The affirmative case for Christianity

Are you The Archangel Michael?

Is that popsicle stick man hanging above your bedboard your god and does he approve of the things you do there or do you just place tape over his eyes or turn him around towards the wall??
My faith is of no concern of yours.

Are you The Archangel Michael?

Beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.

Are you The Archangel Michael?
Are you The Archangel Michael?

Is that popsicle stick man hanging above your bedboard your god and does he approve of the things you do there or do you just place tape over his eyes or turn him around towards the wall??
My faith is of no concern of yours.

Are you The Archangel Michael?

Beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.

Are you The Archangel Michael?

So you are in a theology discussion not able to tell us who your popsicle stick idol's father is and now you are embarassed by your faith, especially the part that anthropromorphizes the term messenger into giant birds.
DOES your church use car covers to protect from the giant waste falling from the sky by these big birds? When your Jesus comes out of the clouds flying through the air is he gonna secure his diaper or are we gonna need umbrellas the day of that event?
Somehow I picture that WKRP in Cincinnati
episode throwing live turkeys out a helicopter window that fell tragically crashing onto car windows.
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That is one of my favourite episodes.... Les Nesman describing it and Johnny cutting the feed was classic I wonder if people truly really believe a man can fly without the aid of a machine but then is there not that Greek fable of the boy flying to close to the sun ..Considering the source of these myths it is no wonder people swallowed them in those bygone ages but today come on what a bunch of turkey droppings to say the least...
Ok back on topic OP says this is about christian virtue & morals.
Claiming it promotes the virtues of humility, temperance, diligence, etc...

Let's look at today's news Donna Brazile admits she forwarded town hall questions to Clinton camp.
And yet she invoked her Christian values and virtue to claim no such thing when originally confronted.
=epic fail. Below she originally denied the allegations:
“You know, as a Christian woman, I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is totally false."

So not only is the virtue not there, but the way in twisting actual persecution is also disturbing.
Are you The Archangel Michael?

Is that popsicle stick man hanging above your bedboard your god and does he approve of the things you do there or do you just place tape over his eyes or turn him around towards the wall??
My faith is of no concern of yours.

Are you The Archangel Michael?

Beliefs not worth stating are beliefs not worth having.

Are you The Archangel Michael?

So you are in a theology discussion not able to tell us who your popsicle stick idol's father is and now you are embarassed by your faith, especially the part that anthropromorphizes the term messenger into giant birds.
DOES your church use car covers to protect from the giant waste falling from the sky by these big birds? When your Jesus comes out of the clouds flying through the air is he gonna secure his diaper or are we gonna need umbrellas the day of that event?
Somehow I picture that WKRP in Cincinnati
episode throwing live turkeys out a helicopter window that fell tragically crashing onto car windows.
View attachment 117408
I don't have theological discussions with people who are insane and believe they are God's top prophet, archangel Michael. That is who you claim to be, right?
"In the field of science, many of the founding fathers of many areas were Christians, with a devout belief in the God of the Bible and the same is true for the leaders of the Industrial Revolution, which shaped the world we live in. Michael Faraday was a scientist and evangelical Christian whose pioneering work changed the modern world, in that he helped give us electricity and the founder of the Greenwich Observatory that gave us the world’s first great star map, was of course a preacher as well. Many of the people who put man on the moon, working in NASA, were also believers.

Christianity in addition shaped politics, which gave us laws that protected the common man, as the Bible’s teaching on the equality of all men shaped our civilisation. Then missionaries spread these values around the world, turning entire nations into new realms to be shaped by the Christian message."

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
"If someone asked you to name the single most important influence in the formation of Western civilization, would Christianity come to mind? In the current cultural climate, Christianity’s positive contribution toward history is grossly underestimated or even ignored.1 The result is a populace disturbingly, and maybe even dangerously, ignorant of its own cultural heritage."

Reasons To Believe : How Christianity Shaped Western Civilization
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
"...ideas matter; people act upon their beliefs, which are an outgrowth of the key assumptions forming the intellectual foundation for their worldview. According to W. Andrew Hoffecker, “One’s worldview gives coherence to how one thinks and lives, provides moral parameters, and directly motivates behavior.”2 People from different cultures see and respond to the world around them in different ways. For example, Americans view cheating on a test as categorically wrong (even if often done), but for the Chinese, refusing to do so for a friend might be viewed as immoral. The following section on monotheism highlights perhaps the most important of those key assumptions contributing to any given worldview: a culture’s understanding of the nature of divinity."

Reasons To Believe : How Christianity Shaped Western Civilization
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
"Today churches still provide clubs for young people, for the elderly, mothers and toddlers’ clubs and a deep sense of community in a broken world. They are also fighting for a better world - being a key force behind Make Poverty History and over campaigns. In 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, “...churches are among the most formidable campaigning organisations in history” and “ communities have always played a significant role in social action in Britain - in education, in welfare, in support for so many of the most vulnerable and needy in our society.”

What has Christianity has done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that Christianity was the source of this civilisation!"

What has Christianity done for the world?
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .
"Christianity was the source of this civilisation!" So war, famine, disease, overpopulation, a deteriorating environment, racism, gender inequality... We have Christianity to thank for all this? Really? Do you want a mulligan? :D
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .

I saw one the other day, resting peacefully under the shade of his very own fruit bearing fig tree.

What do you think an atheist should do? Run around gibbering about the end of the world chicken little?
Sure. If that's how you want to see it. Go right ahead. Never mind the fact that you are wrong. Your beliefs don't change history. Some people can only see the bad in life. I think you are one of those people.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .

I saw one the other day, resting peacefully under the shade of his very own fruit bearing fig tree.

What do you think an atheist should do? Run around gibbering about the end of the world chicken little?
Try putting that into the context of this discussion rather than going off on a tangent.
How can I be wrong? YOU said "Christianity was the source of this civilisation!". All I did was enumerate some aspects of our civilization. So I guess YOU are wrong. Again.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .

I saw one the other day, resting peacefully under the shade of his very own fruit bearing fig tree.

What do you think an atheist should do? Run around gibbering about the end of the world chicken little?
Try putting that into the context of this discussion rather than going off on a tangent.

Pft. you're just a liberal socialist pinko commie whose mind has been fucked up by a lethal potion of bipartisan politics mixed with religious gobbledygook, three hairs of a baboon, two rat turds, false pride, and the eye of a newt.
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See he not only proved his own OP wrong by way if his own lacking virtue, but now you got him to say so what to war & that he thinks it's a natural human condition. Only because he was conditioned to war does he think it's natural or normal behavior.
Fact: Christianity caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over it's insistance to have everyone worship a statue of Mithra on a cross or a statue of Mother and Baby borrowed from the predated
Isis with baby Horus statues.
To say so what to the Crusades & Spanish Inquisition and Holocaust, the Catholic Protestant wars, is a typical blind eye approach to rationalizing human group behavior. Especially when declaring it a natural trait when the whole basis of Torah is to denote it is unatural and can be overcome by the very same virtues you fallaciously and mistakingly claim to possess.
But you failed to make the linkage or see the other side of each issue. For instance, Christians are responsible for alleviating many of the things you describe. Please feel free to make your arguments and I will be more than happy to show you the flip side for how you are wrong.
War is being waged by Christians today.
Sure, war is a part of the human condition. So what? Wars are not the sole domain of any creed. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression. Christians rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century, what have atheists done? .

I saw one the other day, resting peacefully under the shade of his very own fruit bearing fig tree.

What do you think an atheist should do? Run around gibbering about the end of the world chicken little?
Try putting that into the context of this discussion rather than going off on a tangent.

Pft. you're just a liberal socialist pinko commie whose mind has been fucked up by a lethal potion of bipartisan politics mixed with religious gobbledygook, three hairs of a baboon, two rat turds, false pride, and an the eye of a newt.
Funny, but the discussion was on Christianity's role in wars. I addressed that on three fronts; war is not exclusive to creed, Christians do their best at minimizing the impact of war, and lastly, a compare and contrast to atheism.

Your comment was so far off base that it wasn't even in the ballpark. Your skills in reason and logic are poor.

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