The Answer is blowing in the Wind

Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.

What is the first thing that Hillary and Obama did when Muslim terrorists attacked us last week?

  1. Vowed to make Islam pay for the vicious attack on American soil
  2. Demanded that intelligence agencies take measures to better detect Muslim terrorists
  3. Vowed to end Civil rights for law abiding Americans
Yeah, it was #3

Tell us again what your agenda is?

My agenda?

Good question, and here is my answer:
  • Prove that not all Americans are stupid
  • Prove that not all Americans are ignorant
  • Prove that not all Americans are Racists
  • Prove that not all Americans are cowards, and most of us don't need a gun to got to the grocery store, or to a parent teachers conference
  • Prove that not all Americans lack empathy
  • Prove that not all Americans are greedy
  • Prove that not all Americans are filled with hate and fear.
  • Prove that not all Americans are single issue voters
  • Prove that not all Americans reject science
  • Prove that not all Americans are ugly Americans.

What are you on?

My guess is Comedy Central
My agenda?

Good question, and here is my answer:
  • Prove that not all Americans are stupid
  • Prove that not all Americans are ignorant
  • Prove that not all Americans are Racists
  • Prove that not all Americans are cowards, and most of us don't need a gun to got to the grocery store, or to a parent teachers conference
  • Prove that not all Americans lack empathy
  • Prove that not all Americans are greedy
  • Prove that not all Americans are filled with hate and fear.
  • Prove that not all Americans are single issue voters
  • Prove that not all Americans reject science
  • Prove that not all Americans are ugly Americans.

By proving that you are all of the above?

How does stripping civil rights from the law abiding protect Americans from terror attacks such as the one in San Bernardino?
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.

How do you propose to "prevent crime"?
Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.

What is the first thing that Hillary and Obama did when Muslim terrorists attacked us last week?

  1. Vowed to make Islam pay for the vicious attack on American soil
  2. Demanded that intelligence agencies take measures to better detect Muslim terrorists
  3. Vowed to end Civil rights for law abiding Americans
Yeah, it was #3

Tell us again what your agenda is?

My agenda?

Good question, and here is my answer:
  • Prove that not all Americans are stupid
  • Prove that not all Americans are ignorant
  • Prove that not all Americans are Racists
  • Prove that not all Americans are cowards, and most of us don't need a gun to got to the grocery store, or to a parent teachers conference
  • Prove that not all Americans lack empathy
  • Prove that not all Americans are greedy
  • Prove that not all Americans are filled with hate and fear.
  • Prove that not all Americans are single issue voters
  • Prove that not all Americans reject science
  • Prove that not all Americans are ugly Americans.
Hard to prove that when there are so many retarded libs in this country.
“The Supreme Court's refusal to hear the case could be read as an indication of the justices' unwillingness to further define the contours of the Second Amendment in light of the current political climate.”

It's more likely a majority of the justices are satisfied with how Second Amendment jurisprudence is currently evolving, don't believe the issue is ripe for review, and are waiting for two appellate courts to render conflicting rulings.

As a political aside: the hypocrisy exhibited by many on the right is noted, most conservatives would have no problem with states violating the privacy rights of women or equal protection rights of gay Americans in the context of “states' rights,” but “states' rights” get thrown out of the window when it comes to placing restrictions on the Second Amendment right.

Indeed, if it's wrong for the states to violate the Second Amendment rights of gun owners residing in a given state, where the 'will of the people' can be invalidated by the courts, then so too is it wrong for the states to violate the privacy rights of women or the equal protection rights of gay Americans, where the 'will of the people' can be likewise invalidated by the courts.

Conservatives can't have it both ways.
As a political aside: the hypocrisy exhibited by many on the right is noted, most conservatives would have no problem with states violating the privacy rights of women or equal protection rights of gay Americans in the context of “states' rights,” but “states' rights” get thrown out of the window when it comes to placing restrictions on the Second Amendment right.

Indeed, if it's wrong for the states to violate the Second Amendment rights of gun owners residing in a given state, where the 'will of the people' can be invalidated by the courts, then so too is it wrong for the states to violate the privacy rights of women or the equal protection rights of gay Americans, where the 'will of the people' can be likewise invalidated by the courts.

Conservatives can't have it both ways.
Holy shit you are stupid. You posit that gun rights are equivalent to homosexual relationships and abortion then proceed to lampoon the right for it? Who the fuck takes you seriously?
"how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind"
LInk: Blowin' In The Wind

Supreme Court Rejects Major 2nd Amendment Case, And Justice Thomas Has A Fit

"The Times They Are A-Changin"

BOB DYLAN LYRICS - The Times They Are A-Changin'

Have we reached the tipping point?
Nope. It just shows that the Left will stop at nothing to ban guns in this country. If they ever get a LIBERAL MAJORITY they will change the definition of the 2nd Amendment to suit their ideals................When that occurs they will attempt to force eventual bans on guns here and ignite another Civil War...............................

We aren't gonna give them up..............

And if you force your views on us on this subject you will have to do it via force of arms.
I sped today. Going to Work. It's against the law. Didn't get caught either..............

Saying it's against the law, if they ever get their way.................doesn't mean everyone will drop their guns and say IT'S OVER. That is not how it works, and you can bet that criminals will still get weapons no matter the laws passed..............

Liberal Utopia only exists in the liberal minds of this country..........which is devoid of reality.
read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.
read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.
CrusaderFrank failed to read and cannot think, so he chose to censor my post repeated below by posting Idiot-Grams:

read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.
CrusaderFrank failed to read and cannot think, so he chose to censor my post repeated below by posting Idiot-Grams:

read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.

Nowhere does it say that the Second Amendment "gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process" or "Shall not be infringed" has no meaning whatsoever
CrusaderFrank failed to read and cannot think, so he chose to censor my post repeated below by posting Idiot-Grams:

read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.

Nowhere does it say that the Second Amendment "gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process" or "Shall not be infringed" has no meaning whatsoever

Fair question, read the 10th Amendment.

BTW, the 2nd A. right is already infringed in terms of types of arms, ammunition, licensing and registration.

Gun Regulation After Heller and McDonald | ACS
Last edited:
read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.
This retard is stuck on auto pilot. He bolded everything except that which refers to the people. He can't see those words because they interfere with his mindset.

The retard also fails to understand it's what the country has known since 1776 and believes only the post modern liberal can correctly interpret the constitution.

"how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind"
LInk: Blowin' In The Wind

Supreme Court Rejects Major 2nd Amendment Case, And Justice Thomas Has A Fit

"The Times They Are A-Changin"

BOB DYLAN LYRICS - The Times They Are A-Changin'

Have we reached the tipping point?
MAybe for you idiots who don't realize an assault weapon is no different than any other semiautomatic

IDGAF if "assault" weapons are banned because my rifles are capable of shooting the same caliber round at the same rate of fire and with the same accuracy
read, think and respond:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

This does not mean that all guns need or should be banned, or that a home owner of business owner could not have a firearm to protect his or her family or employees.

It simply means that gun ownership can be regulated by the several states, or local communities via the electoral process.
This retard is stuck on auto pilot. He bolded everything except that which refers to the people. He can't see those words because they interfere with his mindset.

The retard also fails to understand it's what the country has known since 1776 and believes only the post modern liberal can correctly interpret the constitution.


Thanks for the lecture and sharing your vast knowledge. It is more insightful than you believe.
"how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind"
LInk: Blowin' In The Wind

Supreme Court Rejects Major 2nd Amendment Case, And Justice Thomas Has A Fit

"The Times They Are A-Changin"

BOB DYLAN LYRICS - The Times They Are A-Changin'

Have we reached the tipping point?
MAybe for you idiots who don't realize an assault weapon is no different than any other semiautomatic

IDGAF if "assault" weapons are banned because my rifles are capable of shooting the same caliber round at the same rate of fire and with the same accuracy

Once again, thanks so much for sharing your obsession with guns, it too is insightful and much more telling than any rebuttal might elicit.
Another poster claimed, "The militia is composed of both the organised and unorganized militia. So referencing the militia unmodified also mentions the unorganized militia as part of it."

This ^^^ is an opinion, there is no mention of an unmodified or unorganized militia in the COTUS!

In fact the only modifier to the word militia is that it be well regulated, which kind of blew the shit out of that opinion.

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