The 1%'s have more money than me and I DONT CARE

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.
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I suspect large print is in order tho
Aw, c'mon......even an old-fart, like you, must still have a lil' o' the ol' "conservative"-masochist (in you), and enjoy a good smackin'-around, from-time-to-time.

My financial future is in a very solid position.
However, I do have a huge problem with the fact that the very few are gobbling up more and more of the share of the US's National Income. In 2010, the working class's share of the National Income was at a record low. This is not healthy for the US economy or for future generations. Two of the benefits of capitalism don't fit today's world. ("Creates a higher standard of living for all" and"Narrows the gap between common person and wealthy"). No wonder capitalism as it was meant to be is struggling in the US.
Grampa, it's gotten very hard for people to achieve when the job market is so bad. For 4 of every job seekers, there are no jobs, period.

"The total number of job openings in June was 2.9 million, while Current Population Survey data for that month shows that the total number of unemployed workers was 14.6 million. This means that the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings was 5.0-to-1, a slight improvement from the revised May ratio of 5.1-to-1. Importantly, this ratio does not measure the number of applicants for each job. There may be throngs of applicants for every job posting, since job seekers apply for multiple jobs. The 5-to-1 ratio means that there is literally only one job opening for every five unemployed workers (that is, for every four out of five unemployed workers there simply are no jobs).
For four out of five unemployed workers, there are no jobs | Economic Policy Institute

Flat wages are bad and the lack of jobs is very, very bad, especially when American companies are highly profitable and sitting on trillions of dollars of cash. That is capitalism gone bad.
I's always happy when my fellow human does good for himself.

So long as he didn't screw anybody along the way.
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My financial future is in a very solid position.
However, I do have a huge problem with the fact that the very few are gobbling up more and more of the share of the US's National Income. In 2010, the working class's share of the National Income was at a record low. This is not healthy for the US economy or for future generations. Two of the benefits of capitalism don't fit today's world. ("Creates a higher standard of living for all" and"Narrows the gap between common person and wealthy"). No wonder capitalism as it was meant to be is struggling in the US.
Grampa, it's gotten very hard for people to achieve when the job market is so bad. For 4 of every job seekers, there are no jobs, period.

"The total number of job openings in June was 2.9 million, while Current Population Survey data for that month shows that the total number of unemployed workers was 14.6 million. This means that the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings was 5.0-to-1, a slight improvement from the revised May ratio of 5.1-to-1. Importantly, this ratio does not measure the number of applicants for each job. There may be throngs of applicants for every job posting, since job seekers apply for multiple jobs. The 5-to-1 ratio means that there is literally only one job opening for every five unemployed workers (that is, for every four out of five unemployed workers there simply are no jobs).
For four out of five unemployed workers, there are no jobs | Economic Policy Institute

Flat wages are bad and the lack of jobs is very, very bad, especially when American companies are highly profitable and sitting on trillions of dollars of cash. That is capitalism gone bad.

That's the American dream for the left. Myself, rather than whine about the plight of the poor (which I was) I made changes in my life and took risks to better my situation. All the complaining in the world changes nothing. Actions do.
I's always happy when my fellow human does good for himself.

So long as he didn't screw anybody along the way.

Painting the rich with a broad brush to elevate the poor screws the poor. Only they can elevate themselves from their situation.

Bernie Maddoff didn't burn the poor he stole from the rich. He was a criminal. Sam walton is not. Learn to draw a proper distinction.
That's the American dream for the left. Myself, rather than whine about the plight of the poor (which I was) I made changes in my life and took risks to better my situation. All the complaining in the world changes nothing. Actions do.

You're drawing the distinction in the wrong place. Two wrong places. Nobody disagrees that when faced with difficult problems, taking action and bettering your situation is the way to fix things. Also, the problem with the 1% is not that they "make more money than others." Obviously, that's always going to be true; if income gaps are narrowed to the more reasonable point they once were, the richest 1% will still make more money than anyone else, by definition.

The problem is that it's much harder than it should be for people to take action to remedy their circumstances. Labor should be better rewarded than it is, and opportunities should be more widely available.

The problem is that the richest 1% make so MUCH more than others, and take so high a percentage of the total income, that it is hurting the economy by depressing consumer demand, as well as making it harder for others to take action to remedy their circumstances.
I's always happy when my fellow human does good for himself.

So long as he didn't screw anybody along the way.

Painting the rich with a broad brush to elevate the poor screws the poor. Only they can elevate themselves from their situation.

Bernie Maddoff didn't burn the poor he stole from the rich. He was a criminal. Sam walton is not. Learn to draw a proper distinction.

How do you deduce that from what I wrote?

Something tells me you got a bit of a chip on your shoulder there gramps.
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My financial future is in a very solid position.
However, I do have a huge problem with the fact that the very few are gobbling up more and more of the share of the US's National Income. In 2010, the working class's share of the National Income was at a record low. This is not healthy for the US economy or for future generations. Two of the benefits of capitalism don't fit today's world. ("Creates a higher standard of living for all" and"Narrows the gap between common person and wealthy"). No wonder capitalism as it was meant to be is struggling in the US.
Grampa, it's gotten very hard for people to achieve when the job market is so bad. For 4 of every job seekers, there are no jobs, period.

"The total number of job openings in June was 2.9 million, while Current Population Survey data for that month shows that the total number of unemployed workers was 14.6 million. This means that the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings was 5.0-to-1, a slight improvement from the revised May ratio of 5.1-to-1. Importantly, this ratio does not measure the number of applicants for each job. There may be throngs of applicants for every job posting, since job seekers apply for multiple jobs. The 5-to-1 ratio means that there is literally only one job opening for every five unemployed workers (that is, for every four out of five unemployed workers there simply are no jobs).
For four out of five unemployed workers, there are no jobs | Economic Policy Institute

Flat wages are bad and the lack of jobs is very, very bad, especially when American companies are highly profitable and sitting on trillions of dollars of cash. That is capitalism gone bad.

Exactly. Most of this board probably has more money than me - that wouldn't be the point.

Nobody cared about the rich until they kept getting richer and the middle class started losing ground. Once things are back to normal, nobody will care about the rich some more.
I'm not jealous or greedy. It's their money and their ingenuity that enabled them to aquire their wealth. I am responsible for me and me alone. It is not my job to worry about the wealthy or the poor. I donate to the poor and congratulate the rich. When I'm not doing that I'm trying to better my own life rather than obsessing about everyone else. The rich haven't held me back but rather provided the opportunity for me to take my first few steps to self reliance by providing me my first few jobs. Unlike many I wasn't content with minimum wage and educated myself so that I could become more.

I feel sorry for those of you who have no self confidence and choose to blame everyone else for your own situation. If "I" an excon can make it to a six figure income then there are no excuses for anyone else. Your lack of achievements are your own fault. Suck it up and do something about it.

I started a thread with this, it didn't get any traction, I think it makes your point...[ame=]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]
Did anyone ever stop to think that the income differences are a direct result of govt involvement where it doesn't belong? It isn't the rich causing the split.

For instance the govt has made access to money for education and housing so cheap that it is driving up the prices to an insane level. Access artificially drives up demand which in turn inflated the costs. Eventually leading to the bubble being unable to support its own weight. Then the ensuing collapse trickles down to everything and everyone else. Obviously the poor are hit the hardest because they have less of a cushion to rely on. Hardly the fault of the rich. Our govt has oppressed the poor for generations and the rich who were smart enough to avoid the traps have become the scapegoats.

I was as poor as you can get. I had 100 dollars given to me when I was released from prison. It took several years to escape my poverty but I did it none the less.

I's always happy when my fellow human does good for himself.

So long as he didn't screw anybody along the way.

That pretty-much excludes the hordes o' mortgage-brokers, during the REIGN O' BU$HCO!!!!

[ame=]Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn - YouTube[/ame]

Let's HEAR IT!!.....for the credit-ratings-agencies, as well!!

[ame=]PBS NOW | Credit and Credibility part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
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Did anyone ever stop to think that the income differences are a direct result of govt involvement where it doesn't belong? It isn't the rich causing the split.

Of course it's government action that's causing the problem, but that doesn't mean it's the rich causing the split. The rich and corporations control the government. The government is just the servant of the rich. Also, you seem to have the details wrong.

For instance the govt has made access to money for education and housing so cheap that it is driving up the prices to an insane level.

In order to meet the labor needs of the future, we require a well-educated work force. Part of taking action to better one's circumstances often requires education beyond the high-school level, which has become the norm rather than the exception -- and that's the way it has to be. How would you educate the entire population (which is pretty much what we have to do) and at the same time NOT make education available to everyone?

I was as poor as you can get. I had 100 dollars given to me when I was released from prison. It took several years to escape my poverty but I did it none the less.


Because the bar is set too high for everyone to make it.
I's always happy when my fellow human does good for himself.

So long as he didn't screw anybody along the way.

Painting the rich with a broad brush to elevate the poor screws the poor. Only they can elevate themselves from their situation.

Bernie Maddoff didn't burn the poor he stole from the rich. He was a criminal. Sam walton is not. Learn to draw a proper distinction.

How do you deduce that from what I wrote?

Something tells me you got a bit of a chip on your shoulder there gramps.

No chip here. Honestly.

Maybe I misunderstood your response but I still think the distinction is worth noting.

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