Thanks loads, Regressives

I've explained why it is that some college kids are desirous of a much more civil environment on campus.

It isn't that they fear opposing viewpoints or can't handle being insulted.

It is because they have watched us....yes the current generation of leaders and influencers....treating each other like shit in public...for a few decades now.

They see that it doesn't work. They aim to try something different. Something that will result in and end to gridlock. Making an attempt to be sensitive to the feelings of others is simply an outgrowth of effort.
It makes sense that that might be their inspiration, but there's also a small tide of them taking it way too far - and when theyre pressed to debate the logic they dont usually bode too well. I only even know because of a podcast here and there.

Of course. They are kids. Some who carry the banner probably don't even know why.

Passive Aggressives don't recognize this, of course. They need to believe that all college students are overly sensitive wussies who have been indoctrinated by lib professors.

Watch what happens when someone brings up "participation trophies". Same shit.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Her Corruption and Divisiveness cost her the election. She called anyone who supported her opponent, "deplorable". She ignored the white working class idiotic move because these are the votes that swing an Election.

Wrong. She won by 3 million votes remember? It still comes down to the few thousand she lost in particular states, to a particular demographic, that had nothing to do with all of this mythological 'regressive' shit that the OP obsesses on.

She won the popular vote thanks to California, Illinois, and NY. Those are some pretty hefty Electoral votes as well. Howver, if you win these yet can't win more Electoral votes ina tight race, it's not meant to be. If she'd lessen corruption and paid more attention to white working men, those few thousand you reference would have gone her way. She lost. At this difference, what difference does it make? Move On. Get over it. Or....... if you people think the Presidency is rightfully hers, I defy you to run her again in '20.
I've explained why it is that some college kids are desirous of a much more civil environment on campus.

It isn't that they fear opposing viewpoints or can't handle being insulted.

It is because they have watched us....yes the current generation of leaders and influencers....treating each other like shit in public...for a few decades now.

They see that it doesn't work. They aim to try something different. Something that will result in and end to gridlock. Making an attempt to be sensitive to the feelings of others is simply an outgrowth of effort.
It makes sense that that might be their inspiration, but there's also a small tide of them taking it way too far - and when theyre pressed to debate the logic they dont usually bode too well. I only even know because of a podcast here and there.

Of course. They are kids. Some who carry the banner probably don't even know why.

Passive Aggressives don't recognize this, of course. They need to believe that all college students are overly sensitive wussies who have been indoctrinated by lib professors.

Watch what happens when someone brings up "participation trophies". Same shit.
Those last two paragraphs....

Are mac's mission statement :lol:
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Her Corruption and Divisiveness cost her the election. She called anyone who supported her opponent, "deplorable". She ignored the white working class idiotic move because these are the votes that swing an Election.

Wrong. She won by 3 million votes remember? It still comes down to the few thousand she lost in particular states, to a particular demographic, that had nothing to do with all of this mythological 'regressive' shit that the OP obsesses on.

She won the popular vote thanks to California, Illinois, and NY. Those are some pretty hefty Electoral votes as well. Howver, if you win these yet can't win more Electoral votes ina tight race, it's not meant to be. If she'd lessen corruption and paid more attention to white working men, those few thousand you reference would have gone her way. She lost. At this difference, what difference does it make? Move On. Get over it. Or....... if you people think the Presidency is rightfully hers, I defy you to run her again in '20.

WTF are you babbling about?
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
Ginsburg will not outlive Trump's term. She can barely keep her eyes open as it is.
How the Left Created Trump

Nowhere was the backlash from this act of liberal smugness more deeply felt than the Rust Belt states, in which counties like Kenosha, Wisconsin, broke more than 40 years of Democratic support in favor of Trump.

“The Democratic Party abandoned the economic issues that had locked that constituency into the party, so that the political contest became an almost purely ideological and cultural one,” says Dylan John Riley, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

And by waging a war against right-wing ethics, the Democratic Party, supported by the elite media, underestimated the true extent of Trump’s support—perhaps because most were too embarrassed to admit their allegiance—while playing right into the hands of Trump’s anti-“PC” rhetoric.


Are you aware that Hillary was the most centrist Democrat in the Democratic primaries? Are you aware that her free trade positions cost her the election?

Her Corruption and Divisiveness cost her the election. She called anyone who supported her opponent, "deplorable". She ignored the white working class idiotic move because these are the votes that swing an Election.

Wrong. She won by 3 million votes remember? It still comes down to the few thousand she lost in particular states, to a particular demographic, that had nothing to do with all of this mythological 'regressive' shit that the OP obsesses on.

She won the popular vote thanks to California, Illinois, and NY. Those are some pretty hefty Electoral votes as well. Howver, if you win these yet can't win more Electoral votes ina tight race, it's not meant to be. If she'd lessen corruption and paid more attention to white working men, those few thousand you reference would have gone her way. She lost. At this difference, what difference does it make? Move On. Get over it. Or....... if you people think the Presidency is rightfully hers, I defy you to run her again in '20.

WTF are you babbling about?

Provide substance to your refute or move on.
.. which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

I think the kind of people who voted for Trump are the ones who blurt out the N-word in mixed company and really have no clue, but never mind.

Again- Trump did worse that Romney.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.

Fired up what voters, he got less votes than Bush or Romney. what voters did he fire up?
Now the Regressives are trying to deflect by attempting to put me on the defensive.

This could be fun.

you mean actually pointing out that your premises are bullshit.

Hey, you know what, sometimes it isn't just about winning. The problem with Mrs. Clinton wasn't that she stood for the PC Culture. It was that she was kind of a phony and everyone saw it.

And yes, 25 years of accusing the woman of everything up to and including murder had taken a toll.
Let me repeat this again...

As always, Mac proceeds from a false premise then argues the hell out of it. When someone points out the numbers don't really back up his premise, he gets all defensive saying the "Regressives" are out to get him.

His premise is that by embracing the imaginary PC Culture, that White Males were SOOOOOOOOOO offended that the swarmed to Trump.

It's bullshit.

it wasn't the far left that insisted on putting an unelectable Hillary on the ballot. That was the Democratic Centrists who insisted on that. even though no one was all that thrilled with her, let's make her the nominee anyway.

You see, Mrs. Clinton was more Mac's kind of Democrat than mine, buddy.

Okay, so one more time, for those playing along at home.

Mitt Romney got 47% of the national vote.
Trump got 46% of the national vote.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote.
Trump got 58% of the white vote.

The needle was not moved because White People weren't pandered to enough. yeah, Hillary should have done a lot more to address the valid concerns of rust belt Americans who longed for Daddy's union job. Or at least explained to them who made Daddy's Union Job go away.

But no, at the end of the day, if you were too racist to vote for Obama after Bush fucked up the economy, you were probably also too misogynistic to vote for Mrs. Clinton.

The reason why Mrs. Clinton lost was because too many people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 voted for Gary "Roll your own" Johnson and Jill Commie Stein. Why? Because the media repeated an uncritical narrative that she was corrupt, and she had it in the bag anyway.
Seems early in the day for a breakdown thread no? Funny stuff but I mostly agree with you Mac. Lol
I remember seeing a couple of articles right after Trump was elected, that literally talked about ways Ginsburg and Kennedy could stay healthy longer. They literally said, holy shit, we have to keep them going. One suggested following her around with a paramedic.

I heard that the DNC was reviewing a Weekend at Bernie's for ideas.
I think they should use animatronics like the repugs do with uncle Thomas. Of course it would be harder with Ginsberg and Kennedy as they are known to sometimes ask questions or make comments.
And so, many people say that Trump is NOT really a Republican. He is more of a Democrat..............which he is, if you take the Democratic positions of 15 years ago and before. The only thing that really puts him in the Republican camp, is his stand on abortion. If you doubt me, look it up!

Democrats until recently were---->

1. for blue collar

2. anti trade deals

3. against illegal immigration

4. for free speech

Well, I'm going to give you props for trying to make a counter argument. This is a skill set that has escaped the OP.

To take your list above, the Democrats are more friends to Blue Collar than the GOP is.

Democrats have always been for "Free Trade". In fact, it was one of Wilson's 14 Points at the end of WWI. After Smoot-Hartley proved protectionism doesn't work, they became firmly free trade.

Both parties are phonies on Illegal immigration.

Sorry, I don't think "Let's not listen to the Nazis" is really a violation of Free Speech.

And so, if a DEMOCRAT is actually in the Oval Office, what does that say about who the Democrats actually are today that insist he is all wrong! In essence, the Democrats are now doing FRINGE problems, which they create a constituency out of. They try and cobble together people who want open borders, LGBTQ people, men in womens bathrooms, and a host of off the wall things that have absolutely NOTHING with running a country.

Except most Americans actually want immigration reform, so that's not a fringe position. Most Americans favor gay marriage. That's not a fringe position.

The thing is, I don't think Trump believes half the shit that comes out of his mouth. So what he actually believes or doesn't believe is besides the point.
.. which is precisely what animated so many of his voters. There are many Americans who are tired of having to watch every damn thing they say - a.k.a. PC - and Trump got them fired up enough to forgive his myriad faults.

I think the kind of people who voted for Trump are the ones who blurt out the N-word in mixed company and really have no clue, but never mind.

Again- Trump did worse that Romney.

The Regressives created and nurtured this authoritarian environment, it pissed off and fired up enough voters, Trump played right into it, and here we are with Trump and his judge picks.

Fired up what voters, he got less votes than Bush or Romney. what voters did he fire up?
My older brother is a big liberal, and he uses the N-word all the time. So did my dad, for that matter. Both are/were loyal Democrats.

Good on you..and somehow "regressives" didn't dissuade you.

They also didn't nominate Trump - REPUBLICANS did.
They sure did. And look at perhaps a characteristic of his that animated them probably more than any other: That he wasn't PC. We heard that constantly.

He had no business getting the nomination otherwise.

And plenty of people in the middle clearly felt the same way, even if they didn't say it out loud, because they didn't want to be chastised.

This honest and horrified liberal explains it beautifully:

So out of 20 something candidates Republicans nominate Trump and that is somehow because of left wing PC?

It wasn’t, Trump was just looking like something else and there were enough rubes to think that THIS bullshit machine “else” is better.
My older brother is a big liberal, and he uses the N-word all the time. So did my dad, for that matter. Both are/were loyal Democrats.
One of the Regressives here was kind enough to say that the reason I'm so passionate about PC, Identity Politics and the madness on campus is that I want to be able to say racist things, that I'm a big ol' racist.

I have to admit it was kind of cool, the way he went all the way back to PC 101 like that. It was actually kind of charming in an old school way.

Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
Ginsburg will not outlive Trump's term. She can barely keep her eyes open as it is.
You never know, she may have a couple of years left in her. Some people have good genes.

If the Dems re-take either the House or the Senate in '18, a Supe vacancy could get pretty interesting.
One of the Regressives here was kind enough to say that the reason I'm so passionate about PC, Identity Politics and the madness on campus is that I want to be able to say racist things, that I'm a big ol' racist.

I have to admit it was kind of cool, the way he went all the way back to PC 101 like that. It was actually kind of charming in an old school way.

I'm not sure what your issue is. I think you just have crazy ideas and you've convinced yourself they are true.
Seems early in the day for a breakdown thread no? Funny stuff but I mostly agree with you Mac. Lol
I remember seeing a couple of articles right after Trump was elected, that literally talked about ways Ginsburg and Kennedy could stay healthy longer. They literally said, holy shit, we have to keep them going. One suggested following her around with a paramedic.

I heard that the DNC was reviewing a Weekend at Bernie's for ideas.
I think they should use animatronics like the repugs do with uncle Thomas. Of course it would be harder with Ginsberg and Kennedy as they are known to sometimes ask questions or make comments.

Do any of your sleazy attacks ever have any connection with reality?
Seems early in the day for a breakdown thread no? Funny stuff but I mostly agree with you Mac. Lol
I remember seeing a couple of articles right after Trump was elected, that literally talked about ways Ginsburg and Kennedy could stay healthy longer. They literally said, holy shit, we have to keep them going. One suggested following her around with a paramedic.

I heard that the DNC was reviewing a Weekend at Bernie's for ideas.
I think they should use animatronics like the repugs do with uncle Thomas. Of course it would be harder with Ginsberg and Kennedy as they are known to sometimes ask questions or make comments.

Do any of your sleazy attacks ever have any connection with reality?
More so than any of your sleazy attacks.
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost

YOUR behaviors played a role in getting this man elected.

Your bullshit, annoying PC/Identity Politics/Authoritarian behaviors repulsed enough voters to get this guy elected.

Go ahead and insult the Americans who voted for him some more. THEY are getting the last laugh here. And now I have to hope that Kennedy and Ginsburg stay vertical for a while longer.

Thanks loads. Look in the fucking mirror.
funny, you call out a group for ideology and your OP is about ideology. too funny, can't make this shit up. what is LGBTQ if not identity politics. and here you are brave sunshine.

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