The 2nd Civil War

And if the people you're holding hostage don't want to pay?

I hate the US government but I still pay taxes. And how are we holding them hostage?

I pay taxes to my gov't. I do not pay taxes to invaders.

What happens to those who refuse to pay your "taxes"?

They would be imprisoned for not paying taxes. Simple as that. Probably a light sentence, but an imprisonment nonetheless. Besides, I planned on charging less overall on taxes than the US when we take a town as part of PR. It would not make a difference except that taxes would be less and they would be paying it to the FISA or whatever name we officially choose.

Well dumb fuck, you are the people that continue to talk about 2nd amendment solution and violent revolution. And we liberals continue to make real revolution in the way that Jefferson reccommended. We change our culture for the better. From the Civil War to civil rights, it was the liberals that kept the nation advancing for individual rights. And the Conservatives, no matter what party they claimed, that fought against human rights.

Social Security, Medicare, early childhood education, all fought for by liberals, and fought against by Conservatives. Same today. The Conservatives deny science, do their best to destroy education in this nation, and would put the American Worker back to where he was in the 1890's.

No, no right wing violent revolution, just a bunch of whining, sniveling losers, some of which will get themselves killed doing really stupid things. The real revolution will be the work of we liberals. A better nation with a better distribution of wealth, and education more accessable to all, a health care system that is 21st Century rather than 18th.

And Jefferson had no part in the violent revolt against England for their freedom? All my history teachers must have been way wrong. Then again, they were probably Conservatives.
I hate the US government but I still pay taxes. And how are we holding them hostage?

The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

Legitimacy cannot be imposed. It may work in Dungeons and Dragons and X-Box but it doesn't work in real life. Expect 100% resistance to anything you try shit-stain.
The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

Legitimacy cannot be imposed. It may work in Dungeons and Dragons and X-Box but it doesn't work in real life. Expect 100% resistance to anything you try shit-stain.

100% resistance? In the South? To lower taxes, restoration of rights, and the removal of a corrupt government that is completely loathed? Your arguments may hold up in your feeble head, but not in reality.
I hate the US government but I still pay taxes. And how are we holding them hostage?

I pay taxes to my gov't. I do not pay taxes to invaders.

What happens to those who refuse to pay your "taxes"?

They would be imprisoned for not paying taxes. Simple as that. Probably a light sentence, but an imprisonment nonetheless. Besides, I planned on charging less overall on taxes than the US when we take a town as part of PR. It would not make a difference except that taxes would be less and they would be paying it to the FISA or whatever name we officially choose.

The fact that you claim you will charge less than the legitimate gov't does not change the fact that you are an invading force without the right to tax me.

One of the factors you will need to consider, as you plan your crusade, is that there are probably more survivalist types than militia types. And should you try to "tax" those who prepared for when things blow up, you might find it costly indeed.
Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

Legitimacy cannot be imposed. It may work in Dungeons and Dragons and X-Box but it doesn't work in real life. Expect 100% resistance to anything you try shit-stain.

100% resistance? In the South? To lower taxes, restoration of rights, and the removal of a corrupt government that is completely loathed? Your arguments may hold up in your feeble head, but not in reality.

I think you overestimate your charm to southerners.

While you would claim to be offering lower taxes, restoration or rights ect ect ect, what they would see is another yankee coming down to "help us" or to "fix things for us".

And if the Good Ol' Boys don't join you, you had better turn around and head back home. lol
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I hate the US government but I still pay taxes. And how are we holding them hostage?

The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?
I pay taxes to my gov't. I do not pay taxes to invaders.

What happens to those who refuse to pay your "taxes"?

They would be imprisoned for not paying taxes. Simple as that. Probably a light sentence, but an imprisonment nonetheless. Besides, I planned on charging less overall on taxes than the US when we take a town as part of PR. It would not make a difference except that taxes would be less and they would be paying it to the FISA or whatever name we officially choose.

The fact that you claim you will charge less than the legitimate gov't does not change the fact that you are an invading force without the right to tax me.

One of the factors you will need to consider, as you plan your crusade, is that there are probably more survivalist types than militia types. And should you try to "tax" those who prepared for when things blow up, you might find it costly indeed.

Are you talking about people out in the woods with huge stockpiles of ammo? If so, no. I don't plan on having the resources to be able to tax everybody everywhere. Just the towns and cities with their surrounding suburbs. And as to other taxing issues (I'm so punny) people who fight for me wouldn't have to pay taxes on their wartime income and a period of time after based upon how long they served for certain things.
Legitimacy cannot be imposed. It may work in Dungeons and Dragons and X-Box but it doesn't work in real life. Expect 100% resistance to anything you try shit-stain.

100% resistance? In the South? To lower taxes, restoration of rights, and the removal of a corrupt government that is completely loathed? Your arguments may hold up in your feeble head, but not in reality.

I think you overestimate your charm to southerners.

While you would claim to be offering lower taxes, restoration or rights ect ect ect, what they would see is another yankee coming down to "help us" or to "fix things for us".

And if the Good Ol' Boys don't join you, you had better turn around and head back home. lol

I live on the Kentucky border and was raised on y'all and ain't. Several of my relatives could be easily considered rednecks. And besides, my family has never been rich, sticking towards lower middle-class, so it's not like I'm a billionaire.
The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

Likely so.

The OP is just a child playing another online game.
The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

There might be a few other stipulations. But my point is I'm not going to run around jailing every political opponent of mine from the US. If they refuse to join the new order, I'll then either boot them out of the country or charge them with treason.
Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

Likely so.

The OP is just a child playing another online game.

If I'm kidding him, I have a better plan in mind. And define how three guys at 19, 20, and 21 could be summed up by "a child".

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

Legitimacy cannot be imposed. It may work in Dungeons and Dragons and X-Box but it doesn't work in real life. Expect 100% resistance to anything you try shit-stain.

100% resistance?
Yes. Probably 110% since inevitably border skirmishes affect people on the other side of the border and in our interconnected world, what happens in Wisconsin is transmitted immediately to other parts of the nation. You won't be safe anywhere.
In the South?
Yes. Soldiers (for one) are from all over the nation. Fort Hood isn't going to open it's gates and welcome you...they will just open fire and in 5 minutes...they will go back to their day...that's how long you'll last.
To lower taxes, restoration of rights, and the removal of a corrupt government that is completely loathed?
This is why the debate you challenged me to never got off the ground. You have no basis in reality. Seriously, you have zero idea of what you're talking about. None whatsoever.

You are what, 20? Ever bought anything online? There is often taxes involved. People are still going to pay those taxes...ON TOP OF whatever taxes you'll charge. What you're doing is imposing new taxes you ignorant sack of shit...not reducing taxes. For fuck's sake dick breath...grow a pair.

As for restoring rights..what rights are you going to restore. Name 10 specific rights you'll restore. I'd be surprised if you can name 5.

Finally the "corrupt government" actually employs about 10% of the nation (about 8 percent actually). Not counting the local, county and state governments. What you're actually doing is going to be plunging any economy you touch into total bedlam because a lot of people will be out of work. Are you going to have a DMV...a postal service...air traffic controllers...IRS auditors? These people have jobs--good jobs--that help fund the local economy. How you going to replace them?

And why we are on the subject of money..what are you going to use for money shitbrains? Greenbacks? Think there is going to be an influx of them coming in? Or will you use bitcoin? Your currency will be worthless--which will be appropriate since you're there already--but nobody will want whatever it is you're handing out. Think will take your kangaroo currency shit-stain? Do you think someone spending dollars to produce X, Y, or Z will be happy taking your Monopoly money as payment?

There is this thing called economics. What your currency is worth is largely tied to how much value people place on it. And, oh yeah, the South is one of the largest consumers of the North's dollars....when the spigot gets turned off and people are starving in the streets--because of you and the other 2 people using your screen name (kids--gotta love them)--what are you going to feed them with?

Scarcity and warfare go hand in hand. You're sitting here talking about elections....wake the fuck up junior. Martial law will be the only option for any occupying force as it has been for likely centuries.

Your arguments may hold up in your feeble head, but not in reality.

You're a fucking idiot. In the same way you have to smell rotten milk before you toss it out...I hope to hell you try something. It will be a perverse pleasure watching you fail.
Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

There might be a few other stipulations. But my point is I'm not going to run around jailing every political opponent of mine from the US. If they refuse to join the new order, I'll then either boot them out of the country or charge them with treason.

That all sounds very generous. But the simple fact is that you will need them. You will have a military force (which I still have questions about) that you will have to control and prevent from looting and marauding. To think that you can also run the daily minutae of these cities is laughable. If you charge the leaders and remove them, you will have the entire population coming to you for everything. That will give you a choice of either killing them all or putting totally inexperienced people in charge. Neither option will work very well.

Also, every person in those cities and suburbs will likely have lost loved ones to your "army". Whatever oath they swear will not change that. If they know some of us who have weapons caches, they will gladly help us in exchange for a bit of vengeance.
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The US Government and every official there of is duly elected and duly appointed in accordance with the law.

You're a band of thugs executing the elected officials.

There is a difference. You're no more entitled to a penny of public funds than any other criminal.

Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

I mean...the 9/11 truthers at least had a tippy toe in reality for the most part. This guy is batshit crazy.
Ah yes, oaths of loyalty. Sworn to on Bibles by liberal non-believers. Sort like of the oath sworn on a famous missing Bible just a few years back. Like that promise to uphold The U.S. Constitution.

Now pull the other finger......
Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

Likely so.

The OP is just a child playing another online game.

I guess he rage quit call of duty or something, and thinks that this will be easier, since he'll be shooting unarmed people.
Actually, you haven't clearly kept up with my policies. I would grant full pardons to any US official who swears eternal loyalty to the new nation, and renounces their ability to hold office if a majority deems it necessary. And if we have taken a city, we are henceforth the new legitimate government until after the war has ended, and elections are held.

All you ask is an oath of eternal loyalty?? LMAO!!

Of course, none of them would dare lie, would they?

Eternal loyalty? Are you kidding me?

There might be a few other stipulations. But my point is I'm not going to run around jailing every political opponent of mine from the US. If they refuse to join the new order, I'll then either boot them out of the country or charge them with treason.

Boot them where exactly? Mars? Or will you turn them over to what you haven't, ahem, "conquered" they can take up arms against you and supply the other side with your troop strength, locations of your HQ, garrisons, etc?

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