Thank you, Donald Trump

Let me ask you two straight questions that you can answer with a simple yes or no if you have the guts.

Do America’s rich pay most of Americas income taxes?
Do the majority of Americans pay little to no income taxes?

Rather than vilify America's most productive and ask them to do more shouldn’t you ask for the majority to their part?
Strawman argument. Look it up.
Can you show us on the doll where Hillary touched you.
Joe’s sex doll…
well?.....are you going to give me the doll so i can show you?....i will give it back....i promise....
Joe’s been “using” that doll for decades. So it’s rather nasty now. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Yes, Trump is definitely a symptom. The Koch brothers created Trump, and they're far more responsible. Money is a problem in the system. The lack of politics in politics is a problem.
Oh bullshit. Trump created Trump. The guy has been a corrupt tax dodging, lying career criminal his entire life who's never been held accountable for anything because he knew how & who to buy off. Trained by Roy Cohn who Trump kicked to the curb when he was dying of AIDS. Trump is nothing but a trust fund self absorbed career criminal born with larceny running thru his veins since the moment he took his first breath.

Trump was elected partly because he's one of the best liars in history.
Oh bullshit. Trump created Trump. The guy has been a corrupt tax dodging, lying career criminal his entire life who's never been held accountable for anything because he knew how & who to buy off. Trained by Roy Cohn who Trump kicked to the curb when he was dying of AIDS. Trump is nothing but a trust fund self absorbed career criminal born with larceny running thru his veins since the moment he took his first breath.

Trump was elected partly because he's one of the best liars in history.

That's not what I'm saying. Trump created the Trump that is. The Koch brothers created the Trump that is president. Without the Koch brothers and their misguided bullshit, Trump would not have been president.
That's not what I'm saying. Trump created the Trump that is. The Koch brothers created the Trump that is president. Without the Koch brothers and their misguided bullshit, Trump would not have been president.
That’s interesting. Do you have any links to back up that opinion?

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
Republicans created the monster, and now it's alive;
Duke, he's every thing mom and dad warned the sis and I to stay away from.... A scummy, disloyal, bold and arrogant, deceitful, cheating, self centered, aggrandizing, money above all else, man.

Now, I realize those standards of my parents may have been decades ago, and maybe not what parents are teaching their daughters today, but I will never be able to knock them....they were ingrained in me.... A moral standard, so to say!!! And the parents are still alive, and STILL try to keep me straight! :lol:

So, of course I would never ever, in a million gazillion years, support or praise or think worthy of a man seeking the presidency, whose characteristics are like Donald Trump's! Yes, orange man is bad!
How did you reach this conclusion? Seems a bit far-fetched to me. :dunno:
How did you reach this conclusion? Seems a bit far-fetched to me. :dunno:
I lived and grew up in Brooklyn for several years of my life.... off and on, and my grandparents lived there for 40+ years. I grew up with him in the news, mostly tabloids, 24/7..... and followed him and his shenanigans, and wrong doings, my whole life....New Yorkers know who he is....
I lived and grew up in Brooklyn for several years of my life.... off and on, and my grandparents lived there for 40+ years. I grew up with him in the news, mostly tabloids, 24/7..... and followed him and his shenanigans, and wrong doings, my whole life....New Yorkers know who he is....
... and it's not exactly a secret to the rest of us, just by his words and actions.

He's a bullshitter. It doesn't take a New Yorker to see that virtually every word out of his mouth is hyperbolic self-aggrandizement. He is clearly desperate for approval, the neediest, weakest rich kid I've ever seen. Not even close.

To deny that, or to choose not to see it, is simply self-delusion.
That's not what I'm saying. Trump created the Trump that is. The Koch brothers created the Trump that is president. Without the Koch brothers and their misguided bullshit, Trump would not have been president.

Actually I think that Mark Burnett is far more responsible for Trump being POTUS. Without the fake image of Trump he created for The Apprentice Trump would never have gotten a single vote.

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