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The American Culture War was won by the Left

Christianity also had a set of books.
Please tell me that Constantine was a fine upstanding leader who didn't value Ignorance among the masses, Gold, murder and pussy.

Christianity had lots of books... and that was part of the problem that Constantine had to solve. Which books to you keep to maintain a somewhat consistent view of Christianity. It's why they kept the synaptic Gospels but got rid of the Gnostic ones.

Constantine was an interesting character when considered in the CONTEXT of Roman History. Now, being a big fan of Roman History, Constantine came in on the tale end of the "Crisis of the Third Century". In that time, the Roman Empire was beset by almost constant civil war as anyone with an army could declare himself emperor and hijack the Empire or a large chunk of it. In a 50 year period, 26 men declared themselves as "Emperor". Most of them died violent deaths. It included the first Emperor to die in combat (Decius) and the first to be captured by a foreign enemy (Valerian).

NO, he wasn't a "nice guy", but he was a leader Rome needed at that period in its history, to the point where he re-established political stability. Part of that was establishing a "State religion". Yes, you couldn't get Latins, Gauls, Greeks and Egyptians to all identify with a Roman nationality, but you could unite them under a single God, which is what he tried to do.
Rome respected a ruthless leader.
The books, by the way, are not even in chronological order because The Book of James slammed Paul and the Jesus nonsense, so he had that put at the end.
Rome respected a ruthless leader.
no, that's what they would like you to believe.
You know why he was called Constantine, The Great?
If you didn't call him that, you didn't live.
You know why he was called Constantine, The Great?
If you didn't call him that, you didn't live.
they recycle themselves every generation, for centuries ... do you know who does their bidding for them -

it's not a trick question.
Christianity also had a set of books.
Please tell me that Constantine was a fine upstanding leader who didn't value Ignorance among the masses, Gold, murder and pussy.

Christianity had lots of books... and that was part of the problem that Constantine had to solve. Which books to you keep to maintain a somewhat consistent view of Christianity. It's why they kept the synaptic Gospels but got rid of the Gnostic ones.

Constantine was an interesting character when considered in the CONTEXT of Roman History. Now, being a big fan of Roman History, Constantine came in on the tale end of the "Crisis of the Third Century". In that time, the Roman Empire was beset by almost constant civil war as anyone with an army could declare himself emperor and hijack the Empire or a large chunk of it. In a 50 year period, 26 men declared themselves as "Emperor". Most of them died violent deaths. It included the first Emperor to die in combat (Decius) and the first to be captured by a foreign enemy (Valerian).

NO, he wasn't a "nice guy", but he was a leader Rome needed at that period in its history, to the point where he re-established political stability. Part of that was establishing a "State religion". Yes, you couldn't get Latins, Gauls, Greeks and Egyptians to all identify with a Roman nationality, but you could unite them under a single God, which is what he tried to do.
Rome respected a ruthless leader.
The books, by the way, are not even in chronological order because The Book of James slammed Paul and the Jesus nonsense, so he had that put at the end.
Rome respected a ruthless leader.
no, that's what they would like you to believe.
You know why he was called Constantine, The Great?
If you didn't call him that, you didn't live.
You know why he was called Constantine, The Great?
If you didn't call him that, you didn't live.
they recycle themselves every generation, for centuries ... do you know who does their bidding for them -
View attachment 461771
it's not a trick question.
The educated people...we know who they are.
Underlining again how low in importance this manufactured concern with such an infinitesimal minority rates.

Quite right. It's not a big deal. It's very unlikely most HS athletes will ever encounter a trans-girl on a track meet, but the way you guys are carrying on, you'd think there were a whole army of them ready to take their trophies.

But where would the right be without manufactured outrage?
You quote my post, but then say, "you guys". To whom are you responding? I am not a plural, not being royalty.
Rome respected a ruthless leader.
The books, by the way, are not even in chronological order because The Book of James slammed Paul and the Jesus nonsense, so he had that put at the end.

Oh, no, the books aren't in chronological order. the Epistles were written first. Then the Gospels.

The problem was, of course, is that you had different Gospels for different audiences. The four that were kept, Mark was written first, for a largely non-Jewish audience. Matthew was written for a Jewish Audience. Which is why it is full of so much mangled scripture interpretation. Luke was written for a Greek Audience, which is why it makes so many attempts to be very specific on dates and historical personalities. John was written at a time where there was a very distinct division between Christians and Jews, which is why he seems to forget Jesus and his followers were Jewish and blames the Jews for killing Jesus.

You know why he was called Constantine, The Great?
If you didn't call him that, you didn't live.

Actually, he was called that after he died by historians, to distinguish him from all the other Constantines.
That is the most ridiculous comparison to weed yet...If you had ever been in law enforcement you would have witnessed almost daily what the results of weed really are, and not read the hyperbole by politicians being forced to legalize it for votes and being stoners themselves.

Alcohol is bad and I would be all for banning it rather than legalize weed...but there is one major difference between Alcohol and Weed...MILLIONS of people me included imbibe alcohol everyday and are not impaired or drunk...Weed has one purpose and one alone...to get you stoned, You cant smoke weed without getting high...You can drink and millions do without getting high or impaired...

RUBBISH. Jesus are you a narrow minded person. People die left and right of cancer from smoking tobacco, not so much with weed. Your prudish opinions are based purely on your experiences with people who abuse and can't handle weed. I never said legalizing it meant that anyone could buy and smoke it wantonly. Then you laughingly say that alcohol is bad and you would ban it then say millions drink it and are not impaired at all!

Then the coup de grace is your claim that weed has but one purpose! Gees are you an idiot. Marijuana has been used for thousands of years by countless peoples for many other things including medicinally as well as religiously and spiritually as an avatar.

BTW, I can drink booze like a fish and smoke pot and even harder drugs and you'd never even know it from any other perfectly sober person. It's all up to the individual.

I believe you are naive and uninformed
The American Culture War was won by the Left
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

I don't see them winning much of anything.
  • I realize some people are really attracted to the same sex! I don't pretend to understand or agree with it, but they shouldn't be prevented from living how they choose. I simply reject calling it a "marriage." It is a civil union. It's the results that should matter not the name.
  • I'm not a fan of sex or marriage between the races, but again, whatever floats your boat. What can you do, arrest people and put them in a rack? This isn't the 16th century anymore.
  • Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?
  • Rappers can wear their pants around their ankles. Free expression. But I can choose not to go to their concerts or buy their music.
  • Abortion has always been legal. Do we really want unwanted children growing up in homes with mothers who don't love them? The bigger problem to focus on is rampant unwanted pregnancy.

Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?

That is the most ridiculous comparison to weed yet...If you had ever been in law enforcement you would have witnessed almost daily what the results of weed really are, and not read the hyperbole by politicians being forced to legalize it for votes and being stoners themselves.

Let me explain the difference to you...Tabaco does not alter your psyched, weed does. Whats laughable is that they try and tell you inhaling tabacco is bad but not weed..

How anyone could want weed legalized so school bus drivers cant take a hit before they drive your kids to school or back, or any other person working involved with the citizenry...

Alcohol is bad and I would be all for banning it rather than legalize weed...but there is one major difference between Alcohol and Weed...MILLIONS of people me included imbibe alcohol everyday and are not impaired or drunk...I drink a glass of white or red wine most days with dinner.Wine, Been, Cocktails have TASTE they are enjoyable in moderation..

Weed has one purpose and one alone...to get you stoned, You cant smoke weed without getting high...You can drink and millions do without getting high or impaired...
the reason a hell of a lot of people drink is to get a buzz....quit acting like most drinkers do one drink and leave it at that....

You need to re read my post or brush up on reading comprehension.

I didnt say that everyone or most drank 1 drink. The medical community states that 2 to 3 drinks a day are medicinal and thats proven.

Do you realize that driving while intoxicated arrests are way down and driving under the influence of narcotics is UP...Police officers in metro areas know the truth.
The American Culture War was won by the Left
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

I don't see them winning much of anything.
  • I realize some people are really attracted to the same sex! I don't pretend to understand or agree with it, but they shouldn't be prevented from living how they choose. I simply reject calling it a "marriage." It is a civil union. It's the results that should matter not the name.
  • I'm not a fan of sex or marriage between the races, but again, whatever floats your boat. What can you do, arrest people and put them in a rack? This isn't the 16th century anymore.
  • Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?
  • Rappers can wear their pants around their ankles. Free expression. But I can choose not to go to their concerts or buy their music.
  • Abortion has always been legal. Do we really want unwanted children growing up in homes with mothers who don't love them? The bigger problem to focus on is rampant unwanted pregnancy.

Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?

That is the most ridiculous comparison to weed yet...If you had ever been in law enforcement you would have witnessed almost daily what the results of weed really are, and not read the hyperbole by politicians being forced to legalize it for votes and being stoners themselves.

Let me explain the difference to you...Tabaco does not alter your psyched, weed does. Whats laughable is that they try and tell you inhaling tabacco is bad but not weed..

How anyone could want weed legalized so school bus drivers cant take a hit before they drive your kids to school or back, or any other person working involved with the citizenry...

Alcohol is bad and I would be all for banning it rather than legalize weed...but there is one major difference between Alcohol and Weed...MILLIONS of people me included imbibe alcohol everyday and are not impaired or drunk...I drink a glass of white or red wine most days with dinner.Wine, Been, Cocktails have TASTE they are enjoyable in moderation..

Weed has one purpose and one alone...to get you stoned, You cant smoke weed without getting high...You can drink and millions do without getting high or impaired...

Every response to legal weed that stoners and users read is ridiculous...Fact doesnt enter their equasion
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

You happy with the outcome?
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal
That's the sum total of the Left's accomplishments in the "Culture War"? Which one of those things is making this a better country to live in for the average American?
The freedom to marry whom we choose is a good thing.

But that's a battle in the culture war that the right won. Democrats and the KKK were the ones who hanged blacks for associating with whites.
The American Culture War was won by the Left
- Gay Marriage is legal
- Interracial marriage is accepted
- Marijuana is legal in more than 25 states
- Rappers and musicians have their pants down in music videos
- Abortion still legal

I don't see them winning much of anything.
  • I realize some people are really attracted to the same sex! I don't pretend to understand or agree with it, but they shouldn't be prevented from living how they choose. I simply reject calling it a "marriage." It is a civil union. It's the results that should matter not the name.
  • I'm not a fan of sex or marriage between the races, but again, whatever floats your boat. What can you do, arrest people and put them in a rack? This isn't the 16th century anymore.
  • Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?
  • Rappers can wear their pants around their ankles. Free expression. But I can choose not to go to their concerts or buy their music.
  • Abortion has always been legal. Do we really want unwanted children growing up in homes with mothers who don't love them? The bigger problem to focus on is rampant unwanted pregnancy.

Marijuana is an herb, a weed, like tobacco. How can you justify one being legal and not the other?

That is the most ridiculous comparison to weed yet...If you had ever been in law enforcement you would have witnessed almost daily what the results of weed really are, and not read the hyperbole by politicians being forced to legalize it for votes and being stoners themselves.

Let me explain the difference to you...Tabaco does not alter your psyched, weed does. Whats laughable is that they try and tell you inhaling tabacco is bad but not weed..

How anyone could want weed legalized so school bus drivers cant take a hit before they drive your kids to school or back, or any other person working involved with the citizenry...

Alcohol is bad and I would be all for banning it rather than legalize weed...but there is one major difference between Alcohol and Weed...MILLIONS of people me included imbibe alcohol everyday and are not impaired or drunk...I drink a glass of white or red wine most days with dinner.Wine, Been, Cocktails have TASTE they are enjoyable in moderation..

Weed has one purpose and one alone...to get you stoned, You cant smoke weed without getting high...You can drink and millions do without getting high or impaired...
the reason a hell of a lot of people drink is to get a buzz....quit acting like most drinkers do one drink and leave it at that....

You need to re read my post or brush up on reading comprehension.

I didnt say that everyone or most drank 1 drink. The medical community states that 2 to 3 drinks a day are medicinal and thats proven.

Do you realize that driving while intoxicated arrests are way down and driving under the influence of narcotics is UP...Police officers in metro areas know the truth.
2-3 drinks will give a hell of a lot of people an alcohol buzz,some even more........
Every response to legal weed that stoners and users read is ridiculous...Fact doesnt enter their equasion

Then try this fact on for size.
Weed is no different than smoking, drinking, driving, sports shooting, or a hundred other things: they are all fine if done RESPONSIBLY. Just because some people get stoned, act crazy and do reckless things is no argument against legalized weed in a free society for those who CAN use it properly. It is an argument for more responsible behavior.​
Seems the author and its fellow travelers are more in tune with the Muslim Religion, if one seeks to compare Christianity with Islam.

The hypocrisy of the GOP has reached an apex, at least I hope so, and those 199 or so members of the H. or Rep. don't seek to make every member of the LGBTQ community targeted, and to be tossed off buildings or hung by the neck in a public square.

Hate of others is not part of Jesus' service on the mountain and the vote led by Rep. Greene is an affront to the two seminal documents of our Founders / Framers of COTUS: The Preamble and the Declaration of Independence.

And the idea that abortion is okay, and a woman's right,
Rather, abortion has a higher priority than life (all of society, not just women).
Abortion for the most part is about prioritizing one life above another life.

Do you support contraception, health curriculum with age appropriate human sexuality, abortion after Rape or incense?
You can do whatever you want. I am under no illusion that it matters what you or I believe. I don't see a problem with contraception. Seems a little crazy to punish the child for the crimes of the father though.

But what does any of this have to do with my statement? It's self evident that FOR THE MOST PART, abortion is prioritizing one life above another.
Do you support contraception, health curriculum with age appropriate human sexuality, abortion after Rape or incense?
As an English teacher, I am incensed! And I definitely oppose abortion after burning incense.

My apologies for the fit of the giggles. :)

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