The Arrogance of the Trump Worshippers Fails to See Reality

If you are to the right of trump you are not a conservative. Trump is a right wing extremist, and if you are to the right of that, well...

There is nothing "Right" nor "Conservative" about tRump (the t is silent). He's a world class conman who, until recently, no one had the balls to say no to. And the more you say no to tRump, the more insane he gets. Crazy is neither liberal or conservative. And crazy is neither Right nor Left. it's just crazy.
So you are a true conservative...... AAAAAGGGGGGG. Sorry, I threw up a little in my mouth
Try some mouthwash, then get over it.,
If you are to the right of trump you are not a conservative. Trump is a right wing extremist, and if you are to the right of that, well...
I make Trump look like a Liberal. I am an openly admitted… sexist, nationalist, isolationist, traditionalist, authoritarian with violent tendencies towards eliminating alternate viewpoints.
You too stupid to watch the results for yourself? Don't answer that, we all know the answer.

Yes, they are that stupid. It just astonishes me every time I hear them make that idiotic retort. It shouldn't at this point, but it does.
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

❓How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.

In fact Haley is meeting with her donors, she might jump back in. P01135809 is NOT running as well as he says and if he convicted in New York, he will lose at least one third of Republicans who will NOT vote for a convicted felon.
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Oh yeah, just in case you were not paying attention, Kennedy is cleaning your clock, lol. You DO realize, that this is the perfect storm, do you not!

YOUR side has enabled Trump, because YOU are that incompetent, lol.

He could NEVER have won, had you been smart and tried to defeat him, but instead, you tried to destroy him.

YOU have unleashed upon us Trump by your actions, and if it all works, PLEASE do not take credit, lol. If it all collapses, trust me,,, we are pointing at you, and MAC, and the rest of the people who played this game.

You could have easily won, but instead, you wanted to play, lol. Now YOUR side sees, it can be played too.
Trump has never received the most votes in any ellection and he won't in this one. Kennedy is not cleaning anything. Kennedy's own family is not endorsing him. They are endorsing Biden. Trump will show as he speaks during the convestion, that he is a tin foil hat wearing loony tune. and Biden will show that once again the narrative you idiots have repeated is simply just not true. You racists are 30 percent of the population, that's why Trump cannot win.
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You too stupid to watch the results for yourself? Don't answer that, we all know the answer.
What a retarded claim you offer.

Only brain dead TDS afflicted assholes would support your imbecility.
Try some mouthwash, then get over it.,

Do you mean take the cure for Covid and drink disinfectant? Yah, that'll cure it. Death has a tendency to cure all.

I make Trump look like a Liberal. I am an openly admitted… sexist, nationalist, isolationist, traditionalist, authoritarian with violent tendencies towards eliminating alternate viewpoints.

You had better be careful. If the opposite of tRump (the t is silent) ever gets into control your admission will be damning in a very short trial done by one person instead of a panel of 12 of your own.
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

❓How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.

I don't predict a Trump win, although I've been encouraged by the polling that has shown Trump pretty consistently leading in the battleground states.

For instance, how the fuck do you lose a state like Nevada in 2020, and now lead it by 13%? How do you account for that, when Trump practically has one step in a jail cell?!

Just shows you what a colossal fuck-up Joe Biden has been! Good lord, you can't even bury someone like Trump?!! It's fucking hilarious!!!
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

❓How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.
Trump supporters like me recognize the reality that the Biden Regime has wrecked this country. You and reality haven't been acquainted for a very long time, if ever.
Trump supporters like me recognize the reality that the Biden Regime has wrecked this country. You and reality haven't been acquainted for a very long time, if ever.

Yet you can't give us "Fixes" and at least half of your "what's wrong" is made up and just regurgitated nonsense.
Do you mean take the cure for Covid and drink disinfectant? Yah, that'll cure it. Death has a tendency to cure all
Covid didn’t need a cure because it didn’t exist. It’s called the fucking flu. Take some NyQuil and get over it. Death is preferable to life in many instances.
You had better be careful. If the opposite of tRump (the t is silent) ever gets into control your admission will be damning in a very short trial done by one person instead of a panel of 12 of your own
If they truly gain control, I’ll likely kill myself.
Do you mean take the cure for Covid and drink disinfectant? Yah, that'll cure it. Death has a tendency to cure all.

You had better be careful. If the opposite of tRump (the t is silent) ever gets into control your admission will be damning in a very short trial done by one person instead of a panel of 12 of your own.
Oh there we go, another faithful minion pushing the Democrat LIE about HydroxyChloroquine. Such a good little minion. You forgot to mention 'Horse Paste'. LOL
And by the way, the ONLY way Biden can win, is if Trump is his opponent. And the only way Trump can win is if Biden is his opponent.

Explain this Dims:

Majority of Voters Say Donald Trump Was a Success, Joe Biden Is a Failure​

Covid didn’t need a cure because it didn’t exist. It’s called the fucking flu. Take some NyQuil and get over it. Death is preferable to life in many instances.

You Orange Deity got the shots for covid and still bagged it anyway. So you are saying that tRump (the t is silent) lied both ways?

If they truly gain control, I’ll likely kill myself.

do you want me to load the shotgun? Sorry, no handgun or rifle. Shotguns are only used in serious suicides.
Trump has been punching Democrats in the face hence they start nothing Trump threads. Maybe it's therapy for Dems?
Electoral masturbation....

Was that in this morning's email?

I ask because it's the second time in ten minutes I've seen a conservative use the term.

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