Thank you, Donald Trump

Both Obama and the Clintons voluntarily showed their taxes.

So now just random private citizens need to show their taxes? You dont understand the difference between someone who is running for President and a private citizen?

You're delusional about Trump. He's going down as the worst President of all time and it isnt even close.

Have you seen his entire returns? I havent. So nobody knows. However, it is already a well established fact that trump valued his properties based on his needs ie either upping the value when he needs money or devaluing when he does his taxes. That is not legal.

But we've already established you're delusional so there is no point in having a conversation about anything quite frankly.
Obama and Clinton were professional politicians so their taxes were pretty simple compared to Trump with myriad business entities and who exposed multiple innocent people when tax returns were released. There really is no comparison between them other than Obama and Clinton got filthy rich via their presidencies and Trump did not.
I was agreeing with your post, not disputing it. Just saying that it's not just Trump people get pissed off over not paying taxes.

I have no issues with rich people taking every legal tax break available to them. I do the same thing. I have issues with all of the tax breaks that they have. The tax code really needs to be simplified, and stripped of all of these phony trusts and shelters.
You are Canadian so stop pretending our tax code affects you.
Obama and Clinton were professional politicians so their taxes were pretty simple compared to Trump with myriad business entities and who exposed multiple innocent people when tax returns were released. There really is no comparison between them other than Obama and Clinton got filthy rich via their presidencies and Trump did not.
That and Trump's company was convicted of tax fraud.
Obama and Clinton were Presidents. Short memory? I do stay on topic. And why does it matter if a person is President? Who is more influential than Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates etc. on the political scene?

I think history will show that President Trump accomplished more good for America and Americans than any other President in ANY of our lifetimes and he did it in the three short years we had. We can't count 2020 when everything was locked down and all the focus was on COVID. Even there though, he handled the emergency well and made sure everybody had what they needed to deal with it.

So the fact that he benefitted and benefits from the tax code that ALL wealthy people benefit from in exactly the same way should not be something any fair minded person holds against him. Those afflicted with TDS so far are pretty incapable of being fair minded however.
You're completely brainwashed. Trump was an abysmal failure from day one; he was a complete abysmal failure during covid.
I would take this more seriously if it wasn't so TDS driven. Where is the interest, outrage, concern, problem with George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, John Kerry, Mark Warner, Al Gore, the Obamas, the Clintons etc. etc. etc. and how much taxes they pay and/or how they shelter their income from taxes? They all use the same tax code.
Blatant attempt at deflection noted and appreciated.

But somehow only Trump is evil because he uses that tax code.
I didn't say that. YOU did. I was talking about fixing the tax code. I didn't say he did anything illegal.

This is why I no longer bother with you people for the most part. You only see what you want to see and twist the rest.

Due to your TDS.
Tell us…what did these “billionaires” earn and what provisions in the tax code allow them to avoid paying what they owe?
I showed you that the “ultra wealthy” as a group carries you and the rest of the nation….why do the facts make you mad?
It’s amazing the lengths some cons will go to protect the ultra wealthy. Such good toadies of a corrupt system.
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Tell us…what did these “billionaires” earn and what provisions in the tax code allow them to avoid paying what they owe?
I showed you that the “ultra wealthy” as a group carries you and the rest of the nation….why do the facts make you mad?
Did you know the tax code contains almost 7,000 pages. I wonder what’s in there. Could you read it for me and post a report?
I was agreeing with your post, not disputing it. Just saying that it's not just Trump people get pissed off over not paying taxes.

I have no issues with rich people taking every legal tax break available to them. I do the same thing. I have issues with all of the tax breaks that they have. The tax code really needs to be simplified, and stripped of all of these phony trusts and shelters.
You initially stated I missed the point. I still don’t know what point I missed.

I know full well that many on the right and left know our tax code is ridiculously unfair. I never stated otherwise.
would we have? Frankly, she wouldn't have done the stupid things that Trump did that made 2020 as bad as it was.

Oh, we still would have had to put up with the GOP investigating fake scandal of the week, but nowhere near the clown show we got with Trump.
joe you love the woman i get it.....but we would have lost with her too....she would have divided this country just as much as trump did....
joe you love the woman i get it.....but we would have lost with her too....she would have divided this country just as much as trump did....

Not really. First, the country has been pretty much "divided" since her husband was president. The good news was that the loons weren't running the show on the GOP side. Trump enabled the loons, which is why the GOP can't even elect a speaker right now.

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
You loons need to be locked up.
Not really. First, the country has been pretty much "divided" since her husband was president. The good news was that the loons weren't running the show on the GOP side. Trump enabled the loons, which is why the GOP can't even elect a speaker right now.
Only a loon thinks Hillary would have been good for the country.

You’re old enough now to accept the truth. The duopoly only elects assholes.
Hillary couldn't bring the Democrats together any more than McCarthy can the Republicans.

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
And crime, no illegal foreign business dealings. When are the dems going to admit they were wrong? when are they going to take ownership of the crime they committed by illegally releasing someone's private information to the public? Why are dems allowed to pursue a personal vendetta on someone, and then just walk away as if nothing has happened.

Dems had his tax information before they released it to the public so they knew there was no crime to be found, but they released them to the public anyway, for no reason. Why are they allowed to do that, and not be held accountable?

And before you say it, this has nothing to do with Trump, but about the arrogance of people who think they are above the law, who, because they felt entitled to them, decided they had the right to do this, because they simply wanted it.
Not really. First, the country has been pretty much "divided" since her husband was president. The good news was that the loons weren't running the show on the GOP side. Trump enabled the loons, which is why the GOP can't even elect a speaker right now.
yea really joe.....
And crime, no illegal foreign business dealings. When are the dems going to admit they were wrong? when are they going to take ownership of the crime they committed by illegally releasing someone's private information to the public? Why are dems allowed to pursue a personal vendetta on someone, and then just walk away as if nothing has happened.

Dems had his tax information before they released it to the public so they knew there was no crime to be found, but they released them to the public anyway, for no reason. Why are they allowed to do that, and not be held accountable?

And before you say it, this has nothing to do with Trump, but about the arrogance of people who think they are above the law, who, because they felt entitled to them, decided they had the right to do this, because they simply wanted it.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, this Trump tax stuff doesn't smell right to me and I agree its release was purely partisan. It opens up the door to more of the same, and no doubt that will happen, just making things worse.

My point here is not that he cheated on his taxes (while I have seen that there may be some actionable tactics, I don't know and I'll believe it if/when it's proven) -- it's that the tax system he used needs to be improved and its holes closed.

So it's two things that occupy space at the same time -- yes, the release was partisan and cynical, and yes, the tax system shouldn't allow the wealthiest to escape taxes. I'm for a Minimum Effective Tax Rate, both on individual and corporate taxes.

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