Texas voter ID law unconstitutional

Citizens have ID's
To register to vote; requiring IDs of voters currently registered and eligible to vote every time they vote is un-Constitutional.

Please share the text with us.
Look it up.

Ergo, you cannot post what you claim. I understand.
Ergo, I don't have to. Your point, that citizens should have IDSs, has not been satisfied. Your problem, not mine. The judges' opinion is that your opinion does not matter.
I'm all for methods that actually work to prevent fraud. Voter ID is utterly useless. States that have Voter ID still experience the same old fraud.

Notifying a voter registrar when someone dies would work.

When you fill out a change of address at the Post Office, the voter registrar should be notified. The Post Office already sells your change of address information to commercial businesses.

The Interstate Crosscheck Program also holds a lot of promise.

Tightening up the registration process would do far more good than Voter ID.

I'm sorry, the callers you are trying to reach are not available, consideration of reasoned and pragmatic solutions to wedge issue are not forwarded to the willfully ignorant, at their request.
Voter IDs are a right wing wedge issue that has lost a battle.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
That's rather redundant of you, but if that's you, go for it.
Voter IDs are a right wing wedge issue that has lost a battle.

I don't think so. The repetition of the BIG LIE is in their blood, they will not stop their hysterical rant until they either find a way to win voters on ideas, or give up the ghost and remake our political process into a one party system. Since their ideas are prosaic and impractical, they will continue to lie, spread rumors, post half-truths and pejoratives.
Citizens have ID's
To register to vote; requiring IDs of voters currently registered and eligible to vote every time they vote is un-Constitutional.
The supreme court says otherwise.
They won't apply those findings to this one at all. Watch.


Supreme Court Allows Texas to Use Strict Voter ID Law in Coming Election

The left keeps talking about voter suppression but the facts don't support their BS. (my bold)

Critics of the Texas voter identification law claim that a voter ID requirement suppresses voter turnout. However, turnout data from elections held with the voter ID law in place show that there is no evidence whatsoever that this requirement has prevented Texans from turning out to vote. In fact, turnout increased during the 2013 state elections—despite the enactment of the new voter ID requirement. Likewise, during the 2014 midterm elections—a contest that saw voter participation plummet across the U.S.—turnout in Texas declined at a smaller rate than the national average and a smaller rate than the rates in 12 states that have no ID requirement.

Revisiting the Lessons from the Voter ID Experience in Texas 2015
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
Or you are massively OCD.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
If that was a question....you too get three Katyushas.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
If that was a question....you too get three Katyushas.
It was not .
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
If that was a question....you too get three Katyushas.
It was not .
Then you get six Katyushas.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.
When I go to the polls I show the attendants my military ID card, my drivers license, my concealed carry license and my social security card...all of which I carry in my military style neck wallet when ever I'm out. It is such a burden. I don't know how I've survived.
One would be enough, afraid someone might think you'll defraud the system .
If that was a question....you too get three Katyushas.
It was not .
Then you get six Katyushas.
I'll take all you have as they are useless and meaningless.

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