The Answer is blowing in the Wind

California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.

No…that would by you guys…you keep thinking that passing laws prevents crimes…we keep explaining that you are wrong…that you can only arrest and lock people up after they commit the crime…and yet you still harp about licensing gun owners, registering guns and universal background checks…all of which do nothing to prevent, or solve gun crimes or mass shootings…and which simply make felony traps for law abiding gun owners….
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

And we keep telling you….we already have laws…if you commit a crime with a gun you are breaking the law and can be arrested….if you are a felon in possession of a gun you are breaking existing laws…and can be arrested…

Those laws target criminals…they do not target law abiding gun owners for clerical errors….
No one, well some do want to suppress voting rights, but no one wants to revoke all civil rights. We have courts to decide on such issues and simply because a court made a decision you didn't like is not reason to talk civil war.

You of the democratic - socialist party have engaged in open, frontal assaults on the freedom speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, right to defend oneself with arms, ect.

You of the demagogue - sociopath party are engaged in full scale war to end civil rights.

First of all war is not civil. Second is you have no idea what war is or its consequences.

I suggest you take a stroll through some of our National Cemeteries; read the tombstones and pay close attention to the age of those who died, the date they died and the place they died. On one course of graves at Camp Rosecrans National Cemetery are a dozen or more graves of Marines, not yet 21 years of age who lost their life on the same day on a landing on one of the Japanese held Islands in WW II.

I also recommend you walk the field of battle at Gettysburg and read the names if known and the age if known of those noted on flat stones which mark where they fell.

The ones seeking civil war are you demagogue - sociopaths. You are engaged on attacking the Constitutional Republic. We don't want a war, but we will fight to defend our nation from you.

Q. Do you have any idea on what a demagogue is.

A.. Since you don't, listen carefully to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Here is the definition of Demagogue;

"a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

They appeal to the emotions using hate and fear, the sagacious find them to be silly; why don't you?

Oh. yeah.
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.

No…that would by you guys…you keep thinking that passing laws prevents crimes…we keep explaining that you are wrong…that you can only arrest and lock people up after they commit the crime…and yet you still harp about licensing gun owners, registering guns and universal background checks…all of which do nothing to prevent, or solve gun crimes or mass shootings…and which simply make felony traps for law abiding gun owners….

You're wrong. Evidence is being collected right now as to who aided and abetted Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik here in CA, and the terrorists in Paris. The weapons used have history and create leads. If we licensed gun owners and tied their guns to their license investigators would have a number of leads to follow.
Hey bed wetter...

How about some more laws against pipe bombs of maybe even...


I can not believe how stupid you moonbats truly are.

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Hey Wry Catcher .. Those seem to be the rules from the Clean Debate Zone. Not Current Events. If it was your intent to put this in the CDZone -- I don't see it. No moderator actions have been logged on this thread, so it wasn't moved. IN FACT -- Currents Events is LESS moderated than Politics or any Zone2 forum.. Perhaps you want to close this this one and go to the CDZone?? PM me...
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.
Libtards are dull minded pipsqueaks.
Q. Do you have any idea on what a demagogue is.

You and the members or your party.

A.. Since you don't, listen carefully to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Trump engages in behaviour I abhor. When it comes to slander and libel, he is a rank amateur though. Shall we examine the demagoguery campaign you filthy democrats have launched against Ben Carson? The hourly smears and sliming by the Soros hate brigade?

Shall we talk "dog whistles," or "micro aggression", "the 1%" , "tax breaks for the rich," or the million other bits of bullshit that you racist scumbags use to divide the nation an pit one against another?

Here is the definition of Demagogue;

"a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

They appeal to the emotions using hate and fear, the sagacious find them to be silly; why don't you?

Oh. yeah.

Such as #crookHillary demanding Americans be stripped of civil rights to fight terrorist attack? That sore of emotion creating hate and fear?

Yours is the party of demagogues, the "politics of personal destruction" as Hillary puts it, is all you have to offer to the American people. You are the demagogue - sociopath party. Hatred of whites, the rich, Christians, gun owners, Southerners, et al. What the DNC has to sell is hatred, and nothing else.
You're wrong. Evidence is being collected right now as to who aided and abetted Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik here in CA, and the terrorists in Paris. The weapons used have history and create leads. If we licensed gun owners and tied their guns to their license investigators would have a number of leads to follow.

Why do you Communists continue to lie about the weapons?

{The two AR-15s – a California compliant DPMS and a Smith and Wesson M&P 15 – both had optics, grips and slings mounted in similar places, indicating a certain degree of interoperability between the two weapons.}

Shooters had military-grade weapons cache - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

M&P? What is that?

{Smith & Wesson is a gun manufacturer and supplier of law enforcement and personal-defense firearms. The "M&P" stands for "Military & Police."}

Smith & Wesson M&P15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the rifle was legal to purchase IF YOU ARE AN ACTIVE DUTY POLICE OFFICER, something the leftist press seems to omit, every time...

Was Farook an active duty cop?
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.
Libtards are dull minded pipsqueaks.

Well the only evidence we have to evaluate this ^^^ opinion are your past comments. Since they have been entirely partisan and mostly of the Idiot-gram genre I'm confident in rating your opinion as typical, lacking substance and childish. But thanks so much for playing.
Libtards are dull minded pipsqueaks.

No, they are Stalinists with the goal of ending the Constitutional Republic and establishing a totalitarian state where our rulers will allocate resources and privilege in accordance to the favor one has with the party.

Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.
Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.

What is the first thing that Hillary and Obama did when Muslim terrorists attacked us last week?

  1. Vowed to make Islam pay for the vicious attack on American soil
  2. Demanded that intelligence agencies take measures to better detect Muslim terrorists
  3. Vowed to end Civil rights for law abiding Americans
Yeah, it was #3

Tell us again what your agenda is?
California has a similar ban.

Didn't seem to help much last week, did it?

Another numb skull who believes laws prevent crimes. How stupid are those who believe crime can be prevented, and yet laws exist in every social system to have ever existed. Why is that, if they cannot prevent crime why do we have any laws?

I've explained why before, at a level even a dull normal second grader would understand, yet it seems some on this message board are too stupid, or too dishonest to acknowledge the truth in an easy lesson.

No…that would by you guys…you keep thinking that passing laws prevents crimes…we keep explaining that you are wrong…that you can only arrest and lock people up after they commit the crime…and yet you still harp about licensing gun owners, registering guns and universal background checks…all of which do nothing to prevent, or solve gun crimes or mass shootings…and which simply make felony traps for law abiding gun owners….

You're wrong. Evidence is being collected right now as to who aided and abetted Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik here in CA, and the terrorists in Paris. The weapons used have history and create leads. If we licensed gun owners and tied their guns to their license investigators would have a number of leads to follow. seem to think that licensing is a new has been used elsewhere and does nothing to solve crimes.....

Tell me....if a gun is stolen......and the guy who stole it murders someone and dumps it..what do you know by registering know the name of the guy it was stolen from....

What leads exactly would they follow?

And the guy who bought the AR-15s....the cops know who he is.....they questioned him.....they didn't need a license to find him....they just asked relatives...Hey..where did the muslim terrorists get those guns....Ummmm, their friend... need to license gun owners.....or register guns.....

You know they even used ballistic finger printing in New Jersey....they had over 300,000 casings in a warehouse...and not one was used to help solve a cost millions to do and achieved nothing......

Canada...registered all their long guns...and gave was consuming massive amounts of manpower, time and money.....and doing nothing.....

So we have seen it all before, and none of it worked against criminals or mass shooters....
Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.

What is the first thing that Hillary and Obama did when Muslim terrorists attacked us last week?

  1. Vowed to make Islam pay for the vicious attack on American soil
  2. Demanded that intelligence agencies take measures to better detect Muslim terrorists
  3. Vowed to end Civil rights for law abiding Americans
Yeah, it was #3

Tell us again what your agenda is?

My agenda?

Good question, and here is my answer:
  • Prove that not all Americans are stupid
  • Prove that not all Americans are ignorant
  • Prove that not all Americans are Racists
  • Prove that not all Americans are cowards, and most of us don't need a gun to got to the grocery store, or to a parent teachers conference
  • Prove that not all Americans lack empathy
  • Prove that not all Americans are greedy
  • Prove that not all Americans are filled with hate and fear.
  • Prove that not all Americans are single issue voters
  • Prove that not all Americans reject science
  • Prove that not all Americans are ugly Americans.
Are you parroting some crazy right wing website, or are you a paranoid schizophrenic? Likely both.

What is the first thing that Hillary and Obama did when Muslim terrorists attacked us last week?

  1. Vowed to make Islam pay for the vicious attack on American soil
  2. Demanded that intelligence agencies take measures to better detect Muslim terrorists
  3. Vowed to end Civil rights for law abiding Americans
Yeah, it was #3

Tell us again what your agenda is?

My agenda?

Good question, and here is my answer:
  • Prove that not all Americans are stupid
  • Prove that not all Americans are ignorant
  • Prove that not all Americans are Racists
  • Prove that not all Americans are cowards, and most of us don't need a gun to got to the grocery store, or to a parent teachers conference
  • Prove that not all Americans lack empathy
  • Prove that not all Americans are greedy
  • Prove that not all Americans are filled with hate and fear.
  • Prove that not all Americans are single issue voters
  • Prove that not all Americans reject science
  • Prove that not all Americans are ugly Americans.

What are you on?

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