Thank God GW Bush had health insurance


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

"Without complications, former President George W. Bush had a stent implanted Tuesday morning to fix a blocked artery in his heart, which doctors discovered during a routine physical on Aug. 5."
Republicans are counseling healthy people to not buy health insurance. GW Bush apparently does some form of cardio exercise almost every day and-----and didn't have any symptoms that have been reported. I wonder how much money GW Bush saved his insurance company by having a routine physical then having a $30 to $50K, 30 minute procedure done?

"Some of these devices, called drug-eluting stents, are coated with medicine that helps to keep the artery open. The cost of the procedure varies from about $30,000 to $50,000, and more than one million are performed every year in the United States."
1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:
2) Bush has insurance as an EMPLOYMENT benefit... not something given for doing nothing
3) The government has been wrongly involved in giving companies breaks for being the supplier of health insurance.... do not think to yourself that this is coincidence...
4) If more groups were able to negotiate rates, you would have more competition and prices would decrease
5) If catastrophic or life threatening issues were the only things covered by health insurance, you would be better able to negotiate prices and you would most likely know what upkeep and minor care cost.. thus driving the market place to be more competitive for such services
1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:

Are there really people somewhere who believe the U.S. overspends on primary care? People who know things, I mean.
Republicans are counseling healthy people to not buy health insurance. GW Bush apparently does some form of cardio exercise almost every day and-----and didn't have any symptoms that have been reported. I wonder how much money GW Bush saved his insurance company by having a routine physical then having a $30 to $50K, 30 minute procedure done?

"Some of these devices, called drug-eluting stents, are coated with medicine that helps to keep the artery open. The cost of the procedure varies from about $30,000 to $50,000, and more than one million are performed every year in the United States."

Really? Do you have even a shred of evidence that proves Republicans are counseling healthy people not to by health insurance or did you just make up that line of BS? I've heard a lot of talk about government interference, incompetence and nanny state socialism, but no where have I seen Republicans tell those who are healthy that they should not buy insurance.

Republicans are counseling healthy people to not buy health insurance. GW Bush apparently does some form of cardio exercise almost every day and-----and didn't have any symptoms that have been reported. I wonder how much money GW Bush saved his insurance company by having a routine physical then having a $30 to $50K, 30 minute procedure done?

"Some of these devices, called drug-eluting stents, are coated with medicine that helps to keep the artery open. The cost of the procedure varies from about $30,000 to $50,000, and more than one million are performed every year in the United States."

Really? Do you have even a shred of evidence that proves Republicans are counseling healthy people not to by health insurance or did you just make up that line of BS? I've heard a lot of talk about government interference, incompetence and nanny state socialism, but no where have I seen Republicans tell those who are healthy that they should not buy insurance.


I assume this is a reference to the FreedomWorks campaign to make it "socially acceptable" to try and go uninsured until you get sick.

Burn your imaginary Obamacare card!
Good lord, the man is laying in a hospital bed and the leftist are kicking him around.

go fuck yourselves

and try to grow up for once
He's not lying in a hospital bed, he'll walk out of the hospital tomorrow morning. It's a very simple procedure.
1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:

Are there really people somewhere who believe the U.S. overspends on primary care? People who know things, I mean.

Yes, Cass.

Why did you guys exempt yourselves from Obamacare, too awesome for you?

Why did you delay implementing it, too awesome?
1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:
2) Bush has insurance as an EMPLOYMENT benefit... not something given for doing nothing
3) The government has been wrongly involved in giving companies breaks for being the supplier of health insurance.... do not think to yourself that this is coincidence...
4) If more groups were able to negotiate rates, you would have more competition and prices would decrease
5) If catastrophic or life threatening issues were the only things covered by health insurance, you would be better able to negotiate prices and you would most likely know what upkeep and minor care cost.. thus driving the market place to be more competitive for such services


But this is really why Progressive Nazis <3 Obama Care

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Republicans are counseling healthy people to not buy health insurance. GW Bush apparently does some form of cardio exercise almost every day and-----and didn't have any symptoms that have been reported. I wonder how much money GW Bush saved his insurance company by having a routine physical then having a $30 to $50K, 30 minute procedure done?

"Some of these devices, called drug-eluting stents, are coated with medicine that helps to keep the artery open. The cost of the procedure varies from about $30,000 to $50,000, and more than one million are performed every year in the United States."

Really? Do you have even a shred of evidence that proves Republicans are counseling healthy people not to by health insurance or did you just make up that line of BS? I've heard a lot of talk about government interference, incompetence and nanny state socialism, but no where have I seen Republicans tell those who are healthy that they should not buy insurance.


I assume this is a reference to the FreedomWorks campaign to make it "socially acceptable" to try and go uninsured until you get sick.

Burn your imaginary Obamacare card!

You assume wrong. No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance.

Really? Do you have even a shred of evidence that proves Republicans are counseling healthy people not to by health insurance or did you just make up that line of BS? I've heard a lot of talk about government interference, incompetence and nanny state socialism, but no where have I seen Republicans tell those who are healthy that they should not buy insurance.


I assume this is a reference to the FreedomWorks campaign to make it "socially acceptable" to try and go uninsured until you get sick.

Burn your imaginary Obamacare card!

You assume wrong. No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance.


Progressives are pathological lairs
1) health insurance should not be paying for routine upkeep.. This was yet another big government intrusion into your personal life.. health insurance never used to be this way.. and with your car insurance, you don't use it for tune ups, checking a clogged fuel injector, replacing windshield wipers, etc.. but you sure as fuck expect health insurance to do it now... :rolleyes:

Are there really people somewhere who believe the U.S. overspends on primary care? People who know things, I mean.

Or that paying to get yourself well is better than paying to keeping yourself healthy?

As dumb as it is to wait until you're sick to act, ObamaCare does allow for that level stupidity.

If that's what you want, go for it. :cuckoo:

Just understand that, unlike the current SOCIALIST system, the rest of us won't pay your bills anymore.

Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

"Without complications, former President George W. Bush had a stent implanted Tuesday morning to fix a blocked artery in his heart, which doctors discovered during a routine physical on Aug. 5."

Good thing that the politicians protected themselves from Obamacare so that they will have better healthcare than the rest of us.
Good lord, the man is laying in a hospital bed and the leftist are kicking him around.

go fuck yourselves

and try to grow up for once

We're paying his version of ObamaCare. He screwed us over for 8 years. I kick him if I want to but I'd much rather see him and his dick veep tried for war crimes.

YOU need to grow and up and accept the FACT that there are consequences for the crap he pulled on the US.

Well, actually, in this case, there really aren't. He and his pond scum cronies see to be getting off Scott free.
The right wing and Ted Kennedy's last days.

Hillary Clinton's concussion.

Obama's mother.

Documentary Claiming Obama?s Mom a Porn Star Sent to Voters (VIDEO) | Veracity Stew

Barack Obama’s dead mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, via a documentary full of unfounded claims that she starred in pornography. Not only has the filmmaker refused to say who funded his film, saying it was “privately funded,” but the film has been mailed to 1 Million voters in swing states.


And look at the Bush years. After 9/11, he was the most popular president in American history.


He let Bin Laden go
invaded Iraq
Republicans passed the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts
Deregulated Wall Street collapsed
Good job Brownie
Katrina survivors given carcinogenic trailers
No bid contracts
Thousand of Americans dead in Iraq
Tens of thousand of Americans maimed in Iraq
He put Bible School Graduates into the Dept of Justice
He tried to make his secretary a Supreme Court Justice

He was like Midas only everything HE touched turned to shit.

And some have said they wished his surgeons were armatures.

Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

"Without complications, former President George W. Bush had a stent implanted Tuesday morning to fix a blocked artery in his heart, which doctors discovered during a routine physical on Aug. 5."

Good thing that the politicians protected themselves from Obamacare so that they will have better healthcare than the rest of us.

Surely you know that's not true, right?

Without health insurance most people don't have routine physical examinations that solve health issues BEFORE they become really-really expensive problems.

Better health outcomes, less cost - win-win.

Myth #1 - Health insurance should pay for preventive care.

Reality - That's one of the reasons why it's so expensive.

Myth #2 - Preventive care results in less health care costs long term.

Reality - Multiple studies have confirmed there are no savings at all and in many cases it's actually more costly.

Myth #3 - The OP is an ill-informed, ignorant douche nozzle.

Reality - Oh, wait. That was true.
You assume wrong. No one has been suggesting anyone not purchase insurance.



CLANCY: Burn your Obamacare card - Washington Times
So what, then, does &#8220;burning one&#8217;s Obamacare card&#8221; mean? It means this: If you&#8217;re uninsured &#8212; stay uninsured. If you can afford to become uninsured &#8212; do so. After all, you can sign up for coverage after you get sick, thanks to the new law.

That is only talking about not letting you statists force people into doing something they don't want to do.

Kind of like not allowing the Chinese government to force couples with a child already to abort future children. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Kind of like burn your draft card if you don't want to go to Nam and kill children. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Kind of like demanding school vouchers to allow parent to choose which schools to send their children to. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Kind of like allowing voters to choose which party to support, not to support or the right to choose not to support either party. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Kind of like the right to choose to smoke or not to smoke. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Kind of like the right to choose whether or not to wear a seat belt in your car. Obamacare is anti-choice.

Clancy is saying make your own choice, don't let the government make it for you.

Funny, but when you get right down to it liberals and Democrats who are always preaching "choice" really want to deny us a lot of choice, don't they? Clancy is absolutely correct, you as a once free person should be standing up for your right to choose.


It also happens to be the system&#8217;s linchpin. Without premium payments by millions of young adults under 40, Obamacare can&#8217;t work. Younger Americans make up the bulk of the uninsured today because health insurance simply costs too much relative to their needs. If they don&#8217;t obey the mandate, premiums will be higher than expected in the new government &#8220;exchanges,&#8221; people will be driven away, and a vicious cycle will set in, ending in the scheme&#8217;s failure.
This suggests an opportunity. If all of us, especially millennials, were to become health care draft resisters, we could hasten Obamacare&#8217;s inevitable collapse and pave the way for a patient-centered system.
SEE ALSO: House GOP leaders want to put Democrats on the spot via Obamacare
It&#8217;s not against the law to ignore the mandate or to buy coverage that doesn&#8217;t fully conform to the law&#8217;s myriad micromanaging rules. That&#8217;s right, we can resist the draft in good conscience, without risking jail time or significant fines.
Under Section 1501 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, we&#8217;re required to certify on our yearly tax return whether we have &#8220;acceptable&#8221; coverage. However, the Internal Revenue Service is forbidden to use any penalty to enforce the mandate, except for a user-fee payment, which the IRS can only collect at the end of the year out of any tax refund we may be owed. This means we can simply sidestep the fee by carefully adjusting our withholdings to avoid being owed a refund. As for the amount, it&#8217;s comparatively small: in 2014, just $95, or 1 percent of income, whichever is greater, rising to $695 or 2.5 percent of income in 2016 and thereafter. It&#8217;s a pittance compared to the cost of compliance.

for as long as my employer continues to carry my health insurance, I will keep it, but after that, I will join the resistance. Screw the anti-choice Democrats!

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