The Argument for A Wealth Tax

Taxes were paid on the income, now you commies are wanting another bite of the post tax savings. You already get a bite from the gains which result form savings and investments, but now you want to tax the principle again. That does not fall within the 16th.


That is not what I posted. However, the Ryan/Trump Tax fraud does exactly that (tax homeowners via reducing drastically the real estate tax deduction).

My home, north of $1.3 million, and my rental property (approx. $615,000) are a wink and a nod by Ryan's and Trump's tax reform, & are in fact more costly to my family; I will pay more to the IRS than I have before this fake reform.
Who are you to demand people not change what you mean? I mean.....LOL

There’s also the possibility of capital flight — wealthy people moving their money out of the country, straining the economy. It was partly because of capital flight that some European countries, such as Sweden, got rid of their own wealth taxes in the 1990s and 2000s.

Finally, a wealth tax may be legally very difficult to implement in the U.S. The Constitution forbids so-called direct taxation of property by the federal government (note that property taxes aren’t federal), except for certain rare exceptions. So Warren’s plan might require a constitutional amendment.

If these difficulties prove insurmountable, Warren and other egalitarian tax crusaders might consider an alternative — an inheritance tax, which would close many of the loopholes that now riddle the U.S. estate tax. Taxing all income from inheritances — including trusts, foundations, gifts, estates, and any other kind of family transfers — at a very high rate would yield a result similar to a small annual wealth tax, only its constitutionality would be less in doubt. And it would focus the tax on the rich people whose fortunes Americans are most likely to think of as being undeserved
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Seems to be that the Federal Income Tax can be simplified, something promised by Ryan and forgotten.

Add more tax brackets, as in this example:

  • 5% on the first $60,000.
  • 12% on the next $20k;
  • 15% on the next $20k;
  • 18% on the next 25k;
  • 20% on the next $50,000;
  • 25% on the next $50,000;
  • 50% on the next $100,000
  • 75% on the next $500,000
  • 90% on $500,001 to infinity.
Increase the payroll taxes to employees by .09% to support Medicare and Medicaid for the next 100 years.

No one will be hurt by any of these increases.

Explain why identical pieces of property should be taxed at different rates just because of where they fall in an arbitrary stack?


It's called marketing. I once lived in a middle class community in SF and worked in a lower MC and working poor community.

Where I lived, the prices for goods in the grocery store were less expansive than in the community I worked, and it was the same chain grocery store.

Q. Why the curious might ask

A. People were I lived had cars and could shop in several different chain grocery stores; those were I worked usually walked to the store and back.

Great deflection, we're talking about taxes, not retail goods. Keep in mind, a dollar is a single piece of property, it has it's own serial number, all are equal in value. So once again, why should one be taxed more just because of where it falls in an arbitrary stack?

Taxes were paid on the income, now you commies are wanting another bite of the post tax savings. You already get a bite from the gains which result form savings and investments, but now you want to tax the principle again. That does not fall within the 16th.


That is not what I posted. However, the Ryan/Trump Tax fraud does exactly that (tax homeowners via reducing drastically the real estate tax deduction).

My home, north of $1.3 million, and my rental property (approx. $615,000) are a wink and a nod by Ryan's and Trump's tax reform, & are in fact more costly to my family; I will pay more to the IRS than I have before this fake reform.

Why should other people subsidize your home mortgage or property taxes? How you spend your money is up to you, should others pay more to support your choices? The median home price is 200K, you're part of the 1%, the commies will be coming for more from you, not less..

My property taxes go to local and state government (under Republican Governors, property taxes in CA were taken from local government by Sacramento). And, CA is a state where more revenue is sent to Wash. DC, than it receives in revenue sharing from The District.

Thus, my taxes go to Mississippi, Alabama, S. Carolina, and other Red States; the people there are being subsidized by me since more money from The District goes to them, than they send to Wash..

ROFLMFAO, why do you commies cry when it's your money being redistributed, yet you continue to demand money of others be redistributed. Maybe you should look to your State to reduce their demands on your resource instead of looking to the feds to give you a portion of your money back?


I'm not a commie, I'm a liberal who has empathy for the poor, aged, infirm and children; notwithstanding the color of their skin, the place of their birth, the language they speak, or if they believe, the God they profess.

I have no empathy for the very wealthy, too many of them have reached great wealth from the labor of others, inherited wealth (such as Trump did) or have won the lottery of birth (Athlete, Artist) or won a large lottery.

Of course you're a commie, all commies think they have the right to play Robin Hood. What I find particularly funny is you thinking an employer shouldn't make money on the folks he hires for his company. If they aren't making them money what's the point of having them? Businesses aren't charities. Also athletes and artist train for decades before they get skilled enough to get the big money, most don't make it. Just like most people aren't good enough to run multi-billion dollar companies. I doubt you ever signed the front side of a paycheck.

Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Last edited:
Interesting idea. It would end a lot of debt and funding issues


US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%

The top 1/10 of one per cent own almost 25% of the nation's wealth

That's the same amount of wealth as the bottom NINETY PER CENT of the county

In that light a 2% wealth tax isn't that outrageous

I haven't checked the numbers but I have read that it could provide 30 trillion dollars over 10 years.

Health care


Green New Deal
/—-/ Listen to me you communist, the rich ain’t rich because they are stupid. They will just move their money offshore where you can’t get your grubby little mitts on it.
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

Funny, I doubt this sarcasm will be understood by the average trumpanzee.
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

Funny, I doubt this sarcasm will be understood by the average trumpanzee.

i had to make it more political.
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.

Do you own a small business? Explain to the reader how employees respond to good working conditions, good benefits and a fair wage as opposed to those who are exploited?
Let’s be clear, you have no interest in obtaining anything on your own. You also have no idea what you’re talking about, the 53% or there abouts pays virtually nothing in FIT and instead receives a refund that is based on a level of fraudulent info that the IRS is not going to chase.

Why don’t we entertain spending less, quit funding the worlds problems, and a interesting piece I recently saw was we cut checks in excess of $4.2 BB to illegal immigrants annually, true story. The IRS Inspector General admitted it on camera! The idiots we currently have in Congress are failures we keep electing because we are too stupid and we continue to believe their lies, just a thought...
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

That is true, and don't forget about technology and automation. Both liberals and conservatives need to prepare for the future, and think outside of the box - something our Pols seem unable to do.

Consider: a 30 hour, six day work week. working hours from 6am to 10pm - two shifts of 8 hours each for all government workers. Easy access to the courts, having permits for construction more quickly signed off, and the jobs created for recreation and education plus less grid lock on the roadways for a start.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

And yet it's the left that have no concept of economics. It's the left that insists that forcing other people to pay money to the poor is somehow a rational concept of economics and social reform.

Trump isn't "Right Wing", but he's farther right than every other major leader on the planet. Now guess who is leading the only significant economy on the planet that is thriving right now? Give up yet?
Last edited:
I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, but then other posts seem to be talking in languages unique to some of the posters.

But, there's some truth to your post. A clusterfk

Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

At that time, Congress required that a valid Social Security number be filed for those claiming the EITC, and that requirement saved an estimated $300 million a year. But Congress did not enact a similar requirement when it created the child tax credit, which went into effect in tax year 1998 at $400 per child, and was increased to $500 the following year.

Initially the credit wasn’t refundable in most cases (only for families who had three or more children and who also met certain income tests). So the issue of illegal workers claiming credits did not arise at first. But the 2001 Bush tax cuts made more parents eligible for refundable credits, and increased the amount in steps to $1,000 per child.

So by 2005, the recent IG report said, 796,000 persons without valid Social Security numbers claimed refundable child credits totaling $924 million, and in 2008, these claims had risen to 1,526,276 persons claiming $2.1 billion in refunds.

from way back in 2012
Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants -

I don't believe or Snopes at all!!

Here's a interview with the IRS IG and he clearly states the $4.2BB is real, you know where you can stick!

The relevance is simple, and millions and millions of Americans contribute ZERO to our Treasury, yet they also receive BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in tax refunds on fraudulent tax returns every single year...

raise the minimum wage until they pay their fair share!

fifteen dollars an hour covers the cost of social services;

however, if the right wing still prefers to complain,

twenty dollars an hour could better ensure even the Poor, pay their share of taxes under our form of Capitalism.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

That is true, and don't forget about technology and automation. Both liberals and conservatives need to prepare for the future, and think outside of the box - something our Pols seem unable to do.

Consider: a 30 hour, six day work week. working hours from 6am to 10pm - two shifts of 8 hours each for all government workers. Easy access to the courts, having permits for construction more quickly signed off, and the jobs created for recreation and education plus less grid lock on the roadways for a start.

I can remember people having this conversation in the late '60s and early 70's. 35 hour work week. Back when one wage earner could raise a family. What happened?
Interesting idea. It would end a lot of debt and funding issues


US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%

The top 1/10 of one per cent own almost 25% of the nation's wealth

That's the same amount of wealth as the bottom NINETY PER CENT of the county

In that light a 2% wealth tax isn't that outrageous

I haven't checked the numbers but I have read that it could provide 30 trillion dollars over 10 years.

Health care


Green New Deal

The argument against.

1) it's stupid
2) it would lead to massive needs for liquidation of fixed assets in some cases, which requires buyers, who would also probably be trying to liquidate assets
3) It's Unconstitutional at the Federal level.

It seems like any proposal that would help the average person is met with 'how we gonna pay for it?' That question is never asked when there are tax giveaways to the very wealthy or these wars our presidents like to get involved in.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.

Do you own a small business? Explain to the reader how employees respond to good working conditions, good benefits and a fair wage as opposed to those who are exploited?
Yes. I've signed the front of 1000's of paychecks over the decades. I did and do treat employees fair, and they'll tell you the same.

What usually happens when you don't treat them fairly is that they go to work for someone who will, and you go out of business. In the last 30 years there are less than 5 employees that I started making less than 125% of minimum wage, and they were all up for a raise in 90-180 days.

How many employees have you hired? How many fell in love, got married, had children, and put them through college with the salaries that you paid them?

Artificial wage minimums aren't free just because you don't personally pay for them. They cost the consumer, and they cost jobs.. The government sucks at making decisions for business owners.

Here's an idea... Why don't you find some teenager working at McDonalds making $8.00/hour and you pay him $7.00/hour out of your own pocket? I'll bet you never thought of that... Did you?
Interesting idea. It would end a lot of debt and funding issues


US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%

The top 1/10 of one per cent own almost 25% of the nation's wealth

That's the same amount of wealth as the bottom NINETY PER CENT of the county

In that light a 2% wealth tax isn't that outrageous

I haven't checked the numbers but I have read that it could provide 30 trillion dollars over 10 years.

Health care


Green New Deal

The argument against.

1) it's stupid
2) it would lead to massive needs for liquidation of fixed assets in some cases, which requires buyers, who would also probably be trying to liquidate assets
3) It's Unconstitutional at the Federal level.

It seems like any proposal that would help the average person is met with 'how we gonna pay for it?' That question is never asked when there are tax giveaways to the very wealthy or these wars our presidents like to get involved in.
Yes... Almost every child would vote for Santa Clause.

Nothing makes an immature leftist feel better about themselves than to call out for someone else to help the needy.

[QUOTE="Wry Catcher, post: 21744525, member: 20297
I can remember people having this conversation in the late '60s and early 70's. 35 hour work week. Back when one wage earner could raise a family. What happened?
You mean back before government was so huge that it required $Trillions/year just to keep their lights on? Before the amount of regulations made it almost impossible to start a business? Before there were more IRS agents than people in the military?

Let's think about it and see if we can figure it out?
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

And yet it's the left that have no concept of economics. It's the left that insists that forcing other people to pay money to the poor is somehow a rational concept of economics and social reform.

Trump isn't "Right Wing", but he's farther right than every other major leader on the planet. Now guess who is leading the only significant economy on the planet that is thriving right now? Give up yet?
we can Never compete with the less developed world on Cheap Labor.

we have to merely Use capitalism to raise their Standard of living to increase their costs to parity.
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

And yet it's the left that have no concept of economics. It's the left that insists that forcing other people to pay money to the poor is somehow a rational concept of economics and social reform.

Trump isn't "Right Wing", but he's farther right than every other major leader on the planet. Now guess who is leading the only significant economy on the planet that is thriving right now? Give up yet?
we can Never compete with the less developed world on Cheap Labor.

we have to merely Use capitalism to raise their Standard of living to increase their costs to parity.
Raise who's standard of living?
Make min wage $1000.00/hr. Then the working poor will be so rich they can pay for the unemployed's benefits.

If you numbnuts ever created a job you would have a better understanding of economics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. fallacy is all they have.

We have a first world economy and cannot compete on Labor costs. It really is that economically simple.

And yet it's the left that have no concept of economics. It's the left that insists that forcing other people to pay money to the poor is somehow a rational concept of economics and social reform.

Trump isn't "Right Wing", but he's farther right than every other major leader on the planet. Now guess who is leading the only significant economy on the planet that is thriving right now? Give up yet?
we can Never compete with the less developed world on Cheap Labor.

we have to merely Use capitalism to raise their Standard of living to increase their costs to parity.
Raise who's standard of living?
lol. Capitalism is supposed to raise standards of living not decrease standards of living.

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