That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Thank you Si, the more facts that come out in front of the SEMINOLE COUNTY Grand Jury, the better.

Look for something like this:

Zimmerman took 13 stitches to close the back of his head.

What type of trauma would cause that level of damage to the skull perineum Doctor ?

Blunt force....most often edged or round heavy object.

Like your fist ?

No punching someone in the back of the head is not consistent with that type of tearing.

Would fist trauma sufficient enough to cause this type of injury cause the striking parties hand to bruise ?

Most definitely, possibly fracture.

Did you see / note any such level of trauma on the deceased's hands during your autopsy Doctor ?

No, I did not.

Thank you Doctor.
Thank you Si, the more facts that come out in front of the SEMINOLE COUNTY Grand Jury, the better.

Look for something like this:

Zimmerman took 13 stitches to close the back of his head.

What type of trauma would cause that level of damage to the skull perineum Doctor ?

Blunt force....most often edged or round heavy object.

Like your fist ?

No punching someone in the back of the head is not consistent with that type of tearing.

Would fist trauma sufficient enough to cause this type of injury cause the striking parties hand to bruise ?

Most definitely, possibly fracture.

Did you see / note any such level of trauma on the deceased's hands during your autopsy Doctor ?

No, I did not.

Thank you Doctor.
Do you have anything to support anything you just said?

Investigational supplementations:

- Audio analysis on tape for possible voice determination

I heard the 911 tape on the radio and someone was calling for help loudly and repeatedly and then there were two gunshots and everything went quiet. Zimmerman's family claims it was his voice calling for help and he acted in self-defence but his case could collapse if it's proven to be the victim's voice scientifically.
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Investigational supplementations:

- Audio analysis on tape for possible voice determination

I heard the 911 tape on the radio and someone was calling for help loudly and repeatedly and then there were two gunshots and everything went quiet. Zimmerman's family claim it was his voice calling for help and he acted in self-defence but his case could collapse if it's proven to be the victim's voice scientifically.
There was just one shot. You're probably getting confused with the two separate calls that recorded that single, fatal gunshot heard around the world.
“Mr. Zimmerman’s claim is that the confrontation was initiated by Trayvon. I am not going into specifics of what led to the violent physical encounter witnessed by residents. All the physical evidence and testimony we have independent of what Mr. Zimmerman provides corroborates this claim to self-defense.”

To claim self-defense, someone has to show there was danger of great bodily harm or death.

Zimmerman had injuries consistent with his story,”

Bill Lee, Sanford Police Chief
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Any thoughts on why the city asked for the Feds to come in?
Ummmm, the city didn't. The family contacted Sharpton and then some in the US Congress asked the feds to get involved.

So Al Sharpton is THAT powerful huh? Do you even know WTF you're talking about? Let me help you with, you don't. :rolleyes:
Right. Sharpton's never on the tube. Ever. And, Congressmen can never, ever influence the DOJ.


Never, ever.

(You've lost it, Marc.)
*spits coconut juice out of nostrils*

WoW!! According to the psycho-chick Si Modo, Al Sharpton, a person she herself claims is nothing but a "race-baiting" huckster, has the juice to make Congress do back-flips.

Kill me now. I think I've heard it all. :eek:
*spits coconut juice out of nostrils*

WoW!! According to the psycho-chick Si Modo, Al Sharpton, a person she herself claims is nothing but a "race-baiting" huckster, has the juice to make Congress do back-flips.

Kill me now. I think I've heard it all. :eek:
Only, I never said any of that.

But, you did.

You're arguing with yourself and looking silly while doing it.
Investigational supplementations:

- Audio analysis on tape for possible voice determination

I heard the 911 tape on the radio and someone was calling for help loudly and repeatedly and then there were two gunshots and everything went quiet. Zimmerman's family claims it was his voice calling for help and he acted in self-defence but his case could collapse if it's proven to be the victim's voice scientifically.
There was just one shot. You're probably getting confused with the two separate calls that recorded that single, fatal gunshot heard around the world.

There are multiple 911 tapes from different callers and most recordings registered only one shot but one call contains two sounds, first a muted bang which could be a warning shot, then the louder crack of close-range gunfire. But Sanford police said that a check of the weapon showed only one shot was fired.
My,my, what a zoo we have since this story hit the board. We got every bigot here advocating using young Black males for target practice by armed vigilantes, and we got the resident Leftiists ready to form a lynch mob and administer "justice" themselves; we got Marc, who normally is relatively sane, and civil even if you disagree with him, suddenly foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and advocating street justice....I tell you what, if that many of you no longer want to use the judicial process, how about, we just take the police of the streets and keep the military in their barracks, while the rest of us just go ahead and shoot whoever we don't like, can't stand, or whatever; and when it's all over, the survivors (if any) can try putting the country back together-what's left of it? Would that be satisfactory to all of you on both sides who want to just get the guns or the ropes, and have at it? Makes as much sense as decrying vigilante justice on one hand, while advocating a return to lynching with the other, if you ask me. Can't we please, please, just have a civili discussion of this case for a few minutes, without everyone injecting their own feelings into it, and trying to substitute emotions for facts? Nah, probably not....
My,my, what a zoo we have since this story hit the board. We got every bigot here advocating using young Black males for target practice by armed vigilantes, and we got the resident Leftiists ready to form a lynch mob and administer "justice" themselves; we got Marc, who normally is relatively sane, and civil even if you disagree with him, suddenly foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and advocating street justice....I tell you what, if that many of you no longer want to use the judicial process, how about, we just take the police of the streets and keep the military in their barracks, while the rest of us just go ahead and shoot whoever we don't like, can't stand, or whatever; and when it's all over, the survivors (if any) can try putting the country back together-what's left of it? Would that be satisfactory to all of you on both sides who want to just get the guns or the ropes, and have at it? Makes as much sense as decrying vigilante justice on one hand, while advocating a return to lynching with the other, if you ask me. Can't we please, please, just have a civili discussion of this case for a few minutes, without everyone injecting their own feelings into it, and trying to substitute emotions for facts? Nah, probably not....
Mob rule.

Awesome, ain't it?
My,my, what a zoo we have since this story hit the board. We got every bigot here advocating using young Black males for target practice by armed vigilantes, and we got the resident Leftiists ready to form a lynch mob and administer "justice" themselves; we got Marc, who normally is relatively sane, and civil even if you disagree with him, suddenly foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and advocating street justice....I tell you what, if that many of you no longer want to use the judicial process, how about, we just take the police of the streets and keep the military in their barracks, while the rest of us just go ahead and shoot whoever we don't like, can't stand, or whatever; and when it's all over, the survivors (if any) can try putting the country back together-what's left of it? Would that be satisfactory to all of you on both sides who want to just get the guns or the ropes, and have at it? Makes as much sense as decrying vigilante justice on one hand, while advocating a return to lynching with the other, if you ask me. Can't we please, please, just have a civili discussion of this case for a few minutes, without everyone injecting their own feelings into it, and trying to substitute emotions for facts? Nah, probably not....

All true. Unemotional response: why wasn't more forensic evidence retrieved? Funding maybe?
Thank you Si, the more facts that come out in front of the SEMINOLE COUNTY Grand Jury, the better.

Look for something like this:

Zimmerman took 13 stitches to close the back of his head.

What type of trauma would cause that level of damage to the skull perineum Doctor ?

Blunt force....most often edged or round heavy object.

Like your fist ?

No punching someone in the back of the head is not consistent with that type of tearing.

Would fist trauma sufficient enough to cause this type of injury cause the striking parties hand to bruise ?

Most definitely, possibly fracture.

Did you see / note any such level of trauma on the deceased's hands during your autopsy Doctor ?

No, I did not.

Thank you Doctor.

how many of those stitches did you pull out of your ass?
My,my, what a zoo we have since this story hit the board. We got every bigot here advocating using young Black males for target practice by armed vigilantes, and we got the resident Leftiists ready to form a lynch mob and administer "justice" themselves; we got Marc, who normally is relatively sane, and civil even if you disagree with him, suddenly foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and advocating street justice....I tell you what, if that many of you no longer want to use the judicial process, how about, we just take the police of the streets and keep the military in their barracks, while the rest of us just go ahead and shoot whoever we don't like, can't stand, or whatever; and when it's all over, the survivors (if any) can try putting the country back together-what's left of it? Would that be satisfactory to all of you on both sides who want to just get the guns or the ropes, and have at it? Makes as much sense as decrying vigilante justice on one hand, while advocating a return to lynching with the other, if you ask me. Can't we please, please, just have a civili discussion of this case for a few minutes, without everyone injecting their own feelings into it, and trying to substitute emotions for facts? Nah, probably not....

All true. Unemotional response: why wasn't more forensic evidence retrieved? Funding maybe?
What "more forensic" evidence are you talking about?

Are you privy to any forensic reports?
All true. Unemotional response: why wasn't more forensic evidence retrieved? Funding maybe?

The Az Ice Tea Can
Martin Body
Single shell casing
Readily surrendered weapon

What else is there ?

BAC/drug tests on killer, killer's clothing, witness BAC & drug tests, polygraph tests of willing witnesses. DNA samples, voice stress tests, the list can go on.
All true. Unemotional response: why wasn't more forensic evidence retrieved? Funding maybe?

The Az Ice Tea Can
Martin Body
Single shell casing
Readily surrendered weapon

What else is there ?

BAC/drug tests on killer, killer's clothing, witness BAC & drug tests, polygraph tests of willing witnesses. DNA samples, voice stress tests, the list can go on.
It's confirmed. You ARE intentionally obtuse.

That is dishonest.

Yet again: NO BAC tests can be done on ANYONE without probable cause or their consent. IT IS ILLEGAL to do so.

What DNA samples? And why?

What polygraph tests? Why?
All true. Unemotional response: why wasn't more forensic evidence retrieved? Funding maybe?

The Az Ice Tea Can
Martin Body
Single shell casing
Readily surrendered weapon

What else is there ?

BAC/drug tests on killer, killer's clothing, witness BAC & drug tests, polygraph tests of willing witnesses. DNA samples, voice stress tests, the list can go on.

have to arrest to take BAC/drug
killers clothing = had it
witness BAC / drug = wut
DNA on AZ Tea Can
polygraph witness ? are they lying ?
Voice Stress Test = wut

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