Thanks loads, Regressives

There is an important underlying motive for conservatives not to admit that Trump won because he won so much more of the labor/union vote than previous Republican candidates.

To admit that would be to admit that the conservatives' most sacred view - that presidential candidates need to move to the right to do better -

was thoroughly trashed by Trump. He moved LEFT, not right.

Well I would say this, he redefined left and right and in particular, what it means to be GOP. He basically told the country and GOP, "it's ok to bend on some of the smaller issues that really noone cares about (except special interest groups and lobbyists) if it will address the pressing concerns of Americans and voters." Furthermore, an honest an objective view of what ails Americans is a winning formula, not some fool with deep pockets who will donate to push a cause that is a loser.

So, he was able to take on NAFTA, TPP, illegal immigration, self serving climate "agreements", abuses against honest police, abuses against the military, assault against free speech and religion. You could go on and on. In the end, Trump was not ideologically rigid, which is what most sane citizens not in the back pocket of a lobbyist are.

He has certain core beliefs such as support for the Constitution, respect for tax payers money, law and order at the border and support for the military, but all other issues he will listen and make a decision as a businessman will. This impacts only those entrenched and established, everyone knows who these politicians are anyways, it will not impact the voters, in fact, it will strengthen them.

I think his approach gained some fans with people like Rand Paul, who is in his own way an outsider. Rand is principled enough to realize that he and Trump may differ on many issues, but Trumps minimalist, laissez-faire approach to government is a huge winner for America and libertarians. Paul showed himself to be pragmatic enough to realize that because of this he can strongly support Trump on many issues, try and influence on others. Since Rand Paul and he are far more alike in their thinking process than others believe, they will come together on ideas. Notice how Paul eventually supported Trumps health plan? Pragmatic.

Rand Paul is used as an example as I am a supporter of his and I specifically recall he was NOT critical of Trump through the General Election process on many of the controversies, while others jumped ship at the first chance they got. This was a signal to Paul supporters, "vote Trump, he is not an establishment guy and will shake things up". Notice how some took a different approach after the Access Hollywood set-up/leak? Some even went so far as to privately tell him to withdraw his candidacy.

I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
Last edited:
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Her Corruption and Divisiveness cost her the election. She called anyone who supported her opponent, "deplorable". She ignored the white working class idiotic move because these are the votes that swing an Election.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
Mac, the problem with Democrats is------->they are no longer Democrats.
I would revise that to say that they are no longer LIBERAL, at least those who are clearly in control.

These people convinced themselves that (a) Obama's win in 2008 and (b) national demographics gave them the green light to push their illiberal authoritarian agenda out in the open. But they fucked up. They jumped too soon. And so here we are, with Trump and his judges.

And remember, I didn't come up with the term "Regressives". That was coined by a horrified honest liberal Brit Muslim, and pushed by other honest liberals, from former Young Turk Dave Rubin to the brilliant Sam Harris to Bill Maher.

The Regressives here try to assign that term to me, because they are what they are, fucking liars.

He likes to snipe, but won't debate.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.

Trump is the most PC president we’ve ever had. He says less of what he wants to say than any of his predecessors ever did.

What we are witnessing is Trump watching every damned thing he says.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Her Corruption and Divisiveness cost her the election. She called anyone who supported her opponent, "deplorable". She ignored the white working class idiotic move because these are the votes that swing an Election.

Wrong. She won by 3 million votes remember? It still comes down to the few thousand she lost in particular states, to a particular demographic, that had nothing to do with all of this mythological 'regressive' shit that the OP obsesses on.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.

Trump is the most PC president we’ve ever had. He says less of what he wants to say than any of his predecessors ever did.

What we are witnessing is Trump watching every damned thing he says.

Trump sold voters on him as president the same way he sold Americans on Trump University.

The best symbol of his candidacy was when he paraded around Iowa waving a Bible.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
The SCOTUS is why he won, that is why Christians held their noses and voted for him in droves.

That said, the "gay" issues are so non-issues. Anything done, either way, doesn't make America better. It doesn't help the GDP. It doesn't change the inflation rate or the rate the fed is paying. All it is is a divisive topic.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg publicly smacks down Gorsuch after he tries to mansplain the Constitution

Ginsburg Slaps Gorsuch in Gerrymandering Case

Trump's Justice Gets Shut Down Hard by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Just 8 Words

Ruth Bader Ginsburg SLAPS DOWN Neil Gorsuch in Gerrymandering Case

Gorsuch thought he would just wonder into the Supreme Court and show everyone how it's done. Guess it wasn't as easy as he thought.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
Blame everyone else eh? Maybe the regressive right needs to take a look in the mirror too. And take some responsibility for their own politics and overreach.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

Shut the fuck up you know nothing moron.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

I mean ran a candidate that was under FBI investigation while she was campaigning. It had nothing to do with free trade.

The lefts push for making whites a minority in this country are waking a lot of people up. Trump came out with tough talk about immigrants. Most Americans (especially those who haven't had a wage increase for a while) understand that immigration is hurting our workforce.

It had everything to do with free trade because she only lost over 3 states where labor, unions, and the free trade controversy are relatively important.

In 2012, Obama won the union vote in Ohio by 23 points.

In 2016, Trump won the union vote in Ohio by 13 points.

That's a 36 point swing to Trump, and union households represent 22% of the vote in Ohio.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.

Shut the fuck up you know nothing moron.
Perfection, thanks!
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
Blame everyone else eh? Maybe the regressive right needs to take a look in the mirror too. And take some responsibility for their own politics and overreach.
Well, they have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supes, Governorships and lower courts.

So maybe that mirror wouldn't be a bad place to look for the Regressives.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
I know where this whole anti p.c. thing comes from in you Mac.

I remember it.

The campus PC culture IS overboard, mind you, and nobody takes it very seriously. The campus pc crowd loses in the public square

But you, in particular, were getting tired of not being able to say racist shit without being called out on it.

Which is, of course, two completely different animals.

You're a stain on the cause of common sense winning the day, like shutting down dorky college p.c. crap...winning the public discussion.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

I mean ran a candidate that was under FBI investigation while she was campaigning. It had nothing to do with free trade.

The lefts push for making whites a minority in this country are waking a lot of people up. Trump came out with tough talk about immigrants. Most Americans (especially those who haven't had a wage increase for a while) understand that immigration is hurting our workforce.

It had everything to do with free trade because she only lost over 3 states where labor, unions, and the free trade controversy are relatively important.

In 2012, Obama won the union vote in Ohio by 23 points.

In 2016, Trump won the union vote in Ohio by 13 points.

That's a 36 point swing to Trump, and union households represent 22% of the vote in Ohio.

Not really because immigration has more of an impact on jobs (particularly good paying jobs) than free trade.

Our industry for instance is flooded with foreigners. These clowns are piloting 75,000 lbs vehicles and can't read the English road signs. They are terrible drivers to boot.

In fact just Friday I was at one of our customers and we laughed watching this idiot trying to back up a trailer into the docks. These are very easy docks to get into, and this guy kept pulling up backing up, pulling up, backing up. It took him ten minutes to get into a dock whereas anybody else could hit that dock in one shot. So I told the shipping guy "Watch, the guy who gets out of the truck will be a foreigner." Sure as the day was bright, out comes this guy with the sandals on. Everybody just bust out laughing.

These people keep our wages down because as long as industry can find people to do the job for nothing, they will hire those people instead of Americans.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
I know where this whole anti p.c. thing comes from in you Mac.

I remember it.

The campus PC culture IS overboard, mind you, and nobody takes it very seriously. The campus pc crowd loses in the public square

But you, in particular, were getting tired of not being able to say racist shit without being called out on it.

Which is, of course, two completely different animals.

You're a stain on the cause of common sense causes, like shutting down dorky college p.c. crap...winning the public discussion.
Ah, I'm a racist. I just wanna say racist stuff.

Well, what a shock.

So are these folks. THESE FUCKING RACISTS!


I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
I know where this whole anti p.c. thing comes from in you Mac.

I remember it.

The campus PC culture IS overboard, mind you, and nobody takes it very seriously. The campus pc crowd loses in the public square

But you, in particular, were getting tired of not being able to say racist shit without being called out on it.

Which is, of course, two completely different animals.

You're a stain on the cause of common sense causes, like shutting down dorky college p.c. crap...winning the public discussion.
Ah, I'm a racist. I just wanna say racist stuff.

Well, what a shock.

So are these folks. THESE FUCKING RACISTS!



Nice try.

I have an elephant's memory. It is a steel trap.

You ARE and have said ACTUAL racist shit.

Then you tried to sweep it into the tent of "oh they just call everything racist these days."

Which is done, and is a problem, but you tried to hijack it because youre a spineless weasel.

I enjoy the company of conservatives, liberals and independants alike.

But spinelessness is something I dont tolerate, and you are a spineless weasel pretender. Say cheese, loser
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
I know where this whole anti p.c. thing comes from in you Mac.

I remember it.

The campus PC culture IS overboard, mind you, and nobody takes it very seriously. The campus pc crowd loses in the public square

But you, in particular, were getting tired of not being able to say racist shit without being called out on it.

Which is, of course, two completely different animals.

You're a stain on the cause of common sense causes, like shutting down dorky college p.c. crap...winning the public discussion.
Ah, I'm a racist. I just wanna say racist stuff.

Well, what a shock.

So are these folks. THESE FUCKING RACISTS!



Nice try.

I have an elephant's memory. It is a steel trap.

You ARE and have said ACTUAL racist shit.

Then you tried to sweep it into the tent of "oh they just call everything racist these days."

Which is done, and is a problem, but you tried to hijack it because youre a spineless weasel.

I enjoy the company of conservatives, liberals and independants alike.

But spinelessness is something I dont tolerate, and you are a spineless weasel pretender. Say cheese, loser


Let's see it.

I can't wait to tell my technicolor family what a racist I am.

Let's see it.
I admit that often the way he delivers his message leaves something to be desired, but it's also unapologetic at a period in time in which Americans are tired of being exploited and apologising.
... which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.
I know where this whole anti p.c. thing comes from in you Mac.

I remember it.

The campus PC culture IS overboard, mind you, and nobody takes it very seriously. The campus pc crowd loses in the public square

But you, in particular, were getting tired of not being able to say racist shit without being called out on it.

Which is, of course, two completely different animals.

You're a stain on the cause of common sense causes, like shutting down dorky college p.c. crap...winning the public discussion.
Ah, I'm a racist. I just wanna say racist stuff.

Well, what a shock.

So are these folks. THESE FUCKING RACISTS!



Nice try.

I have an elephant's memory. It is a steel trap.

You ARE and have said ACTUAL racist shit.

Then you tried to sweep it into the tent of "oh they just call everything racist these days."

Which is done, and is a problem, but you tried to hijack it because youre a spineless weasel.

I enjoy the company of conservatives, liberals and independants alike.

But spinelessness is something I dont tolerate, and you are a spineless weasel pretender. Say cheese, loser


Let's see it.

I can't wait to tell my technicolor family what a racist I am.

Let's see it.

They already know. Another attempt to weasel though.

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