Texas voter ID law unconstitutional

The plaintiffs argued that nearly 600,000 registered voters did not have the necessary ID required by the law. Not only that, the Republicans KNEW those people did not have the necessary ID.

The court found this to have been proven to their satisfaction and nulled the law.

So...you can listen to the voices in your head, or you can accept the ruling.
Around 600,000 registered Texas voters don’t have one of the limited forms of ID that the law allows, according to evidence presented in the legal challenge to the law, which was brought by civil rights groups and the Justice Department.

How many voters were disenfranchised by Texas ID law

Only non-citizen voters were

Nope. It plainly says registered voters.

You haven't an ounce of proof of your desperate claim.
Good, if this wasnt struck Texas would soon create actual hoops for people to jump through and stop being subtle about it
Since requiring some form of identification is discriminatory then why not end drivers license. That is like an id that disenfranchises people from driving. Just think how many people who could drive are discouraged from doing so simply because they don't want to take the time to take a drivers test. Oh...the cruelty of it all. Requiring people to get a drivers license.
I am an American before I am a Republican, and Soggy is a Republican before an American, apparently.

Getting an ID should not be onerous.

It's not, it has the same requirements for getting a drivers license. We had to get a birth certificate from OK for my mother in law to get her TX ID, I think it cost a whopping six bucks.
Since requiring some form of identification is discriminatory then why not end drivers license. That is like an id that disenfranchises people from driving. Just think how many people who could drive are discouraged from doing so simply because they don't want to take the time to take a drivers test. Oh...the cruelty of it all. Requiring people to get a drivers license.
Apples and Oranges wins!
I am an American before I am a Republican, and Soggy is a Republican before an American, apparently.

Getting an ID should not be onerous.

It's not, it has the same requirements for getting a drivers license. We had to get a birth certificate from OK for my mother in law to get her TX ID, I think it cost a whopping six bucks.
The Court disagrees with you, apparently.
We just need a Hasty Generalization and I will hit the trifecta. I totally nailed Win, Place, and Show.

I guess that proves I have been around here way too long.
Anyone can get a photo I.D.
See posts 10 and 11.
If it's important to you you will find a way if it's not you will find an excuse.
I see you are working hard to deny reality, willfully blind monkey. Ignore the facts and just make shit up. That's the Voter ID way.
My previous post is as real as it gets I'm happy to say I'm not some candy ass liberal who thinks everything they want I n life is supposed to be handed to them maybe you and large portion of this country needs to grow up and learn that reality.
Ending motor voter laws would be better since there is more fraud in that than anything else. Just mail in a ballot with someone's name on it. How can that ever go wrong? You can also purge the voter registration files every two years that way we ensure that dead people don't vote...anymore.

I definitely agree that this will benefit the Republican Party because non-conservative groups like acorn can no longer milk the system.
I'm all for methods that actually work to prevent fraud. Voter ID is utterly useless. States that have Voter ID still experience the same old fraud.

Notifying a voter registrar when someone dies would work.

When you fill out a change of address at the Post Office, the voter registrar should be notified. The Post Office already sells your change of address information to commercial businesses.

The Interstate Crosscheck Program also holds a lot of promise.

Tightening up the registration process would do far more good than Voter ID.

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