Texas voter ID law unconstitutional

Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.

Dante is almost always amused when Fakey Jakey rushes to post a headline. One would think somebody as smaht as Jake pretends to be would do a small bit of research and provide a link or links that could put the headlines in context -- but those of us who know Jake well know that is never his intent -- to provide context and understanding. It's all about Jake -

"Look at me! I'm Jake and I posted a headline first. That makes me Jake, relevant" -- yah, in troll land


A link t an article that provides links that will put most of it all into context: 5th Circuit Voter ID Discriminatory Appeals court ruling upholds spirit of earlier overturning - News - The Austin Chronicle


from 2014 (last year) http://electionlawblog.org/wp-content/uploads/20141014-5th.pdf
Dante as they say in southwestern Virginia rhymes with ain't

Got it right, they do. :lol: Dante is an ain't.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
when it comes to buying guns what's legal is a joke.
but as I said you have the right to buy all the uns you want.
they sell them at Walmart.
not without filling out paperwork.
and everyone can find something to vote on. There are people on the stree taking polls all the time.
Non sequitur.
Voter ID is a Non Sequitur. It only stops non citizens, it does not stop any citizen at all in any way.
what it really does is decreases the votes the democrats get from the dead and the illegal pieces of shit that have no right to vote.
and there is the real problem. It is not unconsitutional to require one to give proof of citizenship providing no other conditions are attatched to it.
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.

Dante is almost always amused when Fakey Jakey rushes to post a headline. One would think somebody as smaht as Jake pretends to be would do a small bit of research and provide a link or links that could put the headlines in context -- but those of us who know Jake well know that is never his intent -- to provide context and understanding. It's all about Jake -

"Look at me! I'm Jake and I posted a headline first. That makes me Jake, relevant" -- yah, in troll land


A link t an article that provides links that will put most of it all into context: 5th Circuit Voter ID Discriminatory Appeals court ruling upholds spirit of earlier overturning - News - The Austin Chronicle


from 2014 (last year) http://electionlawblog.org/wp-content/uploads/20141014-5th.pdf
Dante as they say in southwestern Virginia rhymes with ain't

Got it right, they do. :lol: Dante is an ain't.
Do you mean twixt balls and bunghole?
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.

Dante is almost always amused when Fakey Jakey rushes to post a headline. One would think somebody as smaht as Jake pretends to be would do a small bit of research and provide a link or links that could put the headlines in context -- but those of us who know Jake well know that is never his intent -- to provide context and understanding. It's all about Jake -

"Look at me! I'm Jake and I posted a headline first. That makes me Jake, relevant" -- yah, in troll land


A link t an article that provides links that will put most of it all into context: 5th Circuit Voter ID Discriminatory Appeals court ruling upholds spirit of earlier overturning - News - The Austin Chronicle


from 2014 (last year) http://electionlawblog.org/wp-content/uploads/20141014-5th.pdf
Dante as they say in southwestern Virginia rhymes with ain't

Got it right, they do. :lol: Dante is an ain't.
Dante does not rhyme with ain't
but the message is still accurate.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
when it comes to buying guns what's legal is a joke.
but as I said you have the right to buy all the uns you want.
they sell them at Walmart.
not without filling out paperwork.
and everyone can find something to vote on. There are people on the stree taking polls all the time.
Non sequitur.
Dante loves it when a poster attempts to spank another poster with concepts they do not fully or truly understand: Poor daws101

non se·qui·tur
ˌnän ˈsekwədər/
noun: non sequitur; plural noun: non sequiturs; noun: nonsequitur; plural noun: nonsequiturs
  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

Latin, literally ‘it does not follow.’
Translate non sequitur to
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
when it comes to buying guns what's legal is a joke.
but as I said you have the right to buy all the uns you want.
they sell them at Walmart.
not without filling out paperwork.
and everyone can find something to vote on. There are people on the stree taking polls all the time.
Non sequitur.
Voter ID is a Non Sequitur. It only stops non citizens, it does not stop any citizen at all in any way.
what it really does is decreases l pieces of shit that have nothe votes the democrats get from the dead and the illega right to vote.
and there is the real problem. It is not unconsitutional to require one to give proof of citizenship providing no other conditions are attatched to it.
conspiracy theory

Voting by Dead People
The 'Voter Fraud' Myth Debunked

3 OF 10
June 12, 2012


PHOTO: Getty Images/Vetta

]The 'Voter Fraud' Myth Debunked
Voting by Dead People

Or, if you prefer, living voters are casting ballots in the names of dead ones. (As in: 'Among Voters in New Jersey, GOP Sees Dead People' '1.8 Million Dead People Registered to Vote,' and 'Dead People Cast Over 950 Ballots in South Carolina.')

The truth: In most cases, allegations arise from flawed matches of death records and voter rolls. Sometimes a voter turns out to have died after voting; in other cases, a living voter might be mistaken for a dead one with the same name.

Typical case: In Georgia in 2000, 5,412 votes were alleged to have been cast by dead voters over the previous 20 years. The allegations were based on a flawed match of voter rolls to death lists. An investigation turned up only one instance, and even this was later found to have been an error: One Alan J. Mandel was alleged to have voted in 1998, despite having died in 1997. It turned out that another Alan J. Mandell (two "l"s) – very much alive – was the guy who'd voted, but election workers simply checked the wrong name off of their list.

Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting
Brennan Center for Justice: The Truth About Voter Fraud

Or, if you prefer, living voters are casting ballots in the names of dead ones. (As in: 'Among Voters in New Jersey, GOP Sees Dead People' '1.8 Million Dead People Registered to Vote,' and 'Dead People Cast Over 950 Ballots in South Carolina.')

The truth: In most cases, allegations arise from flawed matches of death records and voter rolls. Sometimes a voter turns out to have died after voting; in other cases, a living voter might be mistaken for a dead one with the same name.

Typical case: In Georgia in 2000, 5,412 votes were alleged to have been cast by dead voters over the previous 20 years. The allegations were based on a flawed match of voter rolls to death lists. An investigation turned up only one instance, and even this was later found to have been an error: One Alan J. Mandel was alleged to have voted in 1998, despite having died in 1997. It turned out that another Alan J. Mandell (two "l"s) – very much alive – was the guy who'd voted, but election workers simply checked the wrong name off of their list.

Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting
Brennan Center for Justice: The Truth About Voter Fraud

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/pictures/the-voter-fraud-myth-debunked-20120612/dead-voters-0459793#ixzz3i3gSTXQ0
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Federal Court Strikes Down Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The Fifth Circuit is one of the more conservative federal courts of appeal. If those justices saw the Texas voter ID law as discriminatory, it probably is.

Dante is almost always amused when Fakey Jakey rushes to post a headline. One would think somebody as smaht as Jake pretends to be would do a small bit of research and provide a link or links that could put the headlines in context -- but those of us who know Jake well know that is never his intent -- to provide context and understanding. It's all about Jake -

"Look at me! I'm Jake and I posted a headline first. That makes me Jake, relevant" -- yah, in troll land


A link t an article that provides links that will put most of it all into context: 5th Circuit Voter ID Discriminatory Appeals court ruling upholds spirit of earlier overturning - News - The Austin Chronicle


from 2014 (last year) http://electionlawblog.org/wp-content/uploads/20141014-5th.pdf
Dante as they say in southwestern Virginia rhymes with ain't

Got it right, they do. :lol: Dante is an ain't.
Dante does not rhyme with ain't
but the message is still accurate.
Talk to the folks in Dante, VA, and they will tell you are as ignorant as Dante.
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
when it comes to buying guns what's legal is a joke.
but as I said you have the right to buy all the uns you want.
they sell them at Walmart.
not without filling out paperwork.
and everyone can find something to vote on. There are people on the stree taking polls all the time.
Non sequitur.
Dante loves it when a poster attempts to spank another poster with concepts they do not fully or truly understand: Poor daws101

non se·qui·tur
ˌnän ˈsekwədər/
noun: non sequitur; plural noun: non sequiturs; noun: nonsequitur; plural noun: nonsequiturs
  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.
View attachment 46602
Latin, literally ‘it does not follow.’
Translate non sequitur to
why does dante refer to him /her self in the third person?
are you bob dole in disguise?
Bob Dole is the Dante in disguise.

The inner and outer composite characters are both ancient.
Good news for everyone in America.

There should be no impediments to citizens voting.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
Good news for everyone in America.

There should be no impediments to citizens voting.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
A gun is one thing, a gun collection is another.

Why would you blame liberals for your disaffection with how your life has turned out?

Has anyone taken any guns away from you?
Good news for everyone in America.

There should be no impediments to citizens voting.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
oh no not the America was still America fallacy.
imo no one should own any more guns than the can shoot accurately.
to explain: you must have the skill to hit targets while firing two or more weapons of unequal power and size at the same time.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
A gun is one thing, a gun collection is another.

Why would you blame liberals for your disaffection with how your life has turned out?

Has anyone taken any guns away from you?
My life is fine. Im concerned with those Americans that are just now coming to the age of working. Their lives are ruined.
and as far as taking my guns? there are a few that I have that would be confiscated if found.
and no, I dont hunt and never have.
Good news for everyone in America.

There should be no impediments to citizens voting.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
when it comes to buying guns what's legal is a joke.
but as I said you have the right to buy all the uns you want.
they sell them at Walmart.
not without filling out paperwork.
and everyone can find something to vote on. There are people on the stree taking polls all the time.

A poll isn't voting.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
A gun is one thing, a gun collection is another.

Why would you blame liberals for your disaffection with how your life has turned out?

Has anyone taken any guns away from you?
sometimes I think a gun collection is a porn collection substitute.
btw I grew up in a house full of guns ,my dad was a lifer in the corps.
Then there should be no infringement on me purchasing a un
You have the right to buy all the uns you want.
what if he doesnt have an ID of any type. How many guns can he legally buy then?
According to your voter logic, no ID required
Thats exacly my theory, there should be no ID required to purchase a gun.
over half of my collection would be considered illegal now. Not when I bought them while America was still America, but now that the liberals are fucking everything up, over half illegal, and non registered.
oh no not the America was still America fallacy.
imo no one should own any more guns than the can shoot accurately.
to explain: you must have the skill to hit targets while firing two or more weapons of unequal power and size at the same time.
Good thing nobody really cares what you think.
and I can shoot everything I own accurately.
Please share the text with us.
Look it up.

Ergo, you cannot post what you claim. I understand.
False it's on you to prove JakeStarkey wrong.

Not at all. He must first prove he is right.
you are the plaintiff, it's on you to prove he is wrong.

Wrong. He claimed unconstitutionality. He must first provide the positive before I am obligated to prove the negative.

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