Texas voter ID law unconstitutional

Good news for Democrats

Yep, bad news for those who would suppress the vote.

Yeah...it would be horrible to suppress the graveyard vote, the illegal-alien vote, the multiple vote, and the bogus vote! :cuckoo:

Yep, I've already posted an article that said if the TX ID law was intended to suppress the vote it failed miserably. Turn outs are larger now than before the law took effect. I guess minorities aren't as stupid as the left thinks.
They are only trying to suppress the votes of illegals
They are only trying to suppress the votes of illegals
Only citizens can vote – citizens document their citizenship when they register; after that, as long as they remain current and eligible on the registration rolls, citizens are allowed to vote absent the undue burden of providing ID. If 'fraud' is suspected, it's addressed on a case by case basis.
Citizens have ID's
To register to vote; requiring IDs of voters currently registered and eligible to vote every time they vote is un-Constitutional.

Please share the text with us.
Look it up.

Ergo, you cannot post what you claim. I understand.
False it's on you to prove JakeStarkey wrong.

Not at all. He must first prove he is right.
Look at the far right reactionary WHINOs talking as if they are reputable GOP.

They aren't and never will be accepted as such, but we will take their votes and ignore their stupidity.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.

Terrible blow to Republicans. Their whole plan politically for the future is to keep as many people from voting as possible.

Damn if it isn't satisfying when democracy stomps the guts out of the fascists.
The plan is to only allow citizens to vote, and only vote once.
Voter ID is not a block to voting.
I dont know one person that does not have at least a state issued ID.
I have no problem with voter ID if it is not onerous.

The court must think it is.
Good news for Democrats
and bad news for republicans the can't question every voter before they vote ... the can't purge registered voters because their name is the same name of a person who can't vote.... yeah I would say texas republican voters are scared ... now they'll get voted out of office
Good news for Democrats
and bad news for republicans the can't question every voter before they vote ... the can't purge registered voters because their name is the same name of a person who can't vote.... yeah I would say texas republican voters are scared ... now they'll get voted out of office

How did Wendy "abortion Barbie" Davis fare in the election? LMAO
Good news for Democrats
and bad news for republicans the can't question every voter before they vote ... the can't purge registered voters because their name is the same name of a person who can't vote.... yeah I would say texas republican voters are scared ... now they'll get voted out of office

How did Wendy "abortion Barbie" Davis fare in the election? LMAO

She lost, along with the rights of women throughout Texas.
Citizens have ID's
its obvious you haven't been paying attention ... not all Citizens have ID's many states who have passed voter Id laws say you can't use your drivers license, or your state ID ... you have to go down to the state house a buy a voters Id ... at 25.00 dollars a pop ... some people who were born here never registered their birth not because they are lazy, because at that time it wasn't required ... so your statement here is showing what a uninformed fool you are
Ending motor voter laws would be better since there is more fraud in that than anything else. Just mail in a ballot with someone's name on it. How can that ever go wrong? You can also purge the voter registration files every two years that way we ensure that dead people don't vote...anymore.

I definitely agree that this will benefit the Republican Party because non-conservative groups like acorn can no longer milk the system.

You can't mail in a ballot with someone else's name on it for one thing. The ballot must come from the registered voter and the signature on the envelope must match the one on their voter registration form.

And that's not "motor voter", that's absentee or Vote by Mail. Most states allow all voters to vote by mail and a few are all vote by mail (Colorado and Oregon), a model other states are starting to copy. Motor voter came from the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (Wiki):

The law expanded voting rights by requiring state governments to offer voter registration opportunities to any eligible person who applies for or renews a driver's license or public assistance, requiring states to register applicants that use a federal voter registration form to apply, and prohibiting states from removing registered voters from the voter rolls unless certain criteria are met.
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