That OKC bombing is starting to look a little suspicious now

It only took about seven years from the date of arrest until McVeigh's execution. That's pretty fast for any jurisdiction especially the feds. The average time to execute a prisoner in federal custody is about 25 years +. Maybe they wanted to shut him up before he blabbed but the media didn't make an effort to talk to him anyway. McVeigh's political motivation is still blurry. He may or may not have belonged to some revolutionary group that might have been left wing as well as right wing. There is something fishy about the ATF's role in this tragedy. Indications are that the ATF warned judges in the Murrah building not to hold court that day and the ATF office was abandoned when the bomb went off. McVeigh couldn't have driven his car and the bomb truck at the same time so where was John Doe #2? The feds aren't that good but they had McVeigh in custody within hours of the bombing so it seems that they knew who they were after but how did they know? The ATF's role in Ruby Ridge and Waco and the insanity of Op. Fast/Furious indicates a failure in leadership to say the least so a credible theory is that McVeigh might have been recruited by undercover ATF agents in a bomb making plot and the whole thing blew up (literally).
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To find out the truth on okalahoma,you should watch the video A Noble Lie.Oklahoma City.great documentary.

it’s just a matter of time before the mods move this to the conspiracy theories section,anything that has facts that don’t support the governments version of events are always considered conspiracy theories around here. :cuckoo:

assisted federal investigators?? investigating deutsche bank? well that doesn't sound right.
It only took about seven years from the date of arrest until McVeigh's execution. That's pretty fast for any jurisdiction especially the feds. The average time to execute a prisoner in federal custody is about 25 years +. Maybe they wanted to shut him up before he blabbed but the media didn't make an effort to talk to him anyway. McVeigh's political motivation is still blurry. He may or may not have belonged to some revolutionary group that might have been left wing as well as right wing. There is something fishy about the ATF's role in this tragedy. Indications are that the ATF warned judges in the Murrah building not to hold court that day and the ATF office was abandoned when the bomb went off. McVeigh couldn't have driven his car and the bomb truck at the same time so where was John Doe #2? The feds aren't that good but they had McVeigh in custody within hours of the bombing so it seems that they knew who they were after but how did they know? The ATF's role in Ruby Ridge and Waco and the insanity of Op. Fast/Furious indicates a failure in leadership to say the least so a credible theory is that McVeigh might have been recruited by undercover ATF agents in a bomb making plot and the whole thing blew up (literally).
Oh, STFU! McVeigh dropped all of his appeals and asked to be executed. We just granted his wish. You don't know shit, do you?

Did you ever think that no ATF or FBI agents were killed in the bombing because they did not have offices in the Murrah Federal Building?

Your conspiracy theory holds even less water than a 9/11 Truther.

Let it go!

you FIB employees were in the office that day.

and now that i think about it....the JFK assassination, Nine-Eleven.....those conspiracy theories are starting to look a little more like Conspiracy reality. Sandy Hook?
Did the FBI have an office at the Murrah building?
I was living in Oklahoma at the time of the OKC bombing, and saw a local TV interview with the people at the place the truck was rented from.
They said there was 3 people who rented the vehicle.
A week or two later after McVeigh and Nichols were arrested and said to be the only ones involved in the bombing.
The FBI said the people had gotten confused and there wasn't a 3rd person involved in the truck rental, just McVeigh and Nichols.
That's when I knew the truth was never going to see the light of day.
Actually, I believe it was the ATF that had offices in the Murrah building.
Which was the agency McVeigh wanted revenge on for their siege on the Branch Davidians compound and subsequent deaths at Waco, Tx.
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I used to laugh at conspiracy theories. I don't anymore. Not after what i've seen over the past 6 years.

It's very possible that OKC was set up by FIB/CIA in order to destroy evidence from Reno's waco and ruby ridge debacle.

There are ways to destroy evidence. And there are ways to make something much worse.
ATF and DEA work 'very closely' with the FIB. Their words NOT MINE. Now you can mince words if you like on that one.
Oh, STFU! McVeigh dropped all of his appeals and asked to be executed. We just granted his wish. You don't know shit, do you?

Did you ever think that no ATF or FBI agents were killed in the bombing because they did not have offices in the Murrah Federal Building?

Your conspiracy theory holds even less water than a 9/11 Truther.

Let it go!
The FBI did not. The ATF DID.

His questions make more sense than the conspiracy theories posted on here by others.

The bombing is one of the fee events where a conspiracy might have occurred to cover some things up. That statement in no way means the government perpetrated the actual bombing.

The questions about Mcveighs car should have been explored and answered before his death. He did have a get away vehicle in OKC which he used to flee immediately ater the bombing. He was caught because it had no license plates. He was cruising along the interstate and a state trooper pulled him over and arrested him. This was before anyone knew who he was. When they realized he was a suspect he was already in custody.

The question is when did he place the get away car there and why no plates? Maybe the car had plates and they were stolen. Maybe he drove to OKC to recon the target and left the car there. Either way some answers would be nice.

Who was john doe number 2? This is the biggest question and proof of an outright lie by the government.

Many witnesses from Michigan to OKC clearly identified the same guy traveling WITH Mcveigh so who the hell was he and what became of him? The governnent ignores him and basically assumes he did not exist. Witnesses were reliable enough to make great composite drawings of Mcveigh but IMAGINED the other guy at least according to the government. We know it was not Terry Nichols who stayed in Michigan so who was it?

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