Thank you FDR

That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'

Nonsense. Mindless, leftist dogma.
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
I support capitalism. I just happen to see areas where socialist or quasi socialist programs are better suited in some circumstances. Social Security is a hybrid insurance program that has no real match in private business. I do not view SS as an investment program. It is a social safety net program that only the government can provide. It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is to insure senior citizens have a minimal amount of financial stability that will give a measure of dignified and comfortable living conditions in the years they are no longer able to do so on their own.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
Free market capitalism brought us the absolute catastrophe at the end of Bush's two terms. If he hadn't handed the biggest financial institutions in the world nearly a trillion dollars we would have had another 1930's Hoover depression. I was a youngster then and saw the aftermath of that mess. It wasn't pretty.
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
I support capitalism. I just happen to see areas where socialist or quasi socialist programs are better suited in some circumstances. Social Security is a hybrid insurance program that has no real match in private business. I do not view SS as an investment program. It is a social safety net program that only the government can provide. It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is to insure senior citizens have a minimal amount of financial stability that will give a measure of dignified and comfortable living conditions in the years they are no longer able to do so on their own.
Putting your delusions about SS aside for a moment, it has indeed helped many elderly Americans. The problem is it will and is going bankrupt, just like the nation. It needs reform, but whenever reform plans are tabled, including even minor changes, the Left screams those nasty Rs are trying to 'destroy' it and many foolish Americans fall for the propaganda.

SS is not anywhere near a hybrid insurance or investment program. It is a ponzi scheme...and what do you know for CERTAIN about ponzi schemes?

Answer: they always fail.
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
Free market capitalism brought us the absolute catastrophe at the end of Bush's two terms. If he hadn't handed the biggest financial institutions in the world nearly a trillion dollars we would have had another 1930's Hoover depression. I was a youngster then and saw the aftermath of that mess. It wasn't pretty.
You have admitted to not knowing what free market capitalism is.

Hint: It does not include bailing out the largest banks.
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
I support capitalism. I just happen to see areas where socialist or quasi socialist programs are better suited in some circumstances. Social Security is a hybrid insurance program that has no real match in private business. I do not view SS as an investment program. It is a social safety net program that only the government can provide. It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is to insure senior citizens have a minimal amount of financial stability that will give a measure of dignified and comfortable living conditions in the years they are no longer able to do so on their own.
Putting your delusions about SS aside for a moment, it has indeed helped many elderly Americans. The problem is it will and is going bankrupt, just like the nation. It needs reform, but whenever reform plans are tabled, including even minor changes, the Left screams those nasty Rs are trying to 'destroy' it and many foolish Americans fall for the propaganda.

SS is not anywhere near a hybrid insurance or investment program. It is a ponzi scheme...and what do you know for CERTAIN about ponzi schemes?

Answer: they always fail.

Bullshit and Horse Kock!! Typical Republican useless banter in an attempt to further lengthen average people from the rich. I've gottcher Ponzi scheme.....It's called tax cuts for the rich:



..........................Total U S Debt...........................

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Completely Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
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Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
I support capitalism. I just happen to see areas where socialist or quasi socialist programs are better suited in some circumstances. Social Security is a hybrid insurance program that has no real match in private business. I do not view SS as an investment program. It is a social safety net program that only the government can provide. It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is to insure senior citizens have a minimal amount of financial stability that will give a measure of dignified and comfortable living conditions in the years they are no longer able to do so on their own.
Putting your delusions about SS aside for a moment, it has indeed helped many elderly Americans. The problem is it will and is going bankrupt, just like the nation. It needs reform, but whenever reform plans are tabled, including even minor changes, the Left screams those nasty Rs are trying to 'destroy' it and many foolish Americans fall for the propaganda.

SS is not anywhere near a hybrid insurance or investment program. It is a ponzi scheme...and what do you know for CERTAIN about ponzi schemes?

Answer: they always fail.
I know this about Ponzi schemes, Social Security is not one. I also know that many reforms suggested by the left are rejected by the right making your claim about the left being responsible for stopping reform misleading. The fact that reforms can be made is proof that SS is not a Ponzi scheme. Unlike Ponzi schemes, SS through government reforms has the ability to reduce outputs of cash and increase income at will. You might complain that means restrictions and means testing, and complain increased taxes are unfair, but the fact remains that those options are available to SS and not available in a Ponzi scheme. The Ponze scheme fails when cash output can not be matched by cash income. Unless there is a population explosion that results in young working people contributing and paying for SS outnumbering those who are dependent on collecting it, steps will be taken to keep it functioning. We know exactly what those steps are. The voting majority will insure that they are implemented to protect their retirement incomes. Ponzi schemes don't have options like that.
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.
Let's review.

Free market capitalism has given us so much. Unlimited government not so fact, it only takes and destroys, but some like you can't see the truth.
Free market capitalism brought us the absolute catastrophe at the end of Bush's two terms. If he hadn't handed the biggest financial institutions in the world nearly a trillion dollars we would have had another 1930's Hoover depression. I was a youngster then and saw the aftermath of that mess. It wasn't pretty.
You have admitted to not knowing what free market capitalism is.

Hint: It does not include bailing out the largest banks.

A MEN Brother Ben!!!!!!!

There was little difference in the Hoover depression than the shape Bush left his two terms. The difference.......Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks as he left office. How in the world could anything have been more obvious? Republicans cut tax rates for the rich and let the consequences fall where they will. Mostly...a deteriorating infrastructure, fewer funds to help the needy and trillions of dollars of new debt. In other words how in the name of goodness could any sane man with average status in this country vote for one of the pricks?
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It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose.....

Its design guarantees its eventual failure.
Been hearing that scare tactic sky is falling prediction for about 80 years. How many hundreds of millions or even billion Americans have been able to live with some dignity, food, shelter and comfort in the last 80 years? How many have added years to their living and saved from early and preventable end of life suffering and death? Folks like you are willing to take these huge gambles and risks because of your arrogant belief in your "theories" and opinions. How about if we stick with something that has worked great for almost a century.
It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose.....

Its design guarantees its eventual failure.
Been hearing that scare tactic sky is falling prediction for about 80 years........

Not a "tactic," simple math. I'm sorry you don't like math.
Nope, it's simple politics and no Republican president would let SS fail, change it, yes, but not let it fail. Even the claim that Social Security would lead to communism didn't work so SS is here to stay, expanded, of course, but staying.
It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose.....

Its design guarantees its eventual failure.
Been hearing that scare tactic sky is falling prediction for about 80 years........

Not a "tactic," simple math. I'm sorry you don't like math.
I like the math that dictates that if you are bringing in less money than you are spending you need to increase your income and or decrease you expenditures. The US government is able to do that with with SS in the flash of legislation and signature of the President. Increased age of retirement, reduced benefits to the wealthy who don't need them and increasing the cut off limits for contributing are all ways of keeping SS solvent and working.
It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose.....

Its design guarantees its eventual failure.
Been hearing that scare tactic sky is falling prediction for about 80 years........

Not a "tactic," simple math. I'm sorry you don't like math.
I like the math that dictates that if you are bringing in less money than you are spending you need to increase your income and or decrease you expenditures. The US government is able to do that with with SS in the flash of legislation and signature of the President. Increased age of retirement, reduced benefits to the wealthy who don't need them and increasing the cut off limits for contributing ......

You want to destroy SS!!!!! Shriek! Cry!
It is designed to never fail in it's primary purpose.....

Its design guarantees its eventual failure.
Been hearing that scare tactic sky is falling prediction for about 80 years........

Not a "tactic," simple math. I'm sorry you don't like math.
I like the math that dictates that if you are bringing in less money than you are spending you need to increase your income and or decrease you expenditures. The US government is able to do that with with SS in the flash of legislation and signature of the President. Increased age of retirement, reduced benefits to the wealthy who don't need them and increasing the cut off limits for contributing ......

You want to destroy SS!!!!! Shriek! Cry!
Changing and making reforms are not the same as privatizing it and making people contribute to a private profit making industry instead of an entity controlled by elected officials.

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