Thanks TRUMP!!!

My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall

You ran out of freebies for the month.
They don't give any. That's the NYT

It's the wapo..
whatever. not worth arguing about. I guess I used them then.

I have to thank you once again in correcting my behavior..i will never agai use the tampon squad again..

(Well my last time) :)
My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
You could right click and copy address. Then open in a different browser. Worked for me.

But here are a few pertinent paragraphs:

President Trump has made a lot of promises on health care.

Somehow, though, I don't remember him promising stadiums of cheering fans that he'd take away protections for preexisting conditions, increase deductibles, spike premiums, eliminate basic coverage requirements and, more generally, destabilize the individual health-insurance market.

But that is what he said he'd do Thursday, when he signed an executive order on health care.

Two main problems result.

One is that, absent minimums for quality and regulatory oversight, lots of Americans are likely to get conned into plans that cover almost nothing (or that even turn out to be insolvent). These are sometimes called min-med or "buffalo plans," because they pay out pretty much only if you're trampled by a herd of buffalo.

The bigger problem is called adverse selection.

That's the idea that healthy people will sort into low-cost, bare-bones plans, while relatively costly people will stay in the more generous, Obamacare- compliant plans, which can't legally turn customers away. Premiums in Obamacare plans would then spike, driving out more relatively healthy people, further driving up premiums, and so on.

In the end, the whole individual market falls apart, leaving us with basically the pre-Obamacare system. Even those healthy people — even if they stay healthy! — have no real options.


Then there is a lot of conversation about things like "Association Plans" where several small companies could band together and reduce the cost of their insurance. Under Trump, they are no longer regulated. Which means nothing for money.

Then they talked about "short term" plans which were almost nothing for the short term. A kind of bridge insurance. Only they weren't short term. So Obama limited them to three months. Gone.

A pretty grim assessment which will get even more grim. Republicans ended the subsidies starting Jan 1, 2019. We will know in October how many millions will lose their healthcare because they won't be able to afford it. October is when new costs come out. Just in time for the midterms in November.
President Trump is fierce as a lion. he roars like one, too!
No, he's a pu$$y.


That's why you see him grabbing Clintons' junk:

President Trump is fierce as a lion. he roars like one, too!
I noticed you are sporting that book cover where the dsouza guy compared trump to the worst tyrant in American history.

you got a problem with that? YOU GOT A PROBLEM? lol

but seriously, i thought it was an eye-catching visual. but i don't even like lincoln, anyway...go white people!
The GOP base is going to find this hilarious.

Until October comes. Then? Not so much.
President Trump is fierce as a lion. he roars like one, too!
I noticed you are sporting that book cover where the dsouza guy compared trump to the worst tyrant in American history.

you got a problem with that? YOU GOT A PROBLEM? lol

but seriously, i thought it was an eye-catching visual. but i don't even like lincoln, anyway...go white people!
The GOP base is going to find this hilarious.

Until October comes. Then? Not so much.
I’m waiting for November. That’s when it’s really going to be fun.
Does your employer provide your insurance, TN? Did your employer switch plans? Some folks here think you typed up that paper and are bold faced lying about this. I don't think you'd do that, but I don't understand how your rates went down. Is this comparable, same plan, same benefits as last year?
Everything is the same except what i mentioned. No loss of coverage.
Our branch at the other end of the state got put in another network because of "restrictions of doctors and hospitals"
IDK what that means and didnt ask since it didnt affect me.

If that pic was yours, then you lost a bit of coverage; now they'll only pay 50% for in-network docs/hospitals, instead of 70% on the old plan. However, it sounds like you might have the same problem Alaska does where there's such limited docs and hospitals that accept said insurance (aka in network) that it becomes a moot point as you were never getting the 70% anyway.
Nope. Thats the percentage the insured pays.

By your illustration you have 70/30 now so if you pay 30 and they pay 70 how is you paying 50% better?
70 me 30 them. Now its 50/50.

So you paid 70% and they paid 30%? Never in 25 years have ever seen a policy like that. Bet it was they paid 70% and you were paying 30% and now you're going to pay 50%. So again tell me how that is better. I'm really having a rough time understanding how going from 30 to 50 is better.
Does your employer provide your insurance, TN? Did your employer switch plans? Some folks here think you typed up that paper and are bold faced lying about this. I don't think you'd do that, but I don't understand how your rates went down. Is this comparable, same plan, same benefits as last year?
Everything is the same except what i mentioned. No loss of coverage.
Our branch at the other end of the state got put in another network because of "restrictions of doctors and hospitals"
IDK what that means and didnt ask since it didnt affect me.

If that pic was yours, then you lost a bit of coverage; now they'll only pay 50% for in-network docs/hospitals, instead of 70% on the old plan. However, it sounds like you might have the same problem Alaska does where there's such limited docs and hospitals that accept said insurance (aka in network) that it becomes a moot point as you were never getting the 70% anyway.
Nope. Thats the percentage the insured pays.

Aye, the insurance used to pay 70% of in-network / 50% of out of network doc/hos, but the new insurance pays 50% on both - meaning you lost 20% payment [aka savings to you] if you were going to in-network doc/hospitals - but as I noted, if you have the same situation as up here, there are almost no "in-network" doctors or hospitals so it ends up a moot point because the insurance was only paying 50% anyway.
I paid 70! Now i pay 50!
Why cant you people understand that? Lol

Are you referring your employer's contribution?
Everything is the same except what i mentioned. No loss of coverage.
Our branch at the other end of the state got put in another network because of "restrictions of doctors and hospitals"
IDK what that means and didnt ask since it didnt affect me.

If that pic was yours, then you lost a bit of coverage; now they'll only pay 50% for in-network docs/hospitals, instead of 70% on the old plan. However, it sounds like you might have the same problem Alaska does where there's such limited docs and hospitals that accept said insurance (aka in network) that it becomes a moot point as you were never getting the 70% anyway.
Nope. Thats the percentage the insured pays.

By your illustration you have 70/30 now so if you pay 30 and they pay 70 how is you paying 50% better?
70 me 30 them. Now its 50/50.

So you paid 70% and they paid 30%? Never in 25 years have ever seen a policy like that. Bet it was they paid 70% and you were paying 30% and now you're going to pay 50%. So again tell me how that is better. I'm really having a rough time understanding how going from 30 to 50 is better.
That isnt better. That also isnt what happened. I was paying 70. Now i am paying 50.
Pretty sure my insurance lady and I know what i was paying.
If that pic was yours, then you lost a bit of coverage; now they'll only pay 50% for in-network docs/hospitals, instead of 70% on the old plan. However, it sounds like you might have the same problem Alaska does where there's such limited docs and hospitals that accept said insurance (aka in network) that it becomes a moot point as you were never getting the 70% anyway.
Nope. Thats the percentage the insured pays.

By your illustration you have 70/30 now so if you pay 30 and they pay 70 how is you paying 50% better?
70 me 30 them. Now its 50/50.

So you paid 70% and they paid 30%? Never in 25 years have ever seen a policy like that. Bet it was they paid 70% and you were paying 30% and now you're going to pay 50%. So again tell me how that is better. I'm really having a rough time understanding how going from 30 to 50 is better.
That isnt better. That also isnt what happened. I was paying 70. Now i am paying 50.
Pretty sure my insurance lady and I know what i was paying.

You are referring to employer/employee contribution not coverages, correct?
My health insurance deductible just went up -1500 bucks!
My co-insurance went up -20%!
What am i going to do now!?!?
Trump is going to destroy your healthcare. Then eat your babies
Can't read WaPo. Paywall
You could right click and copy address. Then open in a different browser. Worked for me.

But here are a few pertinent paragraphs:

President Trump has made a lot of promises on health care.

Somehow, though, I don't remember him promising stadiums of cheering fans that he'd take away protections for preexisting conditions, increase deductibles, spike premiums, eliminate basic coverage requirements and, more generally, destabilize the individual health-insurance market.

But that is what he said he'd do Thursday, when he signed an executive order on health care.

Two main problems result.

One is that, absent minimums for quality and regulatory oversight, lots of Americans are likely to get conned into plans that cover almost nothing (or that even turn out to be insolvent). These are sometimes called min-med or "buffalo plans," because they pay out pretty much only if you're trampled by a herd of buffalo.

The bigger problem is called adverse selection.

That's the idea that healthy people will sort into low-cost, bare-bones plans, while relatively costly people will stay in the more generous, Obamacare- compliant plans, which can't legally turn customers away. Premiums in Obamacare plans would then spike, driving out more relatively healthy people, further driving up premiums, and so on.

In the end, the whole individual market falls apart, leaving us with basically the pre-Obamacare system. Even those healthy people — even if they stay healthy! — have no real options.


Then there is a lot of conversation about things like "Association Plans" where several small companies could band together and reduce the cost of their insurance. Under Trump, they are no longer regulated. Which means nothing for money.

Then they talked about "short term" plans which were almost nothing for the short term. A kind of bridge insurance. Only they weren't short term. So Obama limited them to three months. Gone.

A pretty grim assessment which will get even more grim. Republicans ended the subsidies starting Jan 1, 2019. We will know in October how many millions will lose their healthcare because they won't be able to afford it. October is when new costs come out. Just in time for the midterms in November.
You sure the subsidies are ended? I work with folks on Obamacare and they sure haven't heard that.
My insurance went up before Trump was elected, I don't expect it to go down, it never does.
Mine did, maybe yours will too!

Well it's been what 0bama called the "Cadillac" plan and even after the increase it's better than most people have. I don't expect it to.

Bullshit. You work for a health care provider and you are not a wealthy man. You don’t have a cadilac plan.

I agree that I do not, but it was concidered a Cadillac plan by 0bama. Fact.

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