Thank you President Obama...this is leadership.

As I noted earlier here:

The President is currently the adult in the room. He's the one willing to put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid concessions on the table. The GOP isn't even willing to close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget.

the defense budget has undergone significant cuts already. we've had this discussion.

dod is not whats breaking us, is it?

as for loopholes (I am if they are true loopholes) in sppt. of closing them as long as they flatten the rate commensurately.
Sure...Where was all of Boiking's spirit of compromise when he was jamming ObuttheadCare up our asses?

Sanctimonious dick.
"It was the gutsiest decision I've ever seen a President make, at least, in my lifetime."

(See: 17:00)

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Death of osama bin laden (Operation Neptune Spear) US Navy SEALS and Army Delta Force.‬‏[/ame]
"I would never want to play Poker with President Obama."

(See: 17:20)




Failed Leader Obama got it 100% wrong and I don't know if he's been called the Liar he is on this. Republicans want to raise revenues, it's TAXES that we don't want to raise.

I don't expect much from a guy who thing banks ATM's and airport kiosks are hurting the economy, but that's just a flat outright lie

It's amazing how many people can't understand how we can raise more money with lower taxes despite how many times it's been done.

The Treasury has estimated that a permanent extension of all the Bush tax cuts would cost $3.6 trillion over the next decade. Allowing taxes to increase on those in the top income brackets would take the cost to the government down to $2.9 trillion, according to White House estimates.

Greenspan Steps Up Call to End Bush-Era Tax Cuts - Washington Wire - WSJ
As I noted earlier here:

The President is currently the adult in the room. He's the one willing to put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid concessions on the table. The GOP isn't even willing to close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget.

Yayy team. the fool has us fighting three wars and now he wants to cut the defense budget.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey Fool, two of those wars were inherited.
Give accolades where accolades are due...our President may have an ounce of leadership in him afterall...

About freakin time someone said it...both sides have painted themselves in a corner with their refusal to budge or compromise. Perhaps at least now in his Presidency Obama will be a leader that we so desperately need.

Read more: Democrats Claim Support for 'Big Deal' After Criticizing It -

Oh right. Didn't you plainly hear the fool go on to say that this needs to be settled before ELECTION time comes???

Hey - this is the first time I have seen anything that resembles leadership from this man. Let's make a big deal out of it and maybe he will see that America is not leftist or is middle of the road conservative.

If you think that's leadership I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Obama's idea of "cutting" entitlements is to write reductions in expected funding ten and twelve years down the road, when they won't ever happen. Tax increases happen right away.
That isn't compromise. That's simply lying.

No wonder he got elected. He can roll simps like you.
As I noted earlier here:

The President is currently the adult in the room. He's the one willing to put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid concessions on the table. The GOP isn't even willing to close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget.

Yayy team. the fool has us fighting three wars and now he wants to cut the defense budget.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey Fool, two of those wars were inherited.

I thought Obama ran on ending the failed policies of George W Bush.

(No matter how many times I've used that line, it gets no response. Wonder why?)

He is a peice of shit and the worst President America has ever had and likely ever will have.

He flushed $1 Trillion down the sewer. He is a fucking idiot!!!
Last edited:
(Racist?) tax cut cult idiots. The supply side is TOTALLY BLOATED, has been for YEARS. We need confidence and jobs bills, not fear mongering Pubs holding the country hostage for moot, stupid ideolgy...
As I noted earlier here:

The President is currently the adult in the room. He's the one willing to put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid concessions on the table. The GOP isn't even willing to close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget.

Yayy team. the fool has us fighting three wars and now he wants to cut the defense budget.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey Fool, two of those wars were inherited.

Hey Fool, so what?
Libya is not a war- it's a police action we're not even directly involved in anymore. Cost in the hundreds of millions, not trillions in decade long STUPID catastrophes.You are brainwashed, tyvm.
Libya is not a war- it's a police action we're not even directly involved in anymore. Cost in the hundreds of millions, not trillions in decade long STUPID catastrophes.You are brainwashed, tyvm.

I'm always amused watching you guys make every excuse to explain away the President's warmongering.
Where you success, I see failure. I am not a fan of Obama, but the last thing he should do is compromise with one of the most wretched and vile GOPs in American history.

Obama should invoke the spirit of Jackson and be stubborn as a mule. His pragmatism and compromise has got us what so far?

The only thing I feel comfortable predicting about any sort of deal is that both sides will be pissed off over it.
Give accolades where accolades are due...our President may have an ounce of leadership in him afterall...

There is, frankly, resistance on my side to do anything on entitlements. There is strong resistance on the Republican side to do anything on revenues. But if each side takes a maximalist position, if each side wants 100 percent of what its, you know, ideological predispositions are, then we can't get anything done, ------ President Obama"


About freakin time someone said it...both sides have painted themselves in a corner with their refusal to budge or compromise. Perhaps at least now in his Presidency Obama will be a leader that we so desperately need.

Read more: Democrats Claim Support for 'Big Deal' After Criticizing It -
It's lookin' like For-Profit Health-Care might be headed.... well!!!

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
To clarify my point...
Since the day he entered the Oval Office this President has blamed everything on his predecessor - and what he didn't blame bush for - he blamed house republicans.
Everytime Obama opened his mouth it was towing the party line.

Today - I read the quote I copied. I was stunned - literally. I was beside myself that he actually said something that resembled what Presidents before him have done - use the bully pulpit to bring the sides together.
And for this - I want this man to understand that this is what a President is supposed to do when the two parties can't come to an agreement. Take the high road and point out specifically what needs to happen.
He's not serious, he's not a leader, he's certainly not a grown up:

A Real Deal - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

...President Obama offered Speaker Boehner the president’s own budget outline and called it a compromise. Republicans were asked to stomach not only a huge tax increase but also the Democratic approach to health-care and entitlement reform in return for President Obama’s approach to cutting spending. Democrats were asked to stomach only what President Obama already proposed in his own name earlier this year. This was basically a compromise between the Obama and Pelosi approaches to budget policy, not the Obama and Boehner approaches. The Speaker has instead opted to seek middle ground between the Republicans’ budget outline and the president’s. If nothing else, that certainly sounds more like an actual compromise....

Yeah, the National Review would be the one of the publications to spin it that way. The majority, however, are seeing a "loyal opposition" acting like petulant crybabies even when the Prez is making offers that will piss off his own base and even open himself up to attacks next year during the election.

I don't really like what the Prez is doing, but at least it's effective in showing how today's GOP is run by a bunch of asshole nihilists.

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