Thank you FDR

in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. ....
You always use that article, but it doesn't say what the title suggest.....

"After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years."
I gave a fair review and account of that report. Just a few post ago. The thesis is that the depression for industry and business could have been shortened if employers did not have to pay employees what FDR policies demanded and if funds for public works projects would have been used to bolster, subsidize and support industry. The effect would have been higher employment for the masses, but at wages that would have left the workers extremely poor. Good times for the wealthy business and corporate giants, horrible times for the common worker. Your Cole & Ohanian report is nothing more than a suggestion that FDR should have used a trickle down economic theory to solve the Great Depression.

Read the actual report instead of an interpretation.
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Cheney cleared $35,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton while we were fighting in Iraq. .....

Wrong, completely wrong. He quit the company in 2000. Cheney sequestered his Halliburton stocks during his service as VP so that he could not profit from whatever actions the company was involved in. Then in 2005, he cashed in his stock options and donated ALL the $7 million in profits to charity.

WRONG!!!!! Too Much Faux News!!!!

Net Worth: $90 Million
Cheney cleared $35,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton while we were fighting in Iraq. .....

Wrong, completely wrong. He quit the company in 2000. Cheney sequestered his Halliburton stocks during his service as VP so that he could not profit from whatever actions the company was involved in. Then in 2005, he cashed in his stock options and donated ALL the $7 million in profits to charity.

LMAO!!!!! I require some kind of source besides Faux News. You are so full of schit that you smell bad.

You're completely ignorant of recent history?
After careful reading of your charges I find the historians agree with me, America's greatest president. I wonder if the historians know of those charges, so as I have asked others, please get that information to the historians as quick as possible, rating season is coming up, and last time FDR was rated number one. To help your case I would suggest you ask Congress to investigate the Pearl Harbor attack first. Wonder why they never investigated?
They did investigate, but as is typical of statists, they ignored the damning facts just like you do.

I bet you think Oswald killed Kennedy....cause the state told you so.
The evidence proves oswald killed kennedy.

Not the state
The evidence proves Oswald did not kill Kennedy, but you willingly believe the State that has proven time and again to be liars.

No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
One of the stories that show the difference is perhaps the Bonus Army of WWI vets asking for their pension to be paid a little early. Hoover sent MacArthur down to rout the vets killing a couple, including a vet's baby and burning their camps down. When FDR took office, the Bonus Army tried again, this time FDR sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets. She had tea with the vets, they sang some old army songs together and she left.

Eleanor was the most active, most tender hearted [sic], real human first ladies this country has ever had ....

And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Last edited:
The evidence proves oswald killed kennedy.

Not the state
The evidence proves Oswald did not kill Kennedy, but you willingly believe the State that has proven time and again to be liars.

No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
One of the stories that show the difference is perhaps the Bonus Army of WWI vets asking for their pension to be paid a little early. Hoover sent MacArthur down to rout the vets killing a couple, including a vet's baby and burning their camps down. When FDR took office, the Bonus Army tried again, this time FDR sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets. She had tea with the vets, they sang some old army songs together and she left.

Eleanor was the most active, most tender hearted [sic], real human first ladies this country has ever had ....

And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
The evidence proves oswald killed kennedy.

Not the state
The evidence proves Oswald did not kill Kennedy, but you willingly believe the State that has proven time and again to be liars.

No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
One of the stories that show the difference is perhaps the Bonus Army of WWI vets asking for their pension to be paid a little early. Hoover sent MacArthur down to rout the vets killing a couple, including a vet's baby and burning their camps down. When FDR took office, the Bonus Army tried again, this time FDR sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets. She had tea with the vets, they sang some old army songs together and she left.

Eleanor was the most active, most tender hearted [sic], real human first ladies this country has ever had ....

And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.

Yes and once again the evidence proves you wrong
The evidence proves Oswald did not kill Kennedy, but you willingly believe the State that has proven time and again to be liars.

No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
Eleanor was the most active, most tender hearted [sic], real human first ladies this country has ever had ....

And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'

I was referring to JFK
No you are quite wrong.

It has nothing to do with WHO said what and it is irrelevant WHO says it.

The evidence proves OSwald did it and no evidence whatsoever supports any other theory.

Those are facts as has been shown and proven time and time again in the conspiracy section.
That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
One of the stories that show the difference is perhaps the Bonus Army of WWI vets asking for their pension to be paid a little early. Hoover sent MacArthur down to rout the vets killing a couple, including a vet's baby and burning their camps down. When FDR took office, the Bonus Army tried again, this time FDR sent Eleanor down alone to talk to the vets. She had tea with the vets, they sang some old army songs together and she left.

Eleanor was the most active, most tender hearted [sic], real human first ladies this country has ever had ....

And her husband was the worst scumbag piece of shit to ever soil the office of President of the United States.

Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
what you say couldn't be further from the truth. I was an active Republican during the first 30 years beginning in 1955. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. Even voted for Reagan once. Then I saw the plot to funnel everything up to the top 1%. I went twenty years and didn't even vote. I'll never vote for another Republican if I live to 100.

That's know ever little about the assassination.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
Yeah well.....everything is a matter of perspective. I'm 81 years old and in the mid and late 1930's grown men cried because they couldn't put food on the table for their families. A Republican president, Mr. Hoover had done the same goddam thing to our economy that Reagan and the Bushes did the only difference was that Hoover didn't have $800 billion to hand to the banks when they became bloated and failed the way George W. Bush did. Old people lived in county poor farms because they didn't have anything to use for food. There was no such thing as assistance for the needy, there was no social security, people worked six 12 hour days for less than $5.00 a week and ten people were standing in line hoping one would get fired so they would have a chance at it. Modern folks take everything for granted, stay on their I Phones and expect their children to get a good education from a good college but let me tell you something. About 30%-40% of families can't do those things. This shit of the top few percent of people getting it all will either change or hungry people will change it for them. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
Wrong it is you who knows little about it.

Especially the evidence
No it's not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.....

You ar
I'm 70, but the older generation talked about FDR times to me much the same as your post. Just social security itself was a great thing. The republican politicians hated it back then, and they would love to destroy it today if they could, in my opinion.
Your opinion is that of a brainwashed partisan.

Since FDR, there have been many R presidents and congresses, yet not one ever tried to 'destroy 'SS. In fact, they expanded it.

Stop believing the liberal media and D party propaganda. You will come to realize that both parties are very much alike. However, they both need to propagandize their base to get votes. Sadly, many Americans are just like you and chose to believe the propaganda.
Republicans have called for privatizing social security for almost two decades. Presidential candidate and Republican Governor Kasich did it in the 90's and is in the news this week for proposing it as an "innovation".
Is privatization the same thing as 'destroying?'
Well then, I assume you think socializing everything is the best thing for America.
No, your assumption is wrong.

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