And what constitutes a “state crime”, fragile ‘lil snowflake? :lmao:

For instance, murder gets prosecuted in the district it was committed (ie the city). Same with rape. Robbery. Etc.

So you’re admitting that Democrats are so incompetent/incapable they need Republicans to provide for them?? Hahahaha! You admitted it! :laugh:
Why don’t you just Google the state crimes in your state. It will be a new experience not being quite so ignorant.
One hell of an indictment on the left. Speaks volumes when a person makes $100,000 per year and can't even raise a family. But that's what happens with high taxes, high regulations, inflation, and a commitment to ending affordable energy.

The left-wing ideology is a failed ideology. It's dedicated to putting everyone in poverty so they are beholder to government for even their most basic needs.
See Hoover’s economy in 1929 or GWB’s in 2007.
  • The “Roaring 20’s” occurred under Republicans
  • The “Great Depression” occurred under Democrats (1930’s)
  • The “Great Recession” occurred under Democrats (2009)
Thanks for playing. Nobody knows how to destroy jobs and create mass poverty like the Dumbocrats
Really, the unimployment rate under Biden is 3.5%. You’re relying on Heritage ? No wonder you live under a rock.
You’re astounding illiteracy aside, the Dumbocrats celebrate people giving up and leaving the labor force.

They did the same thing under Obama when unemployment was over 10%. Once a person declares they are no longer seeking employment (because they’ve just given up hope of getting a job), they no longer count in the unemployment numbers.

You’re relying on people (Democrats) who live to dupe and control you? No wonder you live under a rock (and are so damn illiterate).
Holy fucking shit :lmao:

Gulping Gay Turd will actually attempt to defend one of the most violent gangs in the world in a desperate attempt to protect his precious little Dumbocrats 🤦‍♂️
Ain't that the truth ... don't forget though Gator is an independent... lol..
  • The “Roaring 20’s” occurred under Republicans
  • The “Great Depression” occurred under Democrats (1930’s)
  • The “Great Recession” occurred under Democrats (2009)
Thanks for playing. Nobody knows how to destroy jobs and create mass poverty like the Dumbocrats
Dude, the roaring 20’s was limited to certain people. Your should research “dumping milk” by our dairy farmers during that time.

FDR was sworn in 1933. When did Black Friday happen?

President Barack Obama was sworn in 2009 and when did the Great Recession start again.

You answers will go directly to you credibility.
of course you know red states have the highest black population...aka democrats
In all red states just like in all states, the vast plurality of crimes are committed by white people. White people control the vote in all states. So fking whites need to get their act together..
Geesus, if what you say were true, mostly Dems, they wouldn’t be red states.
You must be an illegal alien.
President Barack Obama was sworn in 2009 and when did the Great Recession start again.
2009. Unemployment was 7% and change when Obama took over. Not great, but in the ballpark of normal unemployment.

Obama and the Dumbocrats drove that shit up over 10%. They also drove gas prices through the roof, natural gas through the roof, groceries through the roof.

Damn this sounds familiar. Where have we heard this before? Oh wait! That's right. Right now. When the Dumbocrats have the House, Senate, and White House. Just like then! Anyone else see a pattern here?

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