Thank you, Donald Trump

Their response is always to attack the individual.

Helps them avoid the point that person is making, especially when they haven't been told what to say in response.

Boring as hell.
The democrat side including mac1958 is unwilling to compromise

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.

The tax code has benefited the wealthy for decades. It’s ridiculous complexity, numerous loopholes, and special provisions are specifically designed the benefit the ultra wealthy.

Trump is hardly the first wealthy asshole to take advantage of our unjust tax code. Nearly all the billionaires pay little in taxation, as a percentage of their enormous income. For example, Bezos paid little to no income tax for many years, yet is a billionaire.

And Biden said he was going to do something about it and has done nothing other than raise taxes on the poor and middle class.

Criminal Tax fraud isn't the problem.

Legal tax avoidance is.

I'm certain every billionaire out there uses every loop hole there is, to avoid paying any taxes....after all, they ARE the ones, and their paid lobbyists, that convinced congress to put in these loopholes in to our tax laws for their use and favor.... this isn't about Donald Trump alone.

DJTs tax filings, just gave us an inside peak in to what loopholes are there, that congress put in to law for them all..... We rarely if ever, have gotten a view of it.

Did he raise federal taxes on the poor and middle class??

What the IRS needs to do is publish effective tax rates of groups by business income, personal income, net worth,....

Make it clear what has been defined...

I know that these types of figures are landed in front of the finance minister every year (usually before the yearly budget) and he/she is asked to explain any anomalies...

There is no push back like that in US... In the US who is the equivalent of the Finance Minster in another country (this is the second most powerful person in the country)...
Budget day is is his big day..
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New Zealand


All these guys would have to explain how Rich (not being specific about Trump) were paying so little...
BTW Trump paid foreign taxes..

4 pages in it seems that people just do not care the tax system is fucked up and that people making a billion dollars pay a lower percent of the income than they do
Hahaha…gotta love all the ungrateful beggars in this thread. “The rich” pay almost all of this nations taxes but it’s not enough for the globalist socialists….they need more to better fund their invading beaners, their pet human blacks, Ukraine and The Green New Deal. Fuck off beggars!
Hahaha…gotta love all the ungrateful beggars in this thread. “The rich” pay almost all of this nations taxes but it’s not enough for the globalist socialists….they need more to better fund their invading beaners, their pet human blacks, Ukraine and The Green New Deal. Fuck off beggars!
Golfing Gator pknopp gipper
Sorry….did I misunderstand your position on the matter?
hey berg maybe so many voted for trump back then because of the piece of shit you asswipes ran against come you left that out?...
You mean we thought America was better than the misogyny Mrs. Clinton brought out?

Hillary was probably one of the best qualifed candidates that has run.
8 years as First lady
8 years as a Senator
4 years as Secretary of State.
Cast a little clarity for us…What are you asserting with this?

I pay a higher percent in income taxes than many billionaires. This does not make me a ungrateful beggar, as I am the one paying the higher rate.

This makes me the one that is pissed at a system that allows, or even encourages this to happen.
Do tell us how “catastrophic“ things were under Trump pre-COVID. By almost every meaningful metric, our country was better off under Trump. He hurt Democrats feelings, so they choose to ignore the facts. Now, Biden is doing some serious long-term damage, but my guess is you don’t see this.

Uh, guy, why do you all pretend that 2020 didn't happen.

2020 we had the worst recession in 80 years, the worst epidemic in a 100 years, and the worst race riots in 50 years.

Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Those are kind of meaningful metrics.

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
I have no idea what time zone you are in but starting a thread at 3:37 AM shows desperation.

In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
Nice try shill,,,,,you guys must be scared to death of Trump since he can delay your GREAT RESET. Your wasting your time on this board since people here are thinkers and need proof, not just political memes.
You mean we thought America was better than the misogyny Mrs. Clinton brought out?

Hillary was probably one of the best qualifed candidates that has run.
8 years as First lady
8 years as a Senator
4 years as Secretary of State.
and yet she still lost to what many posters here say is a bigger piece of shit than she was....
Nice try shill,,,,,you guys must be scared to death of Trump since he can delay your GREAT RESET. Your wasting your time on this board since people here are thinkers and need proof, not just political memes.
Yes, Trumpsters are real "thinkers". Dittos, Rush.

And from what website did you get this GREAT RESET conspiracy theory?
Yes, Trumpsters are real "thinkers". Dittos, Rush.

And from what website did you get this GREAT RESET conspiracy theory?
Tucker provides you with all the pesky proof and data your heart could possibly desire…but you’re too scared to see the light.
I pay a higher percent in income taxes than many billionaires. This does not make me a ungrateful beggar, as I am the one paying the higher rate.

This makes me the one that is pissed at a system that allows, or even encourages this to happen.
What percentage of the total collected tax do “rich” people pay in this nation? Do they use more roadways and public services?
A little exercise for your brain….What’s 100% of zero?
Silver lining: we don’t all agree on much of anything but it looks like we agree that our tax system is broken.

I don’t see anything happening there any time soon, but still, that’s a start.
I'm sure your misogyny makes you feel smart.

She actually won by 2 million votes... but don't let that stop you.
She “won” the forever foreign shitholes the GOP has given up on that’s all….Further, there is no such thing as a popular vote as there is not contest to win such a fictional thing.
Silver lining: we don’t all agree on much of anything but it looks like we agree that our tax system is broken.

I don’t see anything happening there any time soon, but still, that’s a start.
Our tax system is DEFINITELY broken….NEVER, EVER, EVER should ANY system penalize for productivity.
A real Libertarian would know that…ain’t that right Golfing Gator ?

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