The American way to deal with Syrian refugees


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

I say make they permanent guests of the DNC. Have them go to the Convention and live with or near every Democrat politician
Another mindless liberal OP from another liberal who clearly doesn't know his own country's history.

There is nothing "American" about putting Americans at an increased risk by allowing in thousands of people of the one and only demographic group that has produced all the jihadists, especially when numerous surveys done among Muslims have found disturbing levels of support for jihad, ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.
Another mindless liberal OP from another liberal who clearly doesn't know his own country's history.

There is nothing "American" about putting Americans at an increased risk by allowing in thousands of people of the one and only demographic group that has produced all the jihadists, especially when numerous surveys done among Muslims have found disturbing levels of support for jihad, ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.
We have disturbing levels of Americans who support Trump.
Jake, post pictures of the spare room you've prepared for a family of Syrian "refugees", then we'll talk. Personally speaking, I think the sensible thing would be to send them all back. I mean, why can't Israel and neighbouring Arab countries take them in? Why is it always White countries that have to take in refugees from thousands of miles away?
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.


Please post evidence that this was EVER the American Way.
Billy, you are such a silly. Offer something of worth.

I see your evidence, as always, is non-existent.
Billy, you have no evidence, only your opinion. Offer something if you can.

You first need to prove a positive before I approach a negative. Please do so at your leisure.
Another mindless liberal OP from another liberal who clearly doesn't know his own country's history.

There is nothing "American" about putting Americans at an increased risk by allowing in thousands of people of the one and only demographic group that has produced all the jihadists, especially when numerous surveys done among Muslims have found disturbing levels of support for jihad, ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.
We have disturbing levels of Americans who support Trump.

Then you should be quite comfortable, being as disturbed :cuckoo: as you are.
Jake, post pictures of the spare room you've prepared for a family of Syrian "refugees", then we'll talk. Personally speaking, I think the sensible thing would be to send them all back. I mean, why can't Israel and neighbouring Arab countries take them in? Why is it always White countries that have to take in refugees from thousands of miles away?
sensibly, I think the UK and the USA should concentrate racialists like you for re-education. :lol: Can't talk with lame brains like you.,
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.


Please post evidence that this was EVER the American Way.
Billy, you are such a silly. Offer something of worth.

I see your evidence, as always, is non-existent.
Billy, you have no evidence, only your opinion. Offer something if you can.

You first need to prove a positive before I approach a negative. Please do so at your leisure.
Thank you for admitting your opinion is worthless.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

Tell us, Fakey, what do we gain by allowing any of these muzzie savages into our country?

Yo Mr Zionut

The US is solely responsible for the destruction in Syria which has caused 9,000,000 international refugees.

Syria has never been, , is not, and will never be a threat to US or its interests.

But Bibi, that fellow you fellate, has demanded that the US gives him a chunk of Syrian real state.

And so it goes.


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