Thank you, President Obama!

Wall Street/Business creates jobs. Not the President. Thank them.

Thank the Wall St. assholes who caused the mess in the first thanks. Do you have any idea how capitalism, works

If one succeeds and makes money they're set and a benefit to all citi ens. If they fail they fail.....they don't get bailed out with taxpayer's money. We experienced the end result of greed and corruption at the end of the Bush administration.
Wall Street/Business creates jobs. Not the President. Thank them.

Thank the Wall St. assholes who caused the mess in the first thanks. Do you have any idea how capitalism, works

If one succeeds and makes money they're set and a benefit to all citi ens. If they fail they fail.....they don't get bailed out with taxpayer's money. We experienced the end result of greed and corruption at the end of the Bush administration.

No that's just 'Generation Gimme' Bullshit. The fact is Wall Street/Business provide jobs and income for most American Citizens. The President does not create jobs. Thanking the President for businesses hiring people is absurd. Thank the businesses instead.
I would love nothing more than for unemployment to have really fallen to 8.6% but, like inflation, it's more bullshit calculations that both sides use to fool those easily fooled.
yeah those silly consumers who have created the highest consumer sentiment jump since 2004 are just lying
Small businesses and startups that were skittish about the economy this summer started hiring in bigger numbers this fall, helping drive the unemployment rate down to 8.6 percent in November, the lowest in two and a half years.

The country added 120,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department said Friday. The economy has generated 100,000 or more jobs five months in a row — the first time that has happened since April 2006, long before the Great Recession set in.

“Something good is stirring in the U.S. economy,” Ian Shepherdson, an economist at High Frequency Economics, said in a note to clients.

The unemployment report, one of the most closely watched economic indicators, showed that September and October were stronger months than first estimated. For four months in a row, the government has revised job growth figures higher.

Unemployment rate falls to 8.6 percent, lowest in 2½ years, as hiring improves - The Washington Post

I was listening to another Lib radio talk host yesterday(Randi Rhodes) and she was pulling numbers out of her fat A$$...she was saying the President created 1.5 MILLION jobs the last three months...

Maybe it's me but I'm saying that's BS. :cuckoo:

The lyingest son-of-a-bitch in the country couldn't top Lush Rambo and Fox News.

This makes absolutely no sense.

yeah those silly consumers who have created the highest consumer sentiment jump since 2004 are just lying

So claiming the unemployment rate dropped when 75% of the decrease in "unemployment" is due to 300,000 people just saying "fuck it" makes sense?
yeah those silly consumers who have created the highest consumer sentiment jump since 2004 are just lying

So claiming the unemployment rate dropped when 75% of the decrease in "unemployment" is due to 300,000 people just saying "fuck it" makes sense?
To Statists whose ambition is to seize power and hold on to it no matter how many lies they have to tell to ensure it...? Sure thing.
Wall Street/Business creates jobs. Not the President. Thank them.

Thank the Wall St. assholes who caused the mess in the first thanks. Do you have any idea how capitalism, works

If one succeeds and makes money they're set and a benefit to all citi ens. If they fail they fail.....they don't get bailed out with taxpayer's money. We experienced the end result of greed and corruption at the end of the Bush administration.

No that's just 'Generation Gimme' Bullshit. The fact is Wall Street/Business provide jobs and income for most American Citizens. The President does not create jobs. Thanking the President for businesses hiring people is absurd. Thank the businesses instead.

You are so full of shit. During the ten years from 2000-2010 the rich bastards on Wall St. quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages stagnated...absolutely stagnated.

I always equate the Bush attitude to him calling Enron's Kenneth Lay, "Kenny Boy" at the Bush family picnics. Bush cut taxes twice for the richest Americans, borrowed from foreign banks to fund it, started two totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt then left office feeling real good about the mess he left for the ******. I wonder when he and Rick Perry will be going out to "niggerhead" to do a little hunting.
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Thank the Wall St. assholes who caused the mess in the first thanks. Do you have any idea how capitalism, works

If one succeeds and makes money they're set and a benefit to all citi ens. If they fail they fail.....they don't get bailed out with taxpayer's money. We experienced the end result of greed and corruption at the end of the Bush administration.

No that's just 'Generation Gimme' Bullshit. The fact is Wall Street/Business provide jobs and income for most American Citizens. The President does not create jobs. Thanking the President for businesses hiring people is absurd. Thank the businesses instead.

You are so full of shit. During the ten years from 2000-2010 the rich bastards on Wall St. quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages stagnated...absolutely stagnated.

I always equate the Bush attitude to him calling Enron's Kenneth Lay, "Kenny Boy" at the Bush family picnics. Bush cut taxes twice for the richest Americans, borrowed from foreign banks to fund it, started two totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt then left office feeling real good about the mess he left for the ******. I wonder when he and Rick Perry will be going out to "niggerhead" to do a little hunting.

Yea and your guy's "Jobs Czar" is GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt. GE is possibly the most despicable corporation in this country. They don't pay Taxes and have Outsourced Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs. Yet you're here praising your guy for jobs he didn't even create. You hate Wall Street,that's fine with me. I'm no Wall Street cheerleader. But Businesses do provide the jobs and income for most American Citizens.

And who do you think is gonna support you and your family? Do you really think your fellow Taxpayers should be forced to pay your bills forever? You'll need to get a job and take care of your family. And it's Wall Street and Business in general that provides the jobs & income to do that. Barack Obama isn't gonna give you a job or pay your bills anytime soon. So you better drop that fantasy once and for all. But either way,your guy is just a GE & Wall Street Employee. And he didn't create these jobs.
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No that's just 'Generation Gimme' Bullshit. The fact is Wall Street/Business provide jobs and income for most American Citizens. The President does not create jobs. Thanking the President for businesses hiring people is absurd. Thank the businesses instead.

You are so full of shit. During the ten years from 2000-2010 the rich bastards on Wall St. quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages stagnated...absolutely stagnated.

I always equate the Bush attitude to him calling Enron's Kenneth Lay, "Kenny Boy" at the Bush family picnics. Bush cut taxes twice for the richest Americans, borrowed from foreign banks to fund it, started two totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt then left office feeling real good about the mess he left for the ******. I wonder when he and Rick Perry will be going out to "niggerhead" to do a little hunting.

And who do you think is gonna support you and your family?.

Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.
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You are so full of shit. During the ten years from 2000-2010 the rich bastards on Wall St. quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages stagnated...absolutely stagnated.

I always equate the Bush attitude to him calling Enron's Kenneth Lay, "Kenny Boy" at the Bush family picnics. Bush cut taxes twice for the richest Americans, borrowed from foreign banks to fund it, started two totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt then left office feeling real good about the mess he left for the ******. I wonder when he and Rick Perry will be going out to "niggerhead" to do a little hunting.

And who do you think is gonna support you and your family?.

Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

America sure sucks eh? If you had 3 sources of income when your family was young, (as I did, and my father did), why is it so fucking bad for todays' young folks to do the same?

Why do you ignore obama extending the same tax cuts you condemn bush for?
You are so full of shit. During the ten years from 2000-2010 the rich bastards on Wall St. quadrupled their wealth while ordinary American's wages stagnated...absolutely stagnated.

I always equate the Bush attitude to him calling Enron's Kenneth Lay, "Kenny Boy" at the Bush family picnics. Bush cut taxes twice for the richest Americans, borrowed from foreign banks to fund it, started two totally unnecessary, doubled the national debt then left office feeling real good about the mess he left for the ******. I wonder when he and Rick Perry will be going out to "niggerhead" to do a little hunting.

And who do you think is gonna support you and your family?.

Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

Yes,the President never gave you a single job. Businesses did. So why are you here thanking the President for creating these jobs?
And who do you think is gonna support you and your family?.

Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

Yes,the President never gave you a single job. Businesses did. So why are you here thanking the President for creating these jobs?
Because he's an idiot?
And who do you think is gonna support you and your family?.

Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

America sure sucks eh? If you had 3 sources of income when your family was young, (as I did, and my father did), why is it so fucking bad for todays' young folks to do the same?

Why do you ignore obama extending the same tax cuts you condemn bush for?

A lion's share of Bush's tax cuts went to the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers. These payroll tax cuts will mainly help those who need it most. People whose wages have stagnated for the last 10 years.
Nobody has ever given me a goddamed thing:

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

She drives a 2009 Lincoln and I have a new 2011 F-150 4WD truck. Everything we have is paid too.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

America sure sucks eh? If you had 3 sources of income when your family was young, (as I did, and my father did), why is it so fucking bad for todays' young folks to do the same?

Why do you ignore obama extending the same tax cuts you condemn bush for?

A lion's share of Bush's tax cuts went to the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers. These payroll tax cuts will mainly help those who need it most. People whose wages have stagnated for the last 10 years.

The wealthiest 1% Taxpayers pay for the 50% of Citizens who don't pay Income Taxes at all. This is what the OWS 'Generation Gimmme' folks don't understand. But i guess they don't want to understand,do they? It's much easier for them to blame anyone but themselves for their failings. But either way,thanking this President for creating these jobs is an insult to all the business owners who actually did create these jobs.
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America sure sucks eh? If you had 3 sources of income when your family was young, (as I did, and my father did), why is it so fucking bad for todays' young folks to do the same?

Why do you ignore obama extending the same tax cuts you condemn bush for?

A lion's share of Bush's tax cuts went to the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers. These payroll tax cuts will mainly help those who need it most. People whose wages have stagnated for the last 10 years.

The wealthiest 1% Taxpayers pay for the 50% of Citizens who don't pay Income Taxes at all. This is what the OWS 'Generation Gimmme' folks don't understand. But i guess they don't want to understand,do they? It's much easier for them to blame anyone but themselves for their failings. But either way,thanking this President for creating these jobs is an insult to all the business owners who actually did create these jobs.

So what's the big deal

That's the way the tax system has worked all my life. Now the goddamned Republicans have decided that the wealthy and corporations will no longer pay their share. We have a progressive tax system in the United States. Tax rates today are the lowest they've been in the last 50 years and the Republicans have pledged to stand together and not allow a penny's increase. 'Course they also start wars, never worry about their own having to take part in it while the kids of what used to be the middle class go to some shithole half way around the globe and put their asses on the line.

I am sorry that I was ever a Republican now that the son-of-a-bitches have turned into a bunch of assholes.
I don't know why anyone is surprised LEFTISTS would use this propaganda to prop up Barry.. They lie about EVERYTHING and are continually confronted with those lies.. Everyone has heard and watched the news and knows the truth about the numbers. Fuzzy math only works in liberal land. The days of media lies are over. Barry will NOT be re-elected no matter how desperate you leftists get.
A lion's share of Bush's tax cuts went to the wealthiest 1% of taxpayers. These payroll tax cuts will mainly help those who need it most. People whose wages have stagnated for the last 10 years.

The wealthiest 1% Taxpayers pay for the 50% of Citizens who don't pay Income Taxes at all. This is what the OWS 'Generation Gimmme' folks don't understand. But i guess they don't want to understand,do they? It's much easier for them to blame anyone but themselves for their failings. But either way,thanking this President for creating these jobs is an insult to all the business owners who actually did create these jobs.

So what's the big deal

That's the way the tax system has worked all my life. Now the goddamned Republicans have decided that the wealthy and corporations will no longer pay their share. We have a progressive tax system in the United States. Tax rates today are the lowest they've been in the last 50 years and the Republicans have pledged to stand together and not allow a penny's increase. 'Course they also start wars, never worry about their own having to take part in it while the kids of what used to be the middle class go to some shithole half way around the globe and put their asses on the line.

I am sorry that I was ever a Republican now that the son-of-a-bitches have turned into a bunch of assholes.

Again,your guy is just as Corporate-Owned as any other President in History. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar?" Come on man. And Democrats also love War and can't wait to get us into more of em. But the point is,you're here thanking this President for creating jobs he did not create. You should be thanking "Evil Business" instead. Think about that for a bit.
Small businesses and startups that were skittish about the economy this summer started hiring in bigger numbers this fall, helping drive the unemployment rate down to 8.6 percent in November, the lowest in two and a half years.

The country added 120,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department said Friday. The economy has generated 100,000 or more jobs five months in a row — the first time that has happened since April 2006, long before the Great Recession set in.

“Something good is stirring in the U.S. economy,” Ian Shepherdson, an economist at High Frequency Economics, said in a note to clients.

The unemployment report, one of the most closely watched economic indicators, showed that September and October were stronger months than first estimated. For four months in a row, the government has revised job growth figures higher.

Unemployment rate falls to 8.6 percent, lowest in 2½ years, as hiring improves - The Washington Post

It's really hard sometimes for me to grasp just how many IDIOTS there are among us..

First, the economy REQUIRES a minimum of 150,000 in monthly job growth just to keep pace with new people entering the workforce!

Secondly, the ONLY reason the unemployment "rate" dropped is because 350,000 people STOPPED LOOKING FOR WORK!

That you would sit here and actually try to sell this as a good thing only serves to either prove your own idiocy OR that you think the rest of us are!:clap2:

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