The 2nd Civil War

Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...

The only promise I can make is that YOU can count on me candy ass.

You can count on me to oppose the criminally insane sociopaths you support.

Anyone who believes the welfare of the state trumps the welfare of individual citizens is the most repugnant sort of scum on earth. The pathetic sort of servile, self absorbed worms who allowed the Nazis to establish death camps, worked in gulags of the Soviets, and currently torment the people of North Korea.

It's mindless bed wetters like you who would gladly chisel your moonbat messiah's name on the stone of history along with every other mass murdering leftist despot, if not for those of us who keep parasites like you at bay through the Second Amendment you're so desperate to undermine.

Vermin like you disgust me beyond anything words can describe.

Ok, now go back to your padded room, take the pretty pills from the nurse, and relax.
Well, I have no problem with gays, but it is hard to shrug off some of the instinctive reactions for beliefs you shrugged off maybe 2-3 years ago.

I shrugged them off 40 years ago, well actually long before that, I never took well to Catholic teachings.

Yeah well, I'm 20 so I can't shrug off beliefs for twice my lifetime.

Well kid, you can either learn to think for yourself, or remain a slave to the idiocies you were taught as a child. And that is 70 years of experiance talking.
Pete, would I be able to count on you if push came to shove and war broke out? Would you side with the people?

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...

The only promise I can make is that YOU can count on me candy ass.

You can count on me to oppose the criminally insane sociopaths you support.

Anyone who believes the welfare of the state trumps the welfare of individual citizens is the most repugnant sort of scum on earth. The pathetic sort of servile, self absorbed worms who allowed the Nazis to establish death camps, worked in gulags of the Soviets, and currently torment the people of North Korea.

It's mindless bed wetters like you who would gladly chisel your moonbat messiah's name on the stone of history along with every other mass murdering leftist despot, if not for those of us who keep parasites like you at bay through the Second Amendment you're so desperate to undermine.

Vermin like you disgust me beyond anything words can describe.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


:bow2: :bow2: :bow2: :bow2:

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...

The only promise I can make is that YOU can count on me candy ass.

You can count on me to oppose the criminally insane sociopaths you support.

Anyone who believes the welfare of the state trumps the welfare of individual citizens is the most repugnant sort of scum on earth. The pathetic sort of servile, self absorbed worms who allowed the Nazis to establish death camps, worked in gulags of the Soviets, and currently torment the people of North Korea.

It's mindless bed wetters like you who would gladly chisel your moonbat messiah's name on the stone of history along with every other mass murdering leftist despot, if not for those of us who keep parasites like you at bay through the Second Amendment you're so desperate to undermine.

Vermin like you disgust me beyond anything words can describe.

Ok, now go back to your padded room, take the pretty pills from the nurse, and relax.

Yeah Pete...can he count on you? I'm sure you'll be appointed where he thinks you'll serve best...

The only promise I can make is that YOU can count on me candy ass.

You can count on me to oppose the criminally insane sociopaths you support.

Anyone who believes the welfare of the state trumps the welfare of individual citizens is the most repugnant sort of scum on earth. The pathetic sort of servile, self absorbed worms who allowed the Nazis to establish death camps, worked in gulags of the Soviets, and currently torment the people of North Korea.

It's mindless bed wetters like you who would gladly chisel your moonbat messiah's name on the stone of history along with every other mass murdering leftist despot, if not for those of us who keep parasites like you at bay through the Second Amendment you're so desperate to undermine.

Vermin like you disgust me beyond anything words can describe.

Ok, now go back to your padded room, take the pretty pills from the nurse, and relax.

He reminds me of the guy on Happy Gilmore that wanted to break apart Shooter McGavin...I think he played Jaws on the 007 movies. Too funny.

The only promise I can make is that YOU can count on me candy ass.

You can count on me to oppose the criminally insane sociopaths you support.

Anyone who believes the welfare of the state trumps the welfare of individual citizens is the most repugnant sort of scum on earth. The pathetic sort of servile, self absorbed worms who allowed the Nazis to establish death camps, worked in gulags of the Soviets, and currently torment the people of North Korea.

It's mindless bed wetters like you who would gladly chisel your moonbat messiah's name on the stone of history along with every other mass murdering leftist despot, if not for those of us who keep parasites like you at bay through the Second Amendment you're so desperate to undermine.

Vermin like you disgust me beyond anything words can describe.

Ok, now go back to your padded room, take the pretty pills from the nurse, and relax.


You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.

Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.
Ok, now go back to your padded room, take the pretty pills from the nurse, and relax.


You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.
Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

That is part of the's all talk. Real crusaders wouldn't give notice on an obscure message board. It's a vanity pageant with first prize going to the most patriotic except the judges can't spell the word...much less know what it means.

Patriots would never turn on their nation. Never.
You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.

Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

As long as people have enough to eat, a warm place to sleep, TV to distract them, basic creature comforts, they you're right, they won't do anything.

The problem is though, that even a minor crises will result in full scale revolt. We sit on a powder keg, and depend on a public anesthetized by a borrowed lifestyle to keep the lid on it all.

It's not a good, long term strategy.

You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.
Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

That is part of the's all talk. Real crusaders wouldn't give notice on an obscure message board. It's a vanity pageant with first prize going to the most patriotic except the judges can't spell the word...much less know what it means.

Patriots would never turn on their nation. Never.

That's right candyass, probably your best post ever.

It is all talk.

That's all we need to do ATM is talk. Indeed there are "real crusaders" doing things beneath the surface that you would find very unpleasant, and they do not talk about it.

The only "vanity pageant" is the smarmy pseudo intellectual assholes who think witty insults at the expense of their opposition make any difference at all. Your little jab at patriots illustrate that.

Real patriots are comfortable in the country as it was founded. Bed wetting drones such as yourself feel you're above the nation. You're "citizens of the world". Therefore if a massive uprising were to take place against your lot, it will be the nation cleansing itself.

You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.

Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

What did Pete sign up to do, other than lambast candycorn?


Since I've been to counties shattered by civil war I DO NOT RELISH such an event in my homeland. Regardless I don't think it will ultimately be necessary.

The political pendulum has swung against the left. The only reason it went as far left as it has recently was through fraud. Democrooks pretending to be moderate.

Furthermore the only thing that has kept these bed wetting imbeciles alive is that their opponents have a faith in God.

While I share that faith, I can't help but delight that the left is absorbed with homosexuality and infanticide.

Their population will continue to decline, and all we have to do is protect our offspring from their infectious stupidity.

You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.
Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

That is part of the's all talk. Real crusaders wouldn't give notice on an obscure message board. It's a vanity pageant with first prize going to the most patriotic except the judges can't spell the word...much less know what it means.

Patriots would never turn on their nation. Never.

Why post on a message board that has members from across the country, several of which are potentially reactionary like I am? It's not a pageant, it's an awareness campaign, so that when people start hearing of the Sons of Liberty, I know some people at least across the land will stand by me. Simple as that. You love saying a revolt is not feasible, but even less feasible than a full scale revolt is a three man one.
After successful revolutions the defeatists find themselves with multiple choices. The most comfortable one is shipping out. The others are more colourful.

Actually, if my revolt becomes necessary, after we win the war, I planned on issuing full pardons to enemy officers and soldiers and offering them a regular place in the new world order.
After successful revolutions the defeatists find themselves with multiple choices. The most comfortable one is shipping out. The others are more colourful.

Actually, if my revolt becomes necessary, after we win the war, I planned on issuing full pardons to enemy officers and soldiers and offering them a regular place in the new world order.

Sadly, a good way to create a fifth column. Sorta like those humane mouse traps and how they lead to a new infestation.
After successful revolutions the defeatists find themselves with multiple choices. The most comfortable one is shipping out. The others are more colourful.

Actually, if my revolt becomes necessary, after we win the war, I planned on issuing full pardons to enemy officers and soldiers and offering them a regular place in the new world order.

Sadly, a good way to create a fifth column. Sorta like those humane mouse traps and how they lead to a new infestation.

I would have just won a civil war. The government would have to be established again (in a different form) and elections would have to be held. Lands would need repaired and new wounds patched up. I don't want a repeat of the 1st Civil War with animosity still to this day occasionally. How you do that is:
A. Not imprison everybody who stood against you.
B. Pardon those who fought you, unless they committed war crimes.
C. Not put areas that resisted the revolt under martial law for decades.
D. Make people forget why they ever stood against the revolt, as opposed to embracing it. Why go to war against a country with shrinking debt and falling unemployment that serves the people yet again in a reformed country?
For mice the old kind of trap has proven most effective.

Locking them up and throwing away the key? Making the families hate you even more? Which would the people who lost be more likely to fight against, the man who locks up their fathers, husbands, and brothers (and female counterparts), or the man who acts like he is going to lock them up, but then pretends to reconsider and issues the first order, law, rule, whatever of the new country, and says they are to be pardoned for they were just upholding the oaths they swore to follow, then make a big show out of freeing them?
Locking them up and throwing away the key? Making the families hate you even more? Which would the people who lost be more likely to fight against, the man who locks up their fathers, husbands, and brothers (and female counterparts), or the man who acts like he is going to lock them up, but then pretends to reconsider and issues the first order, law, rule, whatever of the new country, and says they are to be pardoned for they were just upholding the oaths they swore to follow, then make a big show out of freeing them?

Really old fashioned traps didn't need locks or keys. They eliminated the problem entirely. That NK fella ain't real nice but we can't deny he is thorough.

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