Thank you, President Obama!

Tell me in hell did you post here 6000 times since June. Do you ever get up and take a piss

Being self employed has many benefits.

Why do you care?

For instance I'm sitting here watching a movie with my stepson and replying to your stupid ass.

So you sit on your ass and let somebody else do your work. You should apply for something on Wall St. You'd fit in very well.

I thought you wanted lower unemployment rates.
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
Benjamin Franklin

Franklin owned slaves
That's a pretty bold assumption coming from someone that has never even met me. But it doesn't surprise me as ignorance abounds on this board.

LMAO!!!!! And you've posted 6000 times since June. Seems you're a little enthralled with the ignorance.

As opposed to reading geritol bottles and doing crosswords?

Fuck off old man.

I've gottcher ol' man a schwangin. It's a little withered but it will still get the job done. Bend over...I'll be there in a minute.
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
Benjamin Franklin

Franklin owned slaves

It's a shame you don't own a piece of political reality.
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
Benjamin Franklin

Franklin owned slaves

It's a shame you don't own a piece of political reality.

I've chewed up and spit out 500 people like you. I retired in 1993, bought my first "REAL" PC in the spring of 1994 and have posted on forums, boards and discussion groups ever since. You people need a dose of reality.
Franklin owned slaves

It's a shame you don't own a piece of political reality.

I've chewed up and spit out 500 people like you. I retired in 1993, bought my first "REAL" PC in the spring of 1994 and have posted on forums, boards and discussion groups ever since. You people need a dose of reality.

So you've live on boards for nearly 2 decades and your giving me a hard time for a few months?

Get a fucking clue old man.
It's a shame you don't own a piece of political reality.

I've chewed up and spit out 500 people like you. I retired in 1993, bought my first "REAL" PC in the spring of 1994 and have posted on forums, boards and discussion groups ever since. You people need a dose of reality.

So you've live on boards for nearly 2 decades and your giving me a hard time for a few months?

Get a fucking clue old man.

I have more than a clue. I learned that if somebody posts 6000 times in five months they're living on the damn thing.
I've chewed up and spit out 500 people like you. I retired in 1993, bought my first "REAL" PC in the spring of 1994 and have posted on forums, boards and discussion groups ever since. You people need a dose of reality.

So you've live on boards for nearly 2 decades and your giving me a hard time for a few months?

Get a fucking clue old man.

I have more than a clue. I learned that if somebody posts 6000 times in five months they're living on the damn thing.

Better write that one in your obituary next year.
Obama Plans Fast Action to Tighten Financial Rules -

Aides said they would propose new federal standards for mortgage brokers who issued many unsuitable loans and are largely regulated by state officials. They are considering proposals to have the S.E.C. become more involved in supervising the underwriting standards of securities that are backed by mortgages.

The administration is also preparing to require that derivatives like credit default swaps, a type of insurance against loan defaults that were at the center of the financial meltdown last year, be traded through a central clearinghouse and possibly on one or more exchanges. That would make it significantly easier for regulators to supervise their use.

The Gubbamint did such a great job with Fannie and Freddie its only right for them to get further involved. What could possibly go wrong?
Freddie and Fannie were minor players in the financial crisis.

I know you desperately want to make them the villains but the facts don't back you up.

Minor players?

They set the underwriting standards for AAA rated paper and were far and away the largest players in the market, tell me how that makes them minor
So you've live on boards for nearly 2 decades and your giving me a hard time for a few months?

Get a fucking clue old man.

I have more than a clue. I learned that if somebody posts 6000 times in five months they're living on the damn thing.

Better write that one in your obituary next year.


I feel pretty good. My mom turned 99 the last day of July and one of her brothers fell off a ladder cleaning out the gutters on his house when he was 95 so I might have another year or two left. My dad only lasted till he was 89.

U6 Unemployment
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I'm only pissed at the Republicans for one reason. Back when I voted Republican for over 30 years they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they are in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy.

What Reagan and the Bushes have done to this country's debts should be a crime and they should be punished for it. How can you blame Obama when he took over such a mess He assumed an annual interest payment from the Reagan Bushes debt of about $450 billion a year. Three years that's over $1.2 trillion. Kindly subtract that from Obama's debt and add it to the Reagan Bushes debt.

I don't agree with the size and scope the Federal Government has grown, through President George W. Bush or President Obama. Personally I'm for a smaller government, reduced spending, and the Federal Government having a balanced budget amendment (something more serious than the Pay-As-You-Go joke that Nancy Pelosi put out). I just don't approve of the increase in the amount of spending Obama has put forth to the debt. These estimates from the CBO will help put things into perspective with regard to HOW MUCH of an increase in spending there has been.

Funding for Fiscal Year 2008
The President’s budget proposal for 2008, which was submitted in February, included a request for $137 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for the war on terrorism; $5 billion for establishing, training, and equipping indigenous security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan; and $3 billion for related diplomatic operations and foreign aid.

If the requested amount is appropriated, the total
amount of funding specifically appropriated since 2001 for all operations in the
war on terrorism would reach $798 billion. (Including the estimated $2 billion that
VA has spent from its regular appropriations and the nearly $1 billion that CBO
will be spent in 2008 would bring total funding for the war over the
2001–2008 period to $801 billion.

Compare that to the 2009 stimulus bill.

Congress‘ chief scorekeeper has again raised the cost estimate of President Obama’s two-year-old economic-stimulus program, calculating it will end up costing taxpayers $821 billion — or $34 billion more than originally projected

CBO raises its stimulus cost estimate, again - Washington Times

Now add to that over a Billion in lost taxpayer dollars on failed GREEN "politics", bankruptcy of Federal funded corporations like Solyndra and the Government failure of the Chevy Volt, and it only gets worse.
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I'm an old man. I've seen how all of them jump into wars. The difference is that folks like the Kennedys and John Kerry went, fought and were wounded, the oldest Kennedy killed. George W. Bush's daddy, a U S representative at the time, pulled strings to get George W into the champagne unit of the TX national named because half of the Dallas Cowboy's football team were members there, then Bush trained on a fighter plane which he and all of those at the base knew would never see combat in se Asia. beat it all he missed the last fourteen months of his obligation. The commander of the unit in Alabama which he transferred to said he never laid eyes on him.

The biggest injustice I've seen during my years was when the Republican party hired that bunch of assholes to cut John Kerry down and make him look like anything but a patriot when in fact he was awarded a silver star, a bron e star and three purple hearts. Another thing...Gore wasn't wounded but at least he was in country. Bush was the sorriest president I've seen in my lifetime and if anyone cares enough to study the facts it isn't that difficult to prove.

He assumed a blanced budget with surpluses projected all the way to the outyears and the entire national debt on track to pay completely off by 2012. Immediately cut taxes first in 2001 then in 2003 using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition. Started two totally unjustified, lost 4400 young American lives there and over 30,000 more seriously wounded, put the tab on "OFF BUDGET" and went merrily on his way.

After declaring he would hunt Bin Laden down and kill him(Texas Justice) he pulled special forces away from Toro Boro when they had him cornered and then during his second term when the press asked about the hunt for Bin Laden he repeated told them he didn't think about him much...didn't worry about him. As a matter of fact the Bush family and the Bin Laden family are thick as thieves because of their relationship in big oil. You know...the Texas thing.

I hear what you're saying. I really do. And i'm no apologist for any of them. Because i know both Bush & Obama work for the same Bosses. You should check out the movie 'The Obama Deception.' I know some say it's all just "Crazy Conspiracy" stuff but there is a whole lot of truth in it. You don't have to buy it all but much of it is reality in my opinion. You can watch it on Youtube. It's really the large secretive Global Organizations who are calling all the shots. I do tend to think our leaders are chosen by these very powerful Global Organizations. Obama is likely just a GE Employee in the end. But hey,i do repect your opinions. We don't have to agree. That's what Message Boards are all about. Enjoy your Saturday and God bless.

I'm only pissed at the Republicans for one reason. Back when I voted Republican for over 30 years they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they are in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy.

What Reagan and the Bushes have done to this country's debts should be a crime and they should be punished for it. How can you blame Obama when he took over such a mess He assumed an annual interest payment from the Reagan Bushes debt of about $450 billion a year. Three years that's over $1.2 trillion. Kindly subtract that from Obama's debt and add it to the Reagan Bushes debt.

Yeah! I used to be a Democrat until they got taken over by Moscow! I'm so pissed that my DNC homepage reads exactly like the Communist Party homepage! Grrrrr! Can you feel the anger in my typing!

Instead of pretending to have been a Republican go do something more using like trying to suck your own dick
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
Benjamin Franklin

Franklin owned slaves

As did a lot of the Founding Fathers when it came to earning a living, not saying it was the right decision to make or giving suggestion any of them had THE perfect past. However it doesn't negate the overall truth behind that statement. With all the "provisions" Democrats have thrown at the poor, including free cell phones, show me an actual statistic where ANY of that has resorted to an significant impact on getting these people completely out of the poverty level. Show me where (because of Government "hand-outs") the poor population has drastically reduced in America, to where they actually become hard working productive members of society without the need for further Government assistance. I'll wait.
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U6 Unemployment

What the reduction in the unemployment rate DOESN'T tell you.

California unemployment claims fell to 522,388 in September, the lowest since the 516,577 processed in August 2009, the state Employment Development Department reports.

Claims generally have been declining since the peak in July 2010. That was when Congress stalemated over an extension of unemployment benefits. Claims spiked to 807,489 that month after the deadlock was resolved and EDD played catchup on retroactive claims.

California unemployment claims continue to decline after hitting a peak in July 2010.

This year EDD has processed an average of 569,800 claims a month compared to 680,000 last year. The number includes both the initial 26 weeks of benefits as well as separate claims for the five unemployment extensions currently available.

While claims were down in September, the number of unemployed in the state remained painfully high at nearly 2.2 million. Many, however, no longer receive unemployment benefits or were self-employed, didn't earn enough money or were otherwise ineligible for aid.

One of the biggest groups that no longer receives benefits is the so-call 99ers — those people who have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment. As of Nov. 8, 557,000 Californians had run out of benefits and were dropped from the unemployment rolls. It is not known how many of those have since found work.

Along with the drop in claims, the state is paying out less in benefits this year. This September, the state averaged $59 million a day in benefits payments compared to $86 million daily last year and $90 million in September 2009

State jobless claims hit 2-year low | claims, benefits, unemployment - The Orange County Register

New Developments on Federal Unemployment Extensions
(Updated November 29, 2011)

Updated: Number of individuals who have run out of benefits is now over 569,000
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As the economy heats up, unemployment will go down.

Unemployment is always the last thing to improve.
Unemployment drops to 8.6%

IF and I mean IF government had anything to do with it, you should be thanking the Tea Party and conservatives.

They have finally shown that they can shut down Mr. Spend Happy.

That is why businesses would be looking to grow.

That and the fact that there are natural economic cycles.

Giving credit to President Obama (who said he can't drop it without his stimulus II..a.k.a. the jobs bill) is like giving credit to Hillary Clinton for Bill's impeachment.
As the economy heats up, unemployment will go down.

Unemployment is always the last thing to improve.

WHEN the economy heats up, unemployment will go down.

Your three graphs show an economy that is still in the pits.

The stock market is still below where it was 10 years ago.

Unlike when Reagan was in office and it tripled reaching new heights.

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