Texas voter ID law unconstitutional

I am an American before I am a Republican, and Soggy is a Republican before an American, apparently.

Getting an ID should not be onerous.

It's not, it has the same requirements for getting a drivers license. We had to get a birth certificate from OK for my mother in law to get her TX ID, I think it cost a whopping six bucks.
The Court disagrees with you, apparently.

I don't care if they disagree, I haven't seen the actual decision yet, but I will bet the DOJ had absolutely no proof of their claims based on the 2014 elections, or the 2013 State elections. Absent that, the appeals court will over turn the 5th Circuit.
Since requiring some form of identification is discriminatory then why not end drivers license. That is like an id that disenfranchises people from driving. Just think how many people who could drive are discouraged from doing so simply because they don't want to take the time to take a drivers test. Oh...the cruelty of it all. Requiring people to get a drivers license.
Apples and Oranges wins!

I'm just saying it is actually easier to register to vote than it is to get a drivers license. That tells me that there is some kind of racism going on because Mexicans are to stupid to read the drivers manual. Does this argument sound really insulting? That is actually how many people see this. Mexicans are to stupid to learn basic civics in this country so a basic form is clearly meant to disenfranchise them. Funny? I always thought the form was easy enough to fill out for everyone but apparently Mexicans can not. I really think you ought to spend time talking to your Hispanic house keeper before you assume she can't read or write.
I'm all for methods that actually work to prevent fraud. Voter ID is utterly useless. States that have Voter ID still experience the same old fraud.

Notifying a voter registrar when someone dies would work.

When you fill out a change of address at the Post Office, the voter registrar should be notified. The Post Office already sells your change of address information to commercial businesses.

The Interstate Crosscheck Program also holds a lot of promise.

Tightening up the registration process would do far more good than Voter ID.

Right, when states try to purge their rolls the DOJ sues them.

Fla. TV Station Exposes Voter Fraud DOJ Sues State to Stop Purging Rolls - corrected - Judicial Watch
I'm all for methods that actually work to prevent fraud. Voter ID is utterly useless. States that have Voter ID still experience the same old fraud.

Notifying a voter registrar when someone dies would work.

When you fill out a change of address at the Post Office, the voter registrar should be notified. The Post Office already sells your change of address information to commercial businesses.

The Interstate Crosscheck Program also holds a lot of promise.

Tightening up the registration process would do far more good than Voter ID.

Right, when states try to purge their rolls the DOJ sues them.

Fla. TV Station Exposes Voter Fraud DOJ Sues State to Stop Purging Rolls - corrected - Judicial Watch
The Florida purge was being done improperly and they purged eligible citizens. That's why it was stopped.

In fact, the request to halt the purge was made by a Republican.

I'm all for purges that are done correctly.
I'm all for methods that actually work to prevent fraud. Voter ID is utterly useless. States that have Voter ID still experience the same old fraud.

Notifying a voter registrar when someone dies would work.

When you fill out a change of address at the Post Office, the voter registrar should be notified. The Post Office already sells your change of address information to commercial businesses.

The Interstate Crosscheck Program also holds a lot of promise.

Tightening up the registration process would do far more good than Voter ID.

Right, when states try to purge their rolls the DOJ sues them.

Fla. TV Station Exposes Voter Fraud DOJ Sues State to Stop Purging Rolls - corrected - Judicial Watch
The Florida purge was being done improperly and they purged eligible citizens. That's why it was stopped.

In fact, the request to halt the purge was made by a Republican.

I'm all for purges that are done correctly.

Right and when a registrar send a verification card to the address listed on the voter registration form, the left screams discrimination because minorities move more often. They totally disregard the fact that it's the persons obligation to update their registration.
Anyone can get a photo I.D.
See posts 10 and 11.
If it's important to you you will find a way if it's not you will find an excuse.
I see you are working hard to deny reality, willfully blind monkey. Ignore the facts and just make shit up. That's the Voter ID way.
My previous post is as real as it gets I'm happy to say I'm not some candy ass liberal who thinks everything they want I n life is supposed to be handed to them maybe you and large portion of this country needs to grow up and learn that reality.
Both sides play that game.

Both sides play Alinsky and Rushbo rules.
Anyone can get a photo I.D.
See posts 10 and 11.
If it's important to you you will find a way if it's not you will find an excuse.
I see you are working hard to deny reality, willfully blind monkey. Ignore the facts and just make shit up. That's the Voter ID way.
My previous post is as real as it gets I'm happy to say I'm not some candy ass liberal who thinks everything they want I n life is supposed to be handed to them maybe you and large portion of this country needs to grow up and learn that reality.
Yes, I know your denial is real. It absolutely is. You are living in a fantasy world. I do not doubt it for a second.

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