The 2nd Civil War

A lazy populace is no justification for civil war.

true dat... but when the lazy populace has been energized by the crap they hear from the powers-that-be and the main stream media to demand more'n what they deserve...

and the hard-working producers are feeling like they're being fucked over more and more on a daily basis...

then what...?
Does anyone really believe that the United States military is going to go to war against the American taxpayers who support the US military? If those taxpayers are in FEMA camps then they aren't paying taxes to support the military and the military goes bankrupt, making the invasion entirely pointless.

The 2nd civil war is ongoing and currently has a death toll around 30k gun deaths per year. The problem is that no one knows who we're fighting or why.
Does anyone really believe that the United States military is going to go to war against the American taxpayers who support the US military? If those taxpayers are in FEMA camps then they aren't paying taxes to support the military and the military goes bankrupt, making the invasion entirely pointless.

The 2nd civil war is ongoing and currently has a death toll around 30k gun deaths per year. The problem is that no one knows who we're fighting or why.

that's just about the stupidest post I've seen all week...

'n, btw... if you insist on making it all about deaths per year...

let's talk about highway deaths...
Do you honestly expect the US military to take over the United States? The "revolution" would be won as soon as everyone stopped going to work and paying taxes.

As it stands, the US military doesn't need to invade the US because the controlling interests of the US government have everyone fighting against each other over nothing.
Does anyone really believe that the United States military is going to go to war against the American taxpayers who support the US military? If those taxpayers are in FEMA camps then they aren't paying taxes to support the military and the military goes bankrupt, making the invasion entirely pointless.

The 2nd civil war is ongoing and currently has a death toll around 30k gun deaths per year. The problem is that no one knows who we're fighting or why.

You want to include accidents and suicides in the gun deaths and call it a 2nd civil war?

That is ridiculous. If you want to talk about firearm violence, at least use honest numbers.
When the masters choose to start a civil war rest assured that they will be leading BOTH SIDES of it.
Does anyone really believe that the United States military is going to go to war against the American taxpayers who support the US military? If those taxpayers are in FEMA camps then they aren't paying taxes to support the military and the military goes bankrupt, making the invasion entirely pointless.

The 2nd civil war is ongoing and currently has a death toll around 30k gun deaths per year. The problem is that no one knows who we're fighting or why.

that's just about the stupidest post I've seen all week...

'n, btw... if you insist on making it all about deaths per year...

let's talk about highway deaths...

OK. Gun deaths due to overtake highway deaths next year.

American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.
Does anyone really believe that the United States military is going to go to war against the American taxpayers who support the US military? If those taxpayers are in FEMA camps then they aren't paying taxes to support the military and the military goes bankrupt, making the invasion entirely pointless.

The 2nd civil war is ongoing and currently has a death toll around 30k gun deaths per year. The problem is that no one knows who we're fighting or why.

that's just about the stupidest post I've seen all week...

'n, btw... if you insist on making it all about deaths per year...

let's talk about highway deaths...

OK. Gun deaths due to overtake highway deaths next year.

American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.

The majority of gun related deaths occur in our inner cities where there are no jobs, no education, no positive role models, but a lot of welfare, foodstamps, and free cheese.

Take the gang and drug violence out of the numbers and they become insignificant.

Our gun death numbers are directly proportional to the numbers of ghetto kids with no place to go and nothing to do.
I would like to see a link concerning the 33k gun deaths.

The only way you can come up with that number is by including all accidental deaths, suicides, criminals shot by law enforcement ect.
You do realize they won't do anything, right britpat? Despite what they say, when push-comes to shove, which seems to be the crux of Candycorn's argument.
Despite the boring invectives thrown out by Pete, he won't do anything.

That is part of the's all talk. Real crusaders wouldn't give notice on an obscure message board. It's a vanity pageant with first prize going to the most patriotic except the judges can't spell the word...much less know what it means.

Patriots would never turn on their nation. Never.

Why post on a message board that has members from across the country, several of which are potentially reactionary like I am? It's not a pageant, it's an awareness campaign, so that when people start hearing of the Sons of Liberty, I know some people at least across the land will stand by me. Simple as that. You love saying a revolt is not feasible, but even less feasible than a full scale revolt is a three man one.

And thanks to your posting here, the feds can subpoena your contact info and show up at your house in 6.2 seconds the moment the kids of liberty are tied to anything remotely violent.

This is why there is no point in debating the've a fucking idiot.
A lazy populace is no justification for civil war.

true dat... but when the lazy populace has been energized by the crap they hear from the powers-that-be and the main stream media to demand more'n what they deserve...

and the hard-working producers are feeling like they're being fucked over more and more on a daily basis...

then what...?

Go ahead, start your little one-man rebellion.

Its not going to end well for you.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

The common people in this country are very diverse. The opposite of the GOP, old, alone, done for.

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that's just about the stupidest post I've seen all week...

'n, btw... if you insist on making it all about deaths per year...

let's talk about highway deaths...

OK. Gun deaths due to overtake highway deaths next year.

American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.

The majority of gun related deaths occur in our inner cities where there are no jobs, no education, no positive role models, but a lot of welfare, foodstamps, and free cheese.

Take the gang and drug violence out of the numbers and they become insignificant.

Our gun death numbers are directly proportional to the numbers of ghetto kids with no place to go and nothing to do.

Better still, the ghetto rats exist in such a state because of the policies established by the democrook party. The party of the Klan. The party of envy and hatred.

The desolate areas of the country are governed entirely by democrooks. Only the mindless bed wetters and their victims seem incapable of connecting the only two dots on the paper. It's willful ignorance.

However if the ghetto rats were to suddenly have a collective epiphany, and realize they've been manipulated to loathe the concepts of self reliance, personal responsibility and individual liberty....

I'm not sure who will protect the bed wetters from their victims, but I for one sure the hell won't.

Again, all this talk of "civil war" is insipid. It's almost entirely implausible. Really not worth 41 pages on this forum.
When the masters choose to start a civil war rest assured that they will be leading BOTH SIDES of it.

Unless by "masters" you mean middle-class college students with middle-class parents in a smallish city that has never produced anybody major that has affected the political world, I am going to have to disagree.
That is part of the's all talk. Real crusaders wouldn't give notice on an obscure message board. It's a vanity pageant with first prize going to the most patriotic except the judges can't spell the word...much less know what it means.

Patriots would never turn on their nation. Never.

Why post on a message board that has members from across the country, several of which are potentially reactionary like I am? It's not a pageant, it's an awareness campaign, so that when people start hearing of the Sons of Liberty, I know some people at least across the land will stand by me. Simple as that. You love saying a revolt is not feasible, but even less feasible than a full scale revolt is a three man one.

And thanks to your posting here, the feds can subpoena your contact info and show up at your house in 6.2 seconds the moment the kids of liberty are tied to anything remotely violent.

This is why there is no point in debating the've a fucking idiot.

And that is why there are three of us who use Drake_Roberts. Three people who know the password, three people who know the rhetoric, three people to carry on the cause. Drake_Roberts is a hydra, CC. Cut off one head and two more will rise to take its place. And unless you want to burn my city to the ground, you can't stop the head regeneration and duplication. Simple as that.
BTW, it is kind of hard to track down two other people who have not logged in to DR at their places of residence.
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Why post on a message board that has members from across the country, several of which are potentially reactionary like I am? It's not a pageant, it's an awareness campaign, so that when people start hearing of the Sons of Liberty, I know some people at least across the land will stand by me. Simple as that. You love saying a revolt is not feasible, but even less feasible than a full scale revolt is a three man one.

And thanks to your posting here, the feds can subpoena your contact info and show up at your house in 6.2 seconds the moment the kids of liberty are tied to anything remotely violent.

This is why there is no point in debating the've a fucking idiot.

And that is why there are three of us who use Drake_Roberts. Three people who know the password, three people who know the rhetoric, three people to carry on the cause. Drake_Roberts is a hydra, CC. Cut off one head and two more will rise to take its place.
The cops lock one of your in a box for a few hours, the other two "heads" will be given up post haste.

And unless you want to burn my city to the ground, you can't stop the head regeneration and duplication. Simple as that.
BTW, it is kind of hard to track down two other people who have not logged in to DR at their places of residence.

You are a never ending source of comedy...that is for sure.
And thanks to your posting here, the feds can subpoena your contact info and show up at your house in 6.2 seconds the moment the kids of liberty are tied to anything remotely violent.

This is why there is no point in debating the've a fucking idiot.

And that is why there are three of us who use Drake_Roberts. Three people who know the password, three people who know the rhetoric, three people to carry on the cause. Drake_Roberts is a hydra, CC. Cut off one head and two more will rise to take its place.
The cops lock one of your in a box for a few hours, the other two "heads" will be given up post haste.

And unless you want to burn my city to the ground, you can't stop the head regeneration and duplication. Simple as that.
BTW, it is kind of hard to track down two other people who have not logged in to DR at their places of residence.

You are a never ending source of comedy...that is for sure.

Not when the residence we use is the abode of the most passionate of us to the cause. The one of us who hates the government as it is right now and has been completely. The one who would demand a fair trial to be made of a jury of Americans and to let them decide before being thrown in a box. And then guess what? You can't charge me treason again until you have gathered other evidence for sometime! And I am sure sticking it to you people in court and walking free would make an excellent statement.
And that is why there are three of us who use Drake_Roberts. Three people who know the password, three people who know the rhetoric, three people to carry on the cause. Drake_Roberts is a hydra, CC. Cut off one head and two more will rise to take its place.
The cops lock one of your in a box for a few hours, the other two "heads" will be given up post haste.

And unless you want to burn my city to the ground, you can't stop the head regeneration and duplication. Simple as that.
BTW, it is kind of hard to track down two other people who have not logged in to DR at their places of residence.

You are a never ending source of comedy...that is for sure.

Not when the residence we use is the abode of the most passionate of us to the cause.
Yeah, sure...whatever.

The one of us who hates the government as it is right now and has been completely. The one who would demand a fair trial to be made of a jury of Americans and to let them decide before being thrown in a box. can be apprehended and held until trial. You have heard of bail. My guess is that they could time how long it would take you to roll over with an egg timer.

And then guess what? You can't charge me treason again until you have gathered other evidence for sometime! And I am sure sticking it to you people in court and walking free would make an excellent statement.

Not sure what any of that means but hell, it's your fantasy...I just live in it.

You never told us how you plan to raise the thousands of dollars to pay the troops you're going to send to their deaths.... Did you overlook that?

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