Thank you, Donald Trump

... and it's not exactly a secret to the rest of us, just by his words and actions.

He's a bullshitter. It doesn't take a New Yorker to see that virtually every word out of his mouth is hyperbolic self-aggrandizement. He is clearly desperate for approval, the neediest, weakest rich kid I've ever seen. Not even close.

To deny that, or to choose not to see it, is simply self-delusion.
You talking about yourself here?

I commend it if so, the first step to healing is admitting the problem…
Duke, he's every thing mom and dad warned the sis and I to stay away from.... A scummy, disloyal, bold and arrogant, deceitful, cheating, self centered, aggrandizing, money above all else, man.

Now, I realize those standards of my parents may have been decades ago, and maybe not what parents are teaching their daughters today, but I will never be able to knock them....they were ingrained in me.... A moral standard, so to say!!! And the parents are still alive, and STILL try to keep me straight! :lol:

So, of course I would never ever, in a million gazillion years, support or praise or think worthy of a man seeking the presidency, whose characteristics are like Donald Trump's! Yes, orange man is bad!
Could there be one exception to your moral standard? If he were a Dem, would you support him?
"Trump created Trump. The guy has been a corrupt tax dodging, lying career criminal his entire life who's never been held accountable for anything because he knew how & who to buy off. Trained by Roy Cohn who Trump kicked to the curb when he was dying of AIDS. Trump is nothing but a trust fund self absorbed career criminal born with larceny running thru his veins since the moment he took his first breath."

Well, my avatar will object, in part.
  • 'Trump created Trump'? ---- yup.
  • 'Corrupt tax doding lying criminal'?.....sure
  • 'never been held accountable'? --- OK
  • 'a trust fund self absorbed career criminal'?... I understand your point, it has traction.
  • 'larceny is in veins'? ...... I think I see that, yes.
  • 'since the moment he took his first breath'? ----- I would object strenuously to that one.
Could there be one exception to your moral standard? If he were a Dem, would you support him?

He was always a democrat as far as I knew growing up....and his politics, which has always been about what is best for him, has nothing to do with his "damaged heart, mind and soul"!
Actually I think that Mark Burnett is far more responsible for Trump being POTUS. Without the fake image of Trump he created for The Apprentice Trump would never have gotten a single vote.

Well, maybe, lots of things lead to such things, but from a purely political point, without the Koch brothers changing right wing politics, crazy wouldn't have been a thing in the white house.
Well, maybe, lots of things lead to such things, but from a purely political point, without the Koch brothers changing right wing politics, crazy wouldn't have been a thing in the white house.
I’m genuinely asking for legitimate sources that back your opinion about Don and the Koch Brothers. Got any?
Oh bullshit. Trump created Trump. The guy has been a corrupt tax dodging, lying career criminal his entire life who's never been held accountable for anything because he knew how & who to buy off. Trained by Roy Cohn who Trump kicked to the curb when he was dying of AIDS. Trump is nothing but a trust fund self absorbed career criminal born with larceny running thru his veins since the moment he took his first breath.

Trump was elected partly because he's one of the best liars in history.

Trump was elected because there were a lot of people wanting to elect anyone not Hillary.
Trump was elected because there were a lot of people wanting to elect anyone not Hillary.
And vice-versa, of course. The duopoly increasingly goes out of its way to serve us only crap choices and call them "viable." The whole business is vile.
And vice-versa, of course. The duopoly increasingly goes out of its way to serve us only crap choices and call them "viable." The whole business is vile.

In 2020 yes, a lot of people wanted anyone but Trump.

I've noted this many times.

In 2016 I did not want Trump to win but I really wanted Hillary to lose.

In 2020 I did not want Biden to win, but I really wanted Trump to lose.
In 2020 yes, a lot of people wanted anyone but Trump.

I've noted this many times.

In 2016 I did not want Trump to win but I really wanted Hillary to lose.

In 2020 I did not want Biden to win, but I really wanted Trump to lose.
One of the main things I resent the GQP for is the fact that I had to vote for the Dems in the last two elections.

But the way I saw it, I just didn't have a choice. We have to be better than what the orange stain represents: Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, hate.
One of the main things I resent the GQP for is the fact that I had to vote for the Dems in the last two elections.

No you didn't.

But the way I saw it, I just didn't have a choice. We have to be better than what the orange stain represents: Arrogant ignorance, bigotry, paranoia, hate.

You had choices. You only chose to not use them.

I said what I said while not voting for Hillary, Trump or Biden.
It was a relatively easy choice, for me, based on my personal priorities. I didn't like the choice I had -- D, R or third party (usually my preference), but this was clear.

I can't understand voting for Hillary and then saying how bad Trump was. They were both equally bad. I would even say in 2016 Hillary was worse.

What drew you to her? Her never ending support for war? Her inability to ever tell the truth? The millions she took from investment banks and refusing to divulge what she promised them? Her cheating of the primaries?
I can't understand voting for Hillary and then saying how bad Trump was. They were both equally bad. I would even say in 2016 Hillary was worse.

What drew you to her? Her never ending support for war? Her inability to ever tell the truth? The millions she took from investment banks and refusing to divulge what she promised them? Her cheating of the primaries?
Nothing drew me to her. In no way is she an attractive candidate for me. I had to vote against Trumpism.

I don't give two shits about her.

And all of the above pertains to Biden, as well.
Nothing drew me to her. In no way is she an attractive candidate for me. I had to vote against Trumpism.

I don't give two shits about her.

And all of the above pertains to Biden, as well.

That's why they do what they do. They know that no matter how much they lie, steal or cheat, people will still feel they must vote for them.

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