The Adult In The Room...

Moscow Mitch has proved to be the consummate political hack, one who puts himself and his party above the law. He is infamously culpable for non feasance*, misfeasance** and malfeasance***.

  • *non feasance: failure to perform an act that is required by law. To Wit: Failure to bring the bills passed by the H. or Rep. for a debate in the Senate.
  • **misfeasance: a transgression, especially the wrongful exercise of lawful authority, to wit: Colluding with the Defendant who has been impeached by the H. or Rep, and with the Defendant's Attorneys
  • ***malfeasance: wrongdoing, especially by a public official, to wit: Attacking the character of the Speaker of the House and the powers invested in Art. I giving the H. or Rep. the sole power of investigating wrong doing.
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such a hurry to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'
We all recognize the delay tactic. Push it back to June or July & then declare it is too close to the election.

Your orange buddy did it. Quit trying to cover up for him.
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'
After it became clear that the White House will never, ever be forthcoming with witnesses and documents there was no sense waiting on them. Anything else is just letting them run out the clock.

Not true.. Cases were running thru the courts as they were supposed to do... Bolton and others requested a Judicial branch ruling.. Pelosi was TOO rushed to follow thru... Tough titties...

Impeachment is such a somber thing, but she apparently has a busy schedule.. Like disrupting an election cycle..
There is no way there will ever be a voluntary witness from the White House under any circumstances. People do not obstruct unless they are concealing things far more serious.

If "voluntary" means "on their own discretion" than you don't understand the work rules and process at the White House.. NO ONE, currently employed or formerly employed can become a witness without legal clearance... Been that way for about 100 years..

So there is a LEGAL process to clear the appearance before the court... Same goes for the freaking "whistleblower"/ partisan hack... That person may be subject to rules and clearances as well... Is THAT "a cover-up"?????
...McConnell tells House Dems to put up or crawl back under their rocks:

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

POLITICO Playbook PM: Inside the latest wrangling over impeachment

He missed the Kill Shot here.. Apparently the House did such an amateur job on the investigation that they ignored all the "key first hand witnesses"... That's my take on the complaint...

The concept of making the ACTUAL impeachment articles so general, vague and fluffy was to allow them to FISH for better catches during the trial... Kinda a "catch and release" tournament of some kind.. :coffee:

Wait, didn't the ruling that would allow Bolton and others to testify despite Trump saying he wouldn't allow them to, get handed down after the impeachment vote? Or at least when they were finished with testimony? It's pretty difficult to have firsthand testimony when Trump exerts executive privilege and won't allow them to. Not to mention all the other evidence he would not send over to Congress. If nothing wrong took place, then what is Trump hiding and why would he not let those people testify? Hell, Mulvany told the world the truth when he clearly said it WAS a quid pro quo and that people need to "just get over it."

Nope.. The initial ruling on Bolton was Nov 25th, The House "closed hearings" on the 21st but did not VOTE until late December.. It was a "matter of IMMEDIATE national security" -- as you well know... :rolleyes: If they wanted to be thorough -- they blew it.. Because the appeal would have been expedited and RESOLVED by now..,

Evidently, it was more important to them as TALKING POINT to have Trump "denying witnesses" than it was to ACTUALLY find out what Bolton could contribute...

And as "Head Spook Overseerer" for the WH, Bolton was NOT JUST an Admin official... Everything about his post is in the dark as it should be... So -- the Admin MAY have won this on appeal anyways... And you wouldn't be able to scream "cover-up"...

Ruling Will Not Lead John Bolton to Testify Soon, Lawyer Says

Nov. 26, 2019

Charles J. Cooper, a lawyer who represents Mr. Bolton, said that a court decision on Monday ordering another former White House official to appear before Congress under subpoena did not apply to Mr. Bolton because of the nature of his job. Mr. Cooper said Mr. Bolton would therefore wait for another judge to rule in a separate case that could take weeks more to litigate.
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
Yes, all of this manufactured evidence is ignored, and so is hearsay which made up 99% of The Democrat Inquisition.

Quote: "The Evidence is Damning, Overwhelming and Irrefutable, and Trump is an Urgent Threat to our National Security and our Republic, and we have no choice but to impeach"

Then they voted on it, and Graveled The investigation closed.

Then to show how serious they were and how urgent it was, they abandoned their subpoenas, and then refused to transmit the articles to The Senate for a month.

The Scam is over the second it reaches the Senate, and The Democrat Party is over the moment we get to November.
"If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation."

Sounds like a cover up. McConnell wants to be the judge jury and deliver the final verdict

No matter how Strong the case is , the american system is witnesses, judge and jury

The case is not reopen, people who something to say have not been heard because Trump and his white house of told them not to say anything.

If the case was as strong as he says, he would allow witnesses to be heard and let each person with a vote hear from witnesses instead of reading it from a sheet of paper

or being told what to vote for
"If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation."

Sounds like a cover up. McConnell wants to be the judge jury and deliver the final verdict.
It may sound that way to one such as you but his comments were very consistent, measured, and spot on. You seem aware that the House investigation was woefully lame and that the Dems screwed the pooch..

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”
Lame is a subjective term but one such as you would see it that way.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

Your statements are full of partisan passion but without doubt that helps you get thru the reality that Trump has been impeached.

Trump has abused his power

Do us a favor

let there be consequences
Lame is a subjective term but one such as you would see it that way.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

Your statements are full of partisan passion but without doubt that helps you get thru the reality that Trump has been impeached.

Trump has abused his power

Do us a favor

let there be consequences
Well, if impeached by a strictly partisan vote makes palatable for you Trump's acquittal and reelection (in a landslide) then we are in agreement. You can get naked and dance for joy by the light of the silvery Moon and I'll enjoy some good Scotch and a fine cigar.
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such a hurry to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'

The democrats HAD to impeach as it is the only way to stop the reelection of president Trump. This isn't actually an impeachment, it is election tampering. The Stalinist democrats are impeaching to influence and corrupt the 2020 election.
...McConnell tells House Dems to put up or crawl back under their rocks:

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

POLITICO Playbook PM: Inside the latest wrangling over impeachment
Lol @ Moscow Mitch being "the adult in the room".
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'
Relax. Trump is impeached, but won't be removed. All the Republicans are dying to get on the record in the roll call vote.

You understand Comrade, the VERY FIRST TIME a Communists president has a Republican house, they will be impeached. EVERY PRESIDENT from here on will be impeached the moment the opposition party has the house.

The fucking pile of shit scumbag traitor democrats have corrupted the impeachment process, as the vile pigs corrupt everything they touch. Impeachment will forever be routine.
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'
After it became clear that the White House will never, ever be forthcoming with witnesses and documents there was no sense waiting on them. Anything else is just letting them run out the clock.

I've asked you this before, but you refused to answer; is the Executive and inferior branch of government? Is the executive denoted in the Constitution as being a lesser branch and subservient to the legislative? In fact to one half of the legislative?
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
IOW, the House shouldn't have been in such to impeach. They could have gone to court and they .would have gotten their witnesses. But no, we gotta impeach 'raht now.'
Relax. Trump is impeached, but won't be removed. All the Republicans are dying to get on the record in the roll call vote.

You understand Comrade, the VERY FIRST TIME a Communists president has a Republican house, they will be impeached. EVERY PRESIDENT from here on will be impeached the moment the opposition party has the house.

The fucking pile of shit scumbag traitor democrats have corrupted the impeachment process, as the vile pigs corrupt everything they touch. Impeachment will forever be routine.
God, I hope so. Is "Communist" what the republicans are changing their name to, now that they have ruined the name of the once proud Conservative "Republican Party"? The impeachment of this one hasn't been corrupted yet. Heck, the Republicans won't get a crack at it until Moscow Mitch brings the gavel down next Tuesday.
...McConnell tells House Dems to put up or crawl back under their rocks:

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

POLITICO Playbook PM: Inside the latest wrangling over impeachment
Lol @ Moscow Mitch being "the adult in the room".
So I take it you missed Pelosi's "solemn & prayerful" presser today. Too funny. Her legacy as Speaker will be one of bitter, petulant childishness run-amok and her name will forever be cause for ridicule by school children studying history or civics.
In the short term her actions have assured Trump's reelection, so there's that. :beer:
Last edited:
...McConnell tells House Dems to put up or crawl back under their rocks:

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

POLITICO Playbook PM: Inside the latest wrangling over impeachment
Lol @ Moscow Mitch being "the adult in the room".
So I take it you missed Pelosi's "solemn & prayerful" presser today. Too funny. Her legacy as Speaker will be one of bitter, petulant childness run-amok and her name will forever be cause for ridicule by school children studying history or civics.
In the short term her actions have assured Trump's reelection, so there's that. :beer:
Lotta wishful thinking and tRumlling talking points there. NOthing real.
Lame is a subjective term but one such as you would see it that way.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

Your statements are full of partisan passion but without doubt that helps you get thru the reality that Trump has been impeached.

Trump has abused his power

Do us a favor

let there be consequences

Is abusing his power a codifed crime?? No... It's an open ended gripe with no crime or code specified...

It's a continuing fishing tournament... And I hate to tell you but if you look at the 2 managerial teams -- Las Vegas is gonna have a boring odds on the competition.. On one hand, you have the same lying clowns that INVENT "evidence", make dramatic readings of their own FICTIONAL versions of events and keep referring to the acccused as a criminal --- but have yet to make ANY CRIME stick... After 3 years of vowing to impeach him...

On the other hand, you have a lot of competent OUTSIDE legal scholars who are gonna treat the trial as a legal proceedings... Clowns versus winners for the accused.. Boston Legal vs "Law and Order"...

IMO -- Nancy might have TRIED to get some outside professional help and NO ONE COMPETENT wants to flush their careers working with Nadler/Schiff and the other enraged puffing butts....

It'll be great to watch the meltdowns, but I'm too sick of this to watch....
...McConnell tells House Dems to put up or crawl back under their rocks:

-- MCCONNELL: “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and the jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place. I think I’m beginning to understand why the speaker wanted to change the subject to tax policy. But unfortunately, no matter how irresponsibly this has been handled across the Capitol, impeachment is not a political game, and the United States Senate will not treat it like one.

“The House majority, fueled by political animus, may have started this with frivolity, but it will fall to the Senate … to end it with seriousness and sobriety. It will fall to us to do what the founders intended: to take the long view, move beyond partisan passions, and do what the long-term good of our institution and our nation demands.”

POLITICO Playbook PM: Inside the latest wrangling over impeachment

He missed the Kill Shot here.. Apparently the House did such an amateur job on the investigation that they ignored all the "key first hand witnesses"... That's my take on the complaint...

The concept of making the ACTUAL impeachment articles so general, vague and fluffy was to allow them to FISH for better catches during the trial... Kinda a "catch and release" tournament of some kind.. :coffee:

Wait, didn't the ruling that would allow Bolton and others to testify despite Trump saying he wouldn't allow them to, get handed down after the impeachment vote? Or at least when they were finished with testimony? It's pretty difficult to have firsthand testimony when Trump exerts executive privilege and won't allow them to. Not to mention all the other evidence he would not send over to Congress. If nothing wrong took place, then what is Trump hiding and why would he not let those people testify? Hell, Mulvany told the world the truth when he clearly said it WAS a quid pro quo and that people need to "just get over it."

Nope.. The initial ruling on Bolton was Nov 25th, The House "closed hearings" on the 21st but did not VOTE until late December.. It was a "matter of IMMEDIATE national security" -- as you well know... :rolleyes: If they wanted to be thorough -- they blew it.. Because the appeal would have been expedited and RESOLVED by now..,

Evidently, it was more important to them as TALKING POINT to have Trump "denying witnesses" than it was to ACTUALLY find out what Bolton could contribute...

And as "Head Spook Overseerer" for the WH, Bolton was NOT JUST an Admin official... Everything about his post is in the dark as it should be... So -- the Admin MAY have won this on appeal anyways... And you wouldn't be able to scream "cover-up"...

Ruling Will Not Lead John Bolton to Testify Soon, Lawyer Says

Nov. 26, 2019

Charles J. Cooper, a lawyer who represents Mr. Bolton, said that a court decision on Monday ordering another former White House official to appear before Congress under subpoena did not apply to Mr. Bolton because of the nature of his job. Mr. Cooper said Mr. Bolton would therefore wait for another judge to rule in a separate case that could take weeks more to litigate.

They had no idea ow long the court case ruling would take, and if they re-opened the house impeachment proceedings it would hampered the ability to get it sent to the Senate like EVERYONE not just democrats were clamoring for. Even after the ruling, it wouldn't have stopped those witnesses if fighting the subpoenas making it take even longer.
Is abusing his power a codifed crime?? No... It's an open ended gripe with no crime or code specified...

Of course it is not a codified crime because its Abuse Of Office that is the issue and is a misdemeanor, still if the senate impeaches him then he will not go to jail

Abuse of office is a general term. That why they need specifics on how did he abuse that crime

Anyway impeachment is a political objective to remove someone from a public office

The Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach and remove "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" upon a determination that such officers have engaged in treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. .

What is high crimes and misdemeanors well it does not mean it has to be codifed crime

yet abuse of office is simple

asking a foreign government to open an investigation against a political opponent goes against Trumps oath of office

The list goes on

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well the constitution says high crimes and misdemeanors is impeachable
So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
That is what they hope for. It is not the adult in the room, it is the criminal cover up.

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