And if he hadn't thrown this woman who had mental issues in jail for no good reason, she might be alive today.

If it gets the next cop to think twice about a DWB, I'm all for it.

How on earth was he to know that woman was batshit crazy?

You all seem to forget that she killer herself and the last time I checked suicide is not a crime
You were wrong when you said you would not be released from the police.

You are wrong on this. The officer is indicted for lying about the events, which is not protected by law.

What event did he lie about?
You tell us, since that is your thread's lead.

Wilson does not protect him, anymore than it did you.

Um....that's the point. There is no evidence of a lie. They said they just don't believe his affidavit saying she was removed for a "safer stop". Maryland v Wilson protects him there.

So....they're basically charging him for lying....and it's based on what they think he was thinking...not what he actually did.

They're gonna have to prove what he was THINKING to prove his reason for removing her was false.

Unless he pulls a Colonel Jessup and says "You're damn right I wasn't thinking that"....then this will be dismissed and he's gonna sue the pants off the prosecutors office...because a SCOTUS ruling protects him.

she was removed for a "safer stop"

She was stopped for failure to signal a lane change not a felony warrant. There was no need to make it a " safer stop", only give a warning or a ticket and move on.
How on earth was he to know that woman was batshit crazy?

You all seem to forget that she killer herself and the last time I checked suicide is not a crime

And if she went home and killed herself (if that's what actually happened) there wouldn't be an issue. But the minute this storm-trooper arrested her for something petty, he owned everything that followed.

He'll have a good old time with the brothers in prison. They LOVE ex-cops.
You so missed his point.

He's saying....blacks will go nuts and act wild if you dare disrespect them. But....blacks will disrespect a cop and be shocked when the cop doesn't take their shit. (Que the "higher standard" response from the same folks who want cops "treated like anyone else would be. Can't be "like everyone else" if there's a double standard).

We hold cops to a higher standard because we issue them the ability to make arrests, carry weapons openly and use them.

So we expect them to show the same restraint they would show to armed white thugs taking over a federal building to a black child with a BB Gun.
It sure made the evening news. He's been fired as well.
And you little commie fucktards are just doing a happy dance all over the place, now that a completely innocent man has been indicted and fired for doing his job protecting the public.

libtards just hate cops, that is the sole fact here, and these trumped up charges will get denied in a trial.

what was he protecting us from? IT strikes me that a man who brutalizes a woman for talking back to him is what we as the public needs protection from.

If crucifying this idiot makes the next macho idiot with a badge and a gun think twice about abusing his authority, I'm all for it.
Good -


The charge stemmed from a one-page affidavit that Trooper Encinia filed with jail officials justifying the arrest of Ms. Bland, who was pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Prairie View, northwest of Houston, for failing to use her turn signal. Ms. Bland, 28, who was black, was returning to Texas in July to take a job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M.

The trooper wrote that he removed Ms. Bland from her car in order to conduct a safe traffic investigation, but “the grand jury found that statement to be false,” a special prosecutor, Shawn McDonald, said.

Yes. The grand jury simply said they don't believe safety is the reason he took her out of the car. SCOTUS Maryland v. Wilson grants cops the right to remove someone from a vehicle for ANY reason and the trooper cites safety.

Grand jury said they just don't believe him. LEGALLY he could've just given NO REASON to remove her (Maryland v. Wilson) but he said safety and the jury just said "We don't believe you".

So....there is absolutely no evidence he lied. He said it was for safety. It's now their job to prove what he was thinking.

Therefore....all he has to do is cite Maryland v Wilson, and then make them prove what he was THINKING at the time....which is impossible.

He's never gonna see trial. And if this solicitor takes this case....an unlawful arrest lawsuit will make this trooper rich because SUPREME COURT LAW already grants him the right to remove her for ANY reason he wants.

This is the most pathetic clown court I've seen since Baltimore.
We know why you're so invested in this mall cop/klanboi, The victim was African American

What EXACTLY did he lie about???

The grand jury found his statements to be untruthful.

Everything. The cop is a liar. He faces up to a year in jail.
You were wrong when you said you would not be released from the police.

You are wrong on this. The officer is indicted for lying about the events, which is not protected by law.

What event did he lie about?
You tell us, since that is your thread's lead.

Wilson does not protect him, anymore than it did you.

Um....that's the point. There is no evidence of a lie. They said they just don't believe his affidavit saying she was removed for a "safer stop". Maryland v Wilson protects him there.

So....they're basically charging him for lying....and it's based on what they think he was thinking...not what he actually did.

They're gonna have to prove what he was THINKING to prove his reason for removing her was false.

Unless he pulls a Colonel Jessup and says "You're damn right I wasn't thinking that"....then this will be dismissed and he's gonna sue the pants off the prosecutors office...because a SCOTUS ruling protects him.

she was removed for a "safer stop"

She was stopped for failure to signal a lane change not a felony warrant. There was no need to make it a " safer stop", only give a warning or a ticket and move on.

Doesn't matter. Maryland vs Wilson SCOTUS grants cops that right. As beligierant as she was acting....she may have been hiding something and being like that to try to get the cop to back off. That's a common thug tactic, especially in suburban areas where cops aren't as aggressive.

What he did was 100% legal. And he's not being charged for what they jury THINKS he might have been THINKING.
How on earth was he to know that woman was batshit crazy?

You all seem to forget that she killer herself and the last time I checked suicide is not a crime

And if she went home and killed herself (if that's what actually happened) there wouldn't be an issue. But the minute this storm-trooper arrested her for something petty, he owned everything that followed.

He'll have a good old time with the brothers in prison. They LOVE ex-cops.

So If cop arrests someone....then 4 days later the person commits suicide in the jail....it's the cops fault? Good God you cop hating libs get more retarded by the day.

Oh....and he's not going to prison. This case is so ludicrous it won't even make it past a preliminary hearing. And EVEN if convicted....it's a petty charge and he has no rap sheet. He'd get probation at worst. And EVEN IF he went to prison.....cops don't go to general. They go where celebs go. It's a safety issue.
Brian Encinia, who arrested Sandra Bland, is indicted - CNN.com
For those that don't know....Supreme Court case Maryland vs. WILSON says cops can take you out of a car during a stop for no reason at all...for simple safety. It's as much the law as gay marriage.

The cop said in his affidavit that Bland was taken out of her car to conduct a safer stop.

The jury said....they just don't believe that's why.

In other words.....prosecuting his THOUGHTS. HOW in the hell are they going to prove what he was THINKING and not thinking???

The great American cop witch hunt continues.

BTW....not ONE prison guard where she hung herself was indicted.

Just the cop because....well....they think he just had to have had bad thoughts.

The system spoke. He obviously will be found not guilty because SCOTUS Maryland vs Wilson is LAW.

But the mob needed a pound of flesh.
Are your tears that salty?
Brian Encinia, who arrested Sandra Bland, is indicted - CNN.com
For those that don't know....Supreme Court case Maryland vs. WILSON says cops can take you out of a car during a stop for no reason at all...for simple safety. It's as much the law as gay marriage.

The cop said in his affidavit that Bland was taken out of her car to conduct a safer stop.

The jury said....they just don't believe that's why.

In other words.....prosecuting his THOUGHTS. HOW in the hell are they going to prove what he was THINKING and not thinking???

The great American cop witch hunt continues.

BTW....not ONE prison guard where she hung herself was indicted.

Just the cop because....well....they think he just had to have had bad thoughts.

The system spoke. He obviously will be found not guilty because SCOTUS Maryland vs Wilson is LAW.

But the mob needed a pound of flesh.
Are your tears that salty?
He certainly is a well disciplined mourner..

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