That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.


He was never convicted in court.

Any other time you libtard stupid asses would be screaming that priors are irrelevant, but now they are because it suits you.

Just like the feminazi mantra 'a woman would never lie about rape' got buried deep during Clintons tenure.

Bunch of fucking hypocritical lying bastards.
That he wasn't convicted doesn't mean he doesn't have a history

Convictions are the only history that is relevant, dipstick.

A cop can arrest you for ANYTHING, but it doesnt mean that you actually did jackshit.

Apparently they can't arrest you for shooting an unarmed black kid.
Why do you lie?

Disagreement with your bullshit does not equate to a lie.

He was a junior and he wasn't on the high school football team.

He was 17 and was on the high school football team, ignoramus.

Why don't you just call him a gorilla like you want to?

Projection much?

I bet you'd see a black toddler and insist he was a hulking seven foot tall killer.

It is interesting that when libtards like you cant find the facts to support themselves you just make shit up and project it on the ones arguing with you.

Stupid does not even come close to describing that sort of behavior.
Apparently they can't arrest you for shooting an unarmed black kid.

Of course they can, and they do.

They just dont do it when that kid is around 6'2", is on the high school football team and knocked his victim to the ground from behind and then started punching and kicking the victim.

I'll ask you the same question I have yet to see any libtard answer:

How bad does a person have to be beaten before they are allowed to use a gun to defend themselves?

Till they're bleeding on the ground?

Till they are unconscious?

No right at all?

I am fairly sure your just posturing to have some imagined role on the lynch Zimmerman bandwagon, but just in case you are actually thinking about the remote possibility of fairness here.

lol, I know, who am I kidding? You dont give a shit.
Why do you lie?

Disagreement with your bullshit does not equate to a lie.

He was a junior and he wasn't on the high school football team.

He was 17 and was on the high school football team, ignoramus.

Why don't you just call him a gorilla like you want to?

Projection much?

I bet you'd see a black toddler and insist he was a hulking seven foot tall killer.

It is interesting that when libtards like you cant find the facts to support themselves you just make shit up and project it on the ones arguing with you.

Stupid does not even come close to describing that sort of behavior.
I see you couldn't answer the question.

Trayvon was 6-foot-3, 140 pounds, a former Optimist League football player with a narrow frame and a voracious appetite. He wanted to fly or fix planes, struggled in chemistry, loved sports video games and went to New York for the first time two summers ago, seeing the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and a Broadway musical, The Addams Family. He hoped to attend the University of Miami or Florida A&M University, enamored by both schools’ bright orange and green hues.

Trayvon Martin: a typical teen who loved video games, looked forward to prom - Trayvon Martin -

In case you are too stupid to know what Optimist football is, look it up.

He was a tall, skinny teen. And you are a racist liar.
This is pretty much what a leftist lynch mob looks like. No facts, not the truth, certainly not the evidence, just a mindless lynch mob.

I haven't seen the likes of this since the Duke Lacross players were on trial.
Wow... this is simply amazing. I sit here and I watch the hysterical left scream about how this is so horrible. And I agree with them in one respect... IT IS HORRIBLE. This kid did not deserve to die. He did not deserve to be accosted by this guy and then shot. If Zimmerman is guilty of something illegal, then prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and if that includes the BIG SLEEP, then so be it. But to turn this into a left vs right issue is just ludicrous. But then again, I am dealing with the hysterical left...

I have to tell you... if I could be heard over the ridiculous wailing and knashing of teeth and accusations of "RACIST" (The lefts worn out label for those who do not agree with them). The "stand your ground" Florida law does not apply to this situation. Zimmerman did NOT stand his ground. Despite being told otherwise by the dispatcher, he got out of his vehicle and he pursued the young man. How is that "stand your ground"? The simple fact is that it isn't. The law was designed so that if you are on your property or out in public and someone APPOACHES YOU AND you feel that your life is threatened, you are not required to RETREAT before applying deadly force.

Also, the Sanford police department did not arrest Zimmerman. Okay, they go to the scene and the kid is dead and the ONLY WITNESS to what occurred is Zimmerman. What did he tell the cops originally? Kind of tough to find probable cause for an arrest when your only witness at the moment turns out to be the accused. Not too many people come right out and tell you AT THE SCENE, "Yeah, I shot him and had no reason to." Watch NCIS too much perhaps? Sometimes it takes days and days and days to collect all the information and then decide what to do. And usually it's not the cops who decide, it's the local District Attorney. Could they have done better... ABSOLUTELY. But to say that the Sanford Police Department is patently racist because they didn't make an arrest at the scene is extreme ignorance at the very least.

You know here in Tulsa, there was a 19 year old white kid and his 18 year old white girl friend. They were attending Rhema Bible College and they just happened to be at a park walking around the trails. Two black men, ages 19 and 21 confront them. Didn't know these two from Adam, had never met them before, just randomly picked them out. These maggots make them kneel down and execute both of them with a single shot to the back of the head. Then the guys drive off in the kids car. Funny, I don't remember any marches or protests or anything else. I didn't see the Reverand Al organizing a "million Bible student" march down Main Street.

What I would hate to be is the detective and the Chief of the Sanford PD. No matter what they did, how they did it, or anything else... They are going to be wrong. This is a politcal assasination. They're toast...
Wow... this is simply amazing. I sit here and I watch the hysterical left scream about how this is so horrible. And I agree with them in one respect... IT IS HORRIBLE. This kid did not deserve to die. He did not deserve to be accosted by this guy and then shot. If Zimmerman is guilty of something illegal, then prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and if that includes the BIG SLEEP, then so be it. But to turn this into a left vs right issue is just ludicrous. But then again, I am dealing with the hysterical left...

I have to tell you... if I could be heard over the ridiculous wailing and knashing of teeth and accusations of "RACIST" (The lefts worn out label for those who do not agree with them). The "stand your ground" Florida law does not apply to this situation. Zimmerman did NOT stand his ground. Despite being told otherwise by the dispatcher, he got out of his vehicle and he pursued the young man. How is that "stand your ground"? The simple fact is that it isn't. The law was designed so that if you are on your property or out in public and someone APPOACHES YOU AND you feel that your life is threatened, you are not required to RETREAT before applying deadly force.

Also, the Sanford police department did not arrest Zimmerman. Okay, they go to the scene and the kid is dead and the ONLY WITNESS to what occurred is Zimmerman. What did he tell the cops originally? Kind of tough to find probable cause for an arrest when your only witness at the moment turns out to be the accused. Not too many people come right out and tell you AT THE SCENE, "Yeah, I shot him and had no reason to." Watch NCIS too much perhaps? Sometimes it takes days and days and days to collect all the information and then decide what to do. And usually it's not the cops who decide, it's the local District Attorney. Could they have done better... ABSOLUTELY. But to say that the Sanford Police Department is patently racist because they didn't make an arrest at the scene is extreme ignorance at the very least.

You know here in Tulsa, there was a 19 year old white kid and his 18 year old white girl friend. They were attending Rhema Bible College and they just happened to be at a park walking around the trails. Two black men, ages 19 and 21 confront them. Didn't know these two from Adam, had never met them before, just randomly picked them out. These maggots make them kneel down and execute both of them with a single shot to the back of the head. Then the guys drive off in the kids car. Funny, I don't remember any marches or protests or anything else. I didn't see the Reverand Al organizing a "million Bible student" march down Main Street.

What I would hate to be is the detective and the Chief of the Sanford PD. No matter what they did, how they did it, or anything else... They are going to be wrong. This is a politcal assasination. They're toast...

You won't see this kind of phonied up outrage when it's a white victim. There is an acceptance of reality that the white victim deserved it for being white. No one says it, but it's there. You won't see anyone demanding "justice" for a white victim. Indeed people would be embarassed to say that.
He was a tall, skinny teen. And you are a racist liar.

Other reports say he was on the high school football team, and it doesnt matter anyuway as you admit he was 6'3", but 140?

Jesus Christ, my daughter weighs 120 at 5'3" and she is a gymnist!

You are so stupid you cant see the implausible factoids you throw around like horse manure on a farm.

BTW, dumbass, do you have any clue why the high school sealed Martins records?

Could it be that there are facts there that would undermine this witch hunt for Zimmerman?

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He was a tall, skinny teen. And you are a racist liar.

Other reports say he was on the high school football team, and it doesnt matter anyuway as you admit he was 6'3", but 140?

Jesus Christ, my daughter weighs 120 at 5'3" and she is a gymnist!

You are so stupid you cant see the implausible factoids you throw around likke horse manure on a farm.

BTW, dumbass, do you have any clue why the high school sealed Martins records?

Could it be that there are facts there that would undermine this witch hunt for Zimmerman?


I would suspect that the Records are sealed because he was a Minor.
Wow... this is simply amazing. I sit here and I watch the hysterical left scream about how this is so horrible. And I agree with them in one respect... IT IS HORRIBLE. This kid did not deserve to die. He did not deserve to be accosted by this guy and then shot. If Zimmerman is guilty of something illegal, then prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and if that includes the BIG SLEEP, then so be it. But to turn this into a left vs right issue is just ludicrous. But then again, I am dealing with the hysterical left...

The police saw no reason to arrest Zimmerman because he had a bleeding wound to the back of his head, a broken bleeding nose, and physical evidence that showed he was on the ground with someone on top of him.

As to who accosted who, there is no evidence either way, but Martins girlfriend did say that Trayvon approached Zimmerman first and asked him why he was following him.

I have to tell you... if I could be heard over the ridiculous wailing and knashing of teeth and accusations of "RACIST" (The lefts worn out label for those who do not agree with them). The "stand your ground" Florida law does not apply to this situation. Zimmerman did NOT stand his ground. Despite being told otherwise by the dispatcher, he got out of his vehicle and he pursued the young man. How is that "stand your ground"? The simple fact is that it isn't. The law was designed so that if you are on your property or out in public and someone APPOACHES YOU AND you feel that your life is threatened, you are not required to RETREAT before applying deadly force.

You have the sequence wrong here, as I understand it. Zimmerman had gotten out of his vehicle and began pursuing Martin and the dispatcher asked him what he ws doing, you could hear him pant, he said he was chasing the kid, and the dispatcher said dont do that.

Zimmerman agreed and then hung up. According to Zimmerman he then was going back to his truck when the kid approached him and asked why he was chasing. Zimmerman then asked him what he was doing in the area, they finished the conversation and Zimmerman resumed heading to his truck and wanted to read the name on a street sign. Then BOOM he got hit in the back of the head, knocked to the ground with a bleeding wound and then Martin began beating him. Zimmerman yelled for help but no help came and finally shot the kid to stop him.

Also, the Sanford police department did not arrest Zimmerman. Okay, they go to the scene and the kid is dead and the ONLY WITNESS to what occurred is Zimmerman. What did he tell the cops originally? Kind of tough to find probable cause for an arrest when your only witness at the moment turns out to be the accused.

There was another witness who saw Zimmerman on the ground and Martin kicking him and punching him.

But to say that the Sanford Police Department is patently racist because they didn't make an arrest at the scene is extreme ignorance at the very least.

But typical for the hysterical racist libtards.

You know here in Tulsa, there was a 19 year old white kid and his 18 year old white girl friend. They were attending Rhema Bible College and they just happened to be at a park walking around the trails. Two black men, ages 19 and 21 confront them. Didn't know these two from Adam, had never met them before, just randomly picked them out. These maggots make them kneel down and execute both of them with a single shot to the back of the head. Then the guys drive off in the kids car. Funny, I don't remember any marches or protests or anything else. I didn't see the Reverand Al organizing a "million Bible student" march down Main Street.

Well, dont hold your breath.

This is the true nature of the leftist Jacobin scum:
Oz Conservative: Did South Africa's President sing a kill the Boer song?
Did South Africa's President sing a kill the Boer song?

This has not been in the news at all in Australia. It appears that the South African President, Jacob Zuma, sang a song earlier this year which contains the phrase "kill the Boer" - the term "Boer" referring either to farmers or to white men.

The song has already been ruled to be hate speech by the South African courts. Another politician in South Africa, Julius Malema, was convicted of hate speech by a court in September of last year for singing the song.

A group representing the Boer population has lodged a formal complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission against the President for singing the song.

It's a particularly serious issue in South Africa, as 3000 white farmers have been murdered in that country since the mid-90s.

Yeah dont wait for any leftwing nutballs or Hollyweird hypocrits to bring this up any time soon.
What I would hate to be is the detective and the Chief of the Sanford PD. No matter what they did, how they did it, or anything else... They are going to be wrong. This is a politcal assasination. They're toast...

The libtards are quite OK with human sacrifice if it advances the cause. (Neocons too while on the topic just for fairness.)
He was a tall, skinny teen. And you are a racist liar.

Other reports say he was on the high school football team, and it doesnt matter anyuway as you admit he was 6'3", but 140?

Jesus Christ, my daughter weighs 120 at 5'3" and she is a gymnist!

You are so stupid you cant see the implausible factoids you throw around likke horse manure on a farm.

BTW, dumbass, do you have any clue why the high school sealed Martins records?

Could it be that there are facts there that would undermine this witch hunt for Zimmerman?


I would suspect that the Records are sealed because he was a Minor.

So why didnt the school seal the records of the Georgia high school kids that held a private prom party and got reamed as racists for not inviting any blacks? Their names and personal info was all over the place.

The press could get this information if they wanted to. But it doesnt support their crusade against legal self defense.
Other reports say he was on the high school football team, and it doesnt matter anyuway as you admit he was 6'3", but 140?

Jesus Christ, my daughter weighs 120 at 5'3" and she is a gymnist!

You are so stupid you cant see the implausible factoids you throw around likke horse manure on a farm.

BTW, dumbass, do you have any clue why the high school sealed Martins records?

Could it be that there are facts there that would undermine this witch hunt for Zimmerman?


I would suspect that the Records are sealed because he was a Minor.

So why didnt the school seal the records of the Georgia high school kids that held a private prom party and got reamed as racists for not inviting any blacks? Their names and personal info was all over the place.

The press could get this information if they wanted to. But it doesnt support their crusade against legal self defense.

Apples and Oranges. Still, my personal opinion is that it was wrong to release the personal information of Minors, placing them at risk. Two wrongs don't make a Right.

That said, study of Personal History should be relevant to Official Investigation, which should not include Us at this time.
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

This section of the law does allow anyone to use deadly force if he thinks it's necessary to defend himself in any place but Zimmerman did not act reasonably when he left his vehicle to pursue the teen. Sen. Chris Smith said he is preparing a bill that would not allow a self-defense claim in cases where the shooter appeared to provoke the victim.

That's all well and good, but if that was enacted tomorrow, the current statute, not the new one, would STILL apply to this case, and it says nothing about "provocation", no matter what Sen. Smith (or you) WISHES it said. The U.S. Constitution specifically forbids any Ex Post Facto law. Google it, if you don't know what that means.
Maybe the whole idea of a trial needs to be scrapped for the leftist vision of popular opinion. Just quick sham trials with a foregone outcome.
The police saw no reason to arrest Zimmerman because he had a bleeding wound to the back of his head, a broken bleeding nose, and physical evidence that showed he was on the ground with someone on top of him. As to who accosted who, there is no evidence either way, but Martins girlfriend did say that Trayvon approached Zimmerman first and asked him why he was following him.

It looks like Zimmerman was violently attacked by the teen who was taller than him and he reasonably believed that his life was threatened. Martin was suspended from high school and he was also looking for trouble when he went outside the gated community at night.

Obama: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids. And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened."
The police saw no reason to arrest Zimmerman because he had a bleeding wound to the back of his head, a broken bleeding nose, and physical evidence that showed he was on the ground with someone on top of him. As to who accosted who, there is no evidence either way, but Martins girlfriend did say that Trayvon approached Zimmerman first and asked him why he was following him.

It looks like Zimmerman was violently attacked by the teen who was taller than him and he reasonably believed that his life was threatened. Martin was suspended from high school and he was also looking for trouble when he went outside the gated community at night.

Obama: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids. And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened."

Do you have any proof of the rubbish you posted?
The problem is, no one is willing to find out exactly what happened. If, in finding out exactly what happened, it is discovered that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense, then what? Should Zimmerman be found guilty whether or not he is guilty simply to satisfy some element of social justice?
The police saw no reason to arrest Zimmerman because he had a bleeding wound to the back of his head, a broken bleeding nose, and physical evidence that showed he was on the ground with someone on top of him. As to who accosted who, there is no evidence either way, but Martins girlfriend did say that Trayvon approached Zimmerman first and asked him why he was following him.

It looks like Zimmerman was violently attacked by the teen who was taller than him and he reasonably believed that his life was threatened. Martin was suspended from high school and he was also looking for trouble when he went outside the gated community at night.

Obama: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids. And I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened."

Do you have any proof of the rubbish you posted?
The police report indicates that Zimmerman had wounds on his head - treated at the scene, so not so serious - but I haven't seen anything that indicates the boy was suspended from HS or looking for trouble. The kid WAS looking for Skittles and iced tea. Yeah, real trouble there. :rolleyes:

The kid was minding his own business. The freaky Zimmerman thought he was up to no good, followed him (within the law), somehow got head injuries, and ended up shooting him.

And, the law seems to allow for this.

That is very wrong, in my book.
The problem is, no one is willing to find out exactly what happened. If, in finding out exactly what happened, it is discovered that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense, then what? Should Zimmerman be found guilty whether or not he is guilty simply to satisfy some element of social justice?

I need you to explain to me how he was acting in self defense if he himself was following this boy and stalking him.
The police saw no reason to arrest Zimmerman because he had a bleeding wound to the back of his head, a broken bleeding nose, and physical evidence that showed he was on the ground with someone on top of him. As to who accosted who, there is no evidence either way, but Martins girlfriend did say that Trayvon approached Zimmerman first and asked him why he was following him.

It looks like Zimmerman was violently attacked by the teen who was taller than him and he reasonably believed that his life was threatened. Martin was suspended from high school and he was also looking for trouble when he went outside the gated community at night.

Do you have any proof of the rubbish you posted?

I still cannot post links but the US media reported that he was suspended from Michael M. Krop Senior High in Miami and his parents refused to elaborate on the issue. Martin was visiting with his father living in a gated community and he did not know the area well.

"Trayvon Martin was suspended from the school at the time of his death. The school and the teen’s family have refused to comment on the reason for the suspension. The Orlando Sentinel has reported Martin was suspended for tardiness, not misbehavior."

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