Thanks to President Trump and a stalwart GOP Senate, SCOTUS IS MAKING REAL PROGRESS.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
It ain’t perfect, of course. But in their last several major decisions the SCOTUS hit 3 for 4 in making genuine progress on trying to get America back to living by the Constitution.

A shooting down (long long overdue) of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

The decision scuttling Roe v. Wade shouldn’t be overlooked, either.

A First Amendment decision about religious freedom that is timely and spot on. And it’s absolute nonsense to claim that it deals any blow to gay rights. That is just bogus leftwing propaganda.

Destroying the obviously unconstitutional attempted seizure by President Potato of legislative power in “forgiving” student loan debts.

I don’t even care about decisions that shut down gerrymandering. I just wish it was done properly in all jurisdictions.

They dropped the ball on the NC case involving the allowance of state bureaucrats from altering state legislature enacted election laws. But even so, that may yet get revisited in a proper case.

Overall, I say “thank God that President Trump had the vision to nominate some honest justices and that the GOP Senate approved those choices (and rejected the Obama nomination of our disastrous AG).”

Well done President Trump and Kudos to the former GOP Senate. 👍
I awoke with a headache this night, possibly to see this post. I don't know if it was Trump per se, but yes indeed your Constitution is beautiful and worth fighting for. Just as a general statement, this is quite accurate. If Canadians had a legitimate Constitution like yours our liberty would be much higher, our citizens happier and wealthier in a competitive and innovative economy. As it were, some of us suffer without recourse.
Overturning 50 years (50+ years of precedent) is certainly regression. One would hope that the voters would have learned by this case study in what happens when you ask "what is the worst that can happen" and don't vote. I think we both know better.

How long was Plessey precedent?
Gradually ending the abandonment of reality which has led us down so many wrong lack of thinking paths.
Libs squealing everything possible because they want their feelings and wishes to be the primary activity of government and law
Overturning 50 years (50+ years of precedent) is certainly regression. One would hope that the voters would have learned by this case study in what happens when you ask "what is the worst that can happen" and don't vote. I think we both know better.
Yeah. Your definition is retarded.

Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned about 58 years later. Overturning it was absolutely progress.

So obviously what you’re busy bleating is actually nothing more than ”overturning old cases you happen to agree with” is “regress.”

Plessy v. Ferguson was very bad case law. So was Roe v. Wade. In each case, even fifty plus years later, overturning those shit precedents was good case law and true progress.

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