The 2020 election wasn't 'stolen.' Here are all the facts that prove it.

Read and weep far right wing tards


Chomp on this....

Fox News: Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day.

Only 10,000 ballots and thats still up in the air. I live here in Pa lol, those ballots were already separated and not counted, so Biden still wins Pa.
Of course, you have no evidence of that. What else is new?
What's a "News Punch" dude?


Read and weep far right wing tards


Chomp on this....

Fox News: Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day.

Correction, not even 10,000 ballots lol

"None of the votes affected by the ruling had yet been included in the state’s official tally — which as of Thursday had Joe Biden at a 54,000-vote advantage over Trump.

But it was unclear just how many ballots statewide would now be thrown out.

The number is likely to be vanishingly small compared to the larger pools of votes Republicans are seeking to have tossed in other ongoing court fights across the state.

For instance, in Philadelphia, the state’s largest county, elections officials on Wednesday issued a list of just over 2,100 mail ballots in danger of being disqualified because the voter had not provided proof of ID with their application — typically done by providing a driver’s license number — or the proof they did provide did not match information on voter rolls."

Read and weep far right wing tards


Chomp on this....

Fox News: Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day.

Only 10,000 ballots and thats still up in the air. I live here in Pa lol, those ballots were already separated and not counted, so Biden still wins Pa.
Of course, you have no evidence of that. What else is new?

No evidence ? Those ballots weren't even included in the official tally,

None of the votes affected by the ruling had yet been included in the state’s official tally — which as of Thursday had Joe Biden at a 54,000-vote advantage over Trump.

But it was unclear just how many ballots statewide would now be thrown out.

The number is likely to be vanishingly small compared to the larger pools of votes Republicans are seeking to have tossed in other ongoing court fights across the state.

For instance, in Philadelphia, the state’s largest county, elections officials on Wednesday issued a list of just over 2,100 mail ballots in danger of being disqualified because the voter had not provided proof of ID with their application — typically done by providing a driver’s license number — or the proof they did provide did not match information on voter rolls.

Hope stamped out............................. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
And while some allegations could end up exposing real fraud — because real fraud happens in every election — history shows that such incidents will be few, far between and ultimately inconsequential.

Why are we tolerant of "real fraud happens in every election"?
There's never been a more fraud ridden corrupt election in the history of the country. Dems are totally trying to steal it.
No the only thing unprecedented is how much of pathetic sore losers you all are. You think like children.

Read and weep far right wing tards
If anything I’d like a closer look at Florida and Ohio. Maybe biden won those states. I think 2000 Florida was stolen and Ohio in 2004.

Republicans know cheating goes on because it happens in states that always vote red.
You wish baby---------

BTW, very cute that now no we didn't cheat to well you cheat too comments are popping up. It's called PROJECTING-----and no hun, republicans haven't been doing this type of voter fraud in the millions----this like CHINA level cheating.

Read and weep far right wing tards
If anything I’d like a closer look at Florida and Ohio. Maybe biden won those states. I think 2000 Florida was stolen and Ohio in 2004.

Republicans know cheating goes on because it happens in states that always vote red.

Yup, you don't look any different from those on the right demanding that Trump won.

Funny that so many assure me the left never does this.
2000 is why Trump is paranoid. He knows elections can be stolen. Wouldn't be the first time.

But this one isn't even close. There would have to be massive election fraud in 4 plus states. All I said was Jeb stole Florida for his brother. And it's very clear how he did it. With the help of Chad. Hanging Chad. Katherine Harris.

housands of potential presidential votes were lost in Florida's most error-prone counties because of confusing ballot designs, inconsistent counting methods or because election officials did not look at ballots that were rejected by machines.

The first examination of ballots in the state's 15 counties with the highest rate of discarded votes found more than 1,700 ballots on which a voter's choice for president clearly could be determined.

Another 5,000 presidential votes were thrown out because of voters' mistakes -- likely caused by ballot design flaws or ambiguous instructions -- that made it impossible to be certain for whom they intended to vote.

The 15,596 discarded ballots, examined in a joint project by the Sun-Sentinel, the Orlando Sentinel and the Chicago Tribune, were identified by election officials as "overvotes" or "undervotes," meaning counting machines either detected multiple votes for president or no votes at all.

While all but one of the mostly Republican counties were won by George W. Bush, the study showed that most of the clear votes that were thrown out were for Al Gore. In fact, had canvassing boards tallied those ballots during Florida's long recount, Gore would have seen a net gain of 366 votes -- enough to erase more than two-thirds of Bush's 537-vote winning margin in the entire state.

Why are the democrats going nuts over verifying the vote count?
The hand recount in GA will tell us if the Dominion machines are accurate or bogus.
The courts agree with the GOP that state officials cannot extend the legislature's voting deadline.
The courts are evaluating that if democratic and republican counties were given different instructions regarding correcting ballots, is that legal?

So until we go thru all the issues, the votes count is unofficial. When its official, that's that, who wins wins.

Read and weep far right wing tards
If anything I’d like a closer look at Florida and Ohio. Maybe biden won those states. I think 2000 Florida was stolen and Ohio in 2004.

Republicans know cheating goes on because it happens in states that always vote red.
You wish baby---------

BTW, very cute that now no we didn't cheat to well you cheat too comments are popping up. It's called PROJECTING-----and no hun, republicans haven't been doing this type of voter fraud in the millions----this like CHINA level cheating.
Some people try to commit voter fraud. Voter fraud never swung an election. Republicans don't waste their time trying to vote twice. They just steal Florida and that's election fraud. Voter fraud is not election fraud. Election fraud is much worse.

Imagine what Trump would say if Hunter Biden was Governor of Michigan. Let that sink in. Think about it. He would never accept what happened to Gore in Florida if it happened to him. NEVER. And you guys would have a problem with it too.

Water under the bridge. I'll forgive Republicans for Florida, even though stealing that election led to Bush lying us into Iraq and the greatest recession since the Great Depression.
Why are the democrats going nuts over verifying the vote count?
The hand recount in GA will tell us if the Dominion machines are accurate or bogus.
The courts agree with the GOP that state officials cannot extend the legislature's voting deadline.
The courts are evaluating that if democratic and republican counties were given different instructions regarding correcting ballots, is that legal?

So until we go thru all the issues, the votes count is unofficial. When its official, that's that, who wins wins.
Go ahead and verify. But realize you are just wasting your time. Just like you said Jill Stein needed to give it up now Trump needs to.
Why are the democrats going nuts over verifying the vote count?
The hand recount in GA will tell us if the Dominion machines are accurate or bogus.
The courts agree with the GOP that state officials cannot extend the legislature's voting deadline.
The courts are evaluating that if democratic and republican counties were given different instructions regarding correcting ballots, is that legal?

So until we go thru all the issues, the votes count is unofficial. When its official, that's that, who wins wins.
Go ahead and verify. But realize you are just wasting your time. Just like you said Jill Stein needed to give it up now Trump needs to.
Thank you for your patience. After the final vote count is certified, the election will be over, we're not there yet.

Read and weep far right wing tards
If anything I’d like a closer look at Florida and Ohio. Maybe biden won those states. I think 2000 Florida was stolen and Ohio in 2004.

Republicans know cheating goes on because it happens in states that always vote red.
Support your views! Talk to your congressman. I'm all for checking every fucking state. I want a fair election that is transparent. We didn't have that for the 2020 vote.
Trump lost

Fake news, thats an opinion, not facts.
He is an attorney and election expert. His professional opinion is acceptable as evidence in court.
You don't know much about US law.

See Article VII.

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