The Adult In The Room...

So we should just ignore anything that has come out since then? The house decided it had heard sufficient evidence to impeach but no one has said that it's case closed, story over. This is especially true since the White House is blatantly concealing evidence and obstructing justice.
That is what they hope for. It is not the adult in the room, it is the criminal cover up.
Excuse me?

of House Dem attempts to impeach this POTUS and all they could muster were articles so lame a first year law student could get article 2 dismissed in about 15 minutes because exercising executive privilege is not obstruction. Article 1 would take another 30 minutes because performing the duties of his office are not high crimes and misdemeanors. Now we must investigate the validity of the latest BS or all the BS that is certain to roll down in the future? Have an open-ended Senate Trial that would last months (or years)? If the last 3 years have made nothing else obvious, it is that bitter, petulant Dems will say or do anything to damage this country because they are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.

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