The Algebra of Wealth

Some people don't like for others to make choices they wouldn't make. We see this in all sorts of things.
Exactly. They're for freedom as long as it's according to their beliefs. The old days of graduate, get a job, get married, have kids wash rinse repeat doesn't work for a growing number of people. Not a bad thing just a shift.
Why if we need the workers? Vet them and let them in if they pass.

If we don't, here's what's going to happen. Republicans will just start importing them legally.Making it easier for them to apply and get in from Guatamala or Columbia. They don't want it to come to that but if illegals stop coming, you'll see. Legal immigration will just happen. Which is fine for me. Make it easier for them to apply for citizenship and let them in. We need them. We are not having enough kids. No way to fix that without immigrants. What's the problem?

I actually LOVE the low birth rate. We are overpopulated I hope we gradually go down to a number of humans that this planet can sustain. So I'm actually happy the birth rate is going down.

There are 8 billion humans on this planet right now. Think ahead 100,000 years from now. Do you think humans on earth would be better off with 4 billion humans or 16 billion. Be honest.

Why if we need the workers? Vet them and let them in if they pass.

If we need the workers we should have a temporary worker visa program.
Vet them before they come, send them home when their visa expires.
No need to allow millions of unknowns into the interior.

Republicans will just start importing them legally.Making it easier for them to apply and get in from Guatamala or Columbia.

They'll exclude Chinese and Muslim illegals? Sounds great.

Think ahead 100,000 years from now.

We'll have fusion and space-based industry.
The planet could support 100 billion. A trillion.

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