Thank God for the Holocaust!!

Let me start off saying, I'm a Jew. I don't follow the faith anymore, but we're all still a people. And you know, my people have have had some hard times through our history. But when I think about it all, the Holocaust really was a blessing for us. I mean, look how many Jewish people ended up having the chance to live in this great country of the USA! None of that would have happened if it wasn't for the Holocaust. And think of it, when before was there any place in the Middle East for Jews to have a home and country of their own? It's all so amazing! Mr. Hitler was such a gift to us from HaShem. Some people think that our history is a bad one. But HaShem has brought blessings on our people for thousands of years. First the Egyptians, then the Babylonians, the Spaniards, and finally Hitler.....all great blessings bestowed on us because it all lead to me being able to live in the USA now, with the right to go to Israel if I wanted and claim my birthright of citizenship. Oh happy day!

Are you meshugganah? Hitler a gift??? The oppressors of Jews throughout history are gifts? European Jewry nearly wiped out by Hitler is a fucking gift??? If these are your ideas of gifts, I don't want you around any party I'm throwing. Seek help!
Are you meshugganah? Hitler a gift??? The oppressors of Jews throughout history are gifts? European Jewry nearly wiped out by Hitler is a fucking gift??? If these are your ideas of gifts, I don't want you around any party I'm throwing. Seek help!

Well sure. I mean, if the oppressors of black people were a gift to black people, then the oppressors of Jews must be a gift to Jews, right?
Oh, so it's only a bad thing when the Jews suffer. If it's black people suffering, that's a good thing. Good lord, you're a racist piece of shit.
Well, for starters how about you stop posing as something you're not, dickhead.

Posing as what? The part about me being a Jew is true.
Just another anti-Semite posing as a Jew. The only thing that's in the middle about "InTheMiddle" is that thing up his middle. heh heh heh!
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The Jew was not rejected by the German in its entirety.
Göring accepted some Jews into the Luftwaffe, who proved to be successfull, too.
There's a quote of Göring which translates into: "Who the Jew is I determine."
Erhard Milch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, there were the good and bad Jews from the German viewpoint.
Another Muslime Nazi admirer pretending to be an expert on Nazism. Did you forget that Muslimes sided with Hitler?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Roudy was it really necessary to spam the rep comment area with that many stupid fucking character things? Christ sakes...neg rep is one thing but that is just asinine...truly. I understand you israel firsters don't like questions being asked but hey tough shit...grow up grow a set and act like an adult.
Quit yer whining, PUSSY!
The true founding father of the modern state of Israel is Adolph Hitler.

Without his help the nation wouldn't even exist.

Every city in Israel needs to have a statue honoring the man who made it all possible.

And there should be a national holiday to celebrate him and what he did for the Jewish people. :cool:
Something to think about...

... by now all the Jews killed in the Holocaust...

... have been replaced by births.
Well, for starters how about you stop posing as something you're not, dickhead.

Posing as what? The part about me being a Jew is true.
Just another anti-Semite posing as a Jew. The only thing that's in the middle about "InTheMiddle" is that thing up his middle. heh heh heh!


Anti-Semite posing as a Jew? That's a whole new kind of stupid!
The true founding father of the modern state of Israel is Adolph Hitler.

Without his help the nation wouldn't even exist.

Every city in Israel needs to have a statue honoring the man who made it all possible.

And there should be a national holiday to celebrate him and what he did for the Jewish people. :cool:
No actually, Heil Hitler has been updated to Allah Akbar. Or in other words,
Does Allahu akbar = Heil Hitler? Lets see...
Similarities between Islamism and Nazism :
1- Both are intolerant to other religions and peoples,
2- Both preach the permanent jihad saint-war against other ideologies
3- Both make followers feel that they are the best people on the earth
4- Both are anti-Democracy and freedom killers
5- Both make followers believe that they belong to the last and the best religion in the world, as the Milleniun of the Reich
6- Both have cruelty in punishments, terror, and lack of respect for human life
7- Both are againt capitalism and liberal development in economy
8- Both lead to disaster and chaos.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage.
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The true founding father of the modern state of Israel is Adolph Hitler.

Without his help the nation wouldn't even exist.

Every city in Israel needs to have a statue honoring the man who made it all possible.

And there should be a national holiday to celebrate him and what he did for the Jewish people. :cool:
No actually, Heil Hitler has been updated to Allah Akbar.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage.

God damned anti-Semite.
Posing as what? The part about me being a Jew is true.
Just another anti-Semite posing as a Jew. The only thing that's in the middle about "InTheMiddle" is that thing up his middle. heh heh heh!


Anti-Semite posing as a Jew? That's a whole new kind of stupid!
Not really, its a frequent event, what happens when dipweeds like you run out of ammo and decide to get on your knees and do the Monica. Ha ha ha!
Not really, its a frequent event, what happens when dipweeds like you run out of ammo and decide to get on your knees and do the Monica. Ha ha ha!

Actually, what happens when people run out of ammo is that they sit around and sling mud instead of actually addressing the subject. Kinda like how you're doing.

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